Notes for all subpages (repeated in the subpages)

Proof-reading and correction has slightly altered the Might text. Might used fairly narrow columns which required some entries to be broken into multiple lines. I have tried to eliminate those line breaks. SPELLING CORRECTIONS: I have tried to correct OCR errors. I have corrected many printer and canvasser spelling errors e.g (Banyal Coleman versus Banyai Coleman; Legg vs Legge). "Humber Crest" has been changed to "Humbercrest". Correction method for all pages was by comparing the OCR results with images of the original pages. Correction emphasized street number, proper names and telephone numbers. For some difficult situations, data from other years influenced the emendations. Around 1970 entries for homes and apartments sometimes included symbols which indicated the number of bedrooms and other things. These symbols have been either deleted or replaced by at sign.

EDIT/CORRECTION ARTEFACTS: As part of the control/emendation process I have introduced some temporary artefacts. START <number> and END <number> indicate the image which was the source of the data. The number is an image number from my iPad Camera program. YEARA/YEARZ line indicate the begin/end of data for a specific year.

DATA FORMAT: I have chosen to maintain and publish a master copy as a single HTML page. My reason was that so special characters can be displayed and the data could be transferred to an e-book. An E-book would have the advantage of one chapter per year with a table of contents. For those researchers who need text, I recommend copying the data from a web browser to a line-at-a-time text editor. Various fancy search techniques are then somewhat easier than with a webpage.

NOTES on 1889 to 1928 (excluding 1924) Might's directory extracts.

The format of early 20th century Might's directories differs from those published in 1930 and later years. The 1930ff organisation is by street. North and south side data are sometimes intermixed and sometimes kept separate. This makes extraction of the entries for a small geographic area rather easy. The early directories did not contain a street directory for Humber Bay. Entries appear in alphabetic order. I have attempted to create a street directory for Lake Shore Rd. by extracting all entries which mention Lake Shore.

1914 Might directory: In 1914 the city of Toronto was contemplating an amalgamation with sundry villages known as the HUMBER VALLEY EXTENSION. Might anticipated this and consolidated alphabetic directories for HUMBER BAY with all the other villages in the proposed amalgamation. I have attempted to construct a 1914 Humber Bay alphabetic directory by extracting from the Humber Valley Extension entry provided by Might's. The primary technique was to find the street names appearing in the 1915 Humber Bay directory. Householder and business data on those streets was selected. Some tenant data was included for family names such as Hicks and Orr. This method has two consequences:
Most tenant and worker data is absent.
Some Swansea and Mimico data is included as Queen and Lake Shore extend beyond the Humber Bay area.

NOTES on 1923 to 1925 Might Directories

The 1923 to 1925 format is unusual. For each street in HUMBER BAY, an abbreviated street directory is included. An entry here has house number and name only and lacks occupational and spousal data. (This street directory content foreshadows the 1930 to 2001 format). This is followed by an alphabetic directory similar to those in 1889 thru 1928 directories.

YEARHA 1889 corrected
YEARHA 1890 corrected
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YEARHA 1912 Corrected
YEARHA 1915 corrected
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YEARHA 1922 corrected
YEARHA 1923 corrected; street dir in sep file
YEARHA 1924 corrected; street dir in sep file
YEARHA 1925 corrected Street in sep file
YEARHA 1926 mostly corrected search fr
YEARHA 1927 corrected
YEARHA 1928 corrected
YEARHA 1929 correction done

YEARHA 1889 corrected


(5 miles west of P.O.)

Adams Joseph, lab. Ontario Bolt Co.

Allen Thomas L. laborer

Armstrong George (Maloney & Armstrong),

Armstrong Wm, teamster.

Baker Minerva (wid George),

Barringhum Herbert E, book keeper.

Barton Joseph, lab, bds J W Rush.

Barton Wm, laborer,

Beadle Andrew, laborer.

Beadle Andrew jr, lab, bds Andrew Beadle.

Beadle Robert A, jab, bds Andrew Beadle

Beadle Wm, lab, bds Andrew Beadle

Black Wm, hostler, Wimbledon Hotel

Black Wm, brickmaker,

Blackwell Frederick J, gardener

Booth Jesse, brickmaker

Brierly John, bds Rohort Lewis

Brown Charles E, gardener

Brown James C, gdnr, bds C. K Brown.

Brown Walter E, gdnr, bds C K Brown

Brydson Catherine (wid John), bds H E Barringham.

Brydson James, foreman Grenadier Ice Co

Brydson James jr, blksmith, bds James

Brydson John, brickmkr, bds H E Barringham

Brydson Robert, lab, bds H E Barringham

Bullemore Frederick, teamster, bds G O Douglas

Burfield Wm, laborer Ontario Bolt Co.

Burgess Caroline (wid Wm)

Burgess Walter W, instructor, Victoria Industrial School.

Burgess Wm, gardener.

Carlisle Mark L, Postmaster.

Child William A, mngr Ont Rolling Mill Co, res Toronto.

Churchward Mary E, domestic, Humber Hotel.

Churchward Robert, boat builder.

Clark Edward, brickmkr, bds G O Douglas.

Clark James, lab, bds P L Oster.

Clark Henry J. lab, bds T L Allen.

Clayton Miss Elizabeth, bds John Ellis.

Clayton Frederick, clk, bds John Ellis.

Cooper Robert, brickmkr, bds James Dunn.

Currior Patrick, brickmaker.

Dabbs Charles, brickmaker.

Davis David, brickmkr, bds John Roberts.

Deacon George, brickmkr, bds S Montgomery.

Deller George W, laborer.

Denner John, bds James Fuller

Dinn Simon, brickmkr, bds John Roberts.

Dolan Charles, lab, bds P L Oster.

Donor William F, carpenter.

Donovan Patrick, watchman GTR.

Donovan Patrick jr, brickmkr, bds Patrick Donovan.

Douglas George O, grocer.

Duck John, Proprietor Wimbleton Hotel.

Duck Thomas, laborer.

Duck Wm T, bds Wimbledon Hotel.

Dunn James, brickmaker.

Dymock Wm, lab Ont Bolt Co, bds Wm Burfield.

Edwards James H, teamster.

Ellis John, artist.

Emrod John, laborer.

Evans Thomas, brickmkr, bds John Roberts.

Everleigh Wm, brickmkr.

Fuller James, gardener.

Gardinor George, brckmkr,bds G O Douglas.

BOT p334 left col

Gie Albert, teamster, bds Geo Armstrong.

Gilbert Miss Annie, bds Isabel Gilbert.

Gilbert Elizabeth (wid James), bds Isabel Gilbert.

Gilbert Isabel (wid John).

Gilbert Miss Isabol, bds Isabel Gilbert.

Giles Charles, gardener.

Giles Wm, laborer.

Gilson John, brickmaker, bds G O Douglas.

Gibson Mrs Martha A, restaurant.

Glenny Robert, laborer Ont Bolt Co.

Godson Arthur W, brick mnfr.

Godson George, engineer, bds John Watson.

Gooderham Thomas H, brickmaker.

Goslin Thomas, teamster.

Harris Charles, laborer.

Harris Edward, brickmkr, bds T Maloney.

Harris John, lab, bds Wm Burgess.

Harris Wm, gardener.

Herndale Charles, brickmaker.

Hewit John, brickmkr, bds Geo Armstrong.

Hicks Octavius L, brick mnfr and boat bldr.

Hines Margaret, domestic, Humber Hotel.

Hogg Andrew, laborer.

Homer Frederick, mach, bds P L Oster.

Hopcroft Ernest, baker, bds P L Oster.

Hopcroft Frank, lab Ont Bolt Co, bds P L Oster.

Howard Alfred W, blacksmith.

Humber Hotel, James Morrow Propr.

Hutchison John, brickmkr, bds Jas Dunn.

Jewel Francis, laborer.

Jolley Charles O, supt Ont Rolling Mill Co, res Parkdale.

Kelly Phillip, hostler, Humber Hotel.

Kew John A, grocer.

Knowles Joseph, lab, bds P L Oster.

Lachlan Matthew, lab, bds Wm Paterson.

Leslie John, gardener.

Lewis Robert, carpenter.

Long Nelson, carp, bds M Williams.

Lovell Charles, gardener.

Lovell Charles G, teamster, bds C Lovell

Lynn Lyon, lab, bds P L Oster.

McArthur John, laborer.

McConnell James,carp, bds S Montgomery.

McCully Hugh, brickmaker.

McEachren Neil, tailor.

McGee James, lab, bds Wm Paterson

McLeod John W, bds J W Rush

Maloney John (Maloney & Armstrong), res Toronto.

Maloney Thmas foreman O L Hicks.

Maloney & Armstrong (John Maloney, George Armstrong), brick mnfrs.

Marsh Richard, brickmaker

Massena Andre A, lab, bds J W Ruah

Montgomery Samuel, brickmaker.

Moore John, machinist.

BOT image 464 right col

END image 464

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Morrow James, Propr Humber Hotel.

Neff Edward C, lab Ont Bolt Co

Nurse Charles, hotel and fish.

O’Marin Wm, brickmkr, bds G O Douglas.

Ontario Bolt Co The (Ltd) of Toronto, James Worthington President and Manager. Contractors’ Ironwork a Specialty. Telephone No 1128,

Ontario Rolling Mill Co (The), Wm A Child Mngr, C O Jolley Supt, Office and Works Windermere.

Orr Benjamin, boat builder.

Oster Henry, lab Ont Bolt Co.

Oster John H, teamster Ont Bolt Co, bds Henry Oster.

Oster Peter L, laborer.

Page Charles, teamster, bds John Roberts.

Palmerton Philip, lab Ont Bolt Co.

Part Wm, lab bds Richard Marsh.

Parsons Margaret (wid George), bds James Simpson.

Paterson Wm, laborer.

Payne Charles, brickmkr, bds George Armstrong

Pickering Thomas, lab Ont Bolt Co, bds P L Oster.

Plunkett Samuel, farmer.

Presley Alfred, brickmaker.

Price Joseph, brickmaker.

Price Mary (wid Wm), bds Wm Giles.

Quinn Wm, brickmkr, bds John Roberts.

Reid Thomas, gardener.

Rhodes Dennis, laborer.

Robert John, lab Ont Bolt Co.

Roney Edward, lab Ont Rolling Mills, bds Thomas Duck.

Rouse Wm, mach, Ont Bolt Co.

Rowbottom John H, laborer.

Rush Joseph W, gardener.

Russel Henry R, lab Ont Bolt Co.

Shea Edward, lab, bds Thomas Duck.

Sheehy John, brickmkr, bds G O Douglas.

Sheehy Michael, brickmkr,bds G O Douglas.

Simpson George, laborer.

Simpson Henry, architect, bds W Simpson.

Simpson James, brick mnfr.

Simpson Wm, brick mnfr.

Terry James H, blacksmith.

Thompson John,brickmkr, bds M Williams.

Thompson Peter, bds P L Oster.

Todd John, gardener.

Townsend Charles ft, lab, bds T Maloney.

Trotter Wm, carp, bds Wimbledon Hotel.

Truswell Richard, brickmkr.

Van Every Albert,bartendr Humber Hotel.

Vaughan Robert, lab Ont Bolt Co, bds P L Oster.

Wallace Wm, lab, bds Wm Burgess,

Watson John, foreman A W Godson.

Webb John, bricklayer, bds Thomas Duck,

White Edwin,brickmkr,bds S Montgomery.

Williams Mitchel brickmkr.

Wimbledon Hotel, John Duck Proprietor.

Worthington James, pres Ont Bolt Co, res Toronto.

Wright Elizabeth, domestic,bds C E Brown.

Zimmerman George, laborer.

YEARZ 1889

YEARHA 1890 corrected

TOP image 458


(Five miles west of P.O.)

Adams David, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Adams Joseph, lab Ont Bolt Co.

Armstrong George (Maloney & Armstrong).

Armstrong Wm, brickmkr, b P Currier.

Avery Albert, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Bache George H, roofer.

Bache John, lab, Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Bains John, lab, Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Barlow Henry, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Barringham Herbert E, lab.

Beadle Andrew, brickmkr, Maloney & Armstrong.

Beadle Andrew, jr, lab, b A Beadle.

Beadle Wm, lab, b A Beadle.

Beasley Henry, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Beasley John, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Beasley John, jr, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Bellamore Frederick, tmstr, b Mrs M LeClare.

Bird Thomas, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Black Joseph, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Blackball Peter, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Blackwell Frederick, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Blackwell Frederick, jr, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co,

Bloor Charles, brickmkr.

Booth Albert E, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Bray Charles, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Brayden Thomas, lab.

Braydon Thomas, jr, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Breen Robert, tmstr, W Simpson.

Brett Benjamin, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Brown Charles E, gdnr.

Brown Frederick, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Brown James O gdnr, b C E Brown.

Brown Walter E, gdnr, b C E Brown.

Brown Wm, wks Ont Bolt Co.

END image 458 1890

TOP imag 459 left col

Brydson Catherine (wid John).

Brydson James, foreman Grenadier Ice Co.

Brydson James, jr, blacksmith, b J Brydson.

Brydson John, brickmkr W Simpson, b Mrs C Brydson.

Brydson Robert, brickmkr W Simpson, b Mrs C Brydson.

Burgess Wm, wks Ont Bolt Co,

Cahill James, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Caldwell Hubert, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Campbell Edward, lab Ont Rolling: Mill Co.

Carr James, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Carrington Frederick, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Carroll John, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Carroll John W, lab Ont Bolt Co.

Carroll Wm, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Cashmore Lawrence, brickmkr Maloney & Armstrong, b J Hewitt.

Chambers Wm, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Child Wm A, mngr Ontario Rolling Mill Co, b National Club

Churchward Robert, boat bldr.

Clark John, tmstr.

Cochrane James, lab.

Cole Alfred, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Cole Frank, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Cole George, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Collins Wm, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Colter John, tmstr Ont Rolling Mill Oo.

Cook Richard, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Cook Thomas, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Cook Wm, eng Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Cooler George, lab Maloney & Armstrong, b T Gosling.

Coojier Robert, brickmkr Maloney & Armstrong, b T Gosling.

Corbett Robert, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Corcoran Robert, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Corcoran Wm, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Corrigan John, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Couch George, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Cote Joseph M, shipper Ont Bolt Co, h 188 Lansdowne ave.

Cowley Joseph, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Cox John, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Cracknell Robert, brickmkr Maloney & Armstrong.

Crammond Wm D, clk Ont Bolt Co, h 34 Shirley.

Crossman James, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Crummer Alexander, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Cuff Thomas, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Curran Michael, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Currier Patrick, brickmkr.

Dabbs Charles H. brickmkr.

Davis John, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Davis Samuel, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Deller George W, lab.

Delorv James, wks Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Dew John, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Dibb George, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Dinn Simon, tmstr.

Dixon George, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Dolan Frederick, lab, b G Bache

Doner Wm F, carp.

Donovan Patrick, watchman GTR.

Donovan Patrick, jr, brickmkr J A J Simpson, b P Donovan.

Douglas James, lab, b S Montgomery.

Driscoll Michael, lab, Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Duck John, propr Wimbledon Hotel.

Duck Thomas, wks Ont Rolling Mill Co.

page 391

BOT image 459 left year 1890

TOP 459 right

Duck Wm, b J Duck.

Duck Wm T, confectioner and postmaster.

Dudley Job, wks Ont Rolling Mill Co, h 12 Manning ave.

Dufty John, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Dunn James, brickmkr W Simpson.

Dunn Wm, wks Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Dunn Wm J, bricklayer, b S Montgomery,

Dwing James, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Dyson Oliver, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Ellis John, artist.

Eveligh Wm, brickmkr W Simpson.

Faldhouse R, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Farrell James, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Farrell John, blacksmith Ont Rolling Mill Co,

Fenton Frederick, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Fordyee John, lab.

Foster Charles, wks Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Foster Thomas, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Foulke Victor, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Fowler Frederick, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co,

Fowler James, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Freed JameB A, shipper Ont Rolling Mill Co. 184 Macdonell ave.

Fullam John, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Fuller James, gdnr.

Fullerton James, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Gardiner George, brickmkr, b P Currier

Gigglee John, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Giles Charles, gdnr.

Giles John, wks C Nurse.

Giles Richard, lab.

Giles Wm A, switchman GTR, h 105 Close ave.

Gipson Mrs Martha A, confectioner.

Gipson Reuben M, pntr.

Glen Patrick, lab, b S Montgomery.

Glenny Robert, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Glockling Patrick, brickmkr, b W Eveleigh.

Graham Albert, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Godfrey Thomas, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Good James, brickmkr, b P Currier.

Goodall Albert, wkB Ont Bolt Co.

Goodall James, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Gort Edward, lab.

Gould Herbert, lab, Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Gosling Thomas, tmstr.

Gould James, machinist Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Grady Patrick, wks Ont Rolling Mill Co, b T Grady.

Grady Thomas, wks Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Graham James, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Graham Wm D, supt Ont Bolt Co, h 40 Lansdowne ave.

Granby George, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Grant George, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Greenfield Thomas, brickmkr O L Hicks

Greer George, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Greer George D, wks Ont Rolling Mill Co, h 28 St Clarens.

Grimbell Thomas, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Gurt Edward, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Haffner D, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Hall Henry, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Hamilton George, lab J & J Simpson.

Hamilton Harry G, supt Ont Rolling Mill Co, h 83 O’Hara ave.

Hamilton Robert, brickmkr.

Hannon Hugh, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Harder Wm, wks Ont Bolt Co, h 6 Spencer ave

Harper Frederick G, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

page 391

BOT image 459R year 1890

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Harris Edward, brickmkr, b B Orr.

Harris Joseph, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Harris Wm, gdnr.

Hart Thomas, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Hartley Wm, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Harvey John, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Harvey Wm, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Hawke Frederick, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Hawke Thomas, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Head George, lab Ontario Rolling Mill Co.

Healey John, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Healey W m, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Heap Thomas, wsk Ont Bolt Co.

Helhgate Michael, wks C Nurse.

Helm Robert, brickmkr Maloney & Armstrong.

Henry Frank, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Hewett John F, brickmkr Maloney & Armstrong.

Hickey John, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Hicks Octavus L, brick mnfr.

Hills Charles, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Hind Wm, lab Ont Bolt Co.

Hoeneg Louis, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Holden Wm, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Holliday James H, bkkpr Ont Rolling Mill Co, h 172 Lisgar.

Holt Richard, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Holiday James H, wks Ont Rolling Mill Co,

Homer Frederick, wks Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Howard Alfred W, blksmth.

Hughes Henry, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Humber Bay Hotel, James Morrow, Propr.

Hunt James, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Hunt Jesse, bricklyr, b S Montgomery.

Huntley Samuel, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Hutchinson John P, brickmkr W Simpson, b J Price.

Hutchinson Wm, brickmkr W Simpson, b W Eveleigh.

Jackson Joseph, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Jecks Clarence, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Jeffery Wm, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Jenkins Charles, eng Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Jenkins John, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Jenkins Wm, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Johnson Charles W, eng West Toronto Junction W Works.

Johnson James A, wks Ont Bolt Co

Johnston John, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Jolley Charles O, supt Ont Rolling Mill Co, h 154 Pearson ave.

Kelly Edward R, lab.

Kayley Francis, lab Ont Rolling Mill Oo.

Kelly Philip, hostler J Morrow.

Kelly Roderick, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Kelly Thomas, wks C Nurse.

Kew John A, grocer and P M.

King Wm, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Kirby Charles, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Kirby Wm, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Knight Frederick, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Lansborough Samuel, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Lathrop Jefferson, hostler J Duck.

Lawrence Charles, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Lawson Robert, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Le Clare, Mrs Mary, grocer.

Lee Wm, lab.

Leslie John, gdnr.

Levis John, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Liebenhaar C, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Limerick Mary (wid Peter).

BOT image 460 left year 1890

TOP image 460 right

Lindsay John, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Llewellyn Wm, wks Ont Rolling Mill Co,

Llewellyn Wm, jr, wks Grenadier Ice Co, b J Brydson.

Long George,wks Grenadier Ice Co, b J Brydson,

Lovell Charles, gdnr,

Lovell Charles G, lab Ont Bolt Co.

McConnell Bernard, wks Ont Bolt Co.

McConnell John,lab J & J Simpson, b P Donovan,

(McDonald Frank, wks Ont Bolt Co,

McDonald Hugh, wks Ont Bolt Co.

McDonald James, wks Ont Bolt Co.

McDowell James, tmstr J & J Simpson, h 23 Abbs.

McGraw Michael, wks Ont Rolling Mill Co, b T Grady.

McGraw Robert, wks Ont Bolt Co.

McGuire Wm, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

McKay George, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

McKee Watson, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co,

McMahon David, wks Ont Bolt Co.

McMahon Henry, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

McMartin Elijah, wks Ont Bolt Co.

MacNeil Wm, mach Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Maloney John (Maloney & Armstrong).

Maloney Thomas, foreman O L Hicks.

Maloney & Armstrong (John Maloney, George Armstrong), Brick Manufacturers.

Mandale Wm, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Markey Hugh, wks Grenadier Ice Co, b J Brydson.

Markey John, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Marrah Wm, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Marsh Richard, brickmkr.

Martin George, fireman Ont Rolling Mills Co.

Martin James, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Mead Wm, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Midland Frederick, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Meyer Paul, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Miller James, wks Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Mitchell Wm, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Mitchell Wm, jr, wks Grenadier Ice Co, b J Brydson.

Montgomery Samuel, lab.

Morgan John H, wks Ont Rolling Mill Co, h 1466 Queen w.

Morrow James, Proprietor Humber Bay Hotel.

Mosely Wm, lab.

Moss Wm, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co,

Mulligan Joseph, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Murray John, brickmkr, b J Price.

Neil Patrick, fireman Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Nesbit John, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Newman George, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Nichols Albert L, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Nugent Edward, wks Ont Rolling Mill Co..

Nugent Wm, wks Ont Bolt Co

Nurse Charles, hotel and fish dlr.

O’Brien John, wks Ont Bolt Co.

O’Connor Frederick, wks Ont Bolt Co.

O’Connor Patrick, brickmkr J & J Simpson.

O’Hara Wm B, lab.

O’Hearn John, lab Ontario Rolling Mill Co.

O’Mara Wm, wks Ont Rolling Mill, b Mrs M Le Clare.

Obenshaw Alexander, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co,.

Ogilvie A, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Ogilvie A, jr, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Oliver Joseph, wks Ont Bolt Co.

BOT 460 right column

TOP image 461 left col

Ontario Bolt Co, The (Ltd) of Toronto, James Worthington, President and Manager. Contractors’ Ironwork a Specialty. Telephone No. 1128. (See card City portion).

Ontario Rolling Mill Co. (The). Wm, A Child, Manager, C. O. Jolley Supt. Office and works, Swansea.

Orr Benjamin, boat bldr C Nurse.

Osler Henry, wkd Ont Bolt Co.

Oster Alexander, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Oster Henry, lab.

Oster John H, lab.

Oster John H, wks Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Oster Louis, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Oster Peter L, lab.

Packer Alfred, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Page Charles, hostler C Nurse.

Palmer Arthur H, wks Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Palmer Wm, brickmkr, b C H Dabbs.

Palmerton Phillip, lab Ont Bolt Co.

Parmenter Peter, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Parr Wm, brickmkr.

Payne Charles, brickmkr J & J Simpson.

Peel Armour, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Pennall John, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Pilkey Reuben, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Plunkett Samuel, tmstr.

Podmore Wm, wks Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Presley Alfred, brickmkr.

Pretty Alfred, brickmkr.

Price Joseph, brickmkr Wm Simpson.

Pritchard Alfred, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Pritchard George, wks Ontario Bolt Co.

Putt Wm F, clk Ont Bolt Co, h 174 Jarvis

Quest Thomas, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Quigley Michael, wks Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Quinn Wm, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Raynor Joseph W, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Redman Frederick, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Reeves August, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Reeves Charles, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Reid Thomas, gdnr.

Rennie Edward, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Reilly Thomas, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Rennie Wm, seedsman.

Reynolds Joseph, carp Ont Rolling Mill Co,

Rhodes Dennis, lab.

Roberts James, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Roberts John, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Robertson J F, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Robinson Wm H,brickmkr Maloney & Armstrong.

Rogers Robert, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Roll John, lab.

Rooney James, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Rooney Wm, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Ross John, brickmkr W Simpson.

Ross Wm G, clk Ont Bolt Co, h 32 Maitland.

Rouse Wm, mach Ont Bolt Co.

Rowntree Charles, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Rundle Joseph, wks Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Rush Joseph W, gdnr.

Russell Henry, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Russell Henry R, lab Ont Bolt Co.

Sabiston Robert, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Santelle Herbert, wks Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Sasse Richard, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

SayerH Charles R S, wks Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Scambler Oliver, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Scott Edward, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Scout Peter, lab J & J Simpson.

BOT image 461 Left P393

TOP 461 right

Sedgwick Wm, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Semple Emery, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Shaw Robert, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Shay Daniel, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Shay John, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Shay Michael, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Sheehan Michael, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co,

Sheehy Michael, lab.

Shelly Henry, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Shelly Joseph, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Shovler Stephen,brckmkr Maloney & Armstrong.

Simpson Charles A, brickmkr W Simpson.

Simpson George, tmstr Ont Bolt Co.

Simpson Henry, architect, bds Wm Simpson.

Simpson James (J & J Simpson).

Simpson John (J & J Simpson).

Simpson J & J (John & James), brick mnfrs.

Simpson Wm, brick innfr,

Smith Alfred W, lab.

Smith George, lab Maloney k Armstrong.

Smith Henry, bricklyr, b P Currier.

Smith Wm, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Somerville Thomas, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Stacy Edward, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Stevenson Job, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Stevenson Joseph R.clk OGTR, b Wimbledon Hotel.

Stewart George, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Stewart Samuel, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Stewart Thomas, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Stinson John, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Stinson Joseph, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Sturgess Benjamin, roller Ont Rolling Mill Co, h 67 Callendar.

Sturgess George I, roller Ont Rolling Mill Co, h 67 Callendar.

Stutt Robert, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Sullivan Michael, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Suntieck John, wks Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Taylor George, brickmkr Maloney & Armstrong.

Taylor George jr, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Taylor James, brickmkr J A J Simpson, b Mrs M Le Clare.

Temple John, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Thompson Andrew, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Thompson Peter, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Thompson Thomas, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Todd John, gardener.

Tomlinson Andrew, wks Ont Rolling Mill Co,

Townsend Charles F, brickmkr.

Tucker Wm, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Tullam John, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Upperton Charles K, wks Ont Rolling Mill Co, h 123 Ruth.

Upton George, lab.

Van Every Albert, carp Ont Rolling Mill Co, b B Orr.

Vaughan Frederick, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Vaughan John, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Vaughan Joseph, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Venables John H, supt West Toronto Junction W Works, h 34 O’Hara ave.

Wadsworth Joseph, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Walker Edgar B, clk Ont Bolt Co, h 123 Dovercourt rd

Walls Wm. wks Ont Bolt Co.

Warwood James, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Warwood Wm, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Watson John, foreman A W Godson.

Watt James, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Waugh George T, agt GTR, rms 210 Richmond w.

BOT image 461 right p 393

PAGE 394

Weeks Thomas, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Weslev Charles T, wks Ont Bolt Co.

West Toronto Junction Water Works, John H Venables supt, Charles W Johnson asst eng.

White Thos, wks Ont Bolt Co, b S Montgomery.

Wilkinson Thomas, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Willis James, lab Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Wilson Charles, lab Maloney k Armstrong.

Wilson David, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Wilson Frank B, wks Ont Rolling Mill Co.

Wilson James, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Wilson Walter, lab.

Wimbledon Hotel, John Duck propr.

Windsor Albert, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Windsor Frederick, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Worman Percy, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Worthington James, pres Ont Bolt Co.

Wray Albert, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Wray Frederick, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Wray James, wks Ont Bolt Co.

Zimmerman George, tmstr Ont Bolt Co.


(Seven miles north-west of P. O.)


YEARHA 1891 corrected


(Five miles west of P O),

Adams S J, b Humber Bay Hotel.

Apsley James, hostler Wm Quinn.

Arlidge J Churchill, mus tchr.

Armour Wm, carp

Armstrong Alex, brickmkr O L Hicks.

Armstrong George (Maloney & Armstrong).

Armstrong Wm, brickmkr, b M LeClare.

Bach George, wks Ontario Rolling Mills.

Beadle Andrew, wks Ontario Rolling Mills.

Beadle Andrew jr, b A Beadle.

Bellamore Frederick, tmstr, b P Currier.

Blackwell Frederick, b F Blackwell jr.

Blackwell Frederick jr, wks Ontario Bolt Works

Bloore Charles, brickmkr.

Boland Patrick, lab.

Booth Albert, brickmkr O L Hicks.

Breen Robert, tmstr, b P Currier.

Brooks GE, b Mrs M Spriggs.

Brooks G W, contr, b Mrs M Spriggs.

Brown Charles E, gdnr.

Brown James C, gdnr, b C E Brown.

Brown Walter E, gdnr, b C E Brown.

Brydson Catherine (wid John).

Brydson Robert, brickmkr, b Mrs C Brydson.

Burgess Wm, gdnr.

Christie Miss Jennie, tchr Humber Bay Pub school, b Mimico.

Churchward Robert, boat bldr.

Colson Chas, lab, b J Reynolds.

Cooper George., brickmkr R West.

Cooper Robert, brickmkr R West,

Coppins Frank, brickmkr, b E Trowell.

Coppins James, brickmkr R West, b E Trowell

Currier Patrick, general store.

Deller George Wm, brickmkr.

Delory James, wks Ontario Rolling Mills.

Dinn Simon, brickmkr R West,

Doner Wm F, carp.

Donovan Patrick, watchman GTR.

Driscoll Michael, wks Ontario Rolling Mills, b Thomas Duck.

Duck John, prop Wimbledon Hotel,Humber Bay.

Duck Thomas, wks Ontario Rolling Mills.

Duck Wm, b Wimbledon Hotel.

Duck Wm T, postmaster, b Wimbledon Hotel.

Duckett Thos. hostler Chas Nurse, b same.

Dunn James, foreman O L Hicks.

Dunn Jonathan, brickmkr O L Hicks.

Dunn Wm, bricklyr, b S Montgomery.

Dutnall Edward, brickmkr R West.

Elford James, well digger, b Mrs M Spriggs.

Fordyce John, lab.

BOT 1st page

TOP 2nd page

Gardiner George, brickmkr, b P Currier.

Garoi Peter, brickmkr Jas Simpson,

Gilchrist Duncan, tmstr.

Giles Richard, lab.

Giles Wm, brickmkr R West,

Gipson Mrs Martha A, grocer and confr.

Gipson R M, pntr,

Glenny Robert, wks Ontario Bolt Works.

Glenny Mrs Robert,caretkr Humber Bay school.

Godson A W, contr.

Gordon Albert, brickmkr, b E Trowel I.

Gosling Thomas, brickmkr O L Hicks.

Greatwood Harry, lab Ontario Rolling Mill, b Mrs C Brydson.

Greenfield Thomas, tmstr.

Greer George D, shoemkr, 32 Sorauren av,

Halsey James F, lab.

Harris Edward, brickmkr Simpson & Price,

Healey John, b J Healey jr.

Healey John jr, wks Ontario Bolt Works.

Helligate Michael, fisherman, b Nurse House.

Henry Wm, lab, b F Wallace.

Hewett John, tmstr J Armstrong.

Hicks Octavius L, brick mnfr and boat bldr.

Hicks Samuel L, boat bldr, h High Park,

Hoare Francis R, grocer.

Hoare Harry M, clk F R Hoare.

Holmes Wm, mkt gdnr.

Holly Wm, timekpr, b Mrs M Spriggs.

Howard Alfred W blacksmith.

Howard Henry, gdnr.

Humber Bay public school, Wm Braithwaite, h 260 Bellwoods av.

Humphrey James, lab James Simpson.

Hutchinson John P, brickmkr Simpson & Price. b P Currier.

Hutchinson Wm, brickmkr Simpson & Price.

Imlack John, lab Jas Simpson.

Jordain Wm, brickmkr Simpson & Price.

Johnston Elizabeth (wid Wm), farmer.

Jones John, lab.

Jordan Wm, brickmkr, b C Bloore.

Kelly Thomas, lab C Nurse, b same.

Knight Joseph, brickmkr R West.

Le Clare Mrs Mary,

Le Pointe Harvey, lab, b S Montgomery,

Leslie John, mkt gdnr.

Little Joseph, brickmkr James Simpson, b Wm Quinn.

Loughnay Patrick, brickmkr Maloney & Armstrong.

Lovell Charles, mkt gdnr.

Lowens Charles, wks Ontario Rolling Mills, b M Le Clare.

McConnell John, lab, b M Le Clare.

McDowell James, tmstr Jas Simpson.

McDowell Robert, tmstr James Simpson, b M Le Clare.

McLaughlin Mrs Catherine (wid Rogers).

McLaughlin Patrick, lab Mrs C McLaughlin.

McLaughlin Martin, wks Ontario Rolling Mill, b Mrs C McLaughlin.

McLaughlin Robert, fireman West TWW.

McMahon John, tmstr, b M Le Clare.

Me Mann John, tmstr Simpson & Price.

Macauiey John, wks Ontario Rolling Mills, b Thomas Duck.

Macdonald Roderick, watchman GTR, h Mimico.

Macmillan Alexander, timekpr Mrs M Spriggs.

Maheffey Wm, brickmkr R West.

BOT 2nd page

TOP 3rd page

Maloney John (Maloney & Armstrong), res 404 Brock av.

Maloney & Armstrong (John Maloney, George Armstrong), brick mnfrs.

March Richard, brickmkr O L Hicks,

Maxwell John, lab S Montgomery.

Meddowcroft Thomas, lab Mrs M Spriggs,

Montgomery Samuel, lab.

Morrow James, prop Humber Bay Hotel.

Morrison John, tmstr.

Mount John, brickmkr R West, b C Bloore.

Murray John, brickmkr Jas Simpson.

Myers John, brickmkr.

Nock Samuel, wks Ont Rolling Mills.

Nurse Charles, hotel and fish dealer.

Nurse Charles jr, bartndr Nurse House.

Olmstead Arthur, agt GTR, b Wimbledon Hotel,

Orr Benjamin, boat bldr.

Palmerton Phillip, wks Ont Bolt Co,

Pamenter Annie, domestic Jas Simpson,

Parr Wm, brickmkr Simpson & Price.

Passmore John, slsmn.

Payne Charles, foreman Jas Simpson.

Phillips Richard, brickmkr, b Mrs C Brydson.

Phillips Wm, brickmkr, b Mrs C Brydson.

Pickard Wm, wks Ont Rolling Mills, b Thomas Duck.

Plunkett Samuel, contr.

Polson Adam, blacksmith A C Polson.

Polson Alexander C, blacksmith.

Pratt John, brickmkr Jas Simpson.

Presley Alfred, brickmkr.

Pretty Alfred, brickmkr.

Price Joseph (Simpson & Price).

Quinn Wm, lab Ont Rolling Mills Co.

Reynolds Joseph, carp.

Rhodes Dennis, lab.

Rowbottom John, lab.

Sheehy Michael, wks Ont Rolling Mills.

Silver Henry, brickmkr Malony & Armstrong.

Simpson George, wks Ont Bolt Works.

Simpson James, brickmkr.

Simpson. Robert (Simpson & Price).

Simpson Wm, brickmkr.

Simpson & Price (Robert Simpson, Joseph Price), brickmkrs.

Skeat Arthur, mkt gdnr.

Smith Alfred, brickmkr O L Hicks.

Smith George, brickmkr M LeClare.

Smith Henry, b Mrs M Spriggs.

Spriggs Mrs Mary, boarding house.

Stapleton Thomas, wks Ontario Rolling Mills, b Thomas Duck.

Stevenson James R, clk GTR, b Wimbledon Hotel.

Taylor James, lab, b M Le Clare.

Tromwell Edwin, brickmkr Maloney & Armstrong.

Upton George, brickmkr O L Hicks.

Van Every Albert, carp, b B Orr,

Wallace Frank, lather.

Warner George, lab, b S Montgomery.

West Richard, brick mnfg, h 199 Adelaide w.

White John, tmstr, b P Currier,

White Wm J, tmstr Jas Simpson,

Williams Wm, tmstr, b Mrs M Spriggs,

Williamson John, mach Jas Simpson.

Wilson Charles, brickmkr


YEARHA 1892 corrected


(Four and a half miles west of P 0).

Armstrong George, (Maloney & Armstrong)

Armstrong Wm, eng, b Mrs M LeClare

Arnott West, brickmkr R West

Auger John, wks Ont Rolling Mills

Bach George, wks Ont Rolling Mills

Ball James, mktgdnr

Barton Joseph, tmstr R West

Beadle Andrew, wks Ont Rolling Mills

Beadle Andrew jr, l A Beadle

Bellamore Frederick, tmstr, b P Quinn

TOP 2nd page

Blackwell Frederick, l F J Blackwell

Blackwell Frederick J, wks Ont Bolt Works

Bloore Charles, brickmkr

Boland Patrick, lab

Booth Albert, brickmkr

Braithwaite Win, prin Humber Bay Public Schl, h 260 Bellwoods av, city

Brown Charles E, gdnr

Brown James C, gdnr, b C E Brown

Brown Walter E, gdnr, b C E Brown

Brydson Catherine, (wid John)

Brvdson Robert, brickmkr, b Mrs C Brydson

Bullard Henry, brkmkr R West, b R Cracknell

Butcher John, gro

Byrne Michael, brickmkr

Callaghan John, brickmkr R West

Cash more Lawrence, brickmkr, b G Armstrong

Churchward Robert, boat bldr

Colson Charles, lab, b J Reynolds

Cooney James, eng

Cooper Emma, dom George Gray

Cooper George, brickmkr

Cooper Robert, brickmkr

Coppins Frank, brickmkr R West

Coppins James, brickmkr R West

Cracknell Robert, brickmkr R West

Daller George, foreman

Deller George W, brickmkr

Delory James, wks Ont Rolling Mills

Dinn Simon, lab

Docketee Edward, brickmkr

Doner Wm F, carp

Donovan Patrick, watchman GTR

Donovan Patrick jr, brickmkr, ZP Donovan

Drew Richard, brickmkr

Driscoll Michael, wks Ont Rolling Mills, b J Delory

Duck Rhoda (wid John), hotel

Duck Thomas, wks Ont Rolling Mills

Duck Wm T, Postmaster, b Mrs R Duck

Duckett Thomas, hostler C Nurse

Dunn James, foreman

Dutnall Edward, brickmkr

Elford James, well digger, l Mrs M Spriggs

Fleming Thomas, wks Ont Rolling Mills

Freeborn Wm, brickmkr

Garoi Peter, brickmkr

Gardiner George, brickmkr

Gilchrist Duncan, tmstr

Giles Wm, lab

Gilman Wm, btchr

Gipson Mrs Martha A, gro

Gipson Robert M, pntr

Glenny Robert, wks Ontario Bolt Works

Glenny Mrs Robert, caretkr Humber Bay school

Good John, brickmkr R West

Gordon Albert, brickmkr R West

Gosling Thomas, brickmkr

Graham Wilfred, wks Ontario Rolling Mills, b Mrs M Spriggs

Gray George, lumber

Green Edward, hostler Mrs R Duck

Greenfield Thomas, tmstr

Halsey James F, lab

Harris Edward, brickmkr

Healey John, Z J Healey jr

Healey John jr, wks Ontario Bolt Works

Helligate Michael, fisherman

Henry Wm, lab, b F Wallace

Hewett John, tmstr

BOT 2nd page

TOP 3rd page

Hicks Octavius L, boatbldr

Hicks Samuel L, boatbldr, h High Park

Hines Maggie, dom James Morrow

Hoare Philip E, gro

Holmes Wm, gdnr

Howard Alfred, blksmith

Hughes Charles W, general store

Humber Bay Public School, Wm Braithwaite, principal

Humber Hotel, James Morrow prop

Humphrey James, lab

Imlack John, lab

Jarrett George, brickmkr

Johnston Elizabeth (wid Wm), farmer

Jones John, lab

Jordan Wm, brickmkr

Kalahar Dennis, lab

Keith Richard, tmstr, b Mrs R Duck

Kelly Thomas, lab

Le Clare Mrs Mary

Leslie John, mkt gdnr

Lightfoot Joseph, foreman, R West

Lovell Charles, mkt gdnr

McConnell John, lab

McIntyre Robert, brickmkr R West

McLaren Robert, bnckmkr R West

McLaughlin Catherine (wid Roger)

McLaughlin Martin, wks Ontario Rolling Mills, l Mrs C McLaughlin

McLaughlin Patrick, lab Ontario Rolling Mills, l Mrs C McLaughlin

McLaughlin Robert, fireman

McMahon John, tmstr, b Mrs M LeClare

McNab John, lab, b Mrs M J Webster

Macdonald Roderick, watchman GTR, h Mimico

Mahaffey Wm, brickmkr R West

Maloney John (Maloney & Armstrong), res 404 Brock av. City

Maloney & Armstrong (John Maloney, George Armstrong), brick mnfrs

Marsh Richard, brickmkr

Maxwell John, tmstr

Morrow James, Prop Humber Hotel

Mount John, brickmkr

Nurse Charles, hotel and fish dealer

Nurse Charles jr, bartender Nurse House

O’Connell John, brickmkr, b P Quinn

Orr Benjamin, boatbldr

Parmenter Philip, wks Ontario Bolt Co

Parr Wm, brickmkr

Payne Charles, brickmkr

Phillips Richand, brickmkr

Phillips Wm, brickmkr

Plunkett Samuel, contractor

Polson Adam, blksmith A C Polson

Polson Alex C, blksmith

Pratt John, brickmkr R West

Presley Alfred, brickmkr

Pretty Alfred, brickmkr

Price Joseph (Simpson & Price)

Proctor Miss Minnie, l C W Hughes

Quinn Wm, lab Ont Rolling Mills

Redman Edward, wks Ont Rolling Mills

Redman Frederick, wks Ont Rolling Mills

Reynolds Joseph, carp

Rhodes Dennis, lab

Ross Andrew, tmstr, b B Orr

Robinson Wm, hostler, James Morrow

Rowbottom John, lab

BOT 3rd page

Rush Joseph. mkt gdnr

Sheehan Michael, wks Ont Rolling Mills

Silver Henry, brickmkr

Simpson George, wks Ont Bolt Works

Simpson Robert (Simpson & Price)

Simpson Wm, brickmkr

Simpson & Price (Robert Simpson, Joseph Price), brick mnfrs

Skeat Arthur, gdnr

Skimman Edward, carp

Smith Alfred, brickmkr

Smith George, brickmkr

Smith Rose, dom James Morrow

Spriggs Mrs Mary

Steele Arthur R, clk, l George Gray

Steele George G, tmstr, l George Gray

Steele Mrs Hughena, l George Gray

Stevenson James R, tel opr GTR, b Mrs R Duck

Sullivan Dennis, lab

Thornton Francis

Trowell Edwin, brickmkr R West

Van Every Albert, carp

Wallace Frank, lather

Warner George, lab

Webster Mary Jane (wid Thomas)

West Richard, brick mnfr,h 199 Adelaide w City

Wilson Charles, brickmkr

Wilson M, civil service, b C Nurse

Wimbledon Hotel, Mrs R Duck, prop


(Seven miles north-west of P O.)


YEARHA 1893 corrected


(Four and a half miles west of P 0).

Armstrong George (Maloney and Armstrong)

Armstrong Wm, lab, b Mrs M Le Clare

Ball James, mkt gdnr

Barlow Robert, lab, h Queen

Barton Joseph, tmstr

Beadle Andrew, lab, h Queen

Beadle Andrew jr, l A Beadle

Beard Thomas, brickmkr, l Mrs M Spriggs

Be Ham ore Frederick, tmstr

Bloore Charley brickmkr

Bloore John, boat bldr S Hicks

Boland Patrick, lab

Braithwaite Wm. prin Humber Bay public school, h 260 Bellwoods av, city

Brown Chares E, gdnr

Brown James C, gdnr, b C E Brown

Brown Walter E, gdnr, b C E Brown

Callaghan John, brickmkr

Carter George, carp Lakeshore rd

Carter George E, cond Lakeehore Rv, l G Carter

Carter Wm, cond Lakeshore Ry, l G Carter

Cashmore Laurence, brickmkr

Churchward Robert, lab

Clark Mrs

Clark Arthur, lab, b Mrs Clark

Cooper George, brickmkr

Coppins Jaine-, brickmkr

Cracknell Robert, brickmkr

Crumpton Arthur, lab, b Robt Churchward

Currier Patrick, brickmkr, h Lake Shore rd

Daller George W, foreman A W Godson

Dickson David carp C E Giles, h 41 Foxley, city

Dinn Samuel, kb, h Queen

Doner Wm F, carp

Donovan Patrick, watchman GTR

Drew Richard, lab, h Queen

Duck John F, clk P O, b Mrs R Duck

BOT 1st page

TOP 2nd page

Duck Miss Maud M, asst postmistress, l Mrs R Duck

Duck Rhoda (wid John), Temperance hotel

Buck Wm T, Postmaster, l Mrs R Duck

Dunn James, foreman

Dutnall Edward, brick mkr

Elford James, well digger, l Mrs M Springs

Fauquier John, cond Lakeshore Ry, b Mrs R Duck

Gibson Charles, motorman Lakeshore Ry, b Mrs R Duck

Gilchrist Duncan, tmstr

Giles Charges, blksmith C E Giles

Giles Charles E, blksmith, res city

Giles Frederick, carp C E Giles, res city

Giles Wm, lab

Gilman Wm htchr

Gipson Mrs Martha A, gr

Gipson Reuben, painter and county constable

Gordon Albert, lab, b Edwin Trowel

Gosling Thomas, brickmkr

Gray George, lumber

Greenfield Thomas, tmstr

Halsey James F, lab

Harris Edward, brickmkr

Harvey John, lab, h Lakeshore rd

Helligate Michael, fisherman

Hewett John, tmstr

Hicks Octavius L, boatbldr

Hicks Samuel L, boatbldr, h High Park

Holmes Wm, gdnr

Howard Alfred, blacksmith

Hughes Charles W, genl store

Humber Bay public school, Wm Braithwaite, principal

Imlack John, lab

Johnston Elizabeth (wid Wm)

Kalahar Dennis, lab

Kelly Thomas, helper Nurse’s hotel

Lawrence Wm, lab, b Mrs M Le Clare

Le Clare Mrs Mary, h Lakeshore rd

Leslie John, mkt gdnr

Light foot Joseph, foreman

Levels Charles, mkt gdnr

McConnell John, lab, b Mrs M Le Clare

McIntyre Robert, brickmkr

McLaren Robert, brickmkr

McLaughlin Catherine (wid Roger)

McLaughlin Patrick, lab Ontario Rolling Mills, l Mrs C McLaughlin

McLaughlin Robert, fireman

McMahcn John, tmstr, b Mrs M Le Clare

Macdonald Roderick, watchman GTR, res Mimico

Maloney John (Maloney & Armstrong)

Maloney & Armstrong (John Maloney, George Armstrong), brick mnfrs

Mather Miss Isabella, tchr Humber Bay school, b Jos Rush

Maxwell John, tmstr

Morrow James, hotel

Nurse Charles, Hotel and Fish Dealer

Nurse Charles jr, bartender Nurse’s Hotel

Nurse’s Hotel, Charles Nurse Proprietor

Openshaw Alexander, works Ont Rolling Mills

Orr Benjamin, boat bidr

Parmenter Philip, works Ontario Forge & Bolt Co

Pidgen Wm H, works Lake Simcoe Ice Co

Plunkett Samuel, contr

Pollock James, brick mkr

BOT 2nd page

Polson Adam, blacksmith, l A C Polson

Polson Alexander C, blacksmith

Pratt John, brickmkr

Presley Alfred, Jab

Pretty Alfred, brickmkr

Price Joseph (Simpson & Price)

Quinn Mrs Wm

Reynolds Joseph, carp

Rhodes Dennis, lab

Robinson Wm, hostler James Morrow

Ross Andrew, tmstr, b B Orr

Rush Joseph, mkt gdnr

Simpson Charles, brickmkr

Simpson George, works Ontario Forge and Bolt Works, h Queen

Simpson Robert (Simpson & Price)

Simpson Wm, brickmkr

Simpson & Price (Robert Simpson, Joseph Price), brick mnfrs

Smith Alfred, brickmkr

Smith George, brickmkr

Spriggs Mrs Mary

Steele Arthur R, clk, l George Gray

Steven son James R, tel opr GTR, b Mrs R Duck

Sullivan Dennis, lab

Trowell Edwin, brickmkr

Van Every Albert, carp

Warner George, lab

Webster Mary J (wid Thomas)

West Richard, brick mnfr, h 114 Dowling av,city

Wilson Charles, brickmkr

Yeomans Henry R, brickmkr


(Seven miles north-west of P 0).


YEARHA 1894 corrected


(See North Toronto).


(Four and a half miles west of P 0).

Allen Joseph mrkt gdnr

Andrew Susan, cook James Morrow

Arlidge James C, music tchr

Armstrong George (Maloney & Armstrong), res city

Baker Henry, mkt gdnr

Ball James, mkt gdnr

Barlow Robert, lab, h Queen

Barton Joseph, tmstr

Beadle Andrew, lab, h Queen

Beadle Andrew jr, l A Beadle

Bellamore Frederick, tmstr

Bloore John, boatbldr

Boland Patrick, lab

Braithwaite Wm, prin Humber Bay Public School, res city

Brown Elizabeth (wid Charles E)

Brown John, gdnr, b Mrs E Brown

Brown Walter E, gdnr, b Mrs E Brown

Burbidge Albert, clk C W Hughes, l same

Callaghan John, brickmkr

Carter George, carp, h Lakeshore rd

Churchward Robert, lab

Clark Arthur, lab, b Mrs Clark

Clark Mrs Mary, boarding house

Clarke Henry, lab

Currier Patrick, brickmkr, h Lakeshore rd

Dickson David, carp C E Giles, res city

Dinn Samuel, lab, h Queen

Donovan Patrick, watchman GTR

Drew Richard, lab, h Queen

Dutnall Edward, lab

Elford Isaac, lab

Elford James, well digger, l Mrs M Spriggs

Fordice John, lab GTR

Fuller George, mkt gdnr

Gilchrist Duncan, tmstr

Giles Charles, blksmith C E Giles, res city

Giles Charles E, blksmith, res city

Giles Frederick, carp C E Giles, res city

Giles Wm, lab

Gilman Wm, btchr


Gipson Mrs Martha A, gro

Gipson Reuben, pntr and constable

Gooderham Thomas, lab

Gordon Albert, lab

Gosling Thomas, brickmkr

Goyne Wm, mkt gdnr

Gray George, lumber

Green John, lab

Greenfield Thomas, tmstr

Hallard Annie, waitress Jas Morrow

Harris Edward, lab

Harris Thomas, mkt gdnr

Harris Wm, mkt gdnr

Hicks Octavius L, boatbldr

Hicks Samuel L, boatbldr

Holmes Wm, gdnr

Hughes Charles W, General Store and


Humber Bay pub school, Wm Braithwaite, prin

Humber Hotel, James Morrow, propr

Imlack John, lab

Johnston Elizabeth (wid Wm)

Jones Herman, lab A W Godson

Kelly Patrick, helper Nurses hotel

Kelly Thomas, helper Nurses hotel

Lawrence Wm, lab, b Mrs M LeClare

LeClare Mrs Mary bdg hse Lake Shore rd

Leslie John, mkt gdnr

McIntyre Robert, lab

McLaughlin Robert, fireman

Macdonald Roderick, watchman GTR, res Mimico

Maloney John (Maloney & Armstrong), res city

Maloney & Armstrong (John Maloney, Geo Armstrong), brick mnfrs

Masters George, mkt gdnr

Masters Thomas, mkt gdnr

Mather Miss Isabella, tchr Humber Bay pub school, b Jos Rush

Morrow James, Proprietor Humber Hotel

Murphy Joseph J, temperance hotel

North Wm, mkt gdnr

Nurse Charles, hotel and fish dealer

Nurse Charles jr, bartndr Nurses hotel

Nurse's Hotel, Charles Nurse propr

Openshaw Alexander, lab

Parmenter Philip, wks Ont Forge & Bolt Co

Pollock James, brickmkr

Polson Adam, blksmith A C Polson

Polson Alexander C, blksmith

Price Joseph (Simpson & Price)

Proctor Miss Minnie, clk C W Hughes, l same

Quinn Mrs Wm, bdg hse

Ramsden Samuel, mkt gdnr

Reed Thomas, mkt gdnr

BOT 2nd page

Reynolds Joseph, carp

Rhodes Dennis, lab

Robinson Wm, hosth r Jas Morrow

Rush Joseph, mkt gdnr

Simpson Charles, lab Ont Forge Bolt Wks, l Queen

Simpson George, wk Ont Forge & Bolt Wks, h Queen

Simpson Robert (Simpson & Price), res city

Simpson Wm, brickmkr

Simpson & Price (Robert Simpson, Joseph Price), brick mnfr

Smith George, brickmkr

Spriggs Mrs Mary, bdg hse

Stell Arthur R, clk, l Geo Gray

Stevens John, mkt gnr

Sullivan Dennis, lab

Trowell Edwin, brickmkr

Turner John, gdnr

Umpleby Henry, mkt gdnr

West Richard, brickmnfr, res city

Whitworth George, mkt gdnr

Yeomans Henry C, brickmkr


(Seven miles north-west of P 0)


YEARHA 1895 corrected


(See North Toronto).


(4 1-2 miles west of P O.)

Allen Joseph, mkt garden

Allen Thomas lab, h Salisbury av

Ankatell Richard, mkt garden, Queen

Arlidge James C, music tchr

Armstrong George, brick mnfr

Aymer Charles, mkt garden, Burgess av

TOP 2nd page

Baker Henry, mkt gdnr

Ball James, mkt gdnr

Barlow Wm, lab, h Queen

Barton Joseph, tmstr

Beadle Andrew, lab, h Queen

Beadle Andrew jr, lab, l A Beadle

Beadle Miss Esther, l A Beadle

Beadle Wm K, lab, l A Beadle

Bellamore Frederick, tmstr

Boland Annie, wtress Spence's Hotel

Boland Patrick, lab

Braithwaite Wm. prin Humber Bay pub school, res City

Bregen Mary, dom Humber Hotel

Broderick Patrick, watchman GTR, h Salisbury av

Brown Elizabeth (wid Charles E), h Queen

Brown John, gdnr, b Mrs E Brown

Brown Walter E, gdnr, b Mrs E Brown

Burbridge Albert, clk C W Hughes, l same

Burgess Wm, J P. mkt gdnr, h Queen

Butwell Henry, brickmkr, res City

Butwell Richard, brickmkr H Butwell, h Lakeshore rd

Callaghan John, lab, h Lakeshore rd

Carroll Charles, hostler Humber Hotel

Churchward Robert, lab

Clark Arthur, lab, b Mrs M Clark

Clark Mrs Mary, h Queen

Clarke Henry, lab

Compston Arthur J, lab, h Queen

Crowhurst Ernest, mkt garden. Church

Cummings Wm, mkt garden, Burgess av

Danbridge James, irikt garden. Queen

Daniels Francis, mkt garden, Queen

Dickson David carp F Giles, res City

Dinn Simon, lab, l P Donovan

Donovan Patrick, watchman GTR, h Queen

Drew Richard, lab, h Queen

Duck Wm T, bartndr Spence's Hotel

Dutnall Edward, lab, h Lakeshore rd

Elford Isaac, lab

Elford James, well digger, b Mrs M Spriggs

Fordice John, lab, GTR

French Edward H, mkt garden, Queen

Fuller George, mkt gdnr

Giles Charles E, blcksmith F Giles

Giles Frederick, blcksmith, res city

Gilman George, lab, h Queen

Gilman Wm, tmstr

Gipson Mrs Martha, confy Lakeshore rd

Gipson Reuben, pntr and constable

Goddard David, mkt garden Burgess av

Goodall Robert, foreman A W Godson

Gosling Thomas, lab, h Queen

Goyne John, mkt gdnr

Gray George, h Queen

Hall John T, mach, h Queen

Harris Bros (Daniel and George), mkt gdnrs, Queen

Harris Edward, lab

Harris John, mkt garden. Queen

Harris Thomas, mkt gdnr

Harris Wm. mkt gdnr

Bot 2nd

Top 3rd page

Head Wm, mkt garden. Queen

Hicks Alfred T, boatbldr O L Hicks,

Hicks Harry G, plmbr, l O L Hicks

Hicks Octavius L, boat bldr, Lakeshore rd

Hicks Wm J, boat bldr O L Hicks,

Holmes Wm, gdnr

Hughes Charles W, General Store and Postmaster

Hugill Richard, farmer

Humber Bay Pub School, Wm Braithwaite prin

Humber Hotel, James Morrow, prop

Imlack John, lab

Johnson Richard B, mkt garden. Queen

Johnston Alexander, tmstr. h Queen

Johnston Elizabeth (wid Wm), mkt gdnr. Queen

Jones Walter, mkt gdnr and cattle dlr, Queen

Kelly Patrick, helper Nurse's hotel

Kelly Thomas, helper Nurse's hotel

Kerby Charles, mkt garden. Queen

Le Clare Mrs Mary, h Lakeshore rd

Lee James, tmstr, h Lakeshore rd

Leslie John, dairy, Queen

Little Arthur, market garden, Queen

Macdonald Roderick, watchman GTR, res Mimico

Masters George, mkt gdnr

Masters Thomas, mkt gdnr

Maw Robert, boatbldr, h 1775 Queen w

Medland Frederick, h Lakeshore rd

Morrow James, hotel

Morrow John I, Humber Hotel

Naylor John W, brickmkr H Butwell, h Lakeshore rd

Nightingale Wm H, h Salisbury av

Norris John, mkt garden. Queen

North Wm, mkt gdnr

Nurse Charles, Proprietor

Nurse's Hotel and Fish Dealer

Nurse Charles Jr, bartndr Nurse's Hotel

Nurses Hotel, Charles Nurse Proprietor

Openshaw Alexander, lab

Parker Arthur, mkt gdnr. Church

Parker Wm H, mkt garden. Queen

Parmenter Philip, lab, h Queen

Payne Charles, lab, h Queen

Presley Alfred, Co constable, h Queen

Presley Thomas, lab

Proctor Miss Minnie, clk C W Hughes, l same

Quinn Mrs Wm, h Lakeshore rd

Ramsden Samuel, mkt gdnr

Reed Thomas, market garden

Reeves Frank F, market garden

Reynolds Joseph, carpenter

Rhodes Demis, lab

Rieiy Robert, market garden

Rowett George, mkt garden, h Queen

Rush Joseph, mkt gdnr

Simpson Charles, lab, h Queen

Simpson George, lab, h Queen

Simpson George, tmstr, h Queen

Simpson Robert, brickmkr, h Lakeshore rd

Simpson Wm, brickmkr, h Lakeshore rd

BOT 3rd page

Smith George, brickmkr

Spence Harrison L, hotel

Spence's Hotel, H L Spence prop, Lakeshore rd

Spriggs Mrs Mary, h Queen

Stevens John, mkt gdnr

Sullivan Dennis, lab, h Salisbury av

Sullivan Dennis, lab

Teskey Kate, cook, Spence's Hotel

Thornton Frank, h Lake Shore rd

Todd James, market garden

Turner John, gardener

Umpleby Henry, market garden

West Richard, brick mnfr, res city

Whelpdale George, market garden Church

White John, market garden, Burgess av

Whitehead Mrs Mary, market garden

Whitworth George, market garden

Wilson John, tmstr, h Grand

Wixon Thomas, market garden


YEARHA 1896 corrected


(See North Toronto.)


(4½ miles west of P.O.)

Allen Thomas, lab, h Salisbury av

Armstrong George, brickmkr, h Lake Shore rd

Aymer Charles, mkt gdnr Burgess av, h same

Barlow Wm, lab, h Queen

Barlow Wm jr, blksmlth, l Wm Barlow

Beadle Andrew, lab, h Queen

Beadle Andrew jr, lab, l A Beadle

Beadle Wm H, lab, l A Beadle

Bellemer Frederick, tmstr

BOT 1896 1st page

TOP 1896 2nd page

Blea Daniel, hotel

Blea Wm, bartender D Blea

Boland Patrick, lab

Braithwaite Wm, prin Humber Bay Public School, res Toronto

Broderick Patrick, watchman, h Salisbury av

Brown Elizabeth (wid Charles E), h Queen

Brown John, lab, b Mrs E Brown

Brown Walter E. gdnr, l Mrs E Brown

Burbridge Albert J, clk, l C W Hughes

Burgess Wm, J P, mkt gdnr, h Queen

Butwell Henry, brickmkr, res Toronto

Butwell Richard, brickmkr H Butwell, h Lake Shore rd

Churchward Robert, carp

Churchward Robert jr mach

Clarke Mrs Mary, h Queen

Crowhurst Ernest, mkt gdnr Church, h same

Clarke Arthur, lab b Mrs M Clarke

Cumimngs Wm, mkt gdnr Burgess av, h same

Cycle Inn The, H L Spence prop, Lake Shore rd

Daniels Francis, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Danbridge James, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Dickson David, cap C E Giles, res city

Donovan Patrick, watchman GTR, h Queen

Donovan Patrick jr. lab, l P Donovan

Drew Richard, lab

Dutnall Robert, lab, h Lake Shore rd

Elford Isaac, lab

Elford James, lab, l Mrs M Spriggs

Eligit Michael, b C Nurse

Fordice John, wks GTR

Friend Pearl, bartender H L Spence

Fuller George, mkt gdnr

Giles Charles E, blksmith Lake Shore rd, res Toronto

Giles Frederick, blksmith C E Giles, res Toronto

Gilman George. lab, h Queen

Gilman Wm, tmstr, h Queen

Gipson Mrs Martha. Groceries, Provisions etc., Lake Shore rd, h same

Gipson Reuben Painter and

Constable, h Lake Shore rd

Goodall Robert, foreman

Gray George, h Queen

Hall John T, mach, h Queen

Harris Bros (Daniel and George), mkt gdnrs Queen

BOT 1896 2nd page

TOP 1896 3rd page top half

Harris Daniel (Harris Bros), h Queen

Harris Edward, lab, h Mrs M Spriggs

Harris George (Harris Bros), h Queen

Harris Joseph, mach, l F Medland

Hicks Alfred T, boat bldr O L Hicks, same

Hicks Harry G, plmbr, l O L Hicks

Hicks Octavius L, boat bldr Lake Shore rd, b same

Hicks Wm J, boat bldr O L Hicks, l same

Hughes Charles W, General Store and Postmaster, Queen

Humber Bay Postoffice. C W Hughes P M, Queen

Humber Bay Public School, Wm Braithwaite prin

Humber Hotel, Daniel Blea prop

Johnston Elizabeth (wid Wm), mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Kelly Thomas, lab Charles Nurse

Kerby Charles, mkt gdnr Queen

Large David, blksmith C E Giles, res Toronto

Leslie John, dairy Queen, h same

McCracken George, boat bldr R Maw, l same

McElroy Patrick, lab

Macdonald Roderick, watchman GTR, res Mimico

Masters George, mkt gdnr

Maw Capt Robert, boat bldr 1775 Queen w

Medland Frederick, mach, h Lake Shore rd

Nightingale Wm H, h Salisbury av

Nurse Charles, hotel

Nurse Charles jr, bartndr C Nurse

Openshaw Alexander, lab

Parker Arthur, mkt gdnr Church, h same

Parker Wm H, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Parmenter Philip, lab, h Queen

Presley Alfred, constable

Presley Thomas, lab, l A Presley

Presley Wm, hostler D Blea

Ramsden Samuel, mkt gdnr

Reilly Robert, mkt gdnr

Reynolds Joseph, carp

Rush Joseph, mkt gdnr

Sheffer George, lab, l W Sheffer

Sheffer Hilton, lab, l W Sheffer

Sheffer Walter, carp, h Queen

Simpson Charles, lab, l Queen

Simposn George, lab, h Queen

Simpson Robert, brkmkr, h Lake Shore rd

Simpson Wm, lab, h Lake Shore rd

Smith George, brkmkr, h Lake Shore rd

Spence Harrison L, hotel, Lake Shore rd

Spriggs Mrs Mary

Sullivan Denis, lab, h Salisbury av

Taverner Edward, lab, h Queen

Thornton Frank, h Lake Shore rd

Whelpdate George, mkt gdnr Church, h same

BOT 1896 3rd page top part

Whelpdate George, mkt gdnr Church, h same

Whitehead James, mkt gdnr l Mrs S Whitehead

Whitehead Mrs Sarah, h Queen

Whitehead Thomas, mkt gdnr, l Mrs S Whitehead


(Seven miles north-west of P.O.)


YEARHA 1897 corrected

TOP 1897 CA top


(Four and a half miles west of P. O.)

Allen Joseph, mkt gdnr Burgess av. h same

Armstrong George, brickmkrr, h Lake Shore rd

Armstrong Wm. lab, l Mrs M Leclaire

Ash James E. mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Aymer Charles, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Baker Henry, mkt gdnr Davidson cres

Barlow Robert, lab, h Queen

Barlow Wm C. lab, l W K Barlow

Barlow Wm E. h Cockburn

Beadle Andrew, lab. h Queen

Beadle Andrew jr. lab, l A Beadle

Beadle Wm H, lab. l A Beadle

Bellemer Frederick, tmstr. h Macdonald av

Bellemer Mary (wid Anthony). l F Bellemer

Blea Daniel, hotel

Blea Wm. l D Blea

Boland John. lab, l R Roland

Boland Patrick. lab. h Amelia

Boucher Peter, mach, l F Medland

Braithwaite Miss Lillian M. tchr Humber Bay pub school, res Toronto

Braithwaite Wan. prin Humber Bay pub school res Toronto

Broderick Patrick, watchman GTR. h Salisbury av

Brown Elizabeth (wid Charles E). mkt gdnr Salisbury av. h. same

Brown John, gdnr. l Mrs E Brown

Brown Mary (wid Wm), (Brown A Hynes), h Lake Shore rd

Brown Walter E, gdnr, l Mrs E Brown

Brown & Hynes (Mrs Mary F Brown. John Hynes), props Cycle Inn, Lake Shore rd

Burgess Caroline (wid Wm), h Burgess av

Burgess Frank R. stdt, l W Burgess

Burgess Harry C. gdnr. l W Burgess

Burgess Wm, J P. mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Butwell Henry, brick mnfr. res Toronto

Butwell Harry jr, brmkr H Butwell. l R Butwell

Butwell Mark, eng H Butwell, res Toronto

Butwell Richard, mngr H Butwell, h Lake Shore rd

Callaghan John. lab. h Lake Shore rd

Chapple James O. lab. l W Heart

Churchward Robert, carp, h Frederica

Churchward Robert jr, lab, l R Churchward

Clarke Arthur, lab. h Godson rd

Clarke Henrietta (wid Henry). h Salisbury av

Clarke Henry, lab. l Mrs H Clarke

Cox Samuel, blksmith Godson rd, h Queen

Cummings Wm. mkt gdnr Burgess av

Cycle Inn The, Brown & Hynes props, Lake Shore rd

Dabbs Charles, mkt gdnr Burgess av, h same

Danbridge James, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Daniels Francis, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Dickson David, woodwkr S Cox. res Toronto

Donovan Patrick, watchman GTR, h Queen

Donovan Patrick jr. lab, h Queen

Drew Richard, lab, h Davidson cres

Dutnall John. lab. l R Dutnall

Dutnall Robert, lab. h Lake Shore rd

Dutnall Waller, lab. l R Dutnall

Elford Isaac, lab, b Frederica

Elford James, welldigger. l M Spriggs

Fordyce John, lab GTR. h Amelia

Frankish Edward F, mkt gdnr Cannon rd

BOT 1897 CA bot

TOP 1897 2d column

Fuller James, mkt gdnr Salisbury av, b same

Giles Richard. lab. h Burgess av

Giles Wm, lab. h Frederica

Gilman George, lab. h Queen

Goddard David. mkt gdnr Burgess av

Greenfield Thomas, tmstr h Queen

Harris Charles. h Burgess av

Harris Daniel. mkt gdnr Queen h same

Harris Edward, lab. l Mrs M Spriggs

Harris George, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Harris Joseph, mach. l F Medland

Harris Wm. mkt gdnr Burgess av h same

Head Wm. mkt gdnr. Burgess av. h same

Hemlock John. mkt gdnr Godson rd, h same

Herod Robert M. brklyr h Cockburn

Hicks Octavius L, boat bldr Lake Shore rd

Holmes Wm, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Hughes Charles W. General Store and Postmaster Queen. h same

Humber Bay Public School. Wm Braithwaite prin. Cockburn

Hynes John (Brown & Hynes). h Lake Shore rd

Johnston Elizabeth (wid Wm). mkt gdnr Queen. h same

Kelly Thomas, lull, l C Nurse

Lamoreaux Charles, blksmith S Cox, l same

Le Claire Mrs Mary, h Lake Shore rd

Leigh James. tmstr. h Davidson cres

Lennox John, lab l Mrs M Spriggs

Little Arthur, mkt gdnr Queen. same

Lock Henry, gdnr J Rush. h Burgess av

Macdonald Roderick. watchman GTR, res Mimico

Maw Capt Robert, boat bldr. res Toronto

Medland Frederick. mach. h Lake Shore rd

Milding Aaron, carp. h Salisbury av

Milding Hector, lab. l G Harris

North George, gdnr. l W North

North Harry, gdnr. l W North

North Wm. mkt gdnr Burgess av. h same

North Wm jr, gdnr, l W North

Nurse Charles. Hotel and Boat Builder. Lake Shore rd

Nurse Charles jr, l C Nurse

Orr Benjamin, boat bldr, h Godson rd

Parker Arthur, mkt gdnr Church. h same

Parmenter Phillip. lab. h Cockburn

Passmore John, h Cannon rd

Payne Charles, pedlar. h Godson rd

Prestley Alfred, constable, h Oliver

Prestley Tom. gdnr. l A Prestley

Prestley Wm. hostler D Blea. l A Prestley

Price Mary (wid Wm). l W Giles

Ramsden Samuel, mkt gdnr Burgess, h same

Redman Frederick, lab. h Frederick

Reeves Frank, mkt gdnr Godson rd, h same

Reid Ralph L, gdnr. l T Reid

Reilly Robert, mkt gdnr Burgess av, h same

Reynolds Joseph, carp, h Macdonald av

Rhodes Dennis, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

BOT 1897 CB

p1662 Humber Bay.

Rose Joseph, hostler C Nurse, res Toronto

Rowett George, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Rush Henry, lab, l W North

Rush Joseph, mkt gdnr Burgess av, h same

Simpson Charles, lab, h Cockburn

Simpson George, tmstr, h Lake Shore rd

Smith Thomas, lab, h Queen

Spriggs Mrs Mary, caretkr Humber Bay pub school, h Macdonald av

Stoll Arthur R. clk, h Salisbury av

Stell George G, lumber. l G Gray

Sullivan Dennis, lab. k Salisbury av

Taverner Edward, lab, b Queen

Thompson George, lab, l R Dutnall

Thornton Frank, lab, h Lake Shore rd

Todd James, mkt gdnr Burgess av, h same

Waters John, lab, l J Rush

Watson Frederick, mail clk. l C W Hughes

Whelpdale George, mkt gdnr Church

White John, mkt gdnr Burgess av. h same

Whitehead James, lab. l Mrs S Whitehead

Whitehead John, lab, l J Allen

Whitehead Sarah (wid Thomas), h Queen

Whitehead Thomas, lab. l W Gilman

Wickson Thomas, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Wilson David, mach, l F Med land


(Seven miles northwest of P O)


YEARHA 1898 correct

TOP p1663 page num is book PDF page 1372


(See North Toronto)


(Four and a half miles west of P O)

Allen Joseph, mkt gdnr. Burgess av

Armstrong George, brlckmkr. h Lake Shore rd

Aymer Charles, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Barlow Robert, lab. h Cockburn

Barlow Wm C. lab, l W E Barlow

Barlow Wm E. h Cockburn

Beadle Andrew, lab, b Queen

Beadle Andrew Jr, lab. l A Beadle

Beadle Wm H. lab, l A Beadle

Beilemer Frederick, tmstr, h Macdoaold av

Bellemer Mary (wid Anthony), l F Bellemer

Blea Daniel, hotel, Queen

Blea Wm, l D Blea

Boland John, lab. l P Boland

Boland Patrick, tab, h Amelia

Braithwaite Miss Lillian M, tchr Humber Bay pub Sch, res Toronto

Braithwaite Wm, prin Humber Bay Pub Sch, res Toronto

Broderick Patrick, watchman GTR, h Salisbury av

Brown Elizabeth (wid Charles E), mkt gdnr Salisbury av

Brown John, gdnr, l Mrs K Brown

Brown Walter K, gdnr, l Mrs E Brown

Burgess Caroline (wid Wm). h Burgess av

Burgess Frank R. stdt, l W Burgess

Burgess Harry C. gdnr. l W Burgess

Burgess Wm J P, mkt gdnr Queen

Butwell Harry, brick mfr Lake Shore rd, res Toronto

Butwell Henry Jr, brlckmkr n Butwell, l R Butwell

Butwell Mork, brktnkr H Butwell. l R Butwell

Butwell Richard. mngr H Butwell, b Lake Shore rd

Callaghan John, lab. h Lake Shore rd

Chapple James O lab. l W Head

Churchwarden Robert, carp, h Frederica

Churchwarden Bobert jr, lab, l R Churchwarden

Clarke Arthur, lab, b Godson rd

Clarke Henrietta (wid Henry), h Salisbury av

Clarke Henry. lab. l Mrs n Clarke

Cox Samuel, blksmlth Queen, h Godson rd

Cummings Wm. mkt gdnr Burgess av

Cycle Inn, Peter Lamb prop Lake Shore rd

Dabbs Charles, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Danbridge James, mkt gdnr Queen

Daniels Francis, mkt gdnr Queen

Donovan Patrick, watchman GTR. h Queen

Drew Richard, lab, b Davidson cres

Dutnall John, lab. l R Dutnall

Dutnall Robert. lab. b Lake Shore rd

Dutnall Walter, lab, l R Dutnall

Elford Isaac, lab. b Frederick

Elford James, welldigger, l M Spriggs

Fordrce John. lab GTR. h Amelia

Frankish Edward E, mkt gdnr. Canon rd

Fuller James, mkt gdnr Salisbury av, h same

Giles Richard. lab. h Burgess av

Giles Wm. lab. h Frederica

Gilman George, lab. h Queen

BOT p1663

TOP p1664

Gilman Wm, mkt gdnr Oliver

Gipson Mrs Martha, pro Lake Shore rd. h same

Gipson Reuben, pntr and Co Constable, Lake Shore rd

Goddard David, mkt gdnr, Burgess av

Gray George, h Salisbury av

Greenfield Thomas, tmstr, h Macdonald av

Harris Charles, k Burgess av

Harris Daniel, inkt gdnr Queen

Harris Joseph, mach, l F Medland

Harris Wm, mkt gdnr, Burgess av

Harrison Nelson, lab. h Queen

Head Wm, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Hemlock John, mkt gdnr Godson rd

Hicks Alfred T, boatmkr. l O L Hicks

Hicks Harry G. plmbr, l O Hicks

Hicks Octavius L. boatbldr Lake Shore rd

Hicks Wm J. boatbldr, l O L Hicks

Hughes Charles W. genl store and P M Queen, h same

Humber Bay Hotel, D Blea prop

Humber Bay Post Office, C W Hughes P M Queen

Humber Bay Public School, Wm Braithwaite prin, Cockburn

Johnston Elizabeth (wid Wm). mkt gdnr Queen

Johnston R B, pickle mnfr, h Queen

Kelly Thomas, l C Nurse

Lamb Peter, prop Cycle Inn, Lake Shore rd

Lamoreaux Charles. blksmith S Cox. l some

Le Claire Mrs Mary, h Lake Shore rd

Leigh James, tmslr, h Davidson cres

Little Arthur, mkt gdnr Queen

Little Reginald, gdnr. l A Little

Macdonald Roderick, watchman GTR, res Mimico

Maw Capt Robert, boatbldr. res Toronto

Meadowcroft Thomas, hostler P Lamb

Medland Frederick, mach, h Lake Shore rd

Meehan Peter, lab G Nurse, l same

Midilng Aaron, carp, h Salisbury av

Nightingale Wm H. h Salisbury av

North George, gdnr, l Wm North

North Harry, gdnr. l Wm North

North Wm, mkt gdnr Burgess av

North Wm jr, gdnr, l W North

Nurse Charles, hotel and boat bldr Lake Shore rd

Nurse Charles jr, l Course

Orr Benjamin, boatbldr. h Godson rd

Parker Arthur, inkt gdnr Church

Parker Wm H. mkt gdnr Queen

Parneuter Philip. lab, h Cockbuurn

Passmore John, h Canon rd

Prestley Alfred, constable, h Oliver

Prestley Thomas, gdnr, l A Prestley

Presley Wm, hostler D Blea, l A Prestley

Price Mary (wid Wm), l W Giles

Ramsden Samuel, mkt gdnr Burgess

Ranceer Henry, mkt gdnr Humber av

Redman Frederick, lab, h Frederick

Reeves Frank, mkt gdnr. Godson rd

Reid Ralph L. gdnr. l T Reid

Reid Thomas, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Reilly Robert, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Reynolds Joseph, carp, b Macdonald av

Rhodes Dennis, mkt gdnr Queen

Rowett George, mkt gdnr Quern

Rush Joseph, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Simpson Charles, lab. h Cockburn

Simpson George, tmstr, h Lake Shore rd

Smith Thomas, h Queen

Spriggs Mrs Mary, caretkr Humber Bay Pub Sch. h Macdonald av

Stell Arthur R, clk. h Salisbury av

Stell George C, lumber, l G Gray

Sullivan Dennis, lab. h Salisbury av

Todd James, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Van Every Albert, lab C Nurse

Watson Frederick, mail clk. l C W Hughes

Whelpdaie George, mkt gdnr Church

White John, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Whitehead James, Jab. l Mrs S Whitehead

Whitehead John. lab. l J Allen

Whitehead Sarah (wid Thomas), h Queen

Wickson Thomas. mkt gdnr Queen


(Seven miles north-west of P O)

Anderson John, farmer, h Church

BOT p1664


YEARHA 1899 uncorrected

TOP p55 (and others)


(Four and a half miles west of P. O.)

Allen Joseph, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Armstrong George, brickmkr, h Lake Shore rd

Ajmer Charles, mkt gdnr, h Burgess av

Barlow Robert, lab, h Cockburn

Barlow Wm C. lab. l W E Barlow

Barlow Wm E. h Cockburn

Beadle Andrew, lab, l Mrs E Beadle

Beadle Esther (wid Andrew), k Queen

Beadle Wm H, lab. l Mrs E Beadle

Bellemer Frederick, tmstr, h Macdonald av

Bellemer Mary (wid Anthony), l F Bellemer

Blea Daniel, hotel Queen

Blea Wm. l D Blea

Boland John. lab. l P Boland

Boland Patrick, lab. h Amelia

Braithwaite Wm. prin Humber Bay Pub Sch, res Toronto

Broderick Patrick, watchman GTR, h Salisbury av

Brown Elizabeth (wid Charles E), mkt gdnr Salisbury av

Brown John, gdnr, l Mrs E Brown

Brown Walter E. gdnr, l Mrs E Brown

Burgess Caroline (wid Wm), h Burgess av

Burgess Frank R, stdt, l W Burgess

Burgess Harry C, gdnr, l W Burgess

Burgess Wm, JP, mkt gdnr Queen

Butwell Benjamin, tmstr H Butwell, l same

Butwell Harry, brickmkr H Butwell, l same

Butwell Henry, brick mnfr Lake Shore rd, res Toronto

TOP p56 Humber Bay.

Butwell Henry, brick mnfr Lake Shore rd res Toronto

Butwell Mark, brkmltr H Butwell. h Lake Shore rd

Butwell Richard, mngr H Butwell. h Lake Shore rd

Callaghan John, lab, h Lake Shore rd

Churchward Robert, carp, h Frederica

Churchward Robert Jr, mach, l R Church

Clarke Henrietta (wid Henry) h Salisbury av

Clarke Henry, lab, l Mrs H Clarke

Cox Samuel, blksmith Queen, h Godson rd

Cummings Wm, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Currier Patrick, h Lake Shore rd

Cycle Inn, Peter Lang prop, Lake Shore rd

Dabbs Charles, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Danbrldge James, mkt gdnr Queen

Daniels Frances, mkt gdnr Queen

Donovan Patrick, watchman GTR, h Queen

Drew Richard, lab, h Davidson cres

Dutnall John, lab. l R Dutnall

Dutnall Robert, h Lake Shore rd

Dutnall Walter, lab, l R Dutnall

Fenning Rev James E, pastor St James Church. l Mrs E Brown

Fordyee John, lab GTR. h Amelia

Frankish Edward E, mkt gdnr Canon rd

Fuller James, mkt gdnr Salisbury av

Giles Richard, lab. h Burgess av

Giles Wm. lab. h Frederica

Gilman George, lab. h Queen

Gipson Mrs Martha, gro Lake Shore rd

Gipson Reuben, pntr and co constable Lakt

Goddard David, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Gray George, farmer, h Salisbury av

Greenfield Thomas, h Queen

Hardman Joseph, watchman GTR, res Tor

Harris Charles, h Queen

Harris Wm, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Hemlock John, mkt gdnr Godson rd

Hicks Alfred T. wireman. l O L Hicks

Hicks Octavius L, boatbldr, Lake Shore rd

Hicks Wm J, boatbldr, l O L Hicks

Hughes Charles W, General

Humber Bay Hotel D Blea prop, Queen

Humber Bay Postoffice. C W Hughes postmaster, Queen

Humber Bay Public School. Wm Braithwaite prin, Cockbnrn

Johnston Elizabeth (wid Wm). mkt gdnt Queen

Kelly Thomas, l C Nurse

King Charles, hostler P Lang

Le Claire Mrs Mary, h Lake Shore rd

Leigh James, tmstr, h Lake Shore rd

Little Arthur, mkt gdnr Queen

Little Reginald, gdnr, l A Little

Lang Louis W, artist. l P Lang

Maw Capt Robert, boatbldr river bank, res Toronto

Medland Frederick, mach. h Lake Shore rd

Milding Aaron, carp, h Salisbury av

Nightingale Wm H. h Salisbury av

North George, gdnr, l North

North Harry, gdnr, l W North

North Wm, mkt gdnr Burgess av

North Wm jr, gdnr, l W North

Nurse Charles, Hotel and Boat Builder Lake Shore rd

Nurse Charles Jr, l C Nurse

O’Neil John, lab. b Davidson av

Orr Benjamin, boatbldr. h Godson rd

Parker Arthur, mkt gdnr Queen

Parker Wm H. mkt gdnr Queen

Parmenter Phillip, lab. h Cockbnrn

Passmore John, h Canon rd

Peake Miss Maud, tchr Humber Bay Pub Sch. res Toronto

Presley Alfred, constable, h Oliver

Presley Tom, lab, l A Presley

Presley Wm. lab, l A Presley

Reeves Frank, mkt gdnr Godson rd

Reid Ann (wid Thomas), mkt gdnr Burgess

Reid Ralph L, gdnr Mrs A Reid

Reilly Robert, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Reynolds Joseph, carp, h Macdonald av

Riches Jesse, lab. h Lake Shore rd

Rowett George, mkt gdnr Queen

Rush Joseph, mkt gdnr Burgess av

St James’ (Anglican) Church, Bev James E Fenning rector, Frederica

Simpson Charles, lab. h Cockburn

Simpson George, stone dlr Lake Shore rd

Smith Thomas, lab, h Queen

Stell Arthur R. clk, h Salisbury av

Stell George C, lumber, l G Gray

Thornton Francis, h Lake Shore rd

Todd James, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Wendell Wilson, lab, h Davidson av

Whelpdale George, mkt gdnr Church

White John, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Whitehead James, l Mrs S Whitehead

Whitehead John, lab, l Mrs S Whitehead

Whitehead Sarah (wid Thomas), h Queen

Wickson Thomas, mkt gdnr Queen


(Seven miles northwest of P. O.)


YEARHA 1900 corrected


(Four and a half miles west of P O)

Allen Joseph W. mkt gdnr. Burgess av

Armstrong George, brkmkr, h Lake Shore rd

Aymer Charles, mkt gdnr, Burgess av

Baker Henry, mkt gdnr, Davidson cres

Ball Henry, motorman, h Lake Shore rd

Bannon John J, lab H Butwell, l G Cook

Beadle Andrew, lab, l Mrs E Beadle

Beadle Esther (wid Andrew), h Queen

Beadle George, lab, l Mrs E Beadle

Beadle Wm H, brkmkr, l Mrs E Beadle

Beetle Wm, lab, H Butwell, h Queen

Bellemer Frederick, tmstr, h Macdonald av

Blea Daniel, hotel, Queen

Boland John, lab, l P Boland

Boland Patrick, lab, h Amelia

Boyd Wm, blksmth, h Macdonald av

Braithwaite Wm, prin Humber Bay Pub Sch, res Toronto

Broderick Patrick, watchman GTR, h Salisbury av

Brown Elizabeth (wid Charles E), mkt gdnr Salisbury av

Brown George S, studt, l Mrs E Brown

Brown John, gdnr, Mrs E Brown, h Salisbury av

Brown Walter E, gdnr Mrs E Brown, l same

Burgess Caroline (wid Wm), h Burgess av

Burgess Harry C, gdnr W Burgess, l same

Burgess Wm, JP, mkt gdnr, Queen, h same

Butwell Henry, brick maker, Lake Shore rd, res Toronto

Butwell Mark, brkmkr H Butwell, h Lake Shore rd

Butwell Richard, mngr H Butwell, h Lake Shore rd

Callaghan John, lab, h Lake Shore rd

Chater Charles, watchman, h Lake Shore rd

Christie Miss Jennie, tchr Humber Bay Pub Sch, res Etobicoke Township

Churchward Robert, carp, h Frederica

Churchward Robert jr, l R Churchward

Clarke Henrietta (wid Henry), h Salisbury av

Clarke Henry, lab, l Mrs H Clarke

Cook George, lab H Butwell, h Lake Shore rd

Corbett Robert, boltmkr, h Queen

Cox Samuel, blacksmith Queen, h Frederica

Cummings Wm, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Currier Patrick, lab, h Lake Shore rd

Danbridge James, mkt gdnr Queen

Daniels Francis, mkt gdnr Queen

Davis John S, lab. h Queen

Dinn Simon, lab. l P Donovan

Donovan Patrick, watchman, h Queen

Donovan Patrick jr, tmstr Humber Supply Co. l P Donovan

Drew Richard, lab, h Davidson cres

Dunn James, lab H Butwell, res New Toronto

Dulnall John, lab. l R Dutnall

Dutnall Robert, lab, h Lake Shore rd

Dutnall Walter, lab. l R Dutnall

Fordyce John, lab, h Amelia

Fox Charles, wks J Rush. l same

Fuller James, mkt gdnr Salisbury av

Giles Richard, lab. h Frederica

Giles Wm. lab. h Frederica

Gillman Wm, mkt gdnr Queen

Gillman George, lab. h Oliver

Gipson Mrs Martha, gro Lake Shore rd

Gipson Reuben, pntr and Co Constable, h Lake Shore rd

Goddard David, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Goyne John, mkt gdnr College

Gray George, farmer, h Salisbury av

Greenfield Samuel, mkt gdnr Queen

Greenfield Thomas, lab, h Queen

Grimsby Walter, bkmkr H Butwell, res Toronto

Hansford James, lab. h Salisbury av

Harris Charles, h Queen

Harris Wm, mkt gdnr College

Hemlock John, lab, h College

Herdman Joseph, watchman GTR, res Toronto

Hicks Alfred T, wireman, l O L Hicks

Hicks Frederick J, boatbldr, l O L Hicks

Hicks George H. plmbr. l O L Hicks

Hicks Octavius L. boatbldr, h Lake Shore rd

Hicks Wm J, boatbldr O L Hicks, l same

Horwood Frank, h Queen

HUGHES CHARLES W. General Store and Post Office Queen, h same

Humber Bay Hotel, D Blea prop, Queen

Humber Bay Post Office, C W Hughes postmaster. Queen

Humber Bay Public School, Wm Braithwaite prin. Cockburn

Humber Supply Co, George Simpson mngr, coal and stone, Lake Shore rd, cor Queen

Jackson Henry K, gdnr J Rush, h Burgess av

Johnston Elizabeth (wid Win), mkt gdnr Queen

Johnston Robert, gdnr J Rush, h Burgess av

King Charles, hostler P Lang

Lang Louis W, lithographer, l P Lang

Lang Peter, prop Cycle Inn, Lake Shore rd

Leclere Mrs Mary, h Lake Shore rd

Leigh James, tmstr, h Lake Shore rd

Little Arthur C, mkt gdnr Queen

Loates Albert, driver, h Cockburn

Lyons Herbert, l H Butwell, res Toronto

Macpherson Alexander, lab, h Queen

Maw Capt Robert, pleasure boats river bank, res Toronto

Mlldlng Aaron, carp, h Salisbury av

Nightingale Wm H, h Salisbury av

North George, gdnr, l W North

North Harry, gdnr, l W North

North Wm, mkt gdnr Burgess av

North Wm Jr, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Nurse Charles, hotel and boat builder Lake Shore rd

Nurse Charles jr, l C Nurse

Orr Benjamin, boatbldr, h Queen

Parker Arthur, mkt gdnr Queen

Parker Wm H, mkt gdnr Queen

Parmenter Philip, lab, h Cockburn

Payne Charles, tmstr, h Godson rd

Poole Mrs Ellen, h A Loates

Presley Alfred, constable, h Oliver

Presley Ernest, lab, l A Presley

Presley Tom, lab, l A Presley

Presley Wm, lab. l A Presley

Reeves Frank, mkt gdnr College

Reid Ann (wid Thomas), mkt gdnr Burgess av

Reid Ralph L, gdnr Mrs A Reld, l same

Reilly Robert, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Reynolds Joseph, carp, h Macdonald av

Riches Jesse, lab, h Lake Shore rd

Rush Joseph, mkt gdnr Burgess av

St James' (Anglican) Church, Frederlca

Scully Annie (wid Martin), h Godson rd

Shaver Albert, carp, h Lake Shore rd

Simpson George, mngr Humber Supply Co, h Lake Shore rd

Simpson George, stonedlr Lake Shore rd, h same

Smith Henry, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Stell Arthur R, clk, h Salisbury av

Stell George G, lumber, l G Gray

Stevens John, mkt gdnr College

Taverner Edward, lab, h Fredrelca

Taylor Kate (wid George), l R Dutnall

Thornton Francis, h Lake Shore rd

Todd James, mkt gdnr College

Warner Frank S, bkpr, h Davidson cres

Whelpdale George, mkt gdnr Church

White John, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Whitehead James, lab, l Mrs S Whitehead

Whitehead John, lab, l Mrs S Whitehead

Whitehead Sarah (wid Thomas), h Queen

Whitworth George, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Wickson Thomas, mkt gdnr Queen


(Five miles east of Toronto PO, Post Office name Coleman)


YEARHA 1901 corrected


(Four and a half miles w of P O)

Allen Joseph W, mkt gdnr, Burgess av

Armstrong George, foreman John Maloney & Co, h Lake Shore rd

Armstrong George J, brkmkr John Maloney & Co, l G Armstrong

Armstrong Wm, porter C Nurse

Aymer Charles, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Baker Henry, mkt gdnr Davidson cres

Ball Henry, motorman, h Lake Shore rd

Beadle Andrew, lab, b Queen

Bellcmer Frederick, tmstr, h Macdonald av

Blea Daniel, hotel Queen

Boland Patrick, h Amelia

Braithwaite Wm, prin Humber Bay Pub Sch, res Toronto

Broderick Patrick, watchman GTR. h Salisbury av

Brown Elizabeth (wid Charles E). mkt gdnr Salisbury av, h same

Brown George S. studt, l Mrs E Brown

Brown John, gdnr Mrs E Brown, h Salisbury av

Brown John A. mkt gdnr. h Cockburn

Brown Walter E, gdnr Mrs E Brown

Burgess Caroline (wid Wm). h Burgess av

Burgess Win. JP, mkt gdnr Queen

Butwell Mark, brkmkr. h Lake Shore rd

Butwell Richard, brkmkr, h Lake Shore rd

Callaghan John, brkmkr John Maloney & Co. h Lake Shore rd

Christie Miss Jennie, tchr Humber Bay Pub Sch. res Etobicoke tp

Churchward Robert, carp, h Frederica

Churchward Robert jr, l R Churchward

Clarke Henrietta (wid Henry), h Salisbury av

Clarke Henry, lab. l Mrs H Clarke

Cook George, lab. h Lake Shore rd

Cook George, lab. h Lake Shore rd

Corbett Robert, boltmkr. h Queen

Cox Samuel, blksmith Queen, b Frederica

Cummings Wm, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Currier Patrick, brkmkr John Maloney & Co. h Lake Shore rd

Cycle Inn. Albert Foster prop. Lake Shore rd

Dardridge James, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Daniels Francis, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Dinn Simon, brkmkr John Maloney A Co. l P Donovan

Doherty Patrick, lab John Maloney & Co. res New Toronto

Donovan Patrick, watchman, b Queen

Donovan Patrick J. tmstr. l P Donovan



Drew Richard, lab, b Davidson cres

Dutnall Robert, lab. h Lake Shore rd

Dutuall Walter, lab. l Lake Shore rd

Fordyee John, lab, h Amelia

Foster Albert, hotel Lake Shore rd

Fuller James, mkt gdnr Salisbury av

Giles Richard, lab, h Frederica

Giles Wm. lab, h Frederica

Gillman Wm, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Gillman George, lab, h Oliver

Gipson Mrs Martha, gro Lake Shore rd

Gipson Reuben, pntr and co constable, h Lake Shore rd

Goddard David, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Goyne John, mkt gdnr College, h same

Gray George, farmer, h Salisbury av

Greenfield Samuel, mkt gdnr Queen

Greenfield Thomas, lab John Maloney & Co. h Queen

Hansford James, lab. h Salisbury av

Henris Charles, h Queen

Harris Wm. mkt gdnr College, h same

Helligate Michael, fisherman. l O L Hicks

Hemlock John, lab, h College

Herdman Joseph, watchman GTR. res Toronto

Hicks Frederick J. boatbldr. l O L Hicks

Hicks George H. plmbr, l O L Hicks

Hicks Octavius boatbldr Lake Shore rd

Hicks Wm, boatbldr O L Hicks, l same

Hollingsbead Wm. bartndr Royal Oak Hotel

Horwood Frank, b Queen

HUGHES CHARLES W, Postmaster and General Store Queen, h same

HUMBER BAY POST OFFICE. C W Hughes Postmaster, Queen

Humber Bay Public School, Wm Braithwaite prin, Cockburn

Humber Supply Co, George Simpson mngr,

coal and stone. Lake Shore rd. cor Queen

Jackson Henry E. gdnr J Rush, h Burgess av

Johnston Elizabeth (wid Wm). mkt gdnr Queen, b same

Johnston Robert, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Kelly Thomas, porter C Nurse

Leclerc Mrs Mary, h Lake Shore rd

Leigh James, tmstr. h Lake Shore rd

Little Arthur C. mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Loates Albert. b Cockburn

McKenzie Samuel, lab. h Queen

Macpherson Alexander, lab. h Queen

Maloney John A Co. brick mfrs. Lake Shore rd

Maw Capt Robert, pleasure boats river bank, res Toronto

May George, lab, b Cycle Inn

Milding Aaron, carp, b Salisbury av

Nightingale Wm H. h Salisbury av

North George, gdnr. l Wm North

North Harry, gdnr. l Wm North

North Wm. mkt gdur Burgess av, h same

North Wm Jr. mkt gdur Burgess av


Nurse’s Hotel and Boat Builder, Lake Shore rd

Nurse Charles jr. l C Nurse

NURSE’S HOTEL. Charles Nurse Proprietor. Lake Shore rd

O’Neil John, lab, b Queen

Orr Benjamin, boatbldr, h Queen

Parker Arthur, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Parker Wm n. mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Parmenter Philip, lab. h Cockhurn

Presley Alfred, constable, h Oliver

Presley Ernest, lab. l A Presley

Presley Thomas, lab. l A Tresley

Presley Wm. lab. l A Presley

Redmond Win, hostler Royal Oak Hotel

Reeves Frank, mkt gdnr College, h same

Reid Ann (wid Thomas), mkt gdnr Burgess av. b same

Reid Ralph L. gdnr Mrs A Reid. l same

Reilly Rohert. mkt gdnr Burgess av

Riches Jesse, carp, h Lake Shore rd

Royal Oak Hotel. Daniel Blea prop. Queen

Rush Joseph, mkt gdnr Burgess av. h same

St James' (Anglican) Church. Frederica

Scully Annie (wid Martin), h Godson rd

Simpson George, stonedlr, and mngr Humber Supply Co. h Lake Shore rd

Smith Henry, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Stoll Arthur R, clk. b Salisbury av

Stell George C. lumber. l G Gray

Stevens John, mkt gdnr College, h same

Taverner Edward, lab, h Frederica

Taylor Kate (wid George). l K Dutnall

Thomas John. lab. l Mrs A Scully

Thorton Francis, h Lake Shore rd

Todd James, mkt gdnr College, h same

Warner Frank S. h Davidson cres




Whelpdale George, mkt gdnr Church

White John, mkt gdnr Burgess av, h same

Whitehead James, lab, l Mrs S Whitehead

Whitehead John, brkmkr John Maloney & Co, l Mrs S Whitehead

Whitehead Sarah (wid Thomas), h Queen

Whitworth George, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Wickson Thomas, mkt gdnr Queen


(Five miles east of P O, Postoffice name Coleman)


YEARHA 1902 corrected

(See North Toronto)


(Four and a half miles w of P. O.)

Allen Joseph W, mkt gdnr Burgess av, h same

Armstrong Francis, setter J Maloney & Co. l G Armstrong

Armstrong George, foreman J Maloney & Co, h Lake Shore rd

Ash Janies K, mkt gdnr Amelin

Aymer Charles. mkt gdnr Cannon rd, h same

Baker Wm, tmstr H Butwell, h Lake Shore rd

Ball Henry, motorman, k Lake Shore rd

Beadle Wm, lab H Butwell, h Lake Shore rd

Bell Alfred, mkt gndr Burgess av, h same

Bellemere Frederick, tmstr, b MacDonald av

Blackwell Frederick J, clk Tor Bolt & Forging Co, res Toronto

Blea Daniel, h Queen

Boland Patrick, lab, h Amelia

Braithwaite Wm. prin Humber Bay Pub Sch, res Toronto

Broderick Michael, wks G T B, 1 P Broderick

Broderick Patrick, watchman GTR. h Salisbury av

Brown George S. clk, l Mrs E Brown

Brown John A, mkt gdnr Cockburn, h same

Brown John G. mkt gdnr Salisbury av

Brown S Elizabeth (wid Charles K). mkt gdnr Salisbury av

Brown Walter E, gdnr. l Mrs S E Brown

Burbidge Ernest G, mkt gdnr College, h same

Burgess Caroline (wid Wm), h Burgess av

Burgess Harry C, gdnr W Burgess

Burgess Wm H, brkmkr, h Lake Shore rd

Burt Wm H, brkmkr, h Lake Shore rd

Butwell Henry, brick mufr Lake Shore rd, res Toronto

Butwell Murk, brkmkr H Butwell, h LakeShore rd

Butwell Richard, brkmkr H Butwell, h Lake Shore rd

Cameron Miss Lizzie J, tchr Humber Bay Pub Sch. res Toronto

Christie Miss Jennie, tchr Humber Bay Pub Sch, l Mrs M A Christie,

Christie Mary A (wid James), h Church

Churchward Robert, carp h Frederica

Churchward Robert Jr, mach, l R Churchward

Clark John W, farmer, h Church

Clarke Henrietta (wid Henry), h Salisbury av

Clarke Henry, lab, l Mrs H Clarke

Cochrane Henry, wks Ont Forging Co, l Mrs M A Cochrane

Cochrane Joseph, lab, h Queen

Cochrane Mrs Mary A, h Lake Shore rd

Corbett Robert, bolt mkr, h Queen

Collins James, mkt gdnr Church

Cox Samuel, blksmith Queen, h Frederica

Cowan Dr Francis P, b K Huff

Cradock James, culler, b Church

Crowhurst Ernest A. florist Church, h same

Cummings Eliza (wid James), l Wm Cummings

Cummings Wm, mkt gdnr Hamilton rd, h same

Currier Patrick, brkmkr J Maloney & Co, h Lake Shore rd

Cycle Inn, James Downs prop, Lake Shore rd

Daly Charles L, jwlr, l Mrs M Noble

Dandridge James, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Daniels Francis, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Daniels Frederick, gdnr Francis Daniels

Death George, farmer Church

Dinn Simon, tmstr J Maloney & Co, l P Donovan

Donnelly Mary (wid John), h Godson rd

Donovan Patrick, watchman GTR, h Queen

Downs James, hotel Lake Shore rd

Drew Richard, lab, h Davidson cres

Drury Walter, foreman, h Oliver

Dunn James, lab H Butwell, res New Toronto

Dunn James Jr, lab H Butwell, res New Toronto

Dutnall Robert, wks Ont Sewer Pipe Co, h Lake Shore rd. h same

Dutnall Robert W. wks Tor Bolt & Forging Co, l R Dutnall

Dutnall Walter, l R Dutnall

Dwyer Michael J, l K Huff

Elford Issac, mkt gdnr Cannon rd, h name

Elford Wm, mkt gdnr Burgess av, h same

Farrell James, lab, h Lake Shore rd

Ferrier Frederick, gdnr, h Lnmbton rd

Fordyce John, lab, h Queen

Fuller James, mkt gdnr, Salisbury av, h same

Giles Charles. mkt gdnr Church, h same

Giles Issac, lab, l W Giles

BOT IMG475 centre

TOP IMG475 right

Giles Richard, b Frederica

Giles Wm, lab, h Frederica

Gillman George, lab, h Macdonald av

Glllman Wm, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Gipson Mrs Martha, gro Lake Shore rd

Gipson Reuben, pntr and Co constable Lake Shore rd

Goddard David, mkt gdnr Burgess av, b same

Goyne John, mkt gdnr College, h same

Graham Alexander, tinner, l W H Burt

Gray George, farmer, h Salisbury av

Greenfield Charles, mkt gdnr Oxford

Greenfield Thomas, h Queen

Grigsby Wm, mkt gdnr Lambton rd, h same

Harris John, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Harris Thomas, mkt gdnr Lnmbton rd

Harris Wm, mkt gdnr College, h same

Henry Ernest, bkpr Tor Bolt & Forging Co, b C Nurse

Herdman Joseph, watchman GTR, res Toronto

Hicks Frederick J, electrician, l O L Hicks

Hicks George H, plmbr, l O L Hicks

Hicks Octavius L, boat bldr Lake Shore rd, h same

Hicks Thomas L, h Queen

Hicks Wm J, boatbldr O L Hicks, l same

Holmes Wm, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Horwood Frank, h Cockburn

Huff Kenneth, prop Humber Hotel, Queen

HUGHES CHARLES W, Postmaster and General Store, Queen, h same

HUMBER BAY POSTOFFICE, C W Hughes Postmaster, Queen

Humber Bay Public School, Wm Braithwaite prin, Cockburn

Humber Hotel, Kenneth Huff prop. Queen

Imlach John, mkt gdnr College, h same

Jackson Edwnrd H, gdnr J Rush, h Burgess

Johnson James, h Burgess av

Johnson Timothy, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Johnston Elizabeth (wid Wm), mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Johnston John, lab, h Davidson cres

Johnston Robert, mkt gdnr College, h same

Johnstone James K, Insp Gas & Electric Light, h Lake Shore rd

Keillor Angus E, moto, h Queen

Leclerc Miss Mary L, h Lake Shore rd

Loates Albert, packer, h Cockburn

McFarlane Wm, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

McGill Donnld, h Lambton rd

McLeod John W, l Joseph Kush

Macpherson Alexander, lab, h Queen

Maloney John & Co, brick mfrs Lake Shore rd

Masters James, mkt gdnr Lambton rd, h same

Maw Capt Robert, pleasure boats river bank, res Toronto

Milding Anron, carp, h Salisbury av

Milding Miss Margaret, bkbndr, l A Milding

Minnards Miss Mary E, l J Passmore

Naftel Rev Lionel, pastor St James' Ch, l Mrs S E Brown

Nightingale Wm H. h Salisbury av

Noble Mary (wid Wm), h Lake Shore rd

North George, gdnr W North

North Henry, gdnr W North

North Wm, mkt gdnr Bnrgess av, h same

North Wm A, mkt gdnr Burgess av, h same

Nurse Charles. Hotel and Boats Lake Shore rd

Nurse Charles Jr. l C Nurse


Nurse's Hotel, Charles Nurse proprietor, Lake Shore rd

Orr Benjamin, boatbldr, h Godson rd

Pain Charles, brkmkr J Maloney & Co, h Godson rd

Parker Wm H, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Parmenter Phillip, mach opr, h Coekburu

Passmore John, h Cameron rd

Presley Alfred, constable, h Oliver

Presley Ernest, lab, l A Presley

Presley Thomas, lab, l A Presley

Presley Wm, lab, l A Presley

Reeves Prank F, mkt gdnr College, h same

Reid Ann (wid Thomas), mkt gdnr Burgess av, h same

Reid Ralph L, gdnr Mrs A Held

Reid Randolph, mkt gdnr Church, h same

Reilly Robert, mkt gdnr Lambton rd, h same

Riches Jesse, brkmftr H Butwell, h Lake Shore rd

Rowett Ernest, gdnr G H Rowett

Rowett George H, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Runnalls Joseph, carp, h Macdonald av

Rush Harry, lab, b R Dutnall

Rush Joseph, mkt gdnr Burgess av, h same

Rush Joseph C, gdnr Joseph Hush

St James' Church Anglican), Frederica

Shaw John, lab, h Grand av

Simpson George, stone dlr, h Lake Shore rd

Smith Henry, mkt gdnr Burgess av, h same

Stell Arthur R, clk, h Salisbury av

Stell George G, lumber, l G Gray

Stephens John, mkt gdnr College, h same

Taverner Edward, lab, h Frederica

Taylor Kate L (wid George), l R Dutnall

Thornton Frauds, h Lake Shore rd

Tizzard John, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Todd James, mkt gdnr Burgess av, h same

Todd John, mkt gdnr Lambton rd, h same

Tomlinson Wm, mkt gdnr Lumbton rd

Tracey Thomas, lab Mrs S E Brown

Warner Alfred C, boxmkr, l F S Warner

Warner Frank S, fa Davidson cres

Welchman John, bartndr K Huff, l same

Whelpdale George, mkt gdnr Church,h same

White John, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Whitehead James, lab Henry Butwell. l Mrs S Whitehead

Whitehead John, lab Henry Butwell, l Lake Shore rd

Whitehead Sarah (wid Thomas), caretkr Humber Buy Pub School, h Queen

Whitworth John, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Whitworth Joseph, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Wilkins Robert, lab. h Burgess av

Wilson Daniel, lab Elizabeth Johnston

Winger Edward, h Davidson cres

Wixon Thomas, mkt gdnr Queen, h same


(Five miles east of P O. Postoffice name Coleman)


YEARHA 1903 corrected


(Four and a half miles w of P. O.)

Allen Joseph W. mkt gdnr Burgess av

Armstrong Francis J. bartndr K Huff

Armstrong George, foreman J Maloney & Co, h Lake Shore rd

Ash James E. mkt gdnr Amelia, h same

Aymer Charles, mkt gdnr Cannon rd

Baker Wm, tmstr H Butwell, h Lake Shore rd

Ball Henry. motorman. h Lake Shore rd

Bell Alfred, mkt gdnr Burgess av. h same

Bellemere Frederick, tmstr, h Macdonald av

Blea Daniel, h Queen

Boland Patrick, lab, h Amelia

Braithwaite Win, prin Humber Bay Pub School, res Toronto

Broderick Michael, tel opr GTR, l P Broderick

Broderick Patrick, watchman GTR, h Salisbury av

Brown John A, mkt gdnr Cockburn

Brown John G, gdnr Mrs S E Brown, h Salisbury

Brown S Elizabeth (wid Charles E). mkt gdnr Salisbury, h same

Burbidge Ernest G, mkt gdnr College

Burgess Caroline (wid Wm), b Burgess av

Burgess Harry C, gdnr Wm Burgess

Burgess Wm, J P, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Burgess Win A. mkt gdnr Burgess av

Burt Wm H, brkmkr H Butwell, h Lake Shore rd

Butcher John, grocer, h Surry Hill

Butwell Henry, brick mfr Lake Shore rd, res Toronto

Butwell Mark, brkmkr H Butwell, h Lake Shore rd

Butwell Richard, brkmkr H Butwell, h Lake Shore rd

Cameron Miss Lizzie J, tchr Humber Bay Pub Sch, res Toronto

Christie Miss Jennie, tchr Humber Bay Pub Schr, l Mrs M A Christie

Christie Mary A (wid James), h Church

Churchward Robert, carp, h Frederica

Clark John W. farmer, h Church

Clarke Henrietta (wid Henry), h Salisbury av

Cochrane Mrs Mary A, h Lake Shore rd

Collins James, mkt gdnr Church, h same

Corbett Robert, boltmkr, h Queen

Cox Samuel, blksmith Queen, h Frederica

Cradock James culler, h Church

Craig James, lab, h Frederica

Crowhurst Ernest A, florist Church

Cummings Eliza (wid James), l Wm Cummings

Cummings Wm, mkt gdnr Jvambton rd

Currier Patrick, brkmkr, h Lake Shore rd

Cycle Inn, James Downs prop. Lake Shore rd

Dandridge James, mkt gdnr Queen

Daniels Francis, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Death George, farmer, h Church

Donnelly Mary (wid John), h Godson rd

Donovan Ellen (wid Patrick), h Queen

Downs James, hotel Lake Shore rd

Drew Richard, lab, h Davidson cres

Dutnall Robert, h Lake Shore rd

Farrell James, lab, h Lake Shore rd

Giles Richard, lab. h Frederiea

Giles Wm. lab, h Frederica

Gillman George, lab. h Macdonald av

Glllmnn Win, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Glpson Mrs Martha, gro Lake Shore rd

Glpson Hcnben. pntr and Co constable Lake Shore rd

Girvin Win. mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Goddard David, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Goyne John, mkt gdnr College, h same

Gray George, fanner, h Salisbury av

Greenfield Charles, mkt gdnr Oxford

Greenfield Thomas, lab, h Queen

Grigsby Wm, mkt gdnr Queen

Hausford James, lab, h Queen

Harris John, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Harris Thomas, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Harris Wm, mkt gdnr College, h same

Hawkrigg Wm, lab, h Lambton

Henry Ernest, bkpr Tor Bolt & Forging Co, b C Nurse

Herdman Joseph, watchman GTR, res Toronto

Hicks Frederick J, electr, l O L Hicks

Hicks Henry G, plmbr, l O L Hicks

HICKS OCTAVIUS L, Boat Builder Lake Shore rd, h same (See card classified Boat Builders)

Hicks Thomas L, h Queen

Hicks Wm J, boat bldr O L Hicks, l same

Holmes Wm, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Horwood Frank, lab, h Burgess av

Huff Kenneth, prop Humber Hotel, Queen

HUGHES CHARLES W, Postmaster and General Store Queen, h same

Hughes Joseph, lab, h Queen

HUMBER BAY POST OFFICE, C W Hughes Postmaster, Queen

Humber Bay Public School, Wm Braithwaite prin, Cockburn

Humber Hotel, Kenneth Huff prop, Queen

Imlach John, lab, h College

Johnson James, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Johnson Timothy, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Johnston Elizabeth (wid Wm), inkt gdnr Queen

Johnston John, lab, h Davidson cres

Johnston Robert, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Johustone James K, h Lake Shore rd

Joyce John, mach, h Godson rd

Keillor Angus E, motorman, h Queen

Kelly Wm, watchman GTR, res Toronto

Loates Albert, packer, h Cockburn

McFarlaue Wm, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

McKenzie Samuel, mkt gdnr College

Maepherson Alexander, lab, h Queen

Maloney John & Co, brick mfrs Lake Shore rd, res Toronto

Masters James, inkt gdnr Lambton rd

Maw Capt Robert, pleasure boats River bank, res Toronto

Milding Aaron, carp, h Salisbury av

Naftel Rev Lionel, pastor St James Ch, l Mrs S E Brown

Nightingale Wm H, h Salisbury av

Noble Mary (wid Wm), h Lake Shore rd

Norris John, brkmkr. h Lake Shore rd

North Wm, mkt gdnr Burgess, h same

NURSE CHARLES, Hotel and Boats Lake Shore rd

Nurse Charles jr. l C Nurse

NURSE'S HOTEL, Charles Nurse Proprietor, Lake Shore rd

Orr Benjamin, boat bldr. h Godson rd

Pain diaries, brkmkr, h Godson rd

Parmenter Philip, mach opr, h Cockburn

Passmore John, h Cameron rd

Presley Alfred, constable, h Oliver

Reid Ann (wid Thomas), mkt gdnr Burgess av, h same

Reid Ralph L. gdnr Mrs A Reid

Reid Randolph, mkt gdnr Church, b same

Reilly Robert, inkt gdnr Lambton rd

Reynolds Joseph, carp, h Macdonald av

Riches Jesse, brkmkr H Butwell, h Lake Shore rd

Rowett Ernest, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Rowett George H. mkt gdnr Queen

Runnalls Joseph, carp, h Macdonald av

Rush Joseph, mkt gdnr Burgess av

St James Church (Ang), Rev Lionel Naftel pastor, Frederica

Sibley Henry, lab. h Oliver

Simpson George, lab. h Lake Shore rd

Smith Henry, shoemkr. h Burgess, av

Smith James, mkt gdnr Davidson cres

Stell Arthur R. clk. h Salisbury av

Stell George C, lumber, l G Gray

Stephens John, mkt gdnr College, b same

Taverner Edward, lab. h Frederlea

Taylor Kate T, (wid George). l R Dutnall

Tizzard David, mkt gdnr Church, b same

Tizzard John, mkt gdnr Queen. h same

Todd James, mkt gdnr Lambton rd. h samp

Tomlinson Wm. mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Wall Edward, brkmkr J Maloney & Co, h Lake Shore rd

Warner Frank S. bkpr. h Cameron rd

Whelpdale George, mkt gdnr Church

White John, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Whitehead John W, lab Henry Butwell, h Lake Shore rd

Whitehead Sarah (wid Thomas), caretkr Humber Bay Pub School, h Queen

Whitworth John, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Wilkins Robert, lab, h Davidson cres

Winger David, lab, h Davidson cres

Wixon Thomas, mkt gdnr Queen, h same


YEARHA 1904 corrected


(See North Toronto.)


(Four and a half miles w of P O)

Allen Joseph W mkt gdnr Harper av

Allen Thomas, pressman, h Queen

Armstrong George, foreman J Maloney A Co, b Lake Shore rd

Aymer Charles, mkt pdnr Cannon rd

Baker Wm, tmstr H Butwell, b Lake Shore rd

Ball Henry, motorman, b Lake Shore rd

Beadle Andrew, lab. b Queen

Bell Alfred, mkt gdur Burgess av. b same

Bellemere Frederick, tmstr, h Macdonald av

Best Alfred, mldr, h Salisbury av

Boland Patrick, lab. h Amelia

Braithwaite Wm, prin Humber Bay Pub School, res Toronto

Broderick Michael, tel opr GTR, l P Broderick

Broderick Patrick, watchman GTR, b Salisbury av

Brown George S, stenog Tor Bolt & Nut Co. b Salisbury av

Brown John A. mkt pdnr Cockburn, h same

Brown John G, mkt gdnr Salisbury av

Brown S Elizabeth (wid Charles E), mkt gdnr Salisbury av, b Fame

Brown Walter E, gdnr Mrs S E Brown, h Salisbury

Burgess Caroline (wid Wm), h Burgess av

Burt W H. brkmkr, h Lake Shore rd

Butcher John, h Queen

Butwell Henry, brick mfr Lake Shore rd,res Toronto

Butwell Richard. foreman H Butwell b Lake Shore rd

Churchward Robert, carp, h Frederica

Clark John W. farmer, h Church

Clarke Henrietta (wid Henry), b Salisbury av

Clarke Henry, l Mrs H Clarke

Cochrane Henry, lab, l Mrs M A Cochrane

Cochrane Joseph, lab, h Lake Shore rd

Cochrane Mary A (wid Joseph), b Lake Shore rd

Collins James, mkt gdnr Church, h same

Corbett Robert. boltmkr, h Queen

Cox Samuel, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Cromwell George O, lab. h Lake Shore rd

Crowhurst Ernest A. florist Church

Cummings Eliza (wid James), l Wm Cummings

Cummings Wm, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Currier Patrick. brkmkr. h Lake Shore rd

Cycle Inn, James Downs prop, Lake Shore rd

Dandrldge James, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Daulcls Francis, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Death George, farmer, h Church

Denoran Ellen (wid Patrick), h Queen

Devins Isaac N. pleasure boats River Bank, res Toronto

Downs James, hotel Lake Shore rd

Drew Richard, lab, h Davidson cres

Dutnall Robert, wks Ont Sewer Pipe Co, h Lake Shore rd

Dutnall Robert W. lab. l R Dutnall

Dutnall Walter, wks Tor Bolt & Nut Wks, l R Dutnall

Egles Wm. pntr, h Lake Shore rd

Fletcher Francis, lab, b Queen

Fuller James, mkt gdnr Salisbury av

Giles Richard, lab, h Frederica

Giles Wm. lab, h Frederica

Gillman George, lab, h Macdonald av

Gillman Wm. mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Gipson Mrs Martba, gro Lake Shore rd

Gipson Reuben, pntr and co constable Lake Shore rd, h same

Girvin Wm, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Goddard David, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Gome John, mkt gdnr College, h same

Gray George, farmer, h Salisbury av

Greenfield Charles, mkt gdnr Oxford

Greenfield Thomas, lab. h Queen

Grigsby Wm, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Hanna Richard, blacksmith Queen

Harris George, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Harris George, watchman GTR. h Cockburn

Harris John, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Harris Thomas, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Harris Wm, mkt gdnr College, h same

Hawkrigg Wm. lab. h Lambton rd

Hellwell John R, mldr, h Salisbury av

Hicks Frederick J. elect. l O L Hicks

Hicks Henry G, plmbr, l O L Hicks

Hicks Octavius L, boat bldr Lake Shore rd

Hicks Thomas L, h Queen

Hicks Wm J, boat bldr O L Hicks. l same

Holmes Wm, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Horwood Frank, lab. h Burgess av

Huff Kenneth, prop Humber Hotel, Queen

HUMBER BAY POST OFFICE, John McConnell Postmaster, Queen

Humber Bay Public School, Wm Braithwaite prin, Cockburn

Humber Hotel. Kenneth Huff prop Queen

Imlach John, lab, h College

Johnson James, mkt gdnr Burgess nr

Johnson Timothy, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Johnston Elizabeth (wid Wm), mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Johnston Peter, tinsmith, h Davidson cres

Johnston Robert, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Johnstone James K. insp gas and elect light, h Lake Shore rd

Keillor Angus E. motorman, h Queen

Kenny W Ambrose, lab, h Queen

Loates Albert, h Cockburn

Lownsbrough Miss Maud, tchr Humber Bay Pub Sch, b J Rush

McCONNELL L JOHN, Postmaster Queen, h same

McConnell Walter A. general store Queen

McFarlane Wm. mkt gdnr Queen, h .same

McKenzie Samuel, mkt gdnr College

Macpherson Alexander, lab. h Salisbury av

Maloney John (John Maloney A Co), res Toronto

Maloney John & Co(John. Maloney), brick mfrs Lake Shore rd

Masters James, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Matchett James, watchman GTR, res Mimico

Maw Robert, mngr I N Devins, h Riverside

Maw Capt Robert, pleasure boats River Bank, res Toronto

Midling Aaron, carp, b Salisbury av

Nightingale Wm H, h Salisbury av

Noble Mary (wid Wm), h Lake Shore rd

North Wm, mkt gdnr Burgess, h same

Nurse Charles, hotel and boats Lake Shore rd

Nurse's Hotel, Charles Nurse prop, Lake Shore rd

Orr Benjamin, boat bldr. h Godson rd

Pain Charles, brkmkr, h Godson rd

Parmenter Philip, mach opr, h Cockburn

Passmore John, h Cameron rd

Patterson James, lab, h Davldaou cies

Presley Alfred, constable, h Oliver

Ramsperger August, h Lake Shore rd

Reid Ann (wid Thoniaa). Burgess av

Held Ralph L. gdnr Mrs A Held

Reid Randolph, mkt gdnr Church, h same

Reilly Robert, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Reynolds Joseph, carp, h Macdonald av

Riches Jesse, brkmkr H Butwell, h Lake Shore rd

Rouse Miss Helen, tchr Humber Bay Pub Sch, res Toronto

Rowett Ernest, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Rowett George H. mkt gdnr Queen, h sauie

Runnalls Joseph, carp, h Macdonald av

Rush Joseph, mkt gdnr Burgess av, h same

St James' Church (Ang) Frederica

Sihley Hewey, lab. h Oliver

Simpson George, lab, h Lake Shore rd

Starkey George, mariner, h Davidson cres

Stell Arthur R. clk Western Assce Co, h Salisbury av

Stell George C, lumber, l G Gray

Stephens John, mkt gdnr College, h same

Stevens James, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Taylor Kate L (wid George), l R Dutnall

Taveaner Edward, lab, h Frederica

Thornton Peter, mldr. h Lake Shore rd

Tizzard David, mkt gdnr Church, b same

Tizzard John, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Todd James, mkt gdnr Lambton rd, h same

Tomlinson Wm. mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Wall Edward, brkmkr J Maloney & Co. h Lake Shore rd

Warner Frank S, bkpr, h Cameron rd

Whatmough Miss Sarah A, l Mrs S E Brown

Whelpdale George, mkt gdnr Church

White John, mkt gdnr Burgess av, h same

Whitehead John W, lab. h Lake Shore rd

Whitehead Sarah (wid Thomas), b Queen

Whitworth John, mkt gdnr Queen, n same

Wilkins Robert, lab. h Queen

Winger Edward, lab, h Davidson cres

Wixon Thomas, mkt gdnr Queen, h same


(Now Included In East Toronto)


YEARHA 1905 corrected


(See North Toronto)


(Four and a half Miles West of P O)

Allen Joseph W, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Allen Thomas, photo, h Queen

Allen Thomas, pressman, h Queen

Amey Marshall, blksmith Queen, b Humber Hotel

Armstrong George, foreman J Maloney & Co. h Lake Shore rd

Aymer Charles, mkt gdnr Cannon rd

Baker George, porter Nurse's Hotel

Baker Wm. tmstr. h Lake Shore rd

Ball Henry, moto, h Lake Shore rd

Beadle Andrew, lab. h Queen

Bell P Alfred, gdnr. h Burgess av

Bellemere Frederick, tmstr, h Macdonald av

Berry Maxwell, nutmkr, h Lake Shore rd

Best Alfred, mldr. h Salisbury av

Boland Patrick, lab. h Amelia

Bragg Frank, lab. l Mrs S E Broom

Braithwaite Wm. prin Humber Bay Pub Sch. res Toronto

Brook Ernest, h Frederick

Broderick Patrick, watchman GTR. h Salisbury av

Brown George S. stenog. h Salisbury av

Brown John A. gdnr. h Cockburn

Brown John G. mkt gdnr Salisbury av

Brown S Elisabeth (wid Charles E.) mkt gdnr Salisbury av

Brown Walter E. gdnr. l Mrs S E Brown

Burgess Caroline (wid Wm). h Burgess

Burt Wm H. hrkmn. h Lake Shore rd

Butcher John, grocer, b Wm Grigsby

Butwell Henry, brick mfr Lake Shore rd

Butwell Richad. foreman H Butwell. b Lake Shore rd

Bryer George, gdnr, b Joseph Bush

Churchward Robert, carp, h Frederica

Churchward Robert Jr. h Frederica

Clark John W, farmer, h Church

Clarke Henrietta (wid Henry), h Salisbury av

Clarke Henry J, l Mrs H Clarke

Cochrane Henry, lab, l Mrs M A Cochrane

Cochrane Joseph, lab. l Mrs M A Cochrane

Cochrane Mary A (wid Joseph). h Lake Shore rd

Corbett Robert, bolt mkr. h Queen

Cox Samuel, mkt gdnr, h Queen

Cromwell George O. lab. h Lake Shore rd

Currier Patrick, brkmkr, h Lake Shore rd

Cycle Inn. James Downs prop, Lake Shore rd

Daly Charles L, jwlr, l Mrs M Noble

Death George, farmer, h Church

Delamere Thomas, hostler Nurse's Hotel

Denovan Ellen (wid Patrick), h Queen

Devins Isaac N. pleasure boats River Bank, res Toronto

Downs James, hotel, h Lake Shore rd

Dlnn Simon, brkmkr. h Queen

Dunn Robert, farmer, h Frederica

Dutnall John, mldr. h Cockburn

Dutnall Robert, lab. h Lake Shore rd

Dutnall Robert W. lab. l R Dutnall

Dutnall Walter, lab. h Lake Shore rd

Elford Wm, gdnr. h Burgess av

Elllcnt Michael, fisherman, b Nurse's Hotel

Embach John, gdnr, h College

Ensworth Walter, porter Humber Hotel. h River Bank

Fordyce John. lab. h Queen

Foreman Alfred V. lab. h Davidson cres

Foreman George, lab Tor Bolt & Forging Co. h Davidson cres

Fuller James, mkt gdnr, Salisbury av

Giles Wm. lab. h Queen

Gillman Wm. mkt gdnr, h Queen

Gillman George, lab, h Macdonald av

Gipson Mrs Martha, grocer Lake Shore rd

Gipson Reuben, pntr and co constable, h Lake Shore rd

Girvin Wm. mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Glide Wm H. wd wkr M Amey. b Humber Hotel

Goddard David, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Gray George, farmer, h Salisbury av

Greenfield Samuel, gdnr Mrs S E Brown. l Thomas Greenfield

Greenfield Thomas, lab. h Queen

Grigsby Wm, mkt gdnr. h Queen

Hamer Thomas, h Burgess av

Harbour Charles G, pntr. h Godson rd

Harris George, mkt gdnr Lamhtnn rd

Harris Thomas, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Harris Wm. mkt gdnr College, h same

Hawkrigg Wm lab. h Lampton rd

Helliwell John R. mldr. h Salisbury av

Herron John J. gdnr, h Davidson cres

Hester James, gdnr. l Joseph Rush

Hicks Frederick J. elect. l O L Hicks

Hicks Henry G, plmbr. l O L Hicks

Hicks Octavius L. boat bldr Lake Shore rd

Hicks Thomas L, h Queen

Hicks Wm J. boat bldr O L Hicks. l same

Horwood Frank, lab. h Queen

Houghton Wm. brkmkr. h Lake Shore rd

Huff Kenneth, hotel Queen

Hughes Arthur, brkmkr. h Humber Hotel


HUMBER BAY POSTOFFICE, John McConnell Postmaster. Queen

Humber Bay Public School, Wm Braithwaite prin. Cockburn

Humber Hotel. Kenneth Huff prop. Queen

James Wm. tlr, h Queen

Jardlne Wm. trav, h Lake Shore rd

Johnston Elizabeth (wid Wm), mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Johnston Peter, tinsmith h Davidson cres

Johnston Robert, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Johnstone Jamee K, insp gas and elect light, h Lake Shore rd

Johnstone Stanley, studt, l J K Johnstone

Joyce James. fisherman, b Nurse's Hotel

Joyce John, lab, h Godson rd

Kay Isaac, blksmith M Amey, b Humber Hotel

Keillor Angua E. motorman, h Queen

Kevy John, plstr, h Amelia

Latter Day Saints' Church, Burgess av

Lownsbrough Miss Maude, tchr Humber Bay Pub School, b J Rush

McCONNELL JOHN, Postmaster, Queen h same

McConnell Walter A, general store Queen

McLeod John, gdnr, l Joseph Rush

Macpherson Alexander, lab, h Salisbury av

Maloney John (John Maloney & Co), res Toronto

Maloney John & Co (John Maloney) brick mfrs Lake Shore rd

Masters James, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Matohett James, porter Cycle Inn

May George W, wks l N Devins, b Humber Hotel

Milding Aaron, carp, h Salisbury av

Milding Aaron Jr, wd wkr, l A Milding

Nightingale Wm H. h Salisbury av

Noble Mary (wid Wm), h Lake Shore rd

Norris John, lab, h Lake Shore rd

North Harry, gdnr Wm North, h Burgess av

North Wm. mkt gdnr Burgess av, h same

North Wm Jr. mkt gdnr Burgess av

Nurse Charles, boat bldr and prop Nurse's Hotel. Lake Shore rd

Nurse Charles Jr. wks Charles Nurse

Nurse's Hotel. Charles Nurse prop

Orr Benjamin, boat bldr, h Godson rd

Pain Charles, brkmkr. h Godson rd

Parkes Thomas, lab. h Frederica

Parmenter Philip, mach opr. h Cockburn

Patterson James, clk W A McConnell

Presley Alfred, co constable, h Oliver

Reeves Frank F. gdnr, h College

Reid Ann (wid Thomas), h Burgess av

Reid Ralph L, gdnr, l Mrs Ann Reid

Reynolds Joseph, carp, h Macdonald av

Riches Jesse, brkmkr. h Lake Shore rd

Rush George, bkr, h Burgess av

Rush Joseph, mkt gdnr Burgess av

St James' Church (Anglican). Frederica

Sibley Hewey. lab. h Oliver

Simpson George, lab, h Lake Shore rd

Smith Henry S. mach. h Burgess av

Spence John, lab, b Humber Hotel

Stell Arthur R. clk. h Salisbury av

Stell George C. mill hd, l George Gray

Traveaner Edward, lab. h Frederica

Taylor Kate L (wid George). l R Dutnall

Thompson Mies May, tchr Humber Bay Pub School, b Mrs E S Brown

Tomlinson Wm. mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Warner Frank S. bkpr. h Cockburn

Webb Arthur, gdnr, b Joseph Rush

Wheeler Louis, clk. h Queen

Whitehead James, brkrnkr. h Queen

Whitehead Sarah (wid Thomas), caretkr Humber Bay Pub School, h Queen

Whitworth Edward, gdnr h Burgess av

Whitworth John, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Wilkins Robert, lab. h Queen

Winger Edward, lab. h Davidson cres


(Now Included In East Toronto)



YEARHA 1906 corrected


(See North Toronto)


(Four and a half Miles West of P O)

Allen Joseph W, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Allen Thomas, photo, h Queen

Allen Thomas, pressman, h Queen

Armstrong Frank, prop Humber Hotel

Armstrong George, foreman J Maloney & Co, h Lake Shore rd

Armstrong Wm, eng, b Nurse's Hotel

Aymer Charles, mkt gdnr Cannon rd

Baker George, porter Nurse’s Hotel

Baker Wm. tmstr, h Lake Shore rd

Ball Harry, lab. h Lake Shore rd

Ball Thomas, lab, l H Ball

Beadle Andrew, lab, h Queen

Bell P Alfred, gdnr, h Burgess av

Bellemere Frederick, tmstr, h Macdonald av

Berry Maxwell, nut mkr. h Lake Shore rd

Best Alfred, mldr, h Salisbury av

Boland Patrick, lab, h Amelia

Bragg Frank, lab, b Mrs S E Brown

Braithwaite Wm. prin Humber Bay Pub Sch, res Toronto

Brock Ernest, h Frederica

Broderick Patrick, watchman GTR. h Salisbury av

Brown George S. Stenog, h Salisbury av

Brown John G, mkt gdnr Salisbury av

Brown S Elizabeth (wid Charles E). mkt gdnr Salisbury av

Brown Walter E. gdnr, l Mrs S E Brown

Bryer George, gdnr, b Joseph Rush

Burnett Miss Hannah, h Lake Shore rd

Burt George, mach. h Lake Shore rd

Burt Wm H, brkmn. h Lake Shore rd

Butcher John, grocer, res Toronto

Butwell Henry, brick mfr. Lake Shore rd

Butwell Richard, foreman H Butwell, h Lake Shore rd

Churchward Robert, carp, h Frederica

Churchward Robert Jr. h Frederica

Clark John W, farmer, h Church

Clarke Henrietta (wid Henry), h Salisbury av

Clarke Henry J, l Mrs H Clarke

Clift Miss Florence, book fldr, l Mrs B Gipson

Clift George, btchr, l Mrs B Gipson

Cochrane Henry, lab. l Mrs M A Cochrane

Cochrane Joseph, lab. l Mrs M A Cochrane

Cochrane Mary A (wid Joseph), h Lake Shore rd

Conway Robert, lab, h Lake Shore rd

Corbett Robert, bolt mkr, h Queen

Cox Samuel, mkt gdnr, h Queen

Cromwell George O. lab, h Lake Shore rd

Currier Patrick, brkmkr, h Lake Shore rd

Cycle Inn, James Downs prop, Lake Shore rd

Daly Charles L. Jwlr. l Mrs M Noble

Death George, farmer, h Church

Dolamere Thomas, hostler Nurse’s Hotel

Demvan Ellen (wid Patrick), h Queen

Devins Isaac N. pleasure boats River Bank, res Toronto

Didsbury James, bolt mkr, h Queen

Dinn Simon, moto, h Queen

Downs James, hotel, h Lake Shore rd

Dunn Robert farmer, h Frederica

Dusenberry Frank, h Frederica

Dutnatl John. mldr. h Cockburn

Dutnall Robert, lab. h Lake Shore rd

Dutnall Robert W. lab. l R Dutnall

Dutnall Walter, lab. h Lake Shore rd

Egles Wm. pntr, h Lake Shore rd

Elford James, caretkr Humber Bay Pub School. l Wm Elford

Elford Wm. gdnr. h Burgess av

Ellett Walter, boltmkr, h Queen

Elicot Michael, fisherman, b Nurse's Hotel

Embach John, gdnr, h College

Fordyce John, lab. h Queen

Foreman Alfred V, lab, h Davidson cres

Foreman George, lab Tor Bolt & Forging Co, h Davidson cres


Fuller James, mkt gdnr. Salisbury av

Giles Isaac, lab, h Queen

Gillman George, lab. h Macdonald av

Gillman Wm, mkt gdnr. l Queen

Gipson Mrs Bertha, grocer Lake Shore rd, h same

Gipson Reuben, pntr and co constable, h Lake Shore rd

Girvin Wm. mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Goddard David, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Gray George, farmer, h Salisbury av

Greenfield Samuel, gdnr Mrs S E Brown, l Thomas Greenfield

Greenfield Thomas, lab. h Queen

Grigsby Wm. mkt gdnr. h Queen

Hamer Thomas, h Burgess av

Harbour Charles G, pntr, h Godson rd

Harris George, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Harris Thomas, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Harris Wm. mkt gdnr College, h same

Hawkrigg Wm. lab, h Lambton rd

Helliwell John R. mldr, h Salisbury av

Henry Robert, flagman Queen st crossing, res Mimico

Hicks Frederick J, elect, l O L Hicks

Hicks Henry G, plmbr, l O L Hicks

Hicks Norman, l O L Hicks

Hicks Octavius L. boat bldr Lake Shore rd

Hicks Thomas L, locksmith, h Queen

Hicks Wm J. boat bldr O L Hicks. l same

Holmes Henry, lab. h Lake Shore rd

Horwood Frank, lab, h Queen

Houghton Wm. brkmn. h Lake Shore rd

HUMBER BAY POSTOFFICE, John McConnell Postmaster. Queen

Humber Bay Public School, Wm Braithwaite prin. Cockburn

Humber Hotel, Frank Armstrong prop, Queen

James Wm. tlr, h Queen

Jardine Wm, trav, h Lake Shore rd

Johnston Elizabeth (wid Wm), mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Johnston Peter, tinsmith, h Davidson cres

Johnston Robert, mkt gdnr, lambton rd

Johnstone James K, lnsp gas and elect light, h Lake Shore rd

Johnstone Stanley, studt, l J K Johnstone

Jolliffe John H, h Queen

Jones Alexander, kdsominer, h Lake Shore rd

Joyce James, bolt mkr. l John Joyce

Joyce John, lab. h Godson rd

Joyce John Jr, bar tender Nurse’s Hotel

Joyce Joseph, lab, l John Joyce

Joyce Martin, lab. l John Joyce

Keiller Angus E. motorman, h Queen

Kevy John, plstr. h Amelia

Latter Day Saints' Church, Burgess av

Lownsborough Miss Maud, tchr Humber Bay Pub School, b Joseph Rush

McConnell Miss Elizabeth A, asst postmaster. l John McConnell

McCONNELL JOHN, Postmaster and Grocer, Queen, h same

McConnell Walter A, l John McConnell

McLeod John, gdnr, l Joseph Rush

Macpherson Alexander, lab. h Salisbury av

Maloney John (John Maloney & Co), res Toronto

Maloney John & Co (John Maloney), brick mfrs Lake Shore rd

Masters James, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Matchett James, porter Cycle Inn

May George W, wks l N Devins, b Nurse's Hotel

Milding Aaron, carp, h Salisbury av

Milding Aaron Jr. wd wkr. l A Milding

Mundy George, moto. h Lake Shore rd

Nesbitt Wm J, mach. Junction Queen and Lake Shore rd, res Toronto

Nightingale Wm H. h Salisbury av

Noble Mary (wid Wm). h Lake Shore rd

Norris John. lab. h Cockburn

North Harry, gdnr. l Wm North

North Wm. mkt gdnr Burgess av, h same

North Wm jr. mkt gdnr Burgess av

NURSE CHARLES, Proprietor Nurse’s Hotel, Lake Shore rd

Nurse Mary (wid Charles). l Nurse’s Hotel

NURSE'S HOTEL, Charles Nurse Proprietor, Lake Shore rd

Orr Benjamin, boat bldr, h Godson rd

Pain Charles, brkmkr, h Godson rd

Parmenter Philip, mach opr, h Cockburn

Patterson Frederick N, mach W J Nesbitt, res Toronto

Presley Alfred, co constable, h Oliver

Presley Miss Florence, clk J McConnell l Alfred Presley

Quin Arthur, blksmth. h Lake Shore rd

Ramsperger August, piano tuner, h Lake Shore rd

Reeves Frank. F. gdnr. h College

Reid Ann (wid Thomas), h Burgess av

Reid Ralph L. gdnr, l Mrs Ann Reid

Reynolds Joseph, carp, h Macdonald av

Riches Jesse, brkmkr, h Lake Shore rd

Rush George, bkpr, h Burgess av

Rush Harry, bolt mkr. h Frederica

Rush Joseph, mkt gdnr Burgess av

St James' Church Mission. Frederica

Scott Arthur, bar tender Humber Hotel

Sheridan James, lab, b George Burt

Sibley Hugh. lab. h Oliver

Simpson George, lab, h Lake Shore rd

Slee Richard, engr, h Lake Shore rd

Smith Henry S. mach. h Burgess av

Smith John, bolt mkr. b Humber Hotel

Stell Arthur K. clk. h Salisbury av

Stell George C. mill hd, l George Gray

Surley George, Iron wkr, b Humber Hotel

Taylor Kate L (wid George). l R Dutnall

Thompson Miss May, tchr Humber Pub School, b Mrs S E Brown

Tomlinson Wm. mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Traverner Edward, boat bldr. b Nurse's Hotel

Trayling Wm J, blksmth W J Nesbitt res Toronto

Van Waggoner George. Iron wkr. h Queen

Voight Wm, h Queen

Wade James, porter Humber Hotel

Warner Frank S. bkpr. h Cockburn

Wehh Arthur, gdnr, b Joseph Rush

Wheeler Louis. clk, h Queen

Whitehead James, brkmkr, h Queen

Whitehead John, bkmkr. h Lake Shore rd

Whitehead Sarah (wid Thomas), h Queen

Whitworth Edward, gdnr, h Burgess av

Whitworth John, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Wilkins Robert, lab. h Queen

Williams Harry, mldr, h Lake Shore rd

Willis John, bolt mkr, h Queen

Wilson Frank, wtr Nurse’s Hotel

Wilson Samuel, lab. h Lake Shore rd

Winger Edward, lab. h Davidson cres


YEARHA 1907 corrected


(Four and a half Miles West of P O)

Allen Joseph W, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Allen Thomas, pressman, h Queen

ARMSTRONG FRANK, Proprietor Humber Hotel, Queen

Armstrong George, foreman, h Lake Shore rd

Armstrong Wm, b Humber Hotel

Auld Wm, hostler Humber Hotel

Aymer Charles, mkt gdnr Cannon rd

Aymor Thomas, mach, h Cockburn

Baxer George, porter Nurse's Hotel

Ball Harry, cond, h Lake Shore rd

Ball Thomas, cond, l H Ball

Ball Wm J, tmstr, h Lake Shore rd

Beadle Andrew, lab, h Queen

Bell P Alfred, gdnr, h Burgess av

Bellemere Alfred tmstr, h Macdonald av

Bellemere Miss Charlotte, l Alfred Bellemere

Bellemere Miss Elizabeth, l A Bellemere

Berry Maxwell, nut mkr. h Lake Shore rd

Boland Catherine (wid Patrick), h Amelia

Bragg Frank, lab, b Mrs S E Brown

Braithwaite Wm. prin Humber Bay Pub Sch, res Toronto

Broderick Patrick, watchman GTR. h Salisbury av

Brown George S, stenog. h Salisbury av

Brown John G, mkt gdnr Salisbury av

Brown S Elizabeth (wid Charles E). mkt gdnr Salisbury av

Brown Walter E, gdnr, l Mrs S E Brown

Brown Wm J, uphol, h Lake Shore rd

Bryer George, gdnr, b Joseph Rush

Burt George, mach, h Lake Shore rd

Burt Wm H. brkmn, h Lake Shore rd

Butwell Henry, brick mfr. Lake Shore rd

Butwell Mark, brick mfr Lake Shore rd

Butwell Richard, foreman H Butwell, h Lake Shore rd

Campbell James M, blksmith Queen, res Toronto

Cawtan Ernest F, bkpr. h Cannon rd

Charles James W. clk GTR, h Salisbury av

Church of Latter Day Saints, Burgess av

Churchward Robert, carp, h Frederica

Churchward Robert Jr, carp, h Frederica

Clark John W, farmer, h Church

Clarke Henrietta (wid Henry), h Salisbury av

Clarke Henry J, l Mrs H Clarke

Clift Miss Florence, book fldr. l Mrs B Gipson

Clift George, btchr, l R Gipson

Clarke Henry J, l Mrs H Clark

Collins Albert, mkt gdnr Queen

Connley Robert, plstr, h Lake Shore rd

Corbett Robert, bolt mkr, h Queen

Cox Samuel, mkt gdnr. h Queen

Cromwell George O. lab. h Lake Shore rd

Davis Frederick C. brlckmkr, h Lake Shore rd

Death George, farmer, h Church

Delamere Thomas, hostler Nurse's Hotel

Denovan Ellen (wid Patrick), h Queen

Denovan Patrick, brkmkr, h Queen

Devins Isaac N. pleasure boats river bank, res Toronto

Didsbury James, lab. h Davidson cres

Dinn Simon, wtchmn. h Queen

Dunn Robert, h Frederica

Dunn Robert jr. clk. l R Dunn

Dusenberry Frank, mach. l Frederica

Dutnall John. mldr. h Cockburn

Dutnall Robert, lab. h Lake Shore rd

Dutnall Robert W, lab. l R Dutnall

Dutnall Walter, lab. h Lake Shore rd

Egles Wm, pntr. h Lake Shore rd

Elford James, caretkr Humber Bay Pub School. l Wm Elford

Elford Wm. gdnr. h Burgess av

Ellett Walter, boltmkr. h Queen

Ellicot Michael, fisherman, b Nurse’s Hotel

Embach John. gdnr. h College

Ferrier Frederick, gdnr, h Burgers av

Fordyce John, lab, h Queen

Foreman Alfred V, asst timekpr, h Davidson cres

Fuller James, mktg gdnr. Salisbury av

Gear Joseph, prtr, h Oliver

Giles Issas, lab, h Davidson cres

Gillman George, lab. 1 Macdonald av

Gipson Reuben, pntr, h Lake Shore rd

Gillman Wm, farmer Church

Goddard David, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Gray George, lumber man, h Salisbury av

Greenfield Samuel, gdnr, l Thomas Greenfield

Greenfield Thomas, lab. h Queen

Grigsby Wm, mkt gdnr. h Queen

Harbour Charles G, pntr, h Godson rd

Harris George, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Harris Thomas, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Harris Wm, mkt gdnr College, h same

Hawkrigg Wm, lab, h Lambton rd

Helliwell John R. mldr. h Salisbury av

Hicks Norman, l O L Hicks

Hicks Octavius L. boat bldr Lake Shore rd

Hicks Thomas L, locksmith, h Queen

Hodgson Charles, sawyer, h Oliver

Holmes Henry, lab. h Lake Shore rd

Horwood Frank, lab, h Queen

Humber Bay Post Office, John McConnell postmaster, Queen

Humber Bay Public School, Wm Braithwaite prin. Cockburn

Humber Hotel. Frank Armstrong prop.Queen

Humber Supply Co (John and Walter A McConnell), Humber Bay

James Wm, tlr, h Amelia

Johnston Elizabeth (wid Wm), mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Johnston Howard, lab. h Lake Shore rd

Johnstone James K, h Lake Shore rd

Johnstone Stanley, studt. l J K Johnstone

Joyce Miss Catherine, wtrs Nurse’s Hotel, l John Joyce

Joyce James, bolt mkr. l John Joyce

Joyce John. lab. h Godson rd

Joyce John Jr, bartndr Humber Hotel

Joyce Joseph, lab, l John Joyce

Joyce Martin, lab, l John Joyce

Keiller Angus E, motormon, h Queen

Kent Wm, pntr, h Burgess

Keogh Wm, lab, h Lake Shore rd

Lester Arthur, lab, h Queen

McConnell Miss Elizabeth A, asst postmaster, l John McConnell

McConnell John, postmaster (Humber Supply Co), h Queen

McConnell Walter A (Humber Supply Supply Co) h Queen

McCracken George, pleasure boats Lake Shore rd. res Toronto

McFarlane Duncan A. wtchmn GTR, res Swansea

McQuary Daniel, brkmkr. h Davidson cres

Maloney John, brick mfr Lake Shore rd, res Toronto

Masters James, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Maw Thomas, boat hd G McCracken, h Lake Shore rd

May George W. wks l N Devins, b Nurse's Hotel

Milding Aaron, carp, h Salisbury av

Milding Aaron jr. wd wkr. l A Milding

Millard Thomas, porter Humber Hotel

Monk Alfred, bldr, h Cannon rd

Morphy Theo, barber Queen, res Toronto

Nesbitt Wm J, mach. Junction Queen and Lake Shore rd. res Toronto

Nightingale Wm H, h Salisbury av

Norris John. lab. h Cockburn

North Harry, gdnr, l Wm North

North Wm. mkt gdnr Burgess av. h same

North Wm jr, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Nurse Charles, prop Nurse’s Hotel, Lake Shore rd

Nurse’s Hotel, Charles Nurse prop. Lake Shore rd

O'Neill Henry, dept mgr, h Lake Shore rd

Orr Benjamin boat bldr, h Godson rd

Orr Miss Marjorie, wtrs I N Devins, l Benjamin Orr

Overholt Miss Ella, tchr Humber Bay Pub Sch, b Mrs Sarah E Brown

Parkinson Wm, Jwlr, h Lake Shore rd

Parmenter Philip, mach opr, h Cockburn

Payn Charles, brkmkr, h Godson rd

Presley Alfred, co constable, h Oliver

Pressley Wm, tmstr, h Lake Shore rd




Price Angus, gdnr, h Lake Shore rd

Quin Arthur, blksmth. h Lake Shore rd

Ramsperger August, piano tuner, h Lake Shore rd

Rasson Thomas, blksmith Lake Shore rd

Read Charles V, pianomkr, h Lake Shore rd

Reeves Prank F. gdnr. h College

Reid Ann (wid Thomas), h Burgess av

Reid Ralph L. gdnr. l Mrs Ann Reid

Riches Jesse, brkmkr, h Lake Shore rd

Roadhouse Albert, mach, h Burgess av

Runnalls Joseph, carp, h Macdonald av

Rush George, baker, h Burgess av

Rush Henry, boltmkr, h Frederica

Rush Joseph, mat gdnr Burgess av

Rush Joseph C, gdnr, l Joseph Rush

St James' Church Mission. Frederica

Scott Arthur, bartender Nurse's Hotel

Sibjock Philip, lab. h Lake Shore rd

Sibley Henry, lab. h Queen

Simpson George, co constable, h Lake Shore rd

Sims John, blksmth, h Davidson cres

Slee Richard, engr. h Lake Shore rd

Smith Henry S. mach. h Burgess av

Smith John, bolt mkr. b Humber Hotel

Steel Arthur R, clk, h Salisbury av

Steel George C, mill hd, l George Gray

Stocker John G, lab l Wm North

Suddaby Thomas, bldr, h Cannon rd

Switzer Albert, carp, h Davidson cres

Taylor Kate L (wid George). l R Dutnall

Thompson Miss Emily A, tchr Humber Bay Pub Sch. res Islington

Todd James, gdnr, b Burgess av

Tomlinson Wm. mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Traverner Edward, lab. h Frederica

Trowell Edward, brkmkr. h Lake Shore rd

Van Waggoner George, fireman GTR, h Queen

Voight Wm, lab, h Church

Webb Arthur, gdnr, h Church

Wheeler Louie, clk. h Queen

Whitehead James, brkmkr. h Queen

Whitehead John, bkmkr. h Lake Shore rd

Whitehead Sarah (wid Thomas), h Queen

Whitworth Edward, gdnr. h Burgess av

Whitworth John, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Willis John, bolt mkr. h Queen

Wilson Frank, wtr Nurse's Hotel

Wilson Wm F. lab, h Salisbury av

Winger Edward, lab, h Queen

Young Frederick, lab. h Frederica


YEARHA 1908 corrected


(Four and a half Miles West of P O)

Allen Joseph W, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Armstrong Frank, prop Humber Hotel. Queen

Armstrong George, foreman, h, Lake Shore rd

Armstrong Samuel, brtndr Humber Hotel l same

Aymer Charles, mkt gdnr Cannon rd

Aymor Thomas, mach, h Cockburn

Baker George, porter Mrs P V Meyer

Ball Harry, cond, h Lake Shore rd

Ball Thomas, cond, l H Ball

Beadle Andrew, lab, h Queen

Bell P Alfred, gdnr, h Burgess av

Bellemere Alfred tmstr, h Macdonald av

Bellemere Miss Charlotte l Alfred Bellemere

Bellemere Miss Elizabeth, l A Bellemere

Blatchford John, lab, h Lake Shore rd

Blyth Alfred, setter, b Humber Hotel

Boland Catherine (wid Patrick), h Amelia

Bosworth John, brtndr Mrs P V Meyer, l same

Bragg Frank, lab, b Mrs S E Brown

Braithwaite Wm, prin Humber Bay Pub Sch, res Toronto

Broderick Patrick, watchman GTR, h Salisbury av

Brown George S, stenogr, h Salisbury av

Brown John G, mkt gdnr Salisbury av

Brown S Elizabeth (wid Charles E). mkt gdnr Salisbury av

Brown Walter E, gdnr, l Mrs S E Brown

Brown Wm J, uphol, h Lake Shore rd

Bryer George, gdnr, b Joseph Rush

Burt George, mach, h Lake Shore rd

Butwell Henry, brick mfr, Lake Shore rd

Butwell Mark, brick mfr Lake Shore rd

Butwell Richard, foreman H Butwell, h Lake Shore rd

Campbell James M, blksmlth Queen res Toronto

Cawtan Ernest F, bkpr, h Cannon rd

Charles James W, clk GTR, h Salisbury av

Church of Latter Day Saints, Burgess av

Churchward Robert, carp, h Frederien

Churchward Robert jr, carp, h Frederica

Clark John W, farmer, h Church

Clarke Henrietta (wid Henry), h Salisbury av

Clarke Henry J, l Mrs H Clarke

Clift Miss Florence, bookfldr, l R Gipson

Clift George, btchr, l R Gipson

Collins Albert, mkt gdnr Queen

Collins John, lab, h Lake Shore rd

Connley Robert, plstr, h Lake Shore rd

Corbett Robert, bolt rnkr, h Queen

Cox Samuel, mkt gdnr, h Queen

Cox Wm, barber Queen, res Toronto

Cromwell George O, lab. h Lake Shore rd

CROWHURST CARNATION CO, (E A Crowhurst). s s Church e of Queen

Crowhurst Ernest (Crowhurst Carnation Co), h s s Church e of Queen

Currier Kate (wid Patrick), h Lake Shore rd

Dale Frank D, fruits Lake Shore rd, res Swansea

Davis Frederick, lab, h Queen

Davis Frederick C, brickmkr, h Lake Shore rd

Death George, farmer, h Church

Denovan Ellen (wid Patrick), h Queen

Denovan Patrick, brkmkr, h Queen

Devins Isaac N, pleasure boats river bank, res Toronto

Didsbury James, lab, h Queen

Dinn Simon, wtohmn, h Queen

Dixon John, lab, h Lake Shore rd

Dunn Robert, h Frederica

Dunn Robert Jr. clk, l R Dunn

Dusenberry Frank, mach, h Frederica

Dutnall John, mldr, h Cockburn

Dutnall Robert, lab, h Lake Shore rd

Dutnall Robert W, lab, l R Dutnall

Dutnall Walter, lab, h Lake Shore rd

Egles Wm, pntr, h Lake Shore rd

Elford James, caretkr Humber Bay Pub School, l Wm Elford

Elford Wm. gdnr, h Burgess av

Bllicot Michael, fisherman, b Mrs P V Meyer

Embach John, gdnr, h College

Ferrier Frederick, gdnr, h Burgess av

Fordyce John, lab, h Queen

Foreman Alfred V, asst timekpr, h Davidson cres

Fuller James, mkt gdnr. Salisbury av

Gear Joseph, prtr, h Oliver

Gillman George, lab. h Macdonald av

Gillman Wm, farmer Church

Gipson Reuben, pntr, h Lake Shore rd

Goddard David, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Gray George, lumber man, h Salisbury av

Greenfield Samuel, gdnr, l Thomas Greenfield

Greenfield Thomas, lab, h Queen

Grigsby Wm, mkt gdnr, h Queen

Hanagan Harry, brtndr Humber Hotel. l same

Harbour Charles G, pntr, h Godson rd

Harper Frederick G, lab. h Lake Shore rd

Harris George, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Harris Thomas, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Harris Wm, mkt gdnr College, h same

Hawkrigg Wm, lab, h Lambton rd

Helliwell John R, mldr, h Salisbury av

Hicks Frederick J, mgr Mrs P V Meyer, Lake Shore rd

Hicks Norman, l O L Hicks

Hicks Octavius L. boat bldr Lake Shore rd

Hicks Thomas L, locksmith, h Queen

Hiscock John, lab, h Lake Shore rd

Hodgson Charles, sawyer, h Oliver

Horwood Frank, lab, h Queen

Humber Bay Post Office, John McConnell postmaster, Queen

Humber Bay Public School, Wm Braithwaite prin. Cockburn

Humber Hotel, Frank Armstrong prop, Queen

Humber Supply Co (John and Walter A McConnell), Humber Bay

Johnston Elizabeth (wid Wm), mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Johnston Howard, lab, h Lake Shore rd

Johnstone James K, h Lake Shore rd

Johnstone Stanley, studt, l J K Johnstone

Jones Wm H, real est, h Lake Shore rd

Joyce Miss Catherine, l John Joyce

Joyce James, bolt mkr, l John Joyce

Joyce John, lab, h Godson rd

Joyce John jr, l John Joyce

Joyce Joseph, lab, l John Joyce

Joyce Martin, lab, l John Joyce

Keiller Angus E, motorman, h Queen

Kent Wm, pntr, h Burgess av

Lester Arthur, lab, h Lake Shore rd

McConnell Miss Elizabeth A, asst postmaster, l John McConnell

McConnell John, postmaster (Humber Supply Co), h Queen

McConnell Walter A (Humber Supply Supply Co), h Queen

McFarlane Duncan A, wtchmn GTR, res Swansea

McQuary Daniel, brickmkr, h Queen

Maloney Jonn, brick mfr Lake Shore rd, res Toronto

Masters James, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

May George W, wks I N Devins, b Humber Hotel

Meyer Mrs Pauline V, prop Nurse's Hotel, Lake Shore rd

Milding Aaron, carp, h Salisbury av

Milding Aaron Jr, wd wkr, l A Milding

Minard Thomas, porter Humber Hotel

Mitchell Henry D, lab, h Lake Shore rd

Monk Alfred, bldr, h Cannon rd

Monteith John, lab, h Davidson cres

Nesbitt Wm J, mach. Junction Queen and Lake Shore rd, res Toronto

Nightingale Wm H, h Salisbury av

Norris John, lab, h Cockburn

North Harry, gdnr, l Wm North

North Wm, mkt gdnr Burgess av, h same

North Wm Jr, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Nurse Charles, h Lake Shore rd

Nurse's Hotel, Mrs P V Meyer prop, Lake Shore rd

O'Neill Henry, h Lake Shore rd

Orr Benjamin, boat bldr, h Godson rd

Orr Miss Marjorie, wtrs I N Devins, l Benjamin Orr

Overholt Miss Ella, tchr Humber Bay Pub Sch, b Mrs Sarah E Brown

Parkinson Wm, jwlr, h Lake Shore rd

Parmtmeter Philip, mach opr, h Cockburn

Payn Charles, brkmkr, h Godson rd

Pollock Philip, lab, h Lake Shore rd

Presley Alfred, co constable, h Oliver

Pressley Wm, tmstr, h Lake Shore rd

Quin Arthur, blksmth. h Lake Shore rd

Radmore James M, lab, h Queen

Ramsperger August, piano tuner, h Lake Shore rd

Rasson Thomas, blksmlth Lake Shore rd

Read Charles V, pianomkr, h Lake Shore rd

Reeves Frank F, gdnr, h College

Reid Ann (wid Thomas), h Burgess av

Reid Ralph L. gdnr, l Mrs Ann Reid

Reynolds Joseph, carp, h Macdonald av

Riches Jesse, brkmkr, h Lake Shore rd

Roadnouse Albert, mach, h Burgess av

Runnalls Joseph, carp, h Macdonald av

Rush George, baker, h Burgess av

Rush Henry, boltmkr, h Frederica

Rush Joseph, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Rush Joseph C, gdnr, l Joseph Rush

St James' Church Mission. Frederica

Sheridan James, lab, h Queen

Sibley Henry, lab, h Queen

Sibjock Philip, lab, h Lake Shore rd

Simpson George, co constable, h Lake Shore rd

Sims John, blksmth, h Davidson cres

Slee Richard, engineer, h Lake Shore rd

Smith Henry S. mach. h Burgess av

Steel Arthur R, clk, h Salisbury av

Steel George C, mill hd, l George Gray

Stocker John G, lab. l Wm North

Suddaby Thomas, bldr, h Cannon rd

Switzer Albert, carp, h Davidson cres

Taverner Edward, lab, h Frederica

Taylor Kate L (wid George). l R Dutnall

Thompson Miss Emily A, tchr Humber Bay Pub Sch, res Islington

Todd James, gdnr, h Burgess av

Tomlinson Wm. mkt grdnr Lambton rd

Trowell Edward brkmkr, h Lake Shore rd

Van Waggoner George, fireman GTR, h Queen

Voight Wm, lab, h Church

Warner Frank S. l Mrs P V Meyer

Webb Arthur, gdnr, h Church

Wheeler Louis, clk. h Queen

Whltehead James, brkmkr, h Queen

Whitehead John, bkmkr, h Lake Shore rd

Whltehead Sarah (wid Thomns). h Queen

Whitworth Edward, gdnr, h Burgess av

Whitworth John, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Willis John, holt mkr. h Queen

Wilson Wm F. lab. h Salisbury av

Winger Edward, lab, h Queen

Young Frederick, lab, h Frederica




(Four and a half Miles West of P O)

Allen Joseph W, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Aymer Charles, mkt gdnr Cannon rd

Aymor Thomas, mach, h Cockburn

Ball Harry, cond, h Lake Shore rd

Ball Thomas, cond, l H Ball

Bell P Alfred, gdnr, h Burgess av

Bellemere Miss Charlotte. l F Bellemere

Bellemere Miss Elizabeth, l F Bellemere

Bellemere Frederick, tmstr, h Macdonald av

Boland Catherine (wid Patrick), h Amelia

Bosworth John E, hotel Lake Shore rd

Bragg Frank, lab, b Mrs S E Brown

Braithwaite Wm, prin Humber Bay Pub Sch, res Toronto

Brown George S, stenog, h Salisbury av

Brown John G, mkt gdnr Salisbury av

Brown S Elizabeth. (wid Charles E). mkt gdnr Salisbury av

Brown Walter E, gdnr, l Mrs S E Brown

Brown Wm J, uphol, h Lake Shore rd

Burt George, mach. h Lake Shore rd

Butwell Henry, brick mfr, Lake Shore rd

Butwell Mark, brick mfr Lake Shore rd

Butwell Richard, foreman H Butwell, h Lake Shore rd

Campbell Jamea M, blksmith Queen res Toronto

Charles James W, clk GTR, h Salisbury av

Church of Latter Day Saints, Burgess av

Churchward Robert, carp, h Frederiea

Clark John W, farmer, h Church

Collins Albert, mkt gdnr Queen

Collins John, lab, h Lake Shore rd

Corbett Robert, bolt mkr, h Queen

Cox Samuel, mkt gdnr, h Queen

Crowhurst Carnation Co (E A Crowhurst), s s Church e of Queen

Crowhurst Ernest A (Crowhurst Carnation Co), h s s Church e of Queen

Currier Kate (wid Patrick), h Lake Shore rd

Dale Frank D. fruits Lake Shore rd, res Swansea

Davis Frederick, lab, h Queen

Davis Frederick C, lab, h Queen

Death George, farmer, h Church

Denovan Ellen (wid Patrick), h Queen

Denovan Patrick, brkmkr, h Queen

Devins Isaac N, pleasure boats river bank, res Toronto

Dewsbury Prank, mach, h Frederica

Didsbury James, lab, h Queen

Dinn Simon, watchmn, h Queen

Dixon John, lab, h Lake Shore rd

Dunn Robert, h Frederica

Dunn Robert Jr, clk, l R Dunn

Dutnall John, mldr, h Cockburn

Dutnall Robert, lab, h Lake Shore rd

Dutnall Robert W, lab, l R Dutnall

Dutnall Walter, lab, h Lake Shore rd

Egles Wm, pntr, h Lake Shore rd

Elford Wm, gdnr, h Burgess av

Ferrier Frederick, gdnr, h Church

Fordyce John, lab, h Queen

Fuller James, mkt gdnr, Salisbury av

Gillman George, lab, h Macdonald av

Gillman Wm, farmer, h Church

Gipson Reuben, pntr, h Lake Shore rd

Goddard David, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Gray George, lumber man, h Salisbury av

Greenfield Thomas, lab. h Queen

Grigsby Wm, mkt gdnr, h Queen

Harper Frederick G, lab. h Lake Shore rd

Harris George, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Harris Thomas, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Hawkrigg Wm, lab. h Lambton rd

Helliwell John R. mldr, h Salisbury av

Hicks Frederick J, elect, h Lake Shore rd

Hicks Norman, l O L Hicks

HICKS O L (O L Hicks & Son), Boat Builder and Contractor Lake Shore road h same (See cards Contractors. Sand Blast; Contractors, Bridge; also Boat Builders)

HICKS O L & SON (Octavius L and Wm J), Sand Blast for Cleaning Stone and Brick Buildings, Lake Shore rd (See cards Contractors, Sand Blast ; also Contractors, Bridge ; also Boat Builders)

Hicks Thomas L. locksmith, h Queen

Hicks Wm J (O L Hicks & Son), h Lake Shore rd

Hiscock John, lab, h Lake Shore rd

Hodgson Charles, sawyer, h Oliver

Horwood Frank, lab, h Queen

Humber Bay Post Office, John McConnell postmaster, Queen

Humber Bay Public School, Wm Bralthwaite prin, Cockburn

Humber Beach Hotel, Lake Shore rd

Johnstone James K, l Lake Shore rd

Johnstone Stanley, studt, l J K Johnstone

Joyce Miss (Catherine, l John Joyce

Joyce James, bolt mkr, l John Joyce

Joyce John, lab, h Godson rd

Joyce John Jr, l John Joyce

Joyce Joseph, lab, l John Joyce

Joyce Martin, lab, l John Joyce

Keiller Angus E, motorman, h Queen

Kent Wm, pntr, h Burgess av

McConnell Miss Elizabeth A, asst postmaster, l John McConnell

McConnell John, postmaster & gro Queen, h same

McQuary Daniel, brickmkr, h Queen

Maloney John, brick mfr Lake Shore rd, res Toronto

Masters James, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Meyer Mrs Pauline V, proprs Humber Beach Hotel, Lake Shore rd

Milding Aaron, carp, h Salisbury av

Milding Aaron Jr. wd wkr, l A Milding

Monteith John, lab, h Davidson cres

Nesbitt Wm J, mach. Junction Queen and Lake Shore rd, res Toronto

Nightingale Wm H, h Salisbury av

North Wm, mkt gdnr Burgess av, h same

North Wm, Jr, mkt gdnr, l Wm North

Nurse Charles, prop Nurse's Hotel, Lake Shore rd

Nurse's Hotel, Charles Nurse prop. Lake Shore rd

O'Neill Henry, h Lake Shore rd

Orr Benjamin, boat bldr, h Godson rd

Orr Miss Marjorie, l Benjamin Orr

Overholt Miss Ella, tchr, b Mrs Sarah E Brown

Parkinson Wm, jwlr, h Lake Shore rd

PmiiiBnier Philip, mach opr, h Cockburn

Presley Alfred, co constable, h Oliver

Pressley Wm, tmstr, h Lake Shore rd

Quin Arthur, blksmth, h Lake Shore rd

Kadmore Janies M, lab, h Queen

Rassson Thomas. blksmth, h Lake Shore rd

Read Charles V, pianomkr, h Lake Shore rd

Reid Ann (wid Thomas), h Burgess av

Reid Ralph L, gdnr, l Mrs Ann Reid

Reynolds Joseph, carp, h Macdonald av

Riches Jesse, brkmkr, h Lake Shore rd

Rush George, baker, h Burgess av

Rush Henry, boltmkr, h Frederiea

Rush Joseph mkt gdnr Burgess av

Rush Joseph C, gdnr, l Joseph Rush

St James' Church Mission, Frederiea

Sibjock Philip, lab, h Lake Shore rd

Simpson George, co constable, h Lake Shore rd

Sims John, blksmth, h Davidson cres

Slee Richard, engineer, h Lake Shore rd

Smith Henry S. mach. h Burgess av

Steel Arthur R. clk. h Queen

Switzer Albert, carp, h Davidson cres

Taverner Edlward. lab. h Frederica

Thompson Miss Emily A, tchr Humber Bay Pub Sch, res Islington

Todd James, gdnr, h Burgess av

Tomlinson Wm mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Trowell Edward brkmkr, h Lake Shore rd

Voight Wm, lab, h Church

Webb Arthur, gdnr, h Church

Wheeler Louis. clk. h Queen

Whitehead James, brkmkr, h Oliver

Whitehead Sarah (wid Thomas). h Queen

Whitworth Edward, gdnr. h Burgess av

Whitworth John, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Willis John, bolt mkr, h Queen

Wilson Wm F, lab. h Salisbury av

Winger Edward, lab, h Oliver

Young Frederick, lab, h Queen


YEARHA 1910 corrected


(Four and a half Miles West of P O)

Allen Joseph W, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Armstrong George, mkt gdnr h n s Lake Shore rd, h same

Aymer Charles, mkt gdnr Cannon rd

Aymer George, mkt gdnr, h n s Cannon rd

Ball Harland, gdnr, l Harry Ball

Ball Harry, cond, h Lake Shore rd

Ball Miss Mary, labeller. l Harry Hall

Ball Thomas, cond, l Harry Ball

Bellemere Miss Charlotte, l F Bellemere

Bellemere Miss Elizabeth, l F Bellemere

Bellemere Frederick, tmstr, h Macdonald av

Blyth Harry, tchr Industrial Sch, h w s Salisbury av

Bolan Thomas J. prop Humber Beach Hotel, res Toronto

Boland Catherine (wid Patrick), h Amelia

Boland John, musician, l Catherine Boland

Braithwaite Wm, prin Humber Bay Pub Sch, res Toronto

Broderick Mary (wid Patrick), h w s Salisbury av

Brown George S, stenog, h Salisbury av

Brown John G, mkt gdnr Salisbury av

Brown S Elizabeth (wid Charles E). mkt gdnr Salisbury av

Brown Wm J, uphol, h Lake Shore rd

Burke Michael, mldr. h s s Lake Shore rd

Burt Miss Daisy, packer, l Jesse Riches

Butwell Harry, tmstr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Butwell Henry, brick mfr, Lake Shore rd

BOT p39 Centre 1910 1stpage


Butwell Mark, engineer, h n s Lake Shore rd

Butwell Richard, foreman H Butwell, h Lake Shore rd

Campbell James M, blksmith Queen, res Toronto

Charles James W, clk, h w s Salisbury av

Carson Robert, lab, h e s Oliver

Cbodowski Michel, lab. h n s Lake Shore rd

Churchward Alfred, bolt mkr, l Robert Churchward

Churchward Robert, carp, h Frederica

Clark Harry, h w s Salisbury av

Clark Thomas, lab, h e s Oliver

Clark Thomas jr, lab, l Thomas Clark

Clark Wm, leather wkr, b Humber Beach Hotel

Collins Albert, mkt gdnr Queen

Corbett Robert, bolt mkr, h 2 Davidson cres

Cox Samuel, mkt gdnr, h Queen

Cullan David, h w s Salisbury av

Daniels Norman, mkt gdnr, b Albert Collins

Davis Frederick C, lab, h Queen

Delamere Miss Lillian, tchr Humber Bay Pub Sch, l Mrs C Brown

Delamere Thomas, hostler Humber Beach Hotel, l same

Devins Isaac N, prop Riverview Dining Hall and Boat House, river bank, res Toronto

Devins Vernon, mgr Riverview Dining Hall, l same

Dewsbury Frank, mach, h Frederica

Didsbury James, bolt mkr, h w s Macdonald av

Dixon John, lab, h Lake Shore rd

Doble James, moto, h n s Queen

Dunn Robert, h Frederica

Dunn Robert Jr, clk, l R Dunn

Dutnall John, mldr, h Cockburn

Dutnall Robert, lab, h Lake Shore rd

Dutnall Walter, lab, h Lake Shore rd

Egles Wm, pntr, h Lake Shore rd

Elett Walter, brkmkr, h w s Macdonald av

Elford Wm, gdnr, h Burgess av

Finley Richard, porter Humber Beach Hotel, l same

Fletcher John, brkmkr, h w s Oliver

Fordyce Gordon, bolt mkr, l John Fordyce

Fordyce James, brkmkr, l John Fordyce

Fordyce John, lab, h e s Oliver

Franklin Arthur, lab, h w s Macdonald av

Fuller James, mkt gdnr, Salisbury av

Gair Joseph, printer, h w s Frederica

Gill man George, lab, h Macdonald av

Gillman Wm, farmer, h Church

Gipson Reuben, pntr, h Lake Shore rd

Girvin Thomas, brkmkr, b Humber Beach Hotel

Goddard David, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Grant Robert, chef Nurse’s Hotel, l same

Gray George, h w s Salisbury av

Greenfield Edgar, bolt mkr, l Thomas Greenfield

Greenfield Thomas, lab, h e s Oliver

Grigsby Wm, mkt gdnr, h Queen

Gruman Miss Georgina, cap mkr, l Thomas Greenfield

Harper Frederick G, lab, h Lake Shore rd

Harrington Rev Samuel W, pastor St James’ Church, res Toronto

Harris George, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Harris Thomas, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Hawkrigg Wm, lab, h Lambton rd

Helliwell John R, mldr, h Salisbury av

Hewton Wm. lab. h w s Amelia

Hicks Norman, clk, l O L Hicks

HICKS OCTAVIUS L (O L Hicks & Son). Boat Builder and Contractor Lake Shore road, h same (See cards Contractors, Sand Blast; Contractors, Bridge; also Boat Builders)

HICKS O L & SON (Octavius L and Wm J), Sand Blast for Cleaning Stone and Brick Buildings, s s Lake Shore rd (See cards Contractors, Sand Blast; also Contractors, Bridge; also Boat Builders)

Hicks Thomas L, locksmith, h Queen

Hicks Wm J (O L Hicks & Son), h Lake Shore rd

Hiscox. Frederick, tinner, h s s Lake Shore rd

BOT p10 R 1910 first


Hiscox John, lab, h s s Lake Shore rd

Hodgkinson Levi, watchman, h s s Queen

Hodson Charles, sawyer, h w s Oliver

Humber Bay Mission, Rev Wm Raithby supt, n s Queen

Humber Bay Post Office, John McConnell postmaster, Queen

Humber Bay Public School, Wm Braithwaite prin. Cockburn

Humber Beach Hotel, Thomas J Bolan prop, s s Lake Shore rd

Hunter John H, barr,h w s Salisbury av

Iles Isaac, brkmkr, h n s Queen

Johnson Elizabeth (wid Wm), l James Doble

Johnstone James K, Govt Insp gas and water, h s s Lake Shore rd

Johnstone Stanley, clk, l James K Johnstone

Joyce James, bolt makr, l John Joyce

Joyce John, lab, h Godson rd

Joyce Joseph, brkmkr, b Humber Beach Hotel

Joyce Joseph, lab, l John Joyce

Joyce Martin, lab, l John Joyce

Kemp Alfred E, brkmkr, l 4 Davidson cres

Kemp James, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Kemp John, brkmkr, h 4 Davidson cres

Kemp Sydney, bolt mkr, l 4 Davidson cres

Kerry George C, hlpr James Campbell, res Toronto

Kitz Andrew, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Lomas George, piano mkr, l Wm Lomas

Lomas Louis, lab, l Wm Lomas

Lomas Wm. btchr,h n s Queen

McAllister Thomas, btchr, h e s Cockburn

McCartney George A, bolt mkr, l Charles Nurse

McCartney Harry M, dyer. l Charles Nurse

McConnell Miss Elizabeth A, asst postmaster, l John McConnell

McConnell John, postmaster & gro Queen, h same

McGraw George H, painter, h s s Lake Shore rd

McMann Miss Kate, wtrs Humber Beach Hotel

McMann Michael, mgr Humber Beach Hotel. l same

McMann Miss Nellie, wtrs Humber Beach Hotel

McQuarrie Donald, brkmkr, h s s Queen

McQuarrie Miss Eliza, leather wkr, l Donald McQuarrie

McQuarrie Harvey, glas wkr, l Donald McQuarrie

McQuarrie Miss Mary, opr, l Donald McQuarrie

MacDonald Holford T, btchr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Maloney Thomas, wtr Humber Beach Hotel

Masters James, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

May George, tmstr O L Hicks, b Humber Beach Hotel

Meldrum Wm, painter, h 6 Davidson av

Milding Aaron, carp, h Salisbury av

Milding Aaron Jr, wd wkr, l A Milding

Miles Wm C. mach Wm Nesbitt, res Toronto

Miles Wm H, prop Nurse's Hotel, l same

Milliner Wm. clk. khw s Frederica

Monteith-John, lab, h Davidson cres

Montgomery Wm, brklyr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Morhar Harry, brkmkr. b Humber Bench Hotel

Mumby Alfred, boatman Isaac N Devins, l Lake Shore rd

Nesbitt Wm J, mach, Junction Queen and Lake Shore rd, res Toronto

Newdick Sydney, mail carrier, h e s Cockburn

Newham John, dairy e s Cockburn, b same

Nightingale Wm H, h Salisbury av

North George, mkt gdnr e s Lambton rd. h same

North Harry, gdnr,h s s Cannon rd

North Wm, mkt gdnr Burgess av, h same

North Wm jr, mkt gdnr, l Wm North

Nurse Charles, h s s Lake Shore rd

Nurse Charles A, mach, l Charles Nurse

Nurse’s Hotel, Wm H Miles prop, n s Lake Shore rd

Orr Benjamin, boat bldr, h Godson rd

Orr Miss Marjorie, l Benjamin Orr

Parkes Thomas, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Parmenter Philip, mach, h e s Cockburn

Payne Charles, lab. h n s Humber av

Peacock John W, hardware, h n s Lake Shore rd

Presley Alfred, constable, h Oliver

Presley Miss Annie, mus tchr, l Alfred Presley

Presley Ernest, brkmkr, l Alfred Presley

Presley Miss Florence I, gro s s Lake Shore rd. l Alfred Presley

Presley Thomas, bartndr Humber Beach Hotel, l Alfred Presley

Presley Wm, tmstr, h n s Lake Shore ra

Quin Arthur, blksmth, h Lak£ Shore rd

Radmore James M, lab, h Queen

Raithby Rev Wm, Supt Humber Bay Mission, res Toronto

Ramsperger August, piano tuner, h s s Lake Shore rd

Rankin Richard, mkt gdnr w s Burgess av, h same

Rasson Thomas, blksmth s s Lake Shore rd, res Toronto

Read Charles V, pianomkr, h Lake Shore rd

Reid Ann (wid Thomas), h Burgess av

Reid Ralph L, gdnr, l Mrs Ann Reid

Riches Jesse, brkmkr, h Lake Shore rd

Riley Robert, gdnr, h e s Lambton rd

Runnalls Joseph, carp, h w s Macdonald av

Runnalls Miss Lillian, wtrs, l Joseph Runnalls

Runnalls Miss Rita, wtrs, l Joseph Runnalls

Runnalls Wm, carp. l Joseph Runnalls

Rush George, baker, h Burgess av

Rush Henry, blksmth, h w s Frederica

Rush Joseph, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Rush Joseph C, gdnr, l Joseph Rush

Ryan Lawrence, bartndr Nurse’s Hotel

St James Church, Samuel B. Harrington pastor, s s Frederica

Schneider Wm F. chef Riverview Dining Hall. l same

Scott Edwin J, painter, h s s Queen

Shadrick Jesse, shoemkr, h s s Queen

Shedwell Lewis, carp, h n s Lake Shore rd

Simpson George, constable, h Lake Shore rd

Simpson George H, tel opr, l George Simpson

Simpson Miss May, opr, l George Simpson

Simpson Wm. brkmk, h n s Lake Shore rd

Sims John, blksmth, h Davidson cres

Skidmore Richard D, btchr, h e s Cockburn

Slee Richard, engineer, h Lake Shore rd

Sloat Miss Carrie N, l James K Johnstone

Sutherland Frederick W, wood wkr. h n s Lake Shore rd

Swift Miss Ella, clk, l John McConnell

Switzer Alfred M. carp, h w s Fredrica

Taverner Edward, lab, h Frederica

Taylor Kate (wid George), h n s Lake Shore rd

Thompson Miss Emily A, tchr Humber Bay Pub Sch, res Islington

Thompson Frederick, mkt gdnr. e s Lambton rd. h same

Todd James, gdnr, h Burgess av

Tomlinson Wm. mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Trevanan Phillip, tmstr, h s s Queen

Waters Miss Caroline F. tchr Humber Bay Pub Sch. l T W Rush

Wheeler Louis clk. h Queen

Whitehead James, brkmkr. h Oliver

Whitehead Sarah (wid Thomas), h Queen

Whitworth Edward, gdnr. h Burgess av

Whitworth George, mkt gdnr, e s Burgess av, h same

Whitworth John, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Winger Edward, lab, h Oliver

Wilkinson Robert, lab. h s s Cannon rd

Willis John, holt mkr. h w s Macdonald av

Young Frederick, lab, h Queen


(Seven Miles West of P O)



YEARHA 1911 corrected


(Now Included in Toronto City)


(Four and s half miles west of P O)

Adley Joshua, barber s s Lake Shore rd

Allan Wm K. clk. rms 8 Davidson cres

Allen Joseph W. mkt gdnr Burgess av

Armstrong Frank, h n s Lake Shore rd

Armstrong George, brk mnfr n s Lake Shore rd. h same

Atkins Thos. porter Humber Beach Hotel

Aymer Charles, mkt gdnr Cannon rd

TOP p34 TL =PDF p26


Aymer George, mkt gdnr Cannon rd

Ball Geo, shipper, l Harry Ball

Ball Harland, gdnr, l Harry Ball

Ball Harry. gdnr. h n s Lake Shore rd

Ball Miss Mary, l Harry Ball

Ball Thomas. road, l Harry Ball

Barnes Thomas, wks Henry Butwell

Bayley Alfred, brklyr, h 11 Queen

Bollemere Miss Charlotte, l F Bollemere

Bellemere Miss Elizabeth, l F Bellemere

Bellemere Fredk, tmstr, h w s Macdonald av

Biper Frank, lab, b Thos Clark

Blyth Harry, tchr. h w s Salisbury av

Roland Thos J, prop Humber Beach Hotel, res Toronto

Boniface Albert, lime mkr, h e s Frederica

Boniface Ernest, lab. b Mrs E Johnson

Booth John, asst chef Humber Beach Hotel

Boulton Geo H h s s Lake Shore rd

Bragg Kdwd T, lab. h 11 Davidson cres

Bragg Frank, wks Henry Butwell

Braithwaite Wm, prin Humber Bay Pub Sch, res Toronto

BOT p34 TL

TOP p34BOT BL =PDF p26

Bright Mrs Edith, dining rm supt Riverview Dining Hall, res Toronto

Broderick Mary (wid Patrick), h w s Salisbury av

Brodlie Jas, shoemkr. h s s Lake Shore rd

Brown Geo S, stenog, h e s Salisbury av

Brown John G. mkt gdnr e s Salisbury av

Brown Nicholas, h s s Lake Shore rd

Brown S Elizabeth (wid Chas E). h Salisbury av

Brown Wm J. uphol, h n s Lake Shore rd

Burke Joseph, clk number Beach Hotel

Burke Michael, mldr, h 9 Davidson cres

Burke Michael, mldr. h s s Lake Shore rd

Burn George, chef Humber Beach Hotel

Burt Miss Daisy, packer, l Jesse Riches

Butler Miss Aline. l Mrs C Johnstone

Butwell Harry, tmstr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Butwell Henry, brick mfr, Lake Shore rd

Butwell Mark, engineer, h n s Lake Shore rd

Butwell Richard, h n s Lake Shore rd

Campbell James M, blksmith Queen, res Toronto

Carson Robert, lab, h e s Oliver

Charles Jumes W. clk. h w s Salisbury av

Chodowski Michel, lab. h n s Lake Shore rd

Chowns Emma (wid Wm). l 6 Davidson cres

Chowns Frederick, lab, h 6 Davidson cres

Chowns Wm, lab. l 6 Davidson cres

Churchward Alfred, nutmkr, l Robt Churchward

Churchward Robt. carp, h e s Frederica

Clark Harry, h w s Salisbury av

Clark Thomas, lab. h e s Oliver

Clark Thomas Jr. lab, l Thomas Clark

Collins Albert, mkt gdnr n s Queen

Cox Samuel, mkt gdnr. b A Collins

Cullan David, h w s Salisbury av

Daniels Norman, mkt gdnr, b A Collins


MID p24BOT last fragment

Delamere Miss Lillian, tchr Humber Bay Pub Sch, l Mrs S E Brown

Delamere Thomas, hostler Humber Beach Hotel l same

Devins Isaac N, prop Riverview Dining Hall and Boat House, river bank, res Toronto

Devins Vernon, mgr Riverview Dining Hall, l same

Dewsbury Frank, mach, h e s Frederica

Didsbury James, bolt mkr, h w s Macdonald av

Dixon John, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Donovan Ellen S (wid Patrick), l S Dunn

Douglass Robt, mldr, b number Bay Hotel

Dounan James, wks Henry Butwell, res Toronto

Dunn Simon, brkmkr. h n s Queen

Datnall John, mldr, h e s Cockburn

Dutnall Robt, lab. h n s Lake Shore rd

Dutnall Walter, teach, mach, h n s Lake Shore rd

Dwyer Miss Katherine, wtrs Humber Beach Hotel

Egles Ernest, painter, l Wm Egles

Egles Wm, painter, h s s Lake Shore rd

BOT p34 BL

TOP p34 TC =PDF p26

Elett Walter, brkmkr, h w s Macdonald av

Ewers Geo K, h s s Lake Shore rd

Ewers John, carp, l G E Ewers

Finlay Reginald, bellboy Humber Beach Hotel

Fletcher John, brkmkr, h e s Oliver

Fordyce Miss Christina, tlrs, l John Fordyce

Fordyce Edward, lab, l John Fordyce

Fordyce Geo, messr, l John Fordyce

Fordyce Gordon, lab, l John Fordyce

Fordyce Jas. lab, l John Fordyce

Fordyce John, lab, h e s Oliver

Franklyn Arthur, tmstr, h w s Macdonald

Fubert John, lab. b Humber Bay Hotel

Gair Joseph, printr, h w s Frederica

Gillman Albert, tinsmith, l Geo Gillman

Gillman Chas, lab. l Geo Gillman

Gillman Geo, lab, h w s Macdonald av

Gillman Geo Jr, lab. l Geo Gillman

Gipson Reuben, painter, h n s Lake Shore rd

Glrvin Thos. porter Humber Beach Hotel

Goddard David, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Greenfield Edgar, brkmkr. l Thos Greenfield

Greenfield Henry, lab. l Thos Greenfield

Greenfield Thomas, lab. h e s Oliver

Grey Miss Mabel, tchr Humber Bay Pub Sch. res Toronto

Grigsby Wm, mkt gdnr n s Queen

Harper Frederick G, lab, h s s Lake Shore rd

Harris Mrs Frances, tchr Humber Bay Pub Sch, res Toronto

Harris George, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Harris Thomas, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Hawkins Thos, nutmkr. h 2 Queen

Hawkrigg Wm, lab, h Lambton rd

Hellwell John S, mldr, h e s Salisbury av

Henry Thos, blksmith, b Humber Bay Hotel

Hewton Wm, lab. h w s Amelia

Hicks Norman, clk, l O L Hicks

HICKS OCTAVIUS L (O L Hicks & Son), Boat Builder and Contractor Lake Shore road, h same (See cards Contractors. Sand Blast; Contractors, Bridge ; also Boat Builder)

HICKS O L & SON (Octavius L and Wm J) Sand Blast for Cleaning Stone and Brick Buildings, s s Lake Shore rd (See cards Contractors, Bridge; also Boat Builders)

Hicks Wm J (O L Hicks A Son), h Lake Shore rd

Hiscox Frederick, tinner, h s s Lake Shore rd

Hiscox John. lab. h s s Lake Shore rd

Hodginson Levi, watchman, h l Queen

Hodson Charles, sawyer, h w s Oliver

Humber Bay Hotel. Wm H Miles prop, n s Lake Shore rd

Humber Bay Machine Co, John McMillan prop, n s Lake Shore rd

Humber Bay Mission, Rev Aubrey Vincent supt, n s Queen

Humber Bay Postoffice, Nicol MacNicol postmaster. Queen

Humber Ray Public School, Wm Braithwaite prin, Cockburn

Humber Beach Hotel, Thomas J Boland prop, Lake Shore rd

Humphreys Thos. lab, h 6 Davidson cres

BOT 1911p34 TC

TOP 1911p35 BC

Iles Isaac, h n s Queen

Jesson Shadrach. shoemkr, h s s Queen

Johnson Elizabeth (wid Wm), h n s Queen

Johnstone Caroline (wid James K), h s s Lake Shore rd

Johnstone Stanley, clk, l Mrs C Johnstone

Joyce John, bnrtndr Humber Bay Hotel

Joyce Joseph, lab, b Humber Bay Hotel

Joyce Martin, bartndr Humber Beach Hotel

Keillor Augus, h w s Frederica

Kemp Alfred, l 7 Davidson cres

Kemp Alfred Jr, brkmkr, h 7 Davidson cres

Kemp James, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Kemp John, brkmkr, l 7 Davidson cres

Kemp Sydney, lab. l 7 Davldson cres

Kent Clarence, boltmkr, b Humber Bay Hotel

BOT p34 BC

TOP 1911p34top TR

Lawrence John, wks Henry Butwell, b Humber Bay Hotel

Lightfoot Wen. wks Henry Butwell. res Toronto

McAllister Thomas, btchr, h e s Cockburn

McDermott Patrick, lab. h e s Oliver

McGraw George H, painter, h s s Lake Shore rd

McLennan Peter, boltmkr. b Thos Clark

McMann Miss Kate, wtrs Humber Beach Hotel

McMann Michael, mgr Humber Beach Hotel. l same

McMann Miss Nellie, wtrs Humber Beach Hotel

McMillan John, prop Humber Bay Machine Co, res Toronto

McQuarrie Donald, brkmkr, h Davidson cres

McQuarrie Miss Eliza. l Donald McQuarrie

McQuarrie Harvey. glasswkr, l Donald McQuarrie

McQuarrie Jas. lab. l Donald McQuarrie

McQuarrie Miss Mary. opr. l Donald McQuarrie

MacDonald Holford T, btchr, h s s Lake Shore rd

MacNicol Nicol, postmaster and gro Queen, b same

Maloney Thos. wine clk Humber Beach Hotel

Marnie Jas, boatbldr, b Humber Bay Hotel

Masters James, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

May George, tmstr. b Humber Beach Hotel

Meldrum Wm, painter 4 Davidson cres

Milding Aaron, carp, h Salisbury av

Milding Aaron Jr. carp, l Aaron Milding

Miles Mrs Ethel, hsekpr Humber Bay Hotel

Miles Wm H, prop Humber Bay Hotel, l same

Milliner Wm, clk. h e s Frederica

Mohar Harry, tanner, b Humber Beach Hotel

Monteith John, slsmn, h 3 Davidson cres

Muloch Patrick, tilemkr. b Humber Beach Hotel

Naylor Edwin, brkmkr. l Mark Butwell

Naylor Thos S. lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Newdick Sydney, mail carrier, h e s Cockburn

Newman John, dairy e s Cockburn, b same

Nightingale Wm H, h Salisbury av

North George, mkt gdnr e s Lambton rd. h same

North Harry, gdnr, h s s Cannon rd

North Wm, mkt gdnr Burgess av. h same

North Wm Jr, mkt gdnr. J Wm North

Northcote Richard H, elect, h s s Lake Shore rd

Orr Benjamin, boat bidr. h Godson rd

Orr Miss Marjorie, l Benjamin Orr

BOT 34top TR

TOP p34 BR

Parkes Thomas, lab. h n s Lake Shore rd

Parkinson Win. jwlr. h s s Lake Shore rd

Parmenter Philip, mach, h e s Cockburn

Payne Chas, wks Henry Butwell

Peacock John W. h n s Lake Shore rd

Pomfret Luther, h 8 Davidson cres

Presley Alfred, constable, h w s Oliver

Presley Miss Annie, mus tchr, l Alfred Presley

Presley Ernest, brkmkr, l Alfred Presley

Presley Miss Florence I. gro s s Lake Shore rd. l Alfred Presley

Presley Thos, bartender Humber Beach Hotel

Presley Wm, tmstr Henry Butwell. h n s Lake Shore rd

Quin Arthur, blksmth, h n s Lake Shore rd

Radmore Jas M, lab, h s s Queen

Rankin Richard, mkt gdnr w s Burgess av, h same

Rasson Thos, blksmth s s Lake Shore rd

Read Charles V, pianomkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Riches Jesse, wks Henry Butwell, h n s Lake Shore rd

Riley Mrs Kate, cook Humber Bay Hotel

Riley Robert, gdnr, h e s Lambton rd

Riverview Dining Hall, Isaac N Devins prop. River bank

Ronaldson Jas C, emp Isaac N Devins

BOT p34 BR

page 35 is complete

TOP p35TOP TRR (p35 TL)

Runnalls Joseph, carp, h w s Macdonald av

Runnalls Miss Lillian, wtrs, l Joseph Runnalls

Runnalls Wm, carp. l Joseph P. Runnalls

Rush Henry, blksmth. h w s Frederica

Rush Joseph, mkt gdnr Burgess av

Rush Joseph C. gdnr, l Joseph Rush

St James Church (Ang),

Samuel B Harrington pastor, s s Frederica

Schneider Wm F, chef Riverview Dining Hall, l same

Shadwell Chas. carp, h s s Lake Shore rd

Shadwell Lewis, blrmkr, l Chas Shadwell

Simpson Geo. cond, h s s Lake Shore rd

Simpson George H, tel opr, l George Simpson

Simpson Miss May, opr, l George Simpson

Simpson Wm, wkg Henry Butwell, res Mimico

Sims John, boatbdlr s s Lake Shore road, res Swansea

Skidmore Richard D, btchr, h e s Cockburn

Slee Richard, engineer, h Lake Shore rd

Sutherland Frederick W, wood wkr. h n s Lake Shore rd

Switzer Alfred M, carp, h w s Fredrica

Taverner Kdwd, lab, h n s Amelia

Taverner Henry, brkmkr, l Edward Taverner

Taylor Kate (wid George), h n s Lake Shore rd

Thompson Frederick, mkt gdnr, e s Lambton rd. h same

Todd James, gdnr. b Burgess av

Tomlinson Wm, mkt gdnr Lambton rd

Trevethan Philip, nutmkr, h w s Macdonald av

Trevor Miss Nellie, wtrs Humber Bay Hotel

Truman Miss Georgina, opr. l Thos Greenfield

Van Waggoner Lilly (wid George). l Simon Dunn

Vincent Rev Aubrey, supt Humber Bay Mission, h s s Queen

Walker Frank, watchman GTR, res Swansea

Wheeler Louis, h s s Queen

Whitehead Jas, wks Henry Butwell, h e s Oliver

Whitehead Miss Jennie, opr, l Mrs S Whitehead

Whitehead John, brkmkr Henry Butwell, res Swansea

Whitehead Sarah (wid Thos), h e s Oliver

Whitworth Edward, gdnr. h Burgess av

Whitworth John, mkt gdnr Queen, h same

Wilder Hurry, clk, b Lake Shore rd

Wilder Henry, clk. l n s Lake Shore rd

Wilkinson Robert, lab, h s s Cannon rd

Willis Jobn, bolt mkr, h w s Macdonald

Wllmot Miss Rose, clk Nicol MacNicol

Winger Arnold wkr Henry Butwell. l Edwd Winger

Winger Edwd, lab. h e s Oliver

Wolfe Geo. h s s Lake Shore rd

BOT p35TOP BL (of p35)



YEARHA 1912 Corrected



(Four and a half miles west of P O)

Adley Joshua, h same

Armstrong George, brk mnfr n s Lake Shore rd, h same

Aymer Chas,mkt gdnr s s Cannon rd, h same

Aymer Geo, mkt gdnr s s Cannon rd, h same

Ball Geo. shipper, l Harry Ball

Ball Harland, gdnr, l Harry Ball

Ball Harry, gdnr. h n s Lake Shore rd

Ball Miss Mary, l Harry Ball

Barker John, tile mkr, h Lake Shore rd

Barnes Thos, brkmkr, b Mrs K Taylor

Bayley Alfred, mach hd, h s s Queen

Bayley Miss Emily, opr. l A Bayley

Beers Arthur, bartndr Humber Beach Hotel, l same

Beetham Francis E, boltmkr, h w Frederica

Bell Miss Bella, wtrs Humber Beach Hotel, l same

Bellemere Miss Charlotte, l F Bellemere

Bellemere Miss Elizabeth, l F Bellemere

Bellemere Fredk, tmstr, h w s Macdonald av

Blyth Geo, engineer, h w s Salisbury av

Boland Thos J, prop Humber Beach Hotel

Boniface Albert, brkmkr. h e s Frederica

Boniface Ernest, lab, h s sQueen

Booker Michl. lab, b Geo Wandless

Bracey Thos. gdnr. l J C Rush

Bradbury Lewis, l Mrs S E Brown

Bradley Lewis T, mkt gdnr n s Queen, h same

Bragg Edwd T, lab. h 11 Davidson cres

Bragg Frank, nut mkr. b Mrs S E Brown

Braithwaite Wm, prin Humber Bay Pub Sch, res Toronto

Broderick Mary (wid Patrick), h w s Salisbury av

Brown Geo S, ins agt, l Mrs S E Brown

Brown John S. mkt gdnr e s Salisbury av h same

Brown S Elizth (wid Chas B), h Queen. cor Salisbury av

Brown Walter E. gdnr, l Mrs S E Brown

Buss Norman, tmstr, h n s Queen

Butwell Henry, brick mfr n s Lake Shore rd, h same

Butwell Henry jr. lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Bulwell Henry, tmstr. h e s Salisbury av

Butwell Mark, engineer. bn s Lake Shore rd

Butwell Richard, h n s Lake Shore rd

Carson Robert, lab. h e s Oliver

Charles Jnmes W, clk. h w s Salisbury av

Chesher Wm J, gro, h e s Salisbury av

Chowns Emma (wid Wm), h 6 Davidson cres

Chowns Fredk, lab, l Mrs E Chowns

Chowns Wm, lab. l Mrs E Chowns

Churchward Alfred, nutmkr, l Robt Churchward

Churchward Robt. mach, h e s Frederica

Clark Thos, tile mkr, h e s Oliver

Clark Thos Jr, concrete wkr. l Thos Clark

Clark Wm, concrete wkr. l Thos Clark

Clarke Harry J. h w s Salisbury av

Collins Jas. mkt gdnr n l Queen, h same

Cox Miss Gladys, drsmkr l Saml Cox

Cox Gustave, gdnr, l Saml Cox

Cox Henry, lab. h e s Frederica

Cox Saml, mkt gdnr Queen, cor Burgess av, h same

Crowe Catherine (wid Thos S), gro s s Lake Shore rd, h same

Crowe Edwd, Jwlr, l Mrs C Crowe

Cullan Miss Agnes. l D Cullan

Chilian David, h w s Salisbury av

Dandridge Miss Hattie. l J Dandridge

Dandridge Jas, mKt gdnr n s Queen, h same

Dandridge Jas E, l J Dandridge

Dandridge Miss Jane. l J Dandridge

Dandridge Miss Norma. l J Dandridge

Daniels Francis, mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Daniels Norman, gdnr, l F Daniels

Davison Jas, mach hd, h s s Queen

Delamcre Miss Lillian, tchr Humber Pub Sch, l Mrs S E Brown

Devins Isaac N, prop Riverview Dining Hall and Boat House, res Toronto

Devins Vernon, mgr Riverview Dining Hall, l same



Dewey Harry, bartndr Humber Bay Hotel

Dewsbury Frank, mach, h e s Frederica

Dickson John, gdnr, l E Rowett

Didsbury James, bolt mkr, h w s Macdonald av

Dixon John, lab, bus Lake Shore rd

Donovan Patk J, moto, h s s Queen

Dunn Robt, h e s Frederica

Dunn Robt Jr, clk, l Robt Dunn

Dutnall John, mldr, h n s Cockburn av

Dutnall Robt, mach hd, h n s Lake Shore rd

Dutnall Walter, iron wkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Egles Ernest, painter, l Wm Egles

Egles Wm. painter, h s s Lake Shore rd

Elett Walter, brkmkr, h w s Macdonald av

Evans John, bartndr Humber Beach Hotel

Finnegan David, lab, h s s Lake Shore rd

Fletcher John, brkmkr, h e s Oliver

Fordyce Geo, elect, l John Fordyce

Fordyce Jas K, concrete wkr, l John Fordyce

Fordyce John, lab, h e s Oliver

Franklyn Arthur, tmstr, h w s Macdonald av

Gair Joseph, printer, h e s Cockburn av

Gilman Albert, lab, l Geo Gilman

Gilman Chas, lab, l Geo Gilman

Gilman Geo, lab, h w s Macdonald av

Gilman Geo jr, lab, l Geo Gilman

Gipson Reuben, painter, h n s Lake Shore rd

Glavin Thos, porter number Beach Hotel l same

Gray Lucy (wid Geo), h w s Salisbury av

Greenfield Chas, mkt gdnr w s Grand nv

Greenfield Edgar, mach. l Thos Greenfield

Greenfield Thos, brkmkr, h e s Oliver

Grigsby Amos, mkt gdnr e s Grand av

Grigsby Wm. mkt gdnr n s Queen, h same

Haack Miss Eiva, tchr Humber Bay Pub Sch, b Harry Brown

Harrington Rev Saml B, pastor St James Church

Harris Geo, mkt gdnr e s Lambton rd, h same

Harrison Joseph tile mkr, h w s Salisbury av

Harwood Ernest, concrete wkr, b Thos Clark

Harwood Geo, lab, h s s Frederica

Hawkins Thos, tmstr h s s Queen

Helliwell John S. gdnr John H Hunter, h w s Salisbury av

Hevworth Frank P, barber, h n s Lake Shore rd

Hicks Elizth (wid Thos L) h s s Queen

Hicks Octavius L (O L Hicks & Son), h s s Lake Shore rd

Hicks O L & Son (Octavius L and Wm J), boat bldrs s s Lake Shore rd

Hicks Septimus, sailor, Wm J Hicks

Hicks Wm J (O L Hicks & Son) h n s Lake Shore rd

Hodginson Levi, bolt mkr, h n s Macdonald av

Hodson Chas, mach hd, h w s Oliver.

Holmes Henry, bolt mkr, h n s Queen

Holmes Wm. mkt gdnr s l Queen, h same

Humber Bay Hotel, John T Newton prop. n s Lake Shore rd

Humber Bay Machine Co, Thos McMillan prop Lake Shore rd, cor Queen

Humber Bay Mission, Rev Aubrey Vincent supt. n s Queen

HUMBER BAY POST OFFICE, Nicol MacNicol Postmaster, s l Queen

Humber Bay Public School, Wm Bralthwalte prin, e s Cockburn

Humber Beach Hotel, Thos J Boland prop. s s Lake Shore rd

Hunter John H, barr, h w s Salisbury av

Iles Isaac, lab, h n s Queen

Jesson Shadrach, shoemkr. s s Queen, h same

Johnson Daniel, h s s Lake Shore rd

Johnson Elizabeth (wid Wm), h n s Queen

Johnstone Caroline (wid James K), h s s Lake Shore rd

Johnstone Stanley, clk, l Mrs C Johnstone

Joyce Joseph, bartndr Humber Beach Hotel, l same

Joyce Martin, mgr Humber Beach Hotel, l same

Keillor Angus, h n s Queen

Kemp Alfred, h 7 Davidson cres

Kemp Alfred Jr, brkmkr, l A Kemp



Kemp James, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Kemp John, brkmkr. l A Kemp

Kemp Sydney, lab, l A Kemp

McAlister Thos, tmstr, h e s Cockburn av

McDonald Mlchl, bartndr Humber Bay Hotel. l same

McGrath Jas. tmstr, l J McGrath

McGrath John, mkt gdnr Queen cor Wesley av

McLennan Peter. boltmkr, b Thos Clark

McLennan Wm. tile mkr, b Thos Clark

McMann Michl, chef Humber Beach Hotel

McMillan Thos, prop Humber Bay Machine Co, res Toronto

McQuarrle Donald, brkmkr, h s s Queen

McQuarrle Harvey, iron wkr, l D McQuarrie

McQuarrle Jas, glass bender, l D McQuarrle

MacNicol Nicol, postmaster and general store s s Queen, h same

Mansell Mrs Esther, wtrs Humber Bay Hotel

Mansell Wm, porter Humber Bay Hotel, l same

Masters Jas, mkt gdnr w s Lambton rd

Meldrum Wm, painter, h 4 Davidson cres

Milding Aaron, mach. h w s Salisbury av

Milliner Wm, caretkr, h e s Frederica

Monteith John, slsmn. h s s Queen

Montgomery Wm, brklyr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Naylor Edwin, brkmkr, b Mark Butwell

Naylor Thos S, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Newman John, boltmkr, h e s Cockburn av

Newton Eugene H. studt, l Humber Bay Hotel

Newton John T, prop Humber Bay Hotel. l same

Newton John J. clk, l Humber Bay Hotel

Nightingale Wm H, h w s Salisbury av

Norris John, lab. h n s Queen

North Harry, gdnr, h s s Cannon rd

North Wm, mkt gdnr s s Burgess av, h same

North Wm jr. gdnr. l Wm North

Orr Benj. boat bldr. h n s Godson rd

Orr Joseph, iron wkr. h Cockburn av

Padfield John, painter. l Wm J Chesher

Parker Walter C, mkt gdnr n s Queen, h same

Parker Wm H, l n s Queen

Parmenter Margt (wid Phillip), h e s Cockburn av

Payne Chas, brkmkr, h n s Humber av

Peacock John W, rlk, h n s Lake Shore rd

Pennal Harry D. clk. h w s Salisbury av

Piper Frank, bolt mkr, b Thos Clark

Pomfret Luther, fireman, h s Davidson cres

Presley Alfred, co constable, h w s Oliver

Presley Miss Annie, mus tchr, J Alfred Presley

Presley Miss Florence I. gro s s Lake Shore rd, l Alfred Presley

Presley Wm, tmstr Henry Butwell, h e s Salisbury av

Radmore Jas M. lab, h sr s Queen

Rankin Richard, mkt gdnr w s Burgess av. h same

Rasson Thos, blksmth s s Lake Shore rd, h same

Reilly Robt H. farmer, h n s Queen

Riches Jesse, brkmkr, h e s Salisbury av

Riley Robert, gdnr, h e s Lambton rd

Riverview Dining Hall, Isaac N Devins prop. River bank

RonaffLson Jas C. clk l N Devins, l same

Rowetts Ernest, mkt gdnr n s Queen, h same

Rowett Geo, mkt gdnr w s Grand av

Runnalls Joseph. carp, h w s Macdonald av

Runnalls Wm, carp, l Joseph Runnalls

Rush Geo, lab. h s s Lake Shore rd

Rush Henry, s w s Frederica

Rush Joseph mkt gdnr Queen cor Burgess av, h same

Rush Joseph W, mkt gdnr s s Burgeas

St James Church (Ang). Rev Saml B Harrington pastor.

w s Frederica

Savage Chas, brkmrtr, b Mrs K Taylor

Schneider Wm F, chef Riverview Dining Hall. l same

Sewell Wm, gdnr, l Wnm Holmes

Shadwell Chas, carp, h Lake Shore rd

Shadwell Lewis, lab, l Chas Shadwell

BOT P2 RITE COLUMN compare with P1 OCR



Shannon Patk, tile mkr, h w s Macdonald av

Simpson Geo, co constable, h s s Lake Shore rd

Simpson George H. tel opr, l George Simpson

Simpson Wm J, brkmkr, h e s Salisbury av

Skidmore Richd D, btchr, h e s Cockburn av

Slee Richd engraver, h s s Lake Shore rd

Smeaton Miss Kathleen, tchr Humber Bay Pub b Mrs S E Brown

Smith John gdnr, l Wm Grigsby

Stickland Fredk, mach hd. b A Bayley

Sutherland Frederick W, wood wkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Switzer Alfred M, carp, h w s Fredrlca

Taverner Edwd lab, h n s Amelia

Taverner Edwd, mb. h s s Lake Shore rd

Taylor Geo. brkmkr, l Mrs K Taylor

Taylor Kate (wid George), h n s Lake Shore rd

Tenney Geo. gdnr, l Wm Tomlinson

Thompson Frederick, mkt gdnr, e s Lampton rd, h same

Todd Jas, gdnr, h s s Burgess av

Tomlinson Wm. mkt gdnr e s Lambton rd, h same

Trevetham Joseph, nutmkr, b John Willis

Trevetham Philip, nutmkr, h w s Macdonald av

Vincent Aubrey, supt Humber Bay Mission. h s s Queen

Walker Frank, gate kpr GTR. res Swansea

Wandless Geo. brkmkr. h s s Lake Shore rd

Wheeler Louis, h s s Queen

Whitehead Jas. bolt mkr. h e s Oliver

Whitehead Sarah (wid Thos). h e s Oliver

Whitworth Edwd, mkt gdnr s s Burgess av, h same

Whitworth John W, mkt gdnr s s Queen h same

Wickson Thos, mkt gdnr n s Queen, h same

Willis John, holt mkr, h w s Macdonald av

Willow John A. gdnr. l Richd Rankin

Winger Arnold E, bolt mkr, l Edwd Winger

Winger Edwd, fireman, h e s Oliver

Worstfold Ernest G, lab, l Mrs S E Brown

Wright David, mkt gdnr e s Grand av

Wright John H, mgr S L Wright, res Swansea

Wright Saml L, flour s s Queen, h Brigden

Yates Lawrence, iron wkr, h 9 Davidson cres


BOT Last page RITE COL




(Four and a half miles west of P O)

Adley Joshua, barber n s Lake Shore rd, h same

Akers Geo G, mach Humber Bay machine shop, res Toronto

Alderson Wm, h s s College

Allen Jos W. mkt gdnr, w s Salisbury av

Arrowsmith Geo E, bolt wkr, h Godson rd

Ashley Geo, bolt wkr, h e s Salisbury av

Atkins Edwin, engr, h n s Queen

Aymer Chas, mkt gdnr, n s Cannon rd

Aymer Geo, mkt gdnr, n s Cannon rd

Aymer Thos, pdlr, l Chas Aymer

Baldwin Ernest (Rush & Baldwin), h e s Salisbury av

Ball Geo E, brkmkr, l Harry Ball

Ball Harland H, fireman, l Harry Ball

Ball Harry, gdnr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Banks Miss Clara, opr, l James D Banks

Banks Predk, boltmkr, l James D Banks

Banks Harry, boltmkr, l James D Banks

Banks Jas D, boltmkr, h w s Macdonald

Barnes Thos, brkmkr, l Mrs Kate Taylor

Bates Wm J, elect, h s s Lake Shore rd

Bayley Alfred, boltmkr, h 11 Queen

Beethan Edwd F, boltmkr, h 16 Frederica

Bell Albert, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury av

Bell Alfred, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury av

Bellmer Miss Charlotte, l Frdk J Bellmer

Bellmer Miss Elizth. l Frdk J Bellmer

Bellmer, Frdk J, tmstr, h w s Macdonald

Blake Frank, boatman, l Mrs L Blake

Boniface Albert G, lab, h s s Cannon rd

Boniface Ernest L, lab, h s s Cannon rd

Bracey Thos H, mkt gdnr. w s Salisbury av

Bradbury Lewis, gdnr, l Mrs S Elizth Brown

Bradley Lewis T. mkt gdnr, s s Queen h same

Pragg Edwd T, lab, h 5 Davidson cres

Bragg Frank, boltmkr, b Mrs Elizth Brown.

Braithwaite Wm, prin Humber Bay Pub Sch, res Toronto

Brent Miss Bertha, clk Nicol MacNicol, b Geo Gray

Brierley Alfred, btch, h w s Salisbury av

Bright Mrs Edith. dining rm supt Riverview Dining Hall, res Toronto

Bright Miss Ethel, wtrs Riverview Dining Hall, l same

Broderick Annie (wid Patk), h w s Salisbury av

Broderick John J, labl l Mrs Annie Broderick

Broderick Miss May. opr. l Mrs Annie Broderick

Brown Fredk, brkmkr. h s s Queen

Brown Geo S, bkpr, l Mrs S Elizth Brown

Brown John G, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury, h same

Brown Mary E (wid Samul), l Wm J Brown

Brown Nicholas, h s s Lake Shore rd

Brown S Elizth (wid Chas E), h Queen, cor Salisbury av

Brown Walter E, gdnr, l Mrs S Elizth Brown

Brown Wm J, uphl, h s s Lake Shore rd

Burbidge Ernest, mkt gdnr, n s College

Burch Wm. lab, b James M Radmore

Burroughs Albert, btch, h s s Cannon rd

Burt Miss Daisy, opr, l Jesse Riches

Butwell Brick Co Ltd, Henry Butwell pres, Richard Butwell mgr, brk mfrs, n s Lake Shore rd

Butwell Caleb, brkmkr, l Mark Butwell

Butwell Harry H, tmstr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Butwell Henry, pres Butwell Brick Co Ltd. res Toronto

Butwell Mark, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Butwell Miss May E, stenog, l Mark Butwell

Butwell Reginald N, tel opr, l Mark Butwell

Butwell Richd, mgr Butwell Brick Co Ltd, h n s Lake Shore rd

Cameron Wm, clk, h s s Lake Shore rd

Campbell Jas M, blksmth, Queen, res Toronto

Carson Robt T, lab, h e s Oliver

Charles Jas W, h 307 Salisbury av

Chester Miss Edna, l Wm Chester

Chester Miss Gladys, l Wm Chester

Chester Wm J, gro, h e s Salisbury av

Chowns Emma (wid Wm), h 6 Davidson cres

Chowns Fredk J, shipper, h 6 Davidson cres

Chowns Richd, lab, h e s Cockburn

Chowns Wm, yardmn, l 6 Davidson cres

Churchward Alfred, packer, l Robt Churchward

Churchward Robt. mach, h e s Frederica

Clark Wm H, pipemkr, b Patk McDermott

Clarke Henry J. h w s Salisbury av

Collins Miss Elizth, l James Collins

Collins James, mkt gdnr, n s Queen h same

Collins Jos, gdnr, l James Collins

Cook Mrs Christina, cashier Riverview Dining Hall

Copeland Robt G, clk, h w s Salisbury av

Coram Harry brkmkr, b Mrs Kate Taylor

Cox Miss Gertrude S, l Saml Cox

Cox Miss Gladys M, stenog, l Saml Cox

Cox Guster S, gdnr, l Saml Cox

Cox Henry, tmstr, h e s Salisbury av

Cox Saml, mkt gdnr n s Queen, h game

Cox Thos J, painter, h Godson rd

Crowhurst Ernest, mkt gdnr, e s Church

Dandridge Jas, mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Daniels Francis, mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Davis Fredk, mach Humber Bay Machine Shop, res Toronto

Davis Jas, boltmkr, h 12 Queen

Delemere Miss Lillian, tchr Humber Bay Pub School, l Mrs S Elizth Brown

Devins Isaac N, prop Riverview Dining Hall and Boat House, res Toronto

Dewsbury Franklin H, mach, h e s Frederica

Didsbury James, bolt mkr, l MacDonald av

Dinn Simon, tmstr, h n s Queen

Dixon John, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Dixon John T, gdnr Ernest Rowett, l same

Donovan Patk J, moto. h s s Queen

Dunn Robt, h e s Frederica

Dunn Robt jr, chkr, l Robt Dunn

Dutnall John, mldr, h e s Cockburn

Dutnall Robt, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Dutnall Walter, mach, h n s Lake Shore rd

Egles Chas J. bkbndr, l Wm Egles

Egles Ernest, mach. l Wm Egles

Egles Geo, painter, h s s Lake Shore rd

Egles Wm. painter. h s s Lake Shore rd

Elett Walter, brkmkr, h w s Macdonald av

Elford Isaac, mkt gdnr, s s Cannon rd

Elford Wm, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury av

Estes Walter, mach Humber Bay Machine Shop, res Toronto

Fletcher John, brkmkr, h Macdonald cor Humber av

Flynn Benj G, mach Humber Bay Machine Shop, res Toronto

Fordyce Miss Christina, tlrs, l John Fordyce

Fordyce Geo, elect, l John Fordyce

Fordyce Gordon W, boltmkr, l John Fordyce

Fordyce Jas C, lab, l John Fordyce

Fordyce John, lab, h e s Oliver

Forsyth Jas, mkt gdnr, n s Lake Shore rd h same

Franklin Arthur J, tmstr, h w s Macdonald

Gair Joseph, printer, h e s Cockburn

Gariepy Alfred A, designer, h n s Lake Shore rd

Gillman Albert E, tinsmth, l Geo Gillman

Gillman Chas E, lab, l Geo Gillman

Gillman Geo l w s Macdonald

Gillman Geo jr, boatmn Riverview Boat House, l Geo Gillman

Gipson Bertha (wid Reuben), h n s Lake Shore rd

Goyne Lewis, mkt gdnr, n s College

Gray Lucy (wid Geo), h w s Salisbury av

Green Bert, gdnr, h n s Queen

Green Miss Mary M, l Mrs S Elizth Brown

Greenfield Austin E, brkmkr, l Thos Greenfield

Greenfield Edgar T, lab, l Thos Greenfield

Greenfield Thos, brkmkr, h e s Oliver

Grigsby Amos, gdnr, h e s Grand av

Grigsby Win, mkt gdnr n s Queen, h same

Handley Robt H, gdnr, h s s Cannon rd

Hanna Richd, blksmth Jas M Campbell, res West Toronto

Hanson Lionel W, prop Humber Beach Hotel. l same

Harris Geo, mkt gdnr, Lambton rd

Harris Thos, mkt gdnr, Lambton rd

Harris Wm. mkt gdnr, s s College

Harrison Jos H, pipemkr, h w s Salisbury av

Hawke Miss Jean, tchr Humber Bay Pub School, res Toronto.

Hawkins Miss Ellen, l Mrs Caroline Johnstone

Hawkins Thos, tmstr S L Wright, h 2 Queen

Helliwell John S, mldr, h w s Salisbury av

Heyworth Frank P, barber, h n s Lake Shore rd

Hicks Miss Amy E, l Mrs Elizth Hicks

Hicks Boat House, Wm J Hicks prop, river bank

Hicks Elizth (wid Thos L), h s s Queen

Hicks Octavius L (O L Hicks & Son), h s s Lake Shore rd

Hicks O L & Son (Octavius L and Wm J), contrs. Lake Shore rd

Hicks Wm J (O L Hicks & Son), h n s Lake Shore rd

Hodgkinson Levi. lab. h w s Macdonald

Hodson Chas, sawyer, h n s Humber av

Holmes Henry, bolt mkr, h n s Queen

Holmes Henry, mkt gdnr, s s Queen

Hope Wm. lab. b John Fletcher

Horwood Frank H, shpr, h w s Frederica

Horwood Geo H, l Frank H Horwood

Huffman Albert, well driller, h n s Cannon rd

Huffman Wm C, well driller, h s s Cannon rd

Humber Bay Baptist Church, Rev Aubrey Vincent pastor, n s Queen

Humber Bay Machine Shop, Thos McMillan prop, s s Lake Shore rd

HUMBER BAY POST OFFICE. Nicol MacNicol Postmaster, s s Queen

Humber Bay Public School, Wm Braithwaite prin, e s Cockburn

Humber Beach Hotel. Lionel W Hanson prop, s s Lake Shore rd

Hunter John H. barr, h w s Salisbury av

Iles Isaac, packer, h n s Queen

Jecks Tobias, prop Haws Boat House. res Toronto

Jesson Shadrach, shoemkr, h e s Frederica

Johnson Daniel, h s s Lake Shore rd

Johnson Elizabeth (wid Wm). h n s Queen

Johnstone Caroline (wid James K). h s s Lake Shore rd

Johnstone Stanley, clk, l Mrs Caroline Johnstone

Jones Michl P. brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Joyce Miss Catharine, wtrs, l Mrs Margt Joyce

Joyce James, brkmkr, l Mrs M Joyce

Joyce Margt (wid John), h Godson rd

Keillor Angus, driver, h n s Queen

Kemp Alfred, h 7 Davidson cres

Kemp James, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Kemp Sidney, lab. l 7 Davidson cres

Kent Wm. mkt gdnr, w s Salisbury av

Kirby Geo, lab, h s s College

Kirby Thos, lab. l Geo Kirby

Knight John, boltmkr. h 12 Queen

Kunki Joseph, lab. h n s Lake Shore rd

Langdon Frank, lab. b James M Radmore

Legg Archd M, photo engr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Legg Geo F. photo engraver. l s s Lake Shore rd

Little Frank, mach Humber Bay Machine Shop, res Toronto.

McAllister Thos, tmstr, h e s Cockburn

McDermott Patrk, tile burner, h e s Oliver

McDonald Halford T. bartndr Newton's Hotel, l same

McElhenny Jas E, mgr Humber Beach Hotel, res Toronto

McElroy Miss Mary, wtrs Newton's Hotel, l same

McFarlane Geo, gdnr, l Lewis Goyne

McGrath John, mkt gdnr. s s Queen

McGraw Geo H, painter, h e s Frederica

McLelland Wm, pipemkr, b Patk McDermott

McMillan Roy J, supt Humber Bay Machine Shop, res Toronto

McQuarrie Donald, brkmkr, h 10 Queen

McQuarrie Miss Eliza, opr, l 10 Queen

McQuarrie Harvey, boltmkr. l 10 Queen

McQuarrie Jas H, glasswkr, l 10 Queen

McQuarrie Miss Mary, packer, l 10 Queen

MacDonald Frank J, boatmn Maw's Boat House, l Thos J Cox

MacDonald Miss Louisa. l Thos J Cox

MacDonald Wm E, rep, l Thos J Cox

MacNicol Nicol, postmaster and gro s s Queen, h same

Mageehan Hugh, elect, b Richd D Skidmore

Major Rupert, mkt gdnr, w s Salisbury av, h same

Maloney John, brk rhfr n s Lake Shore rd, res Toronto

Marigold Henry P. mach Humber Bay

Machine Shop, res Toronto

Mansell Mrs Esther, wtrs Newton's Hotel

Mansell Wm, porter Newton's Hotel

Maw's Boat House, Tobias Jecks prop, river bank

Mayo John, pipemkr, b Patk McDermott

Meldrum Wm, painter, h 4 Davidson cres

Mercy Clifford, porter Humber Beach Hotel, res New Toronto

Milding Aaron, carp, h w s Salisbury av

Milding Miss Charlotte. l Aaron Milding

Milding Miss Margt. bkbndr. l Aaron Milding

Milliner Wm. caretkr, h e s Frederica

Mitchell Geo, brkmkr. l John M Mitchell

Mitchell John M, brkmkr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Mitchell Wallace, boltmkr, b Geo Gillman

Monteith John, slsmn, h 3 Davidson cres

Naylor Thos T, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Needler Arthur, plstr, b Mrs Elizth Johnson

Neilson J Geo, carp, h s s Lake Shore rd

Nelson James, lab, h s s Queen

Newham Annie (wid John), l Richd D Skidmore

Newham John A, lab, h e s Cockburn

Newton Eugene H, studt, l Newton's Hotel

Newton John T, prop Newton's Hotel, res same

Newton John T jr, wine clk Newon's Hotel

Newton's Hotel. John T Newton prop, n s Lake Shore rd

Noble Wm, clk, h w s Salisbury av

North Harry, mkt gdnr, n s Cannon rd, h same

North Wm. mkt gdnr. e s Salisbury av

Northcote Richd H, elect, h n s Lake Shore rd

Orloski Geo, lab. h n s Lake Shore rd

Orr Arthur (Benj Orr & Son), b Benj Orr

Orr Benj (Benj Orr & Son), h Godson rd

Orr Benj & Son (Benj and Arthur Orr), boat bldrs, river side

Orr Miss Margt. slsldy. l Benj Orr

Orr Miss Marjory, slsldy, l Benj Orr

Orr AV Robt, boatmn, l Benj Orr

Parker Miss Amy, l Wm H Parker

Parker Walter C, mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Parker Wm H, h n s Queen

Parkinson Wm, jwlr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Parmenter Margt (wid Phillip), h e s Cockburn

Paterson Andrew M, optician, h s s Lake Shore rd

Payne Chas D, brkmkr. h n s Humber av

Payne Harold J, glass ctr, l Chas D Payne

Pearson Miss Mary E, l Mrs Lucy Gray

Pennal Harry, clk, h w s Salisbury av

Piper Frank, boltmkr, b Patk McDermott

Pollard Fredk, lab, l Fredk Brown

Pomfret Luther, lab, h 8 Davidson cres

Poyank Wadislaw, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Presley Alfred, h w s Oliver

Presley Miss Annie, mus tchr, l Alfred Presley

Presley Miss Florence I, gro, s s Lake Shore road, l Alfred Presley

Presley Rose (wid Wm), h e s Salisbury av

Presley Thos, bartndr Humber Beach Hotel

Pycock Rev James, h e s Salisbury av

Quin Arthur T, boltmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Radmore James M, nutmkr, h s s Queen

Ramsperger August, piano tuner, h s s Lake Shore rd

Rankin Richd. mkt gdnr. s s College

Reeves Frank, mkt gdnr. n s College

Reeves Harry, lab. h n s College

Reid Ralph, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury av

Reid Robt, gdnr, l Henry J Clarke

Reilly Robt H, tmstr. h n s Queen

Riches Jesse, brkmkr, h e s Salisbury av

Riverview Dining Hall, Isaac N Devins prop, River bank

Rowett Ernest, mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Rowett Geo H, mkt gdnr, w s Grand av

Runnalls Miss Florence, packer, l Jos Runnalls

Runnalls Joseph, carp, h w s Macdonald

Runnalls Miss Kate, packer, l Joseph Runnalls

Runnalls Miss May, packer, l Joseph Runnalls

Runnalls Wm, carp. l Joseph Rrmtiulls

Rush Chas, gdnr, h e s Salisbury av

Rush Miss Daisy, l Geo Rush

Rush Geo (Rush & Baldwin), h e s Salisbury av

Rush Henry, blksmth, h w s Frederica

Rush Joseph W, mkt gdnr, w s Salisbury av, h same

Rush & Baldwin (Geo Rush and Ernest Baldwin), mkt gdnrs, e s Salisbury av

Rushton Wm, boatmn, b Patk McDermott

St James' Church (Ang). Rev H B Snartt curate, e s Frederica

Sargent Wm, shipper, b Walter Dutnall

Schneider Wm F, chef Riverview Dining Hall, l same

Shadwell Chas, carp, h n s Lake Shore rd

Shadwell Lewis F, brass fnshr, l Chas Shadwell

Shannon Patk, pipemkr, h w s Macdonald

Shaw John H, bartndr Humber Beach Hotel

Sibley John, h w s Salisbury av

Simpson Geo, h s s Lake Shore rd

Simpson George H, tel opr, l George Simpson

Simpson Miss Lila E. l Geo Simpson

Simpson Robt, mgr John Maloney, res Toronto

Simpson Wm J, brkmkr. h e s Salisbury av

Sims John, h s s Lake Shore rd

Sinchick Antonio, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Skidmore Richd D btchr, e s Cockburn, h same

Slee Richd. engraver, h s s Lake Shore rd

Smeaton Miss Kate, tchr Humber Bay Pub School, res Toronto

Smith Henry S, mkt gdnr, w s Salisbury av

Smith John W, app Humber Bay Machine Shop, res Swansea

Snartt Rev Harold B, curate St James' Church, b Harry Pennal

Sproule James, h s s Lake Shore rd

Stell Geo G, mach hd. l Mrs Lucy Gray

Stevens John, mkt gdnr, s s College

Stickland Fredk, boltmkr, h 11 Queen

Stoddart David A, carp, h s s Lake Shore rd

Summerland James, watchmn, l Arthur F Quin

Switzer Albert M, carp, h 6 Frederica

Taylor Miss Ella R, opr, l Mrs Kate Taylor

Taylor Geo R, brkmkr, l Mrs Kate Taylor

Taylor James, carp, h s s Lake Shore rd

Taylor Kate (wid George), h n s Lake Shore rd

Telford Roy W, business mgr Humber Bay Machine Shop, res Toronto

Tizzard David, mkt gdnr, e s Church

Todd James, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury av

Todd Joseph, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury av

Trevethan Joseph, nutmkr, l John Willis

Trevethan Phillip B, tmstr, h w s Macdonald

Truman Miss Georgina, opr, l Thos Greenfield

Vincent Rev Aubrey, pastor Humber Bay Baptist Church, h s s Queen

Wheeler John A, clk, l Louis Wheeler

Wheeler Louis, h s s Queen

Whitehead James, boltmkr, h e s Oliver

Whitehead Miss Jane, opr, l Mrs Sarah Whitehead

Whitehead Sarah (wid Thos), h e s Oliver

Whitworth Edwd, mkt gdnr, n s College

Whitworth Geo, mkt gdnr s s Queen, h same

Wilder Henry, tmstr, b Mrs Bertha Gipson

Wilkins Robt, h s s Cannon rd

Williams Fredk, gdnr, l Walter C Parker

Willis John, boltmkr, h w s Macdonald

Wilson Gertrude (wid Hugh), h s s Cannon rd

Wilson Stephen, slsmn, h w s Salisbury av

Windle Miss Rhoda, wtrs Humber Beach Hotel, res Toronto

Winger Arnold E, paper ctr, l Edwd Winger

Winger Miss Edna P, folder, l Edwd Winger

Winger Edwd, firemn, h e s Oliver

Worsfold Ernest G, gdnr, l Mrs S Elizth Brown

Wright Miss Agnes, l David C Wright

Wright David, mkt gdnr e s Grand av, h same

Wright David C, h w s Salisbury av

Wright John, h s s Queen

Wright Joseph, painter, l John Wright

Wright Saml L, flour s s Queen, h same

Yates Frank, lab, b Edwin Atkins

Yeats Laurence, lab, h 9 Davidson cres


(Seven miles west of P O)



RDM: The mingling of HUMBER BAY data with other villages makes processing rather awkward starts PDF 27

Adley Joshua, barber, n s Lake Shore rd

Allan Joseph W, mkt gdnr, w s Salisbury av

Anderson August, tchr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Arrowsmith Geo E. h w s Godson rd

Arthur Alec. fitr. h n s Lake Shore rd

Ashley Geo. boltmkr. h e s Salisbury av

Aymer Chas. mkt gdnr, n s Cannon rd

Aymer Geo. gdnr. h n s Cannon rd

Barnes Geo. h n s Queen

Barton Geo. elect. l s s Lake Shore rd

Bate Wm J, elect inspt, h s s Lake Shore rd

Batley Wallace, bartndr Humber Beach Hotel

Bayley Alfred, brklyr, h 11 Queen

Beer Edwin, mach, h s s Lake Shore rd

Beetham Francis E, boltmkr, h 16 Frederica

Bell Percy A, mkt gdnr. e s Salisbury av

Bell Wm, lab, b 8 Davidson cres

Best Thos, lab, h e s Salisbury av

Bilton Geo N, druggist, h s s Lake Shore rd

Blyth Alfred, kilmn. h cor Queen and Southport rd

Boniface Ernest L. lab, h s s Cannon rd

Boniface Geo H W A. caretkr Humber Bay Public School, h 14 Frederica

Boulton Geo, h s s Lake Shore rd

Bowman Wm J. h s s Lake Shore rd

Bradley Lewis, mkt gdnr. s s Queen

Bragg Edwd T. lab, h 5 Davidson cres

Brierley Alfred, btchr, s s Rush av

Broderick Annie (wid Patk). h w s Salisbury av

Brown Fredk, brkmkr, h s s Queen

Brown John G, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury av

Brown Nicholas, h s s Lake Shore rd

Brown S Elizth (wid Chas E), h Queen cor Salisbury av

Brown Wm J, upholstr, h s s Lake Shore rd

BURGESS JOHN, Restaurant, south side Lake Shore rd

Burrows Albert, btchr. s s Cannon rd

Butterworth Fredk, h s s Lake Shore rd

Butwell Brick Co, Ltd, Henry Butwell pres, brk mfrs, n s Lake Shore rd

Butwell Harry. brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Butwell Henry, pres Butwell Brick Co, Ltd, res Toronto

Butwell Mark, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Butwell Richd, mgr Butwell Brick Co, Ltd. h e s Salisbury av

Cameron Benj A, moto. h n s Queen w

Cameron John, lab, h n s Queen w

Cameron Wm. clk, h s s Lake Shore rd

Campbell James M, blksmth s s Queen,

Canada Bolt & Nut Co, Wm A Rowland mgr, Windermere av, n of Lake Shore rd

Carr Harold, blrmkr, h n s Queen

Carson Robt T. bldr. h e s Oliver

Carter Basil B, clk. h s s Lake Shore rd

Carter Walter, tmstr, h e s Salisbury av

Catlin Frank, lab, h w s Macdonald av

Chamberlain Chas, engr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Chamberlain Mary (wid James), l s s Lake Shore rd

Chounds Richd, lab, h e s Cockburn

Chowns Emma (wid Wm) l 6 Davidson

Chowns Fredk J, shipper, h 6 Davidson cres

Chowns Wm, brkmkr, l 6 Davidson cres

Churchward Robt, mach. h e s Frederica

Clough Paul, lab, h s s Lake Shore rd

Cody May S, tchr Humber Bay Public School. l Chas Rush

Collins James, mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Connolly Michael F, mgr Humber Beach Hotel

Copeland Robt G, clk, h w s Salisbury av

Cox Henry, tmstr, h e s Salisbury av

Cox James I, lab, h e s Frederica

Cox Samuel, mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Cox Thos J. painter, h e s Godson rd

Craib Alex, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Crossley Saml, bkpr, h s s Queen

Cullman David, h w s Salisbury

Dandridge James, mkt gdnr n s Queen

Daniels Frank, h w s Salisbury

Davidson Alfred B, mach, h s s College

Davidson Robt H, tile mkr, h w s Windermere av

Dedson Stephen, lab, h e s Salisbury av

Delamere Lillian, tchr Humber Bay Pub School, l Chas Rush

Devins' Boat House, Isaac N Devins prop, n s Lake Shore rd

Devins Isaac N, rest n s Lake Shore rd. h 57 Fuller av

Dewsbury Franklin H, mach, h e s Frederica

Didsbury James, bolt mkr, h w s Macdonald av

Dixon John, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Donovan Patk J, moto, h s s Queen

Dunn Robt, checker, h e s Frederica

Durkin Patk, lab, b 8 Davidson cres

Dutnall John, mldr, h e s Cockburn

Dutnall Robt, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Egles Wm, painter, h s s Lake Shore

Elford Isaac, mkt gdnr s s Cannon rd

Elford Wm, mkt gdnr e s Salisbury av

Ellett Walter, sec hd gds, s s Queen

Fax James, h w s Salisbury av

Fielding Simeon, carp, h w s Cockburn

Findlay Reginald, porter Humber Beach Hotel, l n s Lake Shore rd

Fletcher John, brkmkr, h w s Macdonald av

Ford John, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Fordyce John, lab h e s Oliver

Franklin Arthur J, tmstr, h w s Macdonald av

Gair Joseph, prntr, h e s Cockburn

Gariepy Alfred A, designer, h s s Lake Shore rd

Gillman Geo, h w s Macdonald av

Gray Lucy (wid Geo), h w s Salisbury av

Greenfield Thos G, brkmkr, h e s Oliver

Grigsby Amos, mkt gdnr n s Queen

Grigsby Wm, mkt gdnr n s Queen

Haack Elva L, tchr Humber Bay Pub School, l Toronto

Handley Walter R, gdnr, h n s Queen

Harrison Joseph H, pipe mkr, h w s Salisbury av

Hawkins Thos, tmstr, h e s Salisbury

Helliwell John, gdnr, h w s Salisbury av

Hicks Amy E, l Mrs Elizth Hicks

Hicks Boat House. Octavius L Hicks prop, s s Lake Shore rd

Hicks Elizth (wid Thos L), h s s Queen

Hicks Octavius L. prop Hicks boat house, h s a Lake Shore rd

Hicks Wm J, rest s s Lake Shore rd, h n s Lake Shore rd

Hodgkinson Levi, lab, h w s Macdonald av

Hodson Chas R, sawyer, h n s Humber av

Holmes Henry, bolt mkr, n s Queen

Holmes Wm. mkt gdnr, s s Queen

Horwood Frank H, shpr. h w s Frederica

Horwood John C B, arch, h s s Lake Shore rd

Huffman Alfred, well driller n s Cannon rd

Huffman Wm C, well driller s s Cannon rd

Hughes Chester M, contr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Hushes Margt L (wid Patk), h s s Lake Shore rd

Humber Bay Baptist Church, Rev Aubrey Vincent pastor, n s Queen

Humber Bay Post Office. Nicol MacNicol postmaster, s s Queen

Humber Bay Public School. Walter Moorhouse prin, e s Cockburn

Humber Beach Hotel, Michael F Connolly manager, s s Lake Shore rd

Humber Machine Co, Ltd, pres Roy W Telford, sec s s Lake Shore rd

Hunt Herbert, mkr gdr e s Salisbury av

Hunter John H, barr, h w s Salisbury av

Inglis Win B. blr mkr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Isles Isaac, packr, h n s Queen

Jermyn Eliza E (wid Thos J), h s s Lake Shore rd

Jermyn Percy V, civ engineer, has Lake Shore rd

Jesson Shadrach, shoemkr, h s s Queen

Johnson Danl, mach, h s s Lake Shore rd

Johnson Elizth (wid Wm), h n a Queen

Johnstone Caroline (wid Jas K), h s s Lake Shore rd

Joyce John, bartndr Newton's Hotel, l w s Godson rd

Joyce Margt (wid John), h w s Godson rd

Joyce Martin, bartndr Newton's Hotel, l w s Godson rd

Kay Wm P, ins agt, h s s Lake Shore rd

Keillear Angus, blmkr, h n s Queen

Kemp Alfred, farmer, h 7 Davidson cres

Kemp Edith A, leather wkr, l 7 Davidson cres

Kemp Sidney, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Kemp Sidney T, mach, l 7 Davidson cres

Kennedy Delia (wid Gordon), h s s Lake Shore rd

Kennedy Henry, lab, h s s Cannon rd

Kent Wm, mkt gdr w s Salisbury av

Kirby Geo, lab, h s s Salisbury av

Langridge Michl J, lab, h w s Macdonald av

Legg Arch M, photo engraver, h s s Lake Shore rd

Legs Geo F, photo engraver, h s s Lake Shore rd

Leishman David, blksmth James M Campbell, h s s Lake Shore rd

Lipkoi Frank, lab, h n a Lake Shore rd

McAllister Thos. tmstr, h e s Cockburn

McDermott Patk, tile burner, h e s Oliver

McFarland Geo, gdnr, h n s Salisbury av

McGee Harry, h s s Lake Shore rd

McQueen Wm, contr, h 468 Windermere av

Macdonald Alfred T, bartndr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Mack John H, gro s s Lake Shore rd

MacNicol Nicol, postmaster Humber Bay P O. h s s Queen

MacNicol Nicol, gro, s s Queen

Magrath Jas, tmstr h s s Queen

Magrath John, mkt gdnr s s Queen

Major Rupert, mkt gdnr w s Salisbury av

Maw's Boat House, Tobias Jecks prop s s Lake Shore rd

Medlock Chas. brk mkr, h e s Salisbury av

Meldrum Annie A, purse mkr, l 4 Davidson cres

Meldrum Florence L, purse mkr, l 4 Davidson cres

Meldrum Wm, painter, h 4 Davidson cres

Mitchell John, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Monteith John, slsmn, h s s Queen

Moore Franklin A, civil engineer, h s s Lake Shore rd

Moorehouse Walter, prln Humber Bay Pub School, res Islington

Needler Arthur, plstr, h w s Frederica

Neilson John G, carp, h s s Lake Shore rd

Newham John A, lab, h e s Cockburn

Newton's Hotel, prop John Newton n s Lake Shore rd

Noble Wm, clk, h n s Rush av

North Harry, mkt gdnr, n s Cannon rd

North Wm, mkt gdnr e s Salisbury av

Oliver Alice (wid Joseph), h e s Salisbury av

Orr Arthur (Benj Orr & Son), h s s Lake Shore rd

Orr Benj, (Benj Orr & Son), h w s Godson rd

Orr Benjamin & Son (Benj & Arthur), boat bldrs n s Lake Shore rd

Orr Maggie, slsldy, l Benj Orr

Orr Marjory, slsldy, l Benj Orr

Orr W Robt, l Benj Orr

Paiont Wm T, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Pamenter Margt (wid Phillip), h e s Cockburn

Parker Walter, mkt gdnr n s Queen

Parker Wm H, h n s Queen

Parkinson Wm, jwlr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Paterson Andrew M, optician, h s s Lake Shore rd

Pomfret Luther, mach, h 8 Davidson cres

Presley Alfred, night watchmn, h w s Oliver

Presley Thos, bartndr Humber Beach Hotel, h e s Oliver

Price, Cummings & Co, Ltd (Isaac Price, Rutherford Cummings), brick mfrs e s Salisbury av

Price John R, mgr Price, Cummings & Co, Ltd, h w s Salisbury av

Quarrie Donald A, blrmkr, h 10 Queen

Quarrle Eliza A, slsldy. l 10 Queen

Quarrie Harry C, steamftr, l 10 Queen

Quarrie James H, glass beveller, l 10 Queen

Quarrie Mary, packer, l 10 Queen

Radmore James M, mach. h s s Queen

Ramsperger August, piano tuner, h s s Lake Shore rd

Reid Ralph L, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury av

Reilly Robt H, tmstr, h n s Queen

Reorganized Latter Day Saints Church, e s Salisbury av

Reynolds Mary, wtrs Devins rest, lvs Macdonald av

Rice Thos L. h s s Lake Shore rd

Rich Fredk, brklyr, h s s Lake Shore

Riches Jesse, brk mkr, h e s Salisbury av

Robinson Richd G, barber, h n s Frederica

Rostron John W, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Rowett Ernest, mkt gdnr n s Queen

Rush Geo, mkt gdnr e s Salisbury av

Rush Harry, blksmth, h w s Frederica

Rush Joseph, mkt gdnr w s Salisbury av

Rushton Wm, lab, b 7 Davidson cres

St James Anglican Church, Rev W A B Philp pastor, e s Frederica

Shadwell Chas. carp, h n s Lake Shore rd

Shinnamon Walter, driver Grenadier Ice & Coal Co, l Queen

Silvester Sidney F, gro w s Windermere av, n of Queen

Simpson Geo, h s s Lake Shore rd

Simpson Wm J, brkmkr, h e s Salisbury av

Skidmore Richd D, btchr e s Cockburn, h same

Slater Wilfred, elect, h s s Lake Shore rd

Slee Richd, engraver, h s a Lake Shore rd

Smith Henry S, mkt gdnr n s Salisbury av

Sproule James, gro, h s s Lake Shore rd

Strickland Fredk, mldr, l 11 Queen

Sutherland Fredk, engraver, h n s Lake Shore rd

Switzer Albert M, carp, h 6 Frederica

Symcryk Anton, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Taylor James, carp, h s s Lake Shore rd

Taylor Kate (wid Geo), h n s Lake Shore rd

Todd James, mkt gdnr e s Salisbury

Todd Wm, mkt gdnr e s Salisbury av

Trevethan Phillip B, tmstr, h w s Macdonald av

Uttridge James, lab, h s s Lake Shore rd

Vincent Aubrey Rev, pastor Humber Bay Baptist Church, h w s Frederica

Weller Geo, lab, h w s Salisbury av

Welsh Albert, h s s Lake Shore rd

Wheeler Louis, h s s Queen

Whitehead James J, brkmkr, h e s Oliver

Whitehead Sarah (wid Thos), h e s Oliver

Whitworth Geo, elder Re-organized Latter Day Saints, h w s Queen

Whitworth Geo, gdnr, h s s Queen

Whitworth John, mkt gdnr s s Queen

Wilkins Robt. carp, h s s Cannon rd

Willis John, bolt mkr, h w s Macdonald av

Wilson Holcolm, h s s Lake Shore rd

Wilson Stephen, slsmn, h n s Rush av

Winger Edwd, firemn, h e s Oliver

Wright John H, gro s s Queen, res

Wright Saml L, flour s s Queen

Yeats Albert, paper mkr, l 9 Davidson cres

Yeats James, bolt mkr, l 9 Davidson cres

Yeats Lawrence, mach, h 9 Davidson cres


YEARHA 1915 corrected


(Four and a half miles west of P O)

Adley Joshua, barber, n s Lake Shore rd

Allen James, gdnr, l Joseph W Allen

Allen Joseph W, mkt gdnr w s Salisbury av

Allen Walter, gdnr, l Joseph W Allen

Arrowsmith Geo E, mach, h w s Godson rd

Aymer Chas, mkt gdnr, n s Cannon rd

Aymer Geo, gdnr, h n s Cannon rd

Banister AVm H, gdnr, h e s Salisbury av

Barker Fredk, elect, h e s Cockburn

Barnes Geo, h n s Queen

Bartlam Albert J, chef Humber Beach Hotel, res Toronto

Bate Wm J, elect insp, h s s Lake Shore rd

Beetham Francis E, boltmkr, h 16 Frederica

Bell Albert, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury av

Best Thos, brkmkr, h e s Salisbury av

Blake Albert, chauffeur, l Lillian Blake

Blake Frank, boatmn, l Lillian Blake

Blake Lillian, h w s Amelia

Boniface Albert G, lab, h e s Frederica

Boniface Ernest, lab. h s s Queen

Boniface Geo H W A, caretkr, h 14 Frederica

Bracey Thos H, driver, h w s Salisbury av

Bradley Edwd, porter Humber Beach Hotel

Bradley Lewis, mkt gdnr, s s Queen

Bragg Frank, bkpr, h n s College

Brierley Alfred, btchr, h s s Rush av

Broderick Annie (wid Patk), h w s Salisbury av

Broderick John J, brkmn, l Mrs Annie Broderick

Brown Fredk, brkmkr, h s s Queen

Brown Geo S, bkpr, l Mrs S Elizth Brown

Brown John G, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury av

Brown Nicholas, h s s Lake Shore rd

Brown S Elizth (wid Chas E), h Queen cor Salisbury av

Brown Walter E, gdnr, l Mrs S Elizth Brown

Brown Wm J, upholstr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Burbridge Ernest, mkt gdnr, n s College

Burrows Albert, btchr, h s s Cannon rd

Burrows Wm, sign painter, h e s Salisbury av

Butwell Brick Co, Ltd, Henry Butwell pres, brick mfrs n s Lake Shore rd

Butwell Caleb, brkmkr, l Mark Butwell

Butwell Harry, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Butwell Henry, pres Butwell Brick Co, Ltd, res Toronto

Butwell Laura M, l Richard Butwell

Butwell Mark, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Butwell Mary E, Btenog, l Mark Butwell

Butwell Reginald N, tel opr, l Mark Butwell

Butwell Richd, h e s Salisbury av

Cameron Wm, clk, h s s Lake Shore rd

Carr Wm T, blksmth, h w s Macdonald av

Carson Robt T, bldr, h e s Oliver

Carter Walter, tmstr, h e s Salisbury av

Catlin Frank, car rpr, h w s Macdonald av

Catlin Percy C, lab, l Frank Catlin

Chounds Richd, firemn, h e s Cockburn

Chowns Emma (wid Wm) l 6 Davidson cres

Chowns Fredk J, shipper, h 6 Davidson cres

Chowns Wm, brkmkr, l 6 Davidson cres

Churchward Alfred, packer, l Robt Churchward

Churchward Robt, mach, h e s Frederica

Clark Wm H, tile burner, b Patk McDermott

Clarkson James, brkmkr, h s s Cannon rd

Clough Paul, lab, h s s Lake Shore rd

Coates Wim G, chauffeur, h n s Lake Shore rd

Cole Wm, brkmkr, b Chas H Medlock

Collins Bertha, bkpr, l James Collins

Collins Chas, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury av

Collins Elizth, l James Collins

Collins Fredk, gdnr, l James Collins

Collins James, mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Collins Joseph, gdnr, l James Collins

Connolly Michael F, mgr Humber Beach Hotel

Cook John H, slsmn, h e s Cockburn

Copeland Robt G, clk, h w s Salisbury av

Cosby Frank, clk, b John A Newham

Coulter Chas, carp, b John A Newham

Cox Gertrude S, l Samuel Cox

Cox Gladys M, stenog, l Samuel Cox

Cox Gustave S, gdnr, l Saml Cox

Cox Henry, tmstr, h e s Salisbury av

Cox James I, brkmkr, h e s Frederica

Cox Joseph, mkt gdnr, w s Church

Cox Saml, mkt gdnr, w s Church

Cox Thos J, painter, h w s Godson rd

Craib Margt (wid Alex), h n s Lake Shore rd

Craib Wm, brkmkr, l Mrs Margt Craib

Crisp Ernest, brklyr, b Fredk Knight

Crossley Saml, bkpr, h e s Salisbury av

Crowe A Laura, opr, l Mrs Catherine H Crowe

Crowe Catherine H (wid Stewart), confy s s Lake Shore rd

Culman Agnes, l David Culman

Culman David, h w s Salisbury av

Cummings Rutherford (Price, Cummings & Co, Ltd), res Toronto

Dandridge James, mkt gdnr n s Queen

Daniels Frank, h w s Salisbury av

Daniels Norman, tmstr, l Frank Daniels

Davis Wm A, chauffeur, h n s Queen

Delamere Dillian, tchr Humber Bay Pub School, h Joseph W Rush

Devins’ Boat House, Isaac N Devins prop, n s Lake Shore rd

Devins Geo, supt l N Devins, res Toronto

Devins Issac N, rest n s Lake Shore rd, res Toronto

Dewsbury Franklin H, mach, h e s Frederica

Dickison Wm J, moto, h s s Queen

Dickson John, mkt gdnr, e s Grand av

Dinn Alice, opr, b Mrs Ellen S Donovan

Dinn, Simon, tmstr, b Mrs Ellen S Donovan

Dixon John, tmstr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Donovan Ellen S (wid Patk), h s s Queen

Donovan Patk J, moto, h s s Queen



Dunn Elizth (wid Henry), l Robrt Dunn

Dunn Robt, checker, h e s Frederica

Dutnall Robt, kiln burner, h n s Lake Shore rd

Egles Chas J, bkbndr, l Wm Egles

Egles Ernest mach, l Wm Egles

Egles Wm, painter, h s s Lake Shore rd

Elford Isaac, mkt gdnr s s Cannon rd

Elford Wm, mkt gdnr e s Salisbury av

Elliott Elizth, tchr Humber Bay Pub School, b Joseph W Rush

Fax James A, vocalist, h Salisbury av, cor Queen

Fax Jessie E, vocalist, l James A Fax

Ford John, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Forsyth James, mkt gdnr, n s Lake Shore rd

Forsyth James C, prntr, l James Forsyth

Forsyth John W, elect, l James Forsyth

Gear Joseph, printer, h w s Frederica

Ghent Alma (wid James), l Wm J Dickison

Giles Arthur, carp, h w s Macdonald av

Gilman Albert E, tinsmth, l Geo Gilman

Gilman Chas E, lab, l George Gilman

Gilman Geo, h w s Macdonald av

Gilman Geo P, boatman, l Geo Gilman

Gray Lucy (wid Geo), h w s Salisbury av

Green Walter, btchr, b Albert Burrows

Greenfield Austin E, brkmkr, l Thos G Greenfield

Greenfield Chas, mkt gdnr w s Grand av

Greenfield Margt G, clk, l Thos G Greenfield

Greenfield Thos G, brkmkr, h e s Oliver

Greenfield T Edgar, brkmkr, l Thos G Greenfield

Grigsby Amos, mkt gdnr n s Queen

Grigsby Wm, mkt gdnr n s Queen

Hallett Thos, brkmkr, b Chas H Medlock

Hanley Wm, gdnr, h s s Cannon rd

Hardiman Alfred, rubber mixer, h s s Queen

Harris Geo, gdnr, l Wm Harris

Harris Raymond, gdnr, l Wm Harris

Harris Wm, mkt gdnr s s College

Harrison Joseph H, tmstr, h w s Salisbury av

Hartley Harry, brkmkr, b James Clarkson

Haslam Bethel, tile burner, h e s Oliver

Hawkins, Thos A, tmstr, h e s Salisbury av

Hicks Amy E, l Mrs Elizth Hicks

Hicks Amy E, l Wm J Hicks

Hicks Boat House. Octavius L Hicks prop, s s Lake Shore rd

Hicks Elizth (wid Thos L), h s s Queen

Hicks Octavius L, prop Hicks' Boat House, h s s Lake Shore rd

Hicks Wm J, rest s s Lake Shore rd. h n s Lake Shore rd

Hiscock John, lab, h n s Queen

Holmes Henry, bolt mkr, h n s Queen

Holmes Wm, mkt gdnr, s s Queen

Holowell John, gdnr, h e s Salisbury av

Horwood Frank H, shpr, h w s Frederica

Horwood Geo H. lab, l Frank H Horwood

Hotchkinson Levi A, tile burner, h w s Macdonald av

Howard Douglas, plmbr, l J Wm Howard

Howard Harold, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Howard John, driver, l J Wm Howard

Howard J Whn, bolt mkr, h s s Queen

Hudson Chas, picture framer, h n s Humber av

Huffman Wm C, well driller, h s s Cannon rd

Humber Bay Baptist Church, n s Queen

Humber Bay Post Office, Nicol MacNicol postmaster, s s Queen

Humber Bay Public School, Walter Moorhouse prin, e s Cockburn

Humber Beach Garage, Roy W Telford mgr, s s Lake Shore rd

Humber Beach Hotel,, Michael F Connolly manager, s s Lake Shore rd

Humber Machine Co Ltd, Roy W Telford sec, s s Lake Shore rd

Hunter Annie, l John H Hunter

Hunter Grace H, l John H Hunter

Hunter John H. barr, h e s Salisbury av

Hutton Chas, wtr Humber Beach Hotel

IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA (Branch), n s Lake Shore rd

Irigham Robt, porter Humber Beach Hotel

Ivors Richd, tile mkr, b J Wm Howard

Jocks Tobias, prop Maw's boat house, res Toronto

Jesson Shadrach, shoemkr, s s Queen

Johnston Wm L, bartndr Newton’s Hotel, res Toronto

Johnstone Caroline (wid Jas K), h s s Lake Shore rd

Johnstone Robt, brkmkr, h w s Salisbury av

Johnstone Stdnley, clk, l Caroline Johnstone

Jones James, plshr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Jones Michl, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Joyce Catharine, wtrs, l Mrs Margt Joyce

Joyce James J, mach, l Mrs Margt Joyce

Joyce Joseph V, tmstr, l Mrs Margt Joyce

Joyce Margt (wid John), h w s Godson rd

Joyce Martin V, bartndr Humber Beach Hotel, l Mrs Margt Joyce

Kemp Alfred, farmer, h 7 Davidson cres

Kemp Edith A, leather wkr, l 7 Davidson cres

Kemp James, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Kemp Sidney, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Kemp Sidney T, mach, l 7 Davidson cres

Kennedy Della (wid Gordon), h s s Lake Shore rd

Kennedy John J mach, l Mrs Della Kennedy

Kent Carl S, gdnr, l Wm Kent

Kent Wm, mkt gdr w s Salisbury av

Kitchener Robt, bkpr, h s s Cannon rd

Knight Fredk, bolt mkr, h s s Queen

Knowlton Wm, h s s Lake Shore rd

Langley P Lawrence, bartndr Newton’s Hotel, res Toronto

Langridge Michl J, btchr, h n s Queen

Legg Archd M, phota engraver, h s s Lake Shore rd

Legg Geo F, photo engraver, h s s Lake Shore rd

Leishman David, blksmth, h e s Cockburn

Lightfoot Walter C, cond, b Wm G Coates

Lipkoi Frank, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Loftus James H A car rpr, h w s Macdonald av

Loomes Marie, mgrs l N Devins

McAllister Thos, tmstr, h e s Cockburn

McDermott Patk, tile burner, h e s Oliver

McFanlane Arthur E, journalist, h w s Salisbury av

McGregor Colin, carp, h n s Lake Shore rd

McGregor Colin C, carp, l Colin McGregor

McGregor John C, bolt mkr, l Colin McGregor

McGregor Wm L, slsmn, l Colin McGregor

McMillen John R, vice-pres Humber Machine Co, Ltd, res Toronto

McMillen Thos, pres Humber Machine Co, Ltd, res Toronto

Mack John H, gro s s Lake Shore rd

Mackey John, porter Newton's Hotel

MacNicol Nicol, gro, s s Queen

MacNicol Nicol postmaster Humber Bay P O, h s s Queen

Mageean John, elect, l Richard D Skidmore

Major Percy, chkr, l Rupert Major

Major Rupert, mkt gdnr w s Salisbury av

Maloney Kate, Mrs, cook Newton's Hotel

Martin Delia, wtrs Newton’s Hotel

Maw’s Boat House, Tobias Jecks prop s s Lake Shore rd

May Geo, lab, b John A Newham

Medlock Chas H, brkmkr, h e s Salisbury av

Meldrum Annie A, purse mkr, l 4 Davidson cres

Meldrum Florence L, clk Nicol MacNicol, l 4 Davidson cres

Meldrum Wilfred J, mach, l 4 Davidson cres

Meldrum Wm R, painter, h 4 Davidson cres

Milding Charlotte, opr, l Margt Milding

Milding Margt, bkbndr, h w s Salisbury av

Mitchell Geo, brkmkr, l John M Mitchell

Mitchell John M, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Monteith John, slsmn, h s s Queen

Montgomery Wm, contr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Moore Franklin A, civil engineer, h s s Lake Shore rd

Moore John, brkmkr, b Sidney Kemp

Moorhouse Walter, prin Humber Bay Pub School, res Islington

Morley Annie, wtrs Newton’s Hotel

Naylor Thos, firemn, h e s Cockburn

Needler, Arthur, carp, h w s Frederica

Newham John A, gro s s Lake Shore rd

Newton Eugene H, mgr Newton's Hotel

Newton’s Hotel, John Newton prop, n s Lake Shore rd

Newton John, prop Newton’s Hotel

Newton John T, b Newton's Hotel

Noble Wm, clk, h n s Rush av

North Geo, mkt gdnr n s College

North Harry, mkt gdnr, n s Cannon rd

North Wm, mkt gdnr e s Salisbury av

Northcote Richd H, elect, h s s Lake Shore rd

Ormond Elizth, l Saml L Wright

Ormond Ernest, blksmth, b Saml L Wright

Ormond Frank, clk, b Saml L Wright

Orr Arthur (Orr Bros), h s s Lake Shore rd

Orr Bros (Arthur and W Robt), boat bldrs n s Lake Shore rd

Orr Margt, slsldy. l Mrs Rose Orr

Orr Marjory, slsldy, l Mrs Rose Orr

Orr Rose (wid Benj), h w s Godson rd

Orr W Robt (Orr Bros), h s s Cannon rd

Palont Wm T, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Palmiston Walter, mach, h e s Cockburn

Parker Walter, mkt gdnr n s Queen

Parkinson Wm, jwlr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Parmenter Margt (wid Phillip) h e s Cockburn

Passemore Ernest, lab, h n. s Cannon rd

Payne Chas, mach, l Chas D Payne

Payne Chas D, brkmkr, h n s Humber av

Payne, Fredk, brkmkr, b Chas H Medlock

Payne Harold J, mach, l Chas D Payne

Payne Simon, mach, l Chas D Payne

Pearson Mary E, opr, b Mrs Lucy Gray

Pennal Henry D, clk, h w s Salisbury av

Perkes Henry G, bkpr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Petrofski, John, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Piper Frank, bolt mkr, b Patk McDermott

Pollard Fredk, brkmkr. h e s Frederica

Pomfret Luther, mach, h s Davidson cres

Porter Wm, brkmn, h n s Lake Shore rd

Preet Joseph, pdlr, h w s Macdonald av

Presley Alfred, night watchmn, h w s Oliver

Presley Annie L, drsmkr, l Alfred Presley

Presley Ernest, action mkr, h w s Macdonald av

Presley Florence I, mus tchr, l Alfred Presley

Presley Thos, bartndr, h e s Oliver

Price, Cummings & Co, Ltd (Isaac

Price, Rutherford Cummings), brick mfrs e s Salisbury av

Price Isaac (Price, Cummings & Co, Ltd), res Toronto



Price John Rt mgr Price, Cummings & Co, Ltd, h w s Salisbury av

Pycock James, mkt gdnr w s Church

Quarrie Harry C, steamftr, l 10 Queen

Quarrie James H, glass beveller, l 10 Queen

Quarrie Mary, packer, l 10 Queen

Quarrie Sarah E (wid Donald A), h 10 Queen

Quinn Arthur F, bolt mkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Quinn Robt, bolt mkr, l Arthur F Quinn

Radmore James M, mach, h s s Queen

Ramsperger August, piano tuner, h s s Lake Shore ra

Reeves Frank, mkt gdnr, n s College

Reeves Harry, gdnr, l Frank Reeves

Reid Ellen (wid Ralph L), h e s Salisbury av

Reynolds Edith, wtrs Humber Beach Hotel

Rich Fredk J, brkmkr, h e s Cockburn

Riches Jesse, brk mkr, h e s Salisbury av

Riley John, bolt mkr, h n s Queen

Robinson Richd G, barber, h w s Frederica

Rockcliffe Elizth (wid John), b Fredk Knight

Rockcliffe Fredk. lab, b Fredk Knight

Roper Thos A, harness mfr, s s Lake Shore rd

Rostron John W, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Rowett Ernest, mkt gdnr n s Queen

Rowett Geo H, mkt gdnr, w s Grand av

Runnalls Florence, packer, l Joseph Runnalls

Runnalls Joseph, carp, h w s Macdonald av

Runnalls Kate, packer, l Joseph Runnalls

Runnalls May, packer, l Joseph Runnalls

Runnalls Wm, carp, l Joseph Runnalls

Rush Daisy, l Geo Rush

Rush Esther, l Joseph W Rush

Rush Geo, mkt gdnr e s Salisbury av

Rush Joseph W, mkt gdnr, w s Salisbury av

Sagaskoi Michl, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Saunders Richd P, carp, b Robt Johnstone

Savage Chas E, brkmkr, h w s Macdonald av

Shadwell Chas, carp, h n s Lake Shore rd

Shadwell Fredk C, lab, l Chas Shadwell

Shadwell Nellie, packer, l Chas Shadwell

Simpsick Leo, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Simpson Geo, h s s Lake Shore rd

Simpson Geo H, tel opr, l Geo Simpson

Simpson Lila E, opr, l Geo Simpson

Simpson Wm J, brkmkr, h e s Salisbury av

Skidmore Richd D, guard, h w s Frederica

Slee Richd, engraver, h s s Lake Shore rd

Smith Edwd, brkmkr, b Chas H Medlock

Smith Ernest W. gdnr, l Henry S Smith

Smith Henry S, mkt gdnr ws Salisbury av

Smith Walter B, gdnr, l Henry S Smith

Smyth Joseph, lab, b Patk McDermott

Sproule James, gro, h s s Lake Shore rd

Stalker John, gdnr, l Mrs Elizth Hicks

Steel Geo G, brkmkr, b Mrs Lucy Gray

Stephens Leonona C, stenog, l Henry D Pennal

Strath Leslie, plmbr, b Mrs Margt Craib

Sullivan John, plstr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Sutero Angelo, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Taverner Alfred, bolt mkr, l Geo E Taverner

Taverner Geo E, lab, h w s Amelia

Taverner Henry, brkmkr, l Geo E Taverner

Taylor Ella, opr, l Mrs Kate Taylor

Taylor Ethel, opr, l Mrs Kate Taylor

Taylor Geo R, brkmkr, l Mrs Kate Taylor

Taylor James, carp, h s s Lake Shore rd

Taylor Kate (wid Geo), h n s Lake Shore rd

Telford Roy W, sec Humber Machine Co, Ltd, and mgr Humber Beach Garage, res Toronto

Todd James, mkt gdnr e s Salisbury av

Todd Wm, mkt gdnr e s Salisbury av

Tomlinson Geo, slsmn, b Wm C Huffman

Trevethan Joseph, bolt mkr, l John Willis

Trevethan Phillip B, tmstr, h w s Macdonald av

Van Lillian, confr Humber Beach Hotel, res Mimico

Vincent Rev Aubrey B, pastor Humber Bay Baptist Ch, h w s Frederica

Vincent David B, l Aubrey B Vincent

Wallace John W, h s s Lake Shore rd

Watson Mary A, wtrs Humber Beach Hotel

Weis Adolph, bartndr Humber Beach Hotel, res Toronto

White Wm R, brkmn, h e s Cockburn

Whitehead James J, brkmkr, h e s Oliver

Whitehead Jane, opr, l Mrs Sarah Whitehead

Whitehead Margt G, opr, l Mrs Sarah Whitehead

Whitehead Russell, clk, l Mrs Sarah Whitehead

Whitehead Sarah (wid Thos), h e s Oliver

Whitworth Edwd, mkt gdnr, n s College

Whitworth Ethel M, l Geo Whitworth

Whitworth Geo, mkt gdnr. s s Queen

Whitworth Geo jr, gdnr, h w s Frederica

Whitworth John, mkt gdnr s s Queen

Whitworth Wm H, gdnr, l Geo Whitworth

Wilkins Chas M, musician, l Robt Wilkins

Wilkins Harry F, mus tchr, l Robt Wilkins

Wilkins Robt, h s s Cannon rd

Wilkins Stella J, drsmkr, l Robt Wilkins

Williams Edwin J, head wtr Humber Beach Hotel

Willis John, bolt mkr, h w s Macdonald av

Wilson Gertrude L (wid Chas), h s s Cannon rd

Wilson Stephen, slsmn, h n s Rush av

Winger Arnold E, boxmkr, l Edwd Winger

Winger Edna P, opr, l Edwd Winger

Winger Edwd, firemn, h e s Oliver

Winters Sidney, trav, h s s Lake Shore rd

Woods Wm, wtr Humber Beach Hotel

Wright John H, l Saml L Wright

Wright Joseph, tmstr, l Saml L Wright

Wright Saml L, flour s s Queen

Yeats Albert, paper mkr, l 9 Davidson cres

Yeats James, bolt mkr, l 9 Davidson cres

Yeats Lawrence, mach, h 9 Davidson cres


(Seven miles west of P O)


YEARHA 1916 corrected


(Four and a half miles west of P O)

Adley Joshua, barber, n s Lake Shore rd

Allen James, gdnr, l Joseph W Allen

Alien Joseph W, mkt gdnr w s Salisbury av

Almond Elizth, l Saml L Wright

Alsworth Geo, mach, b Alfred Churchward

Armstrong Thos, driver, b Thos H Bracey

Atkins Carl, shipper, b Joseph Paul

Aymer Chas, mkt gdnr, n s Cannon rd

Aymer Geo, gdnr, h n s Cannon rd

Banister Geo, gdnr, h w s Macdonald av

Barnes Geo, h n s Queen

Bate Wm J, elect insp, h s s Lake Shore rd

Beatty Elizth, tchr Humber Bay Public Schl, res Toronto

Bell Albert, mkt gdnr. e s Salisbury av

Bell Janet, opr, b 8 Davidson cres

Blackmore Danl, clk, h w s Salisbury av

Blake Albert, chauffeur, l Lillian Blake

Blake Frank, boatmn, l Lillian Blake

Blake Lillian, h w s Amelia

Boniface Albert G, lab, h e s Frederica

Boniface Ernest L, brkmkr, h e s Oliver

Bracey Thos H, driver,h w s Salisbury av

Bradley Edwd, l Lewis Bradley

Bradley Lewis, mkt gdnr. s s Queen

Bragg Frank, bkpr, b Mrs S Elizth Brown

Brierley Alfred, btchr, h s s Rush av

Broderick Annie (wid Path), h w s Salisbury av

Broderick John J, brkmn, l Mrs Annie Broderick

Brown Geo S, bkpr, l Mrs S Elizth Brown

Brown H Stanley, upholstr, l Wm J Brown

Brown John G, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury

Brown Nicholas, h s s Lake Shore rd




Brown S Elizth (wid Chas E), h Queen cor Salisbury av

Brown Walter E, gdnr. l Mrs S Elizth Brown

Brown Wm J, upholstr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Burbridge Ernest, mkt gdnr, n s College

Burgess John W, confy, s s Lake Shore road, b Mrs Catherine H Crowe

Burke Joseph, bartndr Newtons Hotel, l same

Burrows Albert, btchr, h s s Cannon rd

Butwell Brick Co, Ltd, Henry Butwell pres, brick mfrs n s Lake Shore rd

Butwell Harry, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Butwell Henry, pres Butwell Brick Co, Ltd, res Toronto

Butwell Laura M, l Richard Butwell

Butwell Mark, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Butwell Mary E, stenog, l Mark Butwell

Butwell Reginald N, tel opr, l Mark Butwell

Butwell Richd, h e s Salisbury av

Cameron Wm, clk, h s s Lake Shore rd

Cane James, blksmth, n s Lake Shore rd

Cannon Alfred E, bldr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Carr Wm T, blksmth, h w s Macdonald av

Carson Robt T. bldr, h e s Oliver

Carter Walter, tmstr, h e s Salisbury av

Chamberlain Chas, mach, h s s Lake Shore rd

Chounds Richd, firemn, h e s Cockburn

Chowns Emma (wid Wm) l 6 Davidson cres

Chowns Fredk J, shipper, h 6 Davidson cres

Chowns Wm, brkmkr, l 6 Davidson cres

Churchward Alfred, packer, h w s Frederica

Churchward Robt, mach. h e s Frederica

Clark Geo H, slsmn, h n s Lake Shore rd

Clarkson Henry, brkmkr, l James Clarkson

Clarkson James, brkmkr, h s s Cannon rd

Clough Paul. lab. h s s Lake Shore rd

Cole Wm. brkmkr, b Chas H Medlock

Collins Bertha, bkpr, l James Collins

Collins Chas, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury av

Collins Elizth. l James Collins

Collins Fredk, gdnr, l James Collins

Collins James, mkt gdnr. n s Queen

Collins Joseph, gdnr. l James Collins

Conway Arthur, bartndr Newtons Hotel, l same

Copeland Robt G. clk, h w s Salisbury av

Cox Gertrude S, l Samuel Cox

Cox Gladys M. stenog. l Samuel Cox

Cox Gustave S. gdnr, l Saml Cox

Cox Josenh. mkt gdnr, w s Church

Cox Saml, mkt gdnr, w s Church

Cox Thos J, painter, h w s Godson rd

Cozens Earl, clk, h s s Rush av

Cronyn Bessie, wtrs Newtons Hotel, l same

Crowe A Laura, opr, l Mrs Catherine H Crowe

Crowe Catherine H, (wid Stewart), gro. s s Lake Shore rd

Culman Agnes, l David Culman

Culman David, h w s Salisbury av

Cummings Rutherford (Price, Cummings & Co. Ltd), res Toronto

Dandridge James, mkt gdnr n s Queen

Daniels Frank, h w s Salisbury av

Davis Wm A. chauffeur, h w s Godson rd

Devins' Boat House, Isaac N Devins prop, n s Lake Shore rd

Devins Geo, supt l N Devins, res Toronto

Devins Isaac N. rest n s Lake Shore rd, res Toronto

Dewsbury Franklin H, mach, h e s Frederica

Dewsbury John P, lab, l F H Dewsbury

Dickison Wm J, mach, h w s Frederica

Dickson John, mkt gdnr, e s Grand av

Dixon John, tmstr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Donohue Thos, mach, b Wm C Huffman


Donovan Ellen S (wid Patk), h s s Queen

Donovan John G, confy, s s Queen l Patk J Donovan

Donovan Patk J, moto, h s s Queen

Dostal Wm, wtchmkr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Dunn Elizth (wid Henry), l Robrt Dunn

Dunn Robt, chkr, h w s Frederica

Durkin Patk, mach, b s Davidson cres

Dutnall John lab, h s Cockburn

Dutnall Robt, tile mkr, h n s Lake

Egles Chas J, bkbndr, l Wm Egles

Egles Ernest mach, l Wm Egles

Egles Geo, mach, h s s Lake Shore rd

Egles Wm, painter, h s s Lake Shore rd

Elford Isaac mkt gdnr, s s Cannon

Elford Wm, mkt gdnr e s Salisbury av

Ellett Ernest, brkmkr, h e s Salisbury av

Elliott Elizth, tchr Humber Bay Pub School, b Joseph W Rush

Elliott Walter, mkt gdnr, n s College

Fax James A, vocalist, h Salisbury, av cor Queen

Fax Jessie E, vocalist l James A Fax

Ford Annie, candy mkr, l John Ford

Ford Ernest action mkr. l John Ford

Ford John, tile mkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Ford Roy, mach, l John Ford

Fordyce Albert, mach, h e s Oliver

Forsythe James, mkt gdnr, n s Lake Shore rd

Forsythe James C, prntr, l James Forsythe

Forsythe John W, tel opr, l James Forsythe

Franklin Arthur, tmstr, h w s Macdonald av

Gardner Frank, brkmkr, b C H Medlock

Gatlin Elsie, stenog, b J C Norton

Gear Fredk, prntr, h e s Cockburn

Giles Arthur, gdnr, b Arthur Franklin

Gilman Albert E, tinsmth, l Geo Gilman

Gilman Chas E, lab, l George Gilman

Gilman Geo, h w s Macdonald av

Gilman Geo P, boatman, l Geo Gilman

Gray Lucy (wid Geo), h w s Salisbury av

Greenfield Austin E, brkmkr, l Thos G Greenfield

Greenfield Chas, mkt gdnr w s Grand av

Greenfield Margt G, clk, l Thos G Greenfield

Greenfield Thos G, brkmkr, h e s Oliver

Greenfield T Edgar, brkmkr, l Thos G Greenfield

Grigsby Amos, mkt gdnr n s Queen

Grigsby Wm, mkt gdnr n s Queen

Hanley Walter mkt gdnr, h w s Salisbury av

Harris Geo, clk. h s s Lake Shore rd

Harris Raymond, gdnr, l Wm Harris

Harris Wm, mkt gdnr s s College

Harrison Joseph H, tmstr, h w s Salisbury av

Hartley James, brkmkr, h s s Cannon rd

Harwood Ernest brass wkr, h 5 Davidson cres

Haslam Bethel, tile burner, h s s Queen

Headley Agnes Mrs, cook Newtons hotel, l same

Headley Geo, clk Newtons Hotel, l same

Hicks Amelia E, l Mrs Elizth Hicks

Hicks Boat House. Octavius L Hicks prop, s s Lake Shore rd

Hicks Elizth (wid Thos L), h s s Queen

Hicks Octavius L, prop Hicks Boat House, h s s Lake Shore rd

Holmes Henry, bolt mkr, h n s Queen

Hicks Wm J, h n s Lake Shore rd

Holowell John, gdnr, h w s Salisbury av

Horwood Frank H, shpr, h w s Frederica

Horwood Geo H. lab, l Frank H Horwood

Hotchkinson Albert E, mach, l Levi A Hotchkinson

Hotchkinson Levi A, tile burner, h w s Macdonald av


Hotchkinson May, lndrs, l Levi A Hotchkinson

Howard Douglas, plmbr, l J Wm Howard

Howard John, boltmkr, l J Wm Howard

Howard J Wm, bolt mkr, h s s Queen

Hudson Chas, picture framer, h n s Humber av

Huffman Albert lab, h s s Cannon rd

Huffman Wm C, well driller, h s s Cannon rd

Humber Bay Baptist Church, n s Queen

Humber Bay Post Office, Nicol MacNicol postmaster, s s Queen

Humber Bay Public School, Walter Moorhouse prin, e s Cockburn

Hunter Annie, l Grace H Hunter

Hunter Grace H, l w s Salisbury av

Insman Ida, wtrs Newton's Hotel

Jecks Tobias, prop Maw's boat house res Toronto

Jesson Shadrach, shoemkr, h s s Queen

Johnstone Caroline (wid Jas K), h s s Lake Shore rd

Johnstone Stanley, clk, l Caroline Johnstone

Jones Michl, bkbndr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Joyce Joseph V, tmstr, l Mrs Margt Joyce

Joyce Margt (wid John), h w s Godson

Joyce Martin V, bartndr, l Mrs Margt

Kemp Alfred, farmer, h 7 Davidson

Kemp Edith A, leather wkr, l 7 Davidson cres

Kemp James, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Kemp Sidney, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Kemp Sidney T, mach, l 7 Davidson cres

Kent Carl S, gdnr, l Wm Kent

Kent Wm, mkt gdr w s Salisbury av

Kitchener Robt, bkpr, h e s Salisbury av

Lackey Herbert, brkmkr, h e s Salisbury av

Langridge Michl J, btchr, h n s Queen

Lawn Chas J. lab. h w s Frederica

Legg Archd M, photo, engraver, h s s Lake Shore rd

Legg Geo F, photo engraver, h s s Lake Shore rd

Leishman David, blksmth, h e s Cockburn

Leishman Jessie, lndrs, l David Leishman

Leishman Margt, lndrs, l David Leishman

Lipkoi Frank, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Loin Geo, gdnr, l Wm Grigsby

Lytle Andrew, police, h e s Frederica

McAlister John, brass mldr, h s s Queen

McClintock Frank M shoemkr, l John McClintock

McClintock John, lab, h s s Lake Shore rd

McDermot Patk, tile burner, h e s Oliver

McDermott Lawrence, mach, b Frank Piper

McFarfane Arthur E. journalist, h w s Salisbury av

MacNicol Nicol, postmaster and gro s s Queen

Mageean John, elect, h w s Frederica

Major Percy, chkr, l Rupert E Major

Major Rupert E, mkt gdnr. w s Salisbury av

Maw's Boat House, Tobias Jecks prop s s Lake Shore rd

Medlock Chas H, brkmkr, h e s Salisbury av

Meldrum Annie A, purse mkr, l 4 Davidson cres

Meldrum Mabel, clk Nicol MacNicol, l 4 Davidson cres

Meldrum Wilfred J, mach, l 4 Davidson cres

Meldrum Wm R, painter, h 4 Davidson cres

Metcalfe Annie, tchr Humber Bay Public Schl, res Toronto

Milding Charlotte, opr, l Margt Milding

Milding Margt, bkbndr, h w s Salisbury av

END 1916 2nd page

Minger Edwd, clk, h e s Oliver

Mitchell Geo, brkmkr, l John M Mitchell

Mitchell John M, brkmkr. h n s Lake Shore rd

Monkman John A, cond, h s s Lake Shore rd

Monteith John, slsmn, h cor Queen and Salisbury av

Montgomery. Wm, contr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Moorhouse Walter, prin Humber Bay Pub School, res Islington

Morehouse Wm, mkt gdnr, n s College

Naylor Thos S, firemn, h e s Cockburn

Needler Arthur, carp, h w s Macdonald av

Newham John A, cook, h w s Macdonald av

Newton Eugene H, mgr Newton's Hotel

Newton John, prop Newton's Hotel

Newton John T, b Newton’s Hotel

Newton’s Hotel, John Newton prop, n s Lake Shore rd

Noble Wm. clk, h n s Rush av

North Geo, mkt gdnr n s College

North Harry, mkt gdnr, n s Cannon rd

North Wm, mkt gdnr e s Salisbury av

Northcote Richd H, elect, h s s Lake Shore rd

Norton John C, clk, h n s Lake Shore rd

Olsen Daul E, tlr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Orr Arthur (Orr Bros), h s s Lake Shore rd

Orr Bros (Arthur and W Robt), boat bldrs n s Lake Shore rd

Orr James W, mach, h w s Macdonald av

Orr Margt, slsldy, l Mrs Rose Orr

Orr Marjory, slsldy, l Mrs Rose Orr

Orr Rose (wid Benj), h w s Godson rd

Orr W Robt (Orr Bros), h s s Cannon rd

Parker Walter, mkt gdnr n s Queen

Parkinson Wm H, jwlr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Parmenter Margt (wid Phillip) h e s Cockburn

Passemore Ernest, lab, h n s Cannon rd

Paul Joseph, moto, h s s Queen

Payne Chas, mach, l Chas D Payne

Payne Chas D, brkmkr. h n s Humber av

Payne Harold J, mach, l Chas D Payne

Payne Simon, mach, l Chas D Payne

Pearson Mary E, opr, b Mrs Lucy Gray

Pennell Henry D, clk, h w s Salisbury av

Pennington Prank, gdnr, l Geo Barnes

Petrofski, John, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Pilcher Bert J, slsmn, h s s Lake Shore rd

Piper Frank, boltmkr, h e s Oliver

Pollard Fredk, brkmn, h e s Frederica

Pomfret Luther, mach, h s Davidson cres

Presley Alfred, night watchmn, h w s Oliver

Presley Annie L drsmkr. l Alfred Presley

Presley Ernest A, action mkr, h w s Macdonald av

Presley Florence I, mus tchr, l Alfred Presley

Presley Thos, bartndr, h e s Oliver

Price, Cummings & Co, Ltd (Isaac Price, Rutherford Cummings), brick mfrs e s Salisbury av

Price Isaac (Price, Cummings & Co, Ltd), res Toronto

Price John R, mgr Price, Cummings & Co, Ltd. h w s Salisbury av

Price Joseph R, brkmkr, h w s Salisbury av

Pycock James, mkt gdnr e s Salisbury av

Pyke Chas, carp, b Mrs Gertrude Wilson

Quarrie Harry C, steam ftr, h 10 Queen

Quarrie James H, glass beveller, l 10 Queen

Quarrie Mary, packer, l 10 Queen

Radmore James M, mach. h s s Queen

Ramspberger August, piano tuner, h s s Lake Shore rd

Rand Richd, gdnr, b Mrs S Elizth Brown

Reeves Frank, mkt gdnr. n s College

Reeves Harry, gdnr, J Frank Reeves

Reid Ellen (wid Ralph L), h e s Salisbury av

Rich Fredk J, brkmkr, h e s Cockburn

Riches Jesse, brk mkr, h e s Salisbury av

Riley John, bolt mkr, h n s Queen

Robinson Richd G, barber, n s Lake Shore rd, h w s Frederica

Rowett Ernest, mkt gdnr n s Queen

Rowett John H, mkt gdnr w s Grand av

Runnalls Florence, packer, l Joseph Runnalls

Runnalls Joseph, carp, h w s Macdonald av

Runnalls Kate, packer, l Joseph Runnalls

Runnalls May, packer, l Joseph Runnalls

Runnalls Wm, carp, l Joseph Runnalls

Rush Daisy, l Geo W Rush.

Rush Esther, l Joseph W Rush

Rush Geo, lab, h w s Frederica

Rush Geo W, mkt gdnr e s Salisbury av

Rush Joseph W, mkt gdnr, w s Salisbury av

Sagaskoi Michl, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Savage Chas E, brkmkr, h s s Macdonald av

Shadwell Chas, carp, h s s Lake-Shore rd

Shadwell Fredk C, lab, l Chas Shadwell

Shadwell Nellie, packer, l Chas Shadwell

Sharp Thos, clk, h w s Macdonald av

Simpsick Leo, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Simpson Geo, police, h s s Lake Shore rd

Simpson Geo H, tel opr, l Geo Simpson

Simpson Lila E, opr, l Geo Simpson

Simpson Wm J, brkmkr, h e s Salisbury av

Skidmore Richd D, guard, h w s Frederica

Slee Richd, engraver, h s s Lake Shore rd

Smith Ernest W, gdnr, l Henry S Smith

Smith Henry S, mkt gdnr w s Salisbury av

Smith Walter B, gdnr, l Henry S Smith

Sproul James, h s s Lake Shore rd

Steel Geo G, brkmkr, b Mrs Lucy Gray

Stephens Leonora C, stenog, l Henry D Pennall

Sutero Angelo, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Sutherland Fredk, artist, h n s Lake Shore rd

Taverner Alfred, bolt mkr, l Geo E Taverner

Taverner Edwd, lab, h w s Amelia

Taverner Geo E, lab, h w s Amelia

Taverner Henry, brkmkr, l Geo E Taverner

Taylor Ella, opr, l Mrs Kate Taylor

Taylor Ethel, opr, l Mrs Kate Taylor

Taylor Geo R, brkmkr, l Mrs Kate Taylor

Taylor James, carp, h n s Lake Shore rd

Taylor Kate (wid Geo), h n s Lake Shore rd

Tilbe Archd E, carp, h s s Cannon rd

Todd James, mkt gdnr e s Salisbury av

Todd Wm, mkt gdnr e s Salisbury av

Trevethan Joseph, bolt mkr, l John Willis

Trevethan Phillip B, tmstr, h w s Macdonald av

Tyrell Walter, brkmkr, b C H Medlock

Vincent Rev Aubrey B, pastor Humber Bay Baptist Ch, h w s Frederica

Vincent David B, studt, l Rev Aubrey B Vincent

Wall Henry, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

White Wm R, chauffeur, h w s Frederica

Whitehead James J, brkmkr, he s Oliver

Whitehead Jane, opr, l Russell Whitehead

Whitehead Margt G, opr, l Russell Whitehead

Whitehead Russell, clk, h e s Oliver

Whitworth Edwd, mkt gdnr, n s College

Whitworth Ethel M, l Geo Whitworth

Whitworth Geo, mkt gdnr, s s Queen

Whitworth Geo Jr, ganr, h w s Frederica

Whitworth John, mkt gdnr s s Queen

Whitworth Wm H, gdnr, l Geo Whitworth

Wilkins C Murray, musician, l Robt Wilkins

Wilkins Harry F, mus, l Robt Wilkina

Wilkins Robt, constable, h s s Cannon rd

Wilkins Stella J, drsmkr, l Robt Wilkins

Williams Edwin J, head wtr Humber Beach Hotel

Willis John, bolt mkr, h w s Macdonald av

Wilson Gertrude L (wid Chas), h s s Cannon rd

Wilson Stephen, slsmn, h n s Rush av

Winters James S, trav, h s s Lake Shore rd

Wooley Harold, mach, b Geo, Barnes

Wright John H, tmstr, h e s Salisbury av

Wright John H, bkpr, l Saml L Wright

Wright Joseph, tmstr, l Saml L Wright

Wright Saml L, flour s s Queen

Yeats Albert, paper mkr, l 9 Davidson cres

Yeats James, boltmkr, l 9 Davidson cres

Yeats Lawrence, mach, h 9 Davidson cres.


YEARHA 1917 corrected


4½ miles west of Post Office

Aikens James T, shipper, b Danl E Olsen

Allen James, gdnr. l Joseph W Allen

Allen Joseph W, mkt gdnr w s Salisbury av

Alsworth Geo boltmkr, h e s Cockburn

Atkins Chas, shipper, b Joseph N Paul

Aylmer Chas, gdnr, h s s Cannon rd

Aylmer Geo, gdnr, h n s Cannon rd

Bate Wm J, elect Insp, h s s Lake Shore rd

Beach Nathaniel B, clk, h e s Cockburn

Beatty Bllzth, tchr Humber Bay Public Schl, res Toronto

Beecham Albert, clk, l Wm Cameron

Bell Albert, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury av

Biggar Gladys, stenog, l Mrs S E Brown

Blackmore Danl, clk, h w s Salisbury

Blake Albert K, chauffeur, l Mrs Lillian Blake

Blake Chas. mach. l Mrs Lillian Blake

Blake Emma, examiner, l Mrs Lillian Blake

Blake Joseph, shipper, l Mrs Lillian Blake

Blake Lillian Mrs. h e s Frederica

Bolton John M, carp, h s s Lake Shore rd

Boniface Albert G, driver, h s s Queen

Boniface Ernest L, brkmkr, h e s Oliver

Borradalie Leo, gro s s Lake Shore rd, h same

Bracey Thos H, driver, h w s Salisbury av

Bradley Edwd, gdnr, l Lewis Bradley

Bradley Lewis, mkt gdnr, e s Parker's row, h same

Brierly Alfred, btchr, h s s Rush av

Broderick Annie (wid Patk), h w s Salisbury av

Broderick John J, brkmn, l Mrs Annie Broderick

Brookes Wm A, clk, has Lake Shore rd

Brown Fredk, blrmkr, h n s Queen

Brown Geo S, bkpr, l Mrs S Elizth Brown

Brown H Stanley, uphol, h s s Lake Shore rd

Brown John G, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury

Brown Nicholas, h s s Lake Shore rd

Brown S Elizth (wid Chas B), h Queen cor Salisbury av

Brown Walter E, gdnr, l Mrs S Elizth Brown

Brown Wm J, upholstr, has Lake Shore rd

Bruce Elizth (wid Henry), has Lake Shore rd

Burbridge Ernest, mkt gdnr, n s College

Butwell Benj, tmstr, h w s Salisbury av

Butwell Brick Co, Ltd, Henry Butwell pres, brick mfrs n s Lake Shore rd

Butwell Harry, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Butwell Henry, pres Butwell Brick Co, Ltd, res Toronto

Butwell James, brkmkr, l Benj Butwell

Butwell Laura M, l Richard Butwell

Butwell Mark, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Butwell Mary E, stenog. l Mark Butwell

Butwell Reginald N, tel opr, l Mark Butwell

Butwell Richd, h e s Salisbury av

Cameron Wm, clk, h s s Lake Shore rd

Cane Evelina, opr, b Joseph N Paul

Carson Robt T, carp, h e s Oliver

Carter Walter H, h e s Salisbury av

Chounds Richd, firemn, h e s Cockburn

Chowns Emma (wid Wm) l 6 Davidson cres

Chowns Fredk K, shipper, h 6 Davidson cres

Chowns Wm, brkmkr, l 6 Davidson cres

Churchward Alfred, packer, h w s Frederica

Churchward Robt, mach. h e s Frederica

Collis Frank, printer, h e s Grand av

Clough Paul, mach, h s s Lake Shore rd

Collins Bertha, bkpr, l James Collins

Collins Chas, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury av

Collins Elizth, l James Collins

Collins Fredk, gdnr, l James Collins

Collins Harold, gdnr, l James Collins

Collins James, mkt gdnr. n s Queen

Collins Joseph, gdnr. l James Collins

Copani August, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Copeland Robt G, clk, h w s Salisbury av

Cox Joseph, mkt gdnr, w s Church

Cox Gladys M. stenog, l Samuel Cox

Cox Gustave S, gdnr, l Saml Cox

Cox Gertrude S. l Samuel Cox

Cox Joseph jr. brkmkr, h e s Salisbury av

Cox Saml, mkt gdnr, w s Church

Cox Thos J, painter, h w s Godson rd

Cozens Earl, clk, has Rush av

Crawford James, carp, h s s Lake Shore rd

Crosley Wm, lab, h s s Queen

Crowe A Laura, opr, l Mrs Catherine H Crowe

Crowe Catherine H (wid Stewart), rest s s Lake Shore rd, h same

Culman Agnes, l David Culman

Culman David, h w s Salisbury av

Cummlngs Rutherford (Price, Cummlngs & Co, Ltd), res Toronto

Dandrldge James, mkt gdnr n s Queen

Daniels Francis, h w s Salisbury av

Davis Wm A, chauffeur, h w s Godson rd

Devins' Boat House, Isaac N Devins prop, n s Lake Shore rd

Devins Geo, supt I N Devins, res Toronto

Devins Issac N, rest n s Lake Shore rd, res Toronto

Dewsbury Franklin H, macn, h e sFrederica

Dewsbury John, mach, l F H Dewsbury

Dickison Wm J, mach, h w s Frederica

Dickson John, mkt gdnr, e s Grand av

Dinaro Peter, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Dinn Alice, opr, b Mrs Ellen S Donovan

Dixon John, tmstr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Donovan Ellen S (wid Patk), h s s Queen

Donovan John G, confy, s s Queen l Patk J Donovan

Donovan Patk J, moto, h s s Queen

Dunn Robt. chkr, h w s Frederica

Dutnall John, lab, h e s Cockburn

Dutnall Robt, tile mkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Egles Chas J, bkbndr, l Wm Egles

Egles Ernest mach, l Wm Egles

Egles Geo. mach, h s s Lake Shore rd

Egles Wm, painter, h s s Lake Shore rd

Elford Isaac mkt gdnr, s s Cannon rd

Elford Wm, mkt gdnr e s Salisbury av

Elliott Eltzth, tchr Humber Bay Pub School, b Joseph W Rush

Elliott Walter, gdnr, h n s Humber av

Fax James A, vocalist, h Salisbury av, cor Queen

Fax Jessie E, vocalist. l James A Fax

Fielding Simon, carp, h e s Cockburn

Ford Annie, candy mkr, l John Ford

Ford Ernest, action mkr, l John Ford

Ford John, tile mkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Ford Roy, mach, l John Ford

Fordyce Albert, mach, has Oliver

Forsythe James, mkt gdnr, n s Lake Shore rd

Forsythe James C, prntr, l James Forsythe

Forsythe John W, tel opr, l James Forsythe

Forsythe Mabel, opr. l James Forsythe

Franklin Arthur, tmstr, h w s Macdonald av

Galbraith Isabel (wid Henry), b Mrs S E Brown

Gane James, blksmth, n s Lake Shore road, res Toronto

Gear Fredk, prntr, h e s Cockburn

Gilman Albert E, tinsmth, l Geo Gilman

Gilman Chas E. lab, l George Gilman

Gilman Geo, h w s Macdonald av

Gilman Geo P. boatman, l Geo Gilman

Gray Lucy (wid Geo), h w s Salisbury av

Greenfield Austin B, brkmkr, l Thos G Greenfield

Greenfield Chas, mkt gdnr w s Grand av

Greenfield Margt G, clk, l Thos G Greenfield

Greenfield Thos G, brkmkr. h e s Oliver

Greenfield T Edgar, brkmkr, l Thos G Greenfield

Grigsby Amos, mkt gdnr n s Queen

Grigsby Wm. mkt gdnr n s Queen

Hanley Robt. mkt gdnr n s Queen, h same

Hanley Walter R, gdnr, h w s Salisbury av

Hanna John, blksmth, h s s Queen

Harris Geo. mail clk, h n s Queen

Harris Raymond, mach. has Lake Shore rd

Harris Wm. mkt gdnr s s Church, h same

Harrison Joseph H, tmstr, h w s Salisbury av

Harwood Ernest, brass wkr, h 5 Davidson cres

Helliwell John R. florist, h w s Salisbury av

Hicks Amelia E, l Mrs Elizth Hicks

Hicks Boat House, Octavius L Hicks prop, s s Lake Shore rd

Hicks Elizth (wid Thos L), h s s Queen

Hicks Fredk J, prop Humber Beach Inn, res same

Hicks Octavius L, prop Hicks' Boat House, h s s Lake Shore rd

Hicks Wm J, h n s Lake Shore rd

Hill John J, bldr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Hiscox John, mach, h s s Lake Shore rd

Holmes Geo. carp, h n s Queen

Holmes Henry, bolt mkr, h n s Queen

Hotchkinson Albert E, mach, l Levi A Hotchkinson

Hotchkinson Levi A, tile burner, h w s Macdonald av

Hotchkinson May, opr, l Levi A Hotchkinson

Hudson Edwd G, brklyr, h e s Salisbury av

Huffman Albert, mach, h s s Cannon rd

Huffman Wm C, well driller, h s s Cannon rd

Humber Bay Baptist Church, n s Queen

Humber Bay Post Office (Nicol MacNicol postmaster). Queen cor Davidson cres

Humber Bay Public School. Walter Moorhouse prin. e s Cockburn

Humber Beach Inn, Fredk J Hicks prop, s s Lake Shore rd

Hunter Annie, l Grace H Hunter

Hunter Grace H, l w s Salisbury av

Jecks Tobias, prop Maw's boat house res Toronto

Jefferson Joseph F, presser, h s s Lake Shore rd

Jesson Shadrach. shoemkr, has Queen

Kemp Alfred, farmer, h 7 Davidson cres

Kemp Edith A, leather wkr, l 7 Davidson cres

Kemp Sidney T, mach, l 7 Davidson

Kent Carl S. gdnr, l Wm Kent

Kent Wm, mkt gdr w s Salisbury av

Kitchener Elizth (wid Robt), l M J Langridge

Knight John H, mach, h Dundas cor Davidson cres

Knight Norman, mach, h e s Parker's row

Lampon Joseph, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Langridge Michl J, btchr, h n s Queen

Legg Archd M, photo engraver, h s s Lake Shore rd

Legg Geo F, photo engraver, h s s Lake Shore rd

Legg John, slsmn, h s s Lake Shore rd

Leishman David, blksmth, h e s Cockburn

Leishman Jessie, opr, l David Leishman

Leishman Margt, opr, l David Leishman

Lenz Wm. lab, h w s Amelia

Lipkoi Frank, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Llewellen Elizth (wid Wm), h n s Queen

Loin Geo. gdnr, h n s Queen

Lytle Andrew, police, h e s Frederica

McAlister John, brass mldr, h s s Queen

McClintock Frank M, shoemkr, l John McClintock

McClintock John, lab, h s s Lake Shore rd

McCullough John, clk, h s s Lake Shore rd

McDermot Patk. mach, h e s Oliver

McFarlane Arthur E. Journalist, h w s Salisbury av

McFarlane Hazel, tchr Humber Bay Public Schl, l A E. McFarlane

McGraw Fredk (Orr & McGraw), h w e Godson rd

McGraw James, carp, h s s Queen

McLaverty Wm J, bkpr, h e s Cockburn

McQuarrie Harry C. h 10 Queen

McQuarrie James H. glass beveller, l 10 Queen

McQuarrie Mary, packer, l 10 Queen

MacNicol Nicol, postmaster and gro Queen cor Davidson cres

Mageean John, elect, h w s Frederica

Mahr Geo J. jwlr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Major Percy, chkr, l Rupert E Major

Major Rupert E, mkt gdnr, w s Salisbury av

Maw's Boat House, Tobias Jecks prop s s Lake Shore rd

Meldrum Annie A. purse mkr. l Mrs Florence Meldrum

Meldrum Florence Mrs, h e s Cockburn

Meldrum Mabel, clk, l Mrs Florence Meldrum

Meldrum Wilfred J, mach, l Mrs Florence Meldrum

Milding Charlotte, opr, l Margt Milding

Milding Margt, bkbndr, h w s Salisbury av

Mitchell Geo, brkmkr. l John M Mltchell

Mitchell John M, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Moir Alfred J. opr. h n s Lake Shore rd

Monteith John, slsmn, h cor Queen and Salisbury av

Montgomery Wm, contr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Moorhouse Walter, prin Humber Bay Pub School, res Islington

Morehouse Wm, mkt gdnr, n s College

Naylor Thos S, firemn. h e s Cockburn

Needler Arthur, carp, h e s Cockburn

Newham John A, cook, h w s Macdonald av

Newport Henry, mach. h w s Salisbury av

Noble Wm, clk. h n s Rush av

North Geo, mkt gdnr n s College

North Harry, mkt gdnr, n s Cannon rd

North Wm, mkt gdnr e a Salisbury av

Norton John C, clk, h n s Lake Shore rd

Olsen Danl E, tlr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Orr Arthur B (Orr & McGraw), res Swansea

Orr Jas W, mach, h w s Macdonald av

Orr & McGraw (Arthur B Orr and Fredk McGraw), boat bldrs, n s Lake Shore rd

Parker Walter C, mkt grdnr, n s Queen

Parker Wm H, l Walter C Parker

Patchett Walter, mach, b Leo Borradaile

Paul Joseph N, moto, has Queen

Payne Chas, mach, l Chas D Payne

Payne Chas D, painter, h n s Humber av

Payne Harold J, mach. l Chas D Payne

Payne Simon, mach, l Chas D Payne

Pearson Mary E. opr, b Mrs Lucy Gray

Pennall Henry D, clk, h w s Salisbury av

Pilcher Albert J. slsmn. b G H Knight

Pollard Fredk. brkmn, h e s Frederica

Pomfret Luther, mach, h 8 Davidson cres

Presley Alfred, night watchmn, h w s Oliver

Presley Annie L, drsmkr, l Alfred Presley

Presley Ernest A, action mkr, h w s Macdonald av

Presley Florence I, mus tchr, l Alfred Presley

Presley Thos. mach. h e s Oliver

Price, Cummings & Co, Ltd (Isaac Price, Rutherford Cummings), brick mfrs e s Salisbury av

Price Fredk S, brkmkr, h n s Queen

Price Isaac (Price, Cummings & Co, Ltd), res Toronto

Price John R, mgr Price, Cummings & Co, Ltd, h w s Salisbury av

Pycock James, mkt gdnr e s Salisbury av

Pyout John, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Radmore James M, mach. h s s Queen

Ramsperger August, piano tuner, h s s Lake Shore rd

Rand Mary, l Mrs Elizth Bruce

Rea Wm. mach, h s s Lake Shore rd

Reeves Egerton, gdnr, h e s Frederica

Reeves Prank, mkt gdnr. n s College

Reid Ellen (wid Ralph L), h e s Salisbury av

Riley John, bolt mkr, h n s Queen

Robinson Richd G. barber, h e s Frederica

Rowett Ernest, mkt gdnr n s Queen

Rowell Herbert, mkt gdnr, n s Queen, h same

Rowett John H. mkt gdnr w s Grand av

Runnalls Florence, packer, l Joseph Runnalls

Runnalls Joseph, carp, h w s Macdonald av

Runnalls Kate, packer, l Joseph Runnalls

Runnalls May, packer, l Joseph Runnalls

Runnalls Wm, carp. l Joseph Runnalls

Rush Daisy, l Geo W Rush

Rush Geo W, mkt gdnr e s Salisbury av

Rush Henry, mach. h w s Frederica

Rush Joseph W, mkt gdnr, w s Salisbury av

Sagaski Michl, lab. h n s Lake Shore rd

Sanders Albert, clk, b Wm J Bate

Savage Chas E. brkmkr, h w s Macdonald av

Sewell Thos H, rest n s Lake Shore rd, h same

Shadwell Chas. carp, h n s Lake Shore rd

Shadwell Fredk C, lab, l Chas Shadwell

Shadwell Nellie, packer, l Chas Shadwell

Sharp Thos, clk, h w s Macdonald av

Simpsick Leo, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Simpson Geo, police, h s s Lake Shore rd

Simpson Geo H, tel opr, l Geo Simpson

Simpson Wm J, brkmkr, h e s Salisbury av

Sims Roy, boatmn. h w s Macdonald av

Skidmore Richd D. guard, h w s Frederica

Slee Ethel, Btenog. l Richd Slee

Slee Muriel, l Richd Slee

Slee Reginald, clk, l Richd Slee

Slee Richd, engraver, h s s Lake Shore rd

Smith Ernest W, pdnr. l Henry S Smith

Smith Henry S. mkt gdnr w s Salisbury av

Smith John, shipper, h n s Lake Shore rd

Sproul James, h s s Lake Shore rd

Stanley Reginald, bkpr. h s s Lake Shore rd

Steel Geo G, brkmkr, b Mrs Lucy Gray

Stephens Leonora C, stenog, l Henry D Pennall

Sutherland Fredk. artist, h n s Lake Shore rd

Taverner Edwd, lab, h w s Amelia

Taylor Ethel, opr. l Mrs Kate Taylor

Taylor Geo A, brkmkr. l Mrs Kate Taylor

Taylor Jas, carp, h n s Lake Shore rd

Taylor Kate (wid Geo), h n s Lake Shore rd

Taylor Robt J. elect, h s s Lake Shore rd

Thomas Robt, blksmth, h e s Parker's row

Tlce Fredk, trav, h w s Salisbury av

Tiffin Dalton A. mkt gdnr, s s Queen,

Tilbe Archd E, carp, h s s Cannon rd

Tizzard David, mkt gdnr, w s Church h same

Todd Jas. mkt gdnr e s Salisbury av

Todd Wm, mkt gdnr e s Salisbury av

Trevethan Joseph, bolt mkr, l Phillip B Trevethan

Trevethan Phillip B, tmstr, h w s Macdonald av

Turney Wm C Rev, supt St James' mission, b Geo W Rush

Van Wagener Lillle (wid Geo), b Mrs Ellen S Donovan

Vincent Rev Aubrey B, pastor Humber Bay Baptist Ch. h w s Frederica

Vincent David B, l Rev Aubrey B Vincent

Wallis Edwd T, mldr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Warner Geo, clk, b Joseph F Jefferson

Weir Deborah (wid Wm), l A E McFarlane

White Wm R. chauffeur, h w s Frederica

Whitehead James J, brkmkr, h e s Oliver

Whitehead Jane, opr, l Russell Whitehead

Whitehead Margt G. opr, l Russell Whitehead

Whitehead Russell, clk, h e s Oliver

Whitworth. Edwd, mkt gdnr, n s College

Whitworth Ethel M. l Geo Whitworth

Whitworth Geo. mkt gdnr. s s Queen

Whitworth Geo Jr, mach, h w s Frederica

Whitworth Wm H. gdnr. l Geo Whitworth

Wilkins C Murray, musician, l Robt Wilkins

Wilkins Harry F. raus. l Robt Wilkins

Wilkins Robt. constable, h s s Cannon rd

Wilkins Stella J. drsmkr, l Robt Wilkins

Willis John, bolt mkr, h w s Macdonald av

Wilson Gertrude L (wid Chas), h s s Cannon rd

Wilson Stephen, slsmn, h n s Rush av

Winger Alfred, bolt mkr, h e s Oliver

Winters James S, trav, h s s Lake Shore rd

Woodley Harold, mach, h e s Parker's row

Wright David, tile burner, hs s Queen

Wright John H, bkpr, l Saml L Wright

Wright John H, tmstr, h e s Salisbury av

Wright Joseph, tmstr, l Saml L Wright

Wright Saml L, flour s s Queen

Yeats Albert, paper mkr, l 4 Davidson cres

Yeats James, bolt mkr, l 4 Davidson cres

Yeats Lawrence, mach, h 4 Davidson cres



YEARHA 1918 corrected


A Suburb west of city, four and one half miles from City Hall. Post Office Humber Bay. Take King or Queen to Sunnyside, thence Metropolitan line.

Aikens James T, mason, b Daniel T Olsen

Allen Jas, gdnr, l J W Allen

Allen Jos W, mkt gdnr, w s Salisbury av

Alsworth Geo, bolt mkr, h w s Macdonald av

Anderson Annie (wid Gideon), l Sherman Anderson

Anderson Sherman cond, h n s Lake Shore rd

Aymer Chas, mkt gdnr s s Cannon rd

Aymer Geo, gdnr h n s Cannon rd

Bailey Wm, gro, s s Lake Shore rd h same

Baker Albert, clk h n s Queen

Banfield Wm H. mfr h s s Lake Shore rd

Bate Wm J, elect insp, h s s Lake Shore rd

Bell Albert, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury av

Blake Albert K, l Mrs Lillian Blake (on active service)

Blake Chas, mach l Mrs Lillian (on active service)

Blake Chas G, tile mkr, b Edwd Winger

Blake Emma, opr, l Mrs Lillian Blake

Blake Jos, clk, l Mrs Lillian Blake

Blake Lillian Mrs, h e s Cockburn

Boniface Albert G, tmstr, h s s Queen

Boote Ernest, engineer, h w s Macdonald av (on active service)

Boulton Geo H, h s s Lake Shore rd

Bracey Thos H, driver h w s Salisbury av

Bradley Edwd, gdnr l Lewis Bradley

Bradley Lewis, mkt gdnr e s Parkers row

Brierly Alfred, btchr, h s s Rush av

Broderick Annie (wid Patk), h w s Salisbury av

Broderick Jno J, brkmn, l Mrs Annie Broderick

Boderick Mary, l Mrs Annie Broderick

Brooker Edwd A, prop Edgecliff Bath House, res Toronto

Brookes Wm A, clk, h s s Lake Shore rd

Brooks Adelaide (wid John) l K P Conroy

Brown Fredk, blrmkr, h n s Queen

Brown Geo E, l Nicholson Brown

Brown Jno G, mkt gdnr e s Salisbury av

Brown Nicholson, h s s Lake Shore rd

Brown Robt J moto h w s Macdonald av

Brown Robt R, h s s Lake Shore rd

Brown S, Elizth, (wid Chas E). h Queen cor Salisbury av

Brown Walter E, gdnr. b Mrs S E Brown

Brown Wm J, uphol, h s s Lake Shore rd

Bruce Elizth, (wid Henry) h s s Lake Shore rd

Burbridge Ernest, mkt gdnr, n s College

Butwell Arthur. l Richard Butwell (on active service)

Butwell Benj, tmstr h w s Salisbury av

Butwell Caleb, brkmkr, l Mark Butwell

Butwell Henry, brick mfr, n s Lake Shore rd, res Toronto

Butwell Madeline, l Harry Butwell

Butwell Mark, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Butwell Mary E, stenog, l Mark Butwell

Butwell Reginald N, tel opr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Butwell Richd. h e s Salisbury av

Butwell Richd, brkmkr, h e s Salisbury av

Bynock Alex, lab, l Auguste Copani

Cameron Wm, clk, h s s Lake Shore rd

Carson Robt T, carp, h e s Oliver

Carter Walter H, tmstr, h e s Salisbury av

Catharine Anna L, l Mrs Elizth Crowe

Chandler Wilfrid, mach, h n s Lake Shore rd

Chounds Richd, fireman, h e s Cockburn

Chowns Emma (wid Wm), l 6 Davidson cres

Chowns Fredk K, shipper, h 6 Davidson cres

Chowns Wm, brkmkr, l 6 Davidson cres

Churchward Alfred, packer, h w s Frederica

Churchward Robt, mach, h e s Frederica

Clallice Roy, engineer, h e s Cockburn

Clark Wm H, nurse, b T A Hawkins

Clough Paul, meter reader, h s s Lake Shore rd

Collins Chas. mkt gdnr, e s Salisubry av

Collins Elizth, l Jas Collins

Collins Fredk, gdnr, l Jas Collins

Collins Harold, gndr, l Jas Collins

Collins Jas, mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Collins Joseph, gdnr, l Jas Collins

Collins Ruby, l Jas Collins

Colins Frank, prntr, h e s Grand av

Conroy Keelie P, rubber wkr, h s s Queen

Copani Auguste, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Copani Job, lab b Auguste Copani

Copeland Robt G, clk, h w s Salisbury av

Cox Gustave S, gdnr, b Saml Cox

Cox Jos, mkt gdnr, w s Church

Cox Saml, mkt gdnr, w s Church

Cox Thos J, mach, h w s Rush av

Cozens Earl, clk, h s s Ruch av

Crosley Saml, carp, h e s Frederica

Crowe Catherine H, (wid Stewart), confy s s Lake Shore rd, h same

Cummings Rutherford, (Price, Cummings & Con, Ltd) res Toronto

Dandridge Jas, mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Daniels Francis, h w s Salisbury av

Devins’ Boat House, Isaac N Devins prop, n s Lake Shore rd

Devins Isaac N, boat house and rest, n s Lake Shore rd res Toronto

Dewsbury Franklin H, mach, h e s Frederica

Dewsbury Jno, mach, l F H Dewsbury

Dickison Wm J, mach, h w s Frederica

Dinn Alice, opr, b Mrs Ellen S Donovan

Dixon Elizth, (wid Wm), b Jno Dixon

Dixon Jno, tmstr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Dixon Rita, mun wkr, l Jno Dixon

Dixon Wm, mun wkr, l Jno Dixon

Donovan Ellen S, (wid Patk) h n s Lake Shore rd

Donovan Ellen S, (wid Patk) h s s Queen

Donovan Jno G, confy, s s Queen, l P J Donovan

Donovan Patk J, moto, h s s Queen

Dunn Robt, chkr, h w s Frederica

Dutnall Jno, tile mkr, h e s Cockburn

Dutnall Robt, tile mkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Dutnall R Wm, fireman, l Robt Dutnall

Edgecliff Bath House, Edwd A Brooker prop, s s Lake Shore rd

Egles Chas J, mach, l Wm Egles

Egles Ernest, l Wm Egles (on active service)

Egles Geo, mach, h s s Lake Shore rd

Egles Harold, l Geo Egles

Egles Wm, painter, h s s Lake Shore rd

Elford Isaac, mkt gdnr, s s Cannon rd

Elford Wm, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury av

Elliott Emily, opr, l Walter Elliott

Elliott Walter, gdnr, h n s Humber av

Fax Jas A, vocalist, h Salisbury av cor Queen

Fax Jessie E, vocalist, l J A Fax

Fennell Geo, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Field Arthur, l Wm H Banfield

Firkins Caroline (wid Geo), h Wm C Hicks

Fordyce Albert, mach, h e s Oliver

Forsyth Jas, mkt gdnr, n s Lake Shore rd

Forsyth Jas C, l Jas Forsyth, (on active service)

Forsyth Jno W, l Jas Forsyth (on active service)

Franklin Arthur, tmstr h w s Macdonald av

Gall Thos D, tmstr, h e s Salisbury av

Gear Fredk, prntr, h e s Cockburn

Gilman Alberta E, tinsmith, l Geo Gilman

Gilman Chas E, lab, l Geo Gilman

Gilman Geo, h e s Oliver

Gobanick Jos, lab. l Auguste Copani

Gray Lucy, (wid Geo) h w s Salisbury av

Green Geoffrey, l Mrs Annie Broderick (on active service)

Greenfield Austin E, brkmkr, l Thos G Greenfield

Greenfield Chas, mkt gdnr, w s Grand av

Greenfield Margt G, clk, l Thos G Greenfield

Greenfield Thos G, brkmkr, h e s Oliver

Grigsby Amos, mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Grigsby Wm, mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Hanley Robt, mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Hanley Walter R, gdnr, h w s Salisbury av

Harris Geo, h s s Lake Shore rd

Harris Geo, clk, h Queen cor Frederica

Harris Wm, mkt gdnr, s s Church

Harrison Jos H, tmstr, h vs Salisbury av

Harwood Ernest, brass wkr, h 5 Davidson cres

Hawkins Thos A, h w Frederica (on active service)

Helliwell Jno R, florist, h w s Salisbury av

Henry Edwin J, gro, h s s Lake Shore rd

Hicks Amelia E. l Mrs Elizth Hicks

Hicks Boat House, Octavius L Hicks, prop, s s Lake Shore rd

Hicks Elizth, (wid Thos L) h s s Queen

Hicks Fredk J, prop Humber Beach Inn, res same

Hicks Octavius L. prop Hicks Boat House, h s s Lake Shore rd

Hicks Wm J, h n s Lake Shore rd

Hill Herbert H, l Geo F Legg

Hitchcox Geo, carp h n s Lake Shore rd

Hodgkinson Albert E, mach, l L A Hodgkinson

Hodgkinson Levi A, tile mkr, h w s Macdonald av

Hodgkinson May, opr, l L A Hodgkinson

Holmes Geo, carp, h n s Queen

Holmes Henry, carp, h n s Queen

Humber Bay Baptist Church, Rev Aubrey B Vincent pastor n s Queen

Humber Bay Public School, Walter Moorhouse, prin, e s Cockburn

Humber Beach Inn, Fredk J Hicks, prop, s s Lake Shore rd

Hunter Annie, l Grace H Hunter

Hunter Grace H, h w s Salisbury av

Irwin Robt, slater, h n s Lake Shore rd

Jesson Shadrach, shoemkr, h s s Queen

Kemp Alfred, farmer h 7 Davidson cres

Kemp Edith A. leather wkr, l 7 Davidson cres

Kemp Sidney T, mach, l 7 Davidson cres

Kent Carl S, gdnr. l Wm Kent

Kent Wm, mkt gdnr, w s Salisbury av

Keough Eugenie, (wid Frank) h s s Queen

Keough Hazel, opr, l Mrs Eugeine Keough

Knight Jno H, mach, h Queen cor Davidson cres

Knight Norman, mach, h e s Parkers row

Langridge Michl J, h w s Macdonald av (on active service)

Legg Archd M, photo engraver, h s s Lake Shore rd

Legg Clarence L, l Geo F Legg

Legg Geo F, photo engraver, h s s Lake Shore rd

Legg Myrtle, l Geo Gep F Legg

Leishman David, blksmth, h e s Cockburn

Leishman Jessie, opr. l David Leishman

Leishman Margt, opr, l David Leishman

Lens Wm. lab. h w s Amelia

Lipkoi Frank, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Lockhart Walter, prntr, h n s Queen

Loin Geo, gdnr, h n s Queen

Lyons Frank, brkmkr, l 4 Davidson cres

Lytle Andrew, police, h w s Oliver

McAlister Jno. brass mldr, h s s Queen

McDermott Patk, mach, h e s Oliver

McFarlane Arthur E, journalist, h w s Salisbury av

McFarlane Hazel, tchr Humber Bay Public Schl, l A E McFarlane

McGraw Fredk, (Orr and McGraw) h w s Godson rd

McQuarrie Danl, mach, l 10 Queen

McQuarrie Harry C, h 10 Queen

McQuarrie Jas H, glass wkr, l 10 Queen

McQuarrie Lila, clk, Nicol MacNicol, l 10 Queen

McQuarrie Mary, opr, l 10 Queen

MacDonald Louisa I, l T J Cox

MacDonald Wm E Lieut, l T J Cox (on active service)

MacNicol Nicol, postmaster and gro. Queen cor Davidson cres, h same

Mageehan Jno, elect, h w s Frederica

Mahr Geo, jeweler, h n s Lake Shore rd

Major Rupert E, mkt gdnr, w s Salisbury av

Maloney Jno, brkmkr, n s Lake Shore rd, res Toronto

Meldrum Annie A, purse mkr, l Mrs Florence Meldrum

Meldrum Florence Mrs, h e s Cockburn

Meldrum Mabel, clk, l Mrs Florence Meldrum

Meldrum Wilfrid J, mach, l Mrs Florence Meldrum

Milding Charlotte, opr, l Margt Milding

Milding Margt, bkbndr, h w s Salisbury av

Monteith Jno, slsrnn, h Queen cor Salisbury av

Montgomery Wm. contr, s s Lake Shore rd h same

Moorhouse Waiter, prin Humber Bay Public School, res Islington

Morehouse Wm, mkt gdnr, n s College

Morrow Hugh J, l Rev Jno D Morrdw

Morrow Rev Jno D, h s s Lake Shore rd

Naylor Thos S, fireman h e s Cockburn

Newham Jno A, cook, h w s Macdonald av

Newport Henry, mach, h w s Salisbury av

Noble Wm, clk, h n s Rush av

North Geo, mkt gdnr, n s College

North Harry, mkt gdnr. n s Cannon rd

North Wm, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury av

Northcote Richd H, elect, h s s Lake Shore rd

Norton Jno C, clk, h n s Lake Shore rd

Olsen Danl E, h ns Lake Shore rd (on active srevice)

Orr Jas W, mach, h w s Macdonald av

Orr Robt W, mach, h s s Queen

Parker Walter C, mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Parker Wm H, l W C Parker

Parkinson Wm, jwlr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Parmenter Margt, (wid Philip) h e s Cockburn

Patchett Walter, mach, h n s Lake Shore rd

Payne Chas D, painter, h n s Humber av

Payne Harold D, l Chas D Payne (on active service)

Payne Simon, mach, l Chas D Payne

Pennall Henry D, clk, h w s Salisbury av

Pilcher Albert J, slsmn, b J H Knigth

Pollard Fredk, brkmn, h e s Frederica

Pomfret Luther, mach, h 8 Davidson cres

Presley Alfred, caretkr, h w s Oliver

Presley Annie L, drsmkr, l Alfred Presley

Presley Edith, l Alfred Presley

Presley Florence L, mus tchr, l Alfred Presley

Presley Thos, mach, h s s Queen

Prewitt Albert A, mkt gdnr, w s Salisbury av

Price, Cummings & Co, Ltd, (Isaac Price, Rutherford Cummings), brk mfrs, e s Salisbury av

Price Isaac, (Price, Cummings & Co, Ltd) res Toronto

Price Jno R, mgr Price, Cummings & Co, Ltd, h w s Salisbury av

Pycock Jas, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury av

Pyout Jno, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Radmore Jas M, mach, h s s Queen

Ramsperger August, piano turner, h s s Lake Shore rd

Rea Thos W, h s s Lake Shore rd

Reeves Egerton, gdnr, h e s Frederica

Reeves Frank, mkt gdnr, n s College

Reid Ellen, (wid Ralph L) h e s Salisbury av

Riley Jno, bolt mkr, h n s Queen

Robinson Richd G, barber h e s Frederica

Rogers Florence, (wid Wm) h n s Lake Shore rd

Rowett Ernest, mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Rowett Herbert, mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Rowett Jno H, mkt gdnr, w s Grand av

Runnalls Florence, packer, l Jos Runnalls

Runnalls Jos, carp, h w s Macdonald av

Runnalls Kate, packer, l Jos Runnalls

Runnalls May, packer, l Jos Runnalls

Runnalls Wm. carp, l Jos Runnalls

Rush Daisy, l Henry Rush

Rush Geo W, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury av

Rush Henry, mach, h w s Frederica

Sagaskoi Geo, lab, l Michl Sagaskoi

Sagaskoi Jock, lab, l Michl Sagaskoi

Sagaskoi Michl, lab. h n s Lake Shore rd

St James Mission, Rev Wm C Turney supt., e s Frederica

Sampson Jos, moto, h s s Queen

Saunders Jas, prntr, h e s Salisbury av

Savage Chas E, brkmkr, h w s Macdonald av

Sharpe Herbert A, rd master, h n s Lake Shore rd

Simpsick Leo, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Simpson Fredk, l Geo Simpson

Simpson Geo, police, h s s Lake Shore rd

Simpson Geo H, tel opr, l Geo Simpson

Simpson Mildred, l Geo Simpson

Simpson Percy, pressman l Jas Forsyth

Sims Jno R, carp, h vs Macdonald av

Skidmore Richd D, guard, h w s Frederica

Slee Ethel, l Richd Slee

Slee Muriel, l Richd Slee

Slee Reginald, l Richd Slee

Slee Richd, engraver, h s s Lake Shore rd

Smith Ernest W, gdnr. l H S Smith

Smith Henry S, mkt gdnr, w s Salisbury av

Smith Jas, mach, h n s Lake Shore rd

Sproul Jas, h s s Lake Shore rd

Stanley Wm, mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Steel Geo. brkmkr, b Mrs Lucy Gray

Stephens Leonora C, stenog, l H D Pennall

Stiff Dora, opr, l Wm J Stiff

Stiff Ernest, gdnr, l Wm J Stiff

Stiff Wm J, florist, h e s Salisbury av

Sturton Alfred E, carp, h e s Oliver

Sutherland Fredk W. artist, h n s Lake Shore rd

Taverner Afred, lab, l Mrs Lillian Blake

Taverner Edwd, lab, h w s Amelia

Taverner Henry, mach, h w s Macdonald av

Taverner Jno, mach, h n s Queen

Taylor Ethel, opr, l Geo A Taylor

Taylor Geo A, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Taylor Kate, (wid Geo) l Geo A Taylor

Taylor Robt J, elect, h s s Lake Shore rd

Thomas Robt, blksmth, h e s Parkers row

Tiffin Dalton A, mkt gdnr, s s Queen

Tilbe Archd E, carp, h s s Cannon rd

Tizzard David, mkt gdnr, w s Church

Tomlinson Jno, mkt gdnr, s s Queen

Trevethan Jos. bolt mkr. l P B Trevethan

Trevethan Philip B, tmstr, h w s Macdonald av

Turney Wm C Rev, supt St James Mission, l Saml Crosley

Vanwaggoner Leo, cash boy, l Mrs Ellen S Donovan

Vanwaggoner Lilliah, (wid Geo) l Mrs Ellen S Donovan

Vanwaggoner Vincent, messenger, l Mrs Ellen S Donovan

Venning Alfred, mach, h e s Cockburn

Vincent Aubrey B Rev, pastor Humber Bay Baptist Ch h w s Frederica

Vincent David B, l Rev A B Vincent

Walls Charlotte, opr, l Edwd T Walls

Walls Edna C, tel opr, l Edwd T Walls

Walls Edwd T, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Walls Mary, stenog, l Edward T Walls

Walls Wm, l Edward T Walls

White Wm R, chauffeur, h w s Frederica

Whitehead Jas J, brkmkr, h e s Oliver

Whitehead Russell, clk, h e s Oliver

Whitworth Edwd, mkt gdnr, n s College

Whitworth Ethel M, l Geo Whitworth

Whitworth Geo, mkt gdnr, s s Queen

Whitworth Geo jr, mach, h w s Frederica

Whitworth Wm H, gdn, l Geo Whitworth

Wilkins C Murray, musician, l Robt Wilkins

Wilkins Geo, h n s Lake Shore rd (on active service)

Wilkins Jas W, studt, l Geo Wilkins

Wilkins Julia J, l Geo Wilkins

Wilkins Robt, constable, h s s Cannon rd

Wilkins Stella J, drsmkr, l Robt Wilkins

Willis Jno, bolt mkr, h w s Macdonad av

Wilson Gertrude L (wid Chas), h s s Cannon rd

Wilson Stephen, slsmn, h n s Rush av

Winger Alfred, rubber wkr, h e s Oliver

Woodford Wm, mach, h n s Lake Shore rd

Woodley Harold, mach, h e s Parkers row

Woods Geo, mach, h e s Cockburn

Wright Jno H, tmstr, h e s Salisbury av

Wright Saml L, coal s s Queen, h same

Yeats Albert, l 4 Davidson cres (on active service)

Yeats Lawrence, mach, h 4 Davidson cres


A suburb on the west bank of the Humber River, four

and one half miles west of the City Hall. Post Office,

Lambton Mills. Take Dundas car to end of line,

thence Lambton car.


YEARHA 1919 corrected


A Suburb west of city, four and one half miles from City Hall. Post Office Humber Bay. Take King or Queen to Sunnyside, thence Metropolitan line.

Aikens Jas T. mason. l D T Olsen

Alien Jas, gdnr, l J W Allen

Allen Jos W, mkt gdnr, w s Salisbury av

Alsworth Geo, bolt mkr, h w s Macdonald av

Anderson Sherman cond. h n s Lake Shore rd

Aymer Chas. mkt gdnr s s Cannon rd

Aymer Geo. gdnr h n s Cannon rd

Aymer Thos K, mkt gndr. h cor Queen and Salisbury av

Bailey Wm, gro, s s Lake Shore rd b same

Bate Wm J, elect lnsp, h s s Lake Shore rd

Bell Albert, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury av

Beonett Percy, moto. h w s Oliver

Birge Geo. brckmkr. h 5 Davidson cres

Black Christina, bds Margt Milding

Blackmore Danl, gdnr, h w s Salisbury av

Blake Chas G. tile mkr, h e s Oliver

Blake Lillian Mrs. h s s Queen

Boniface Albert G, tmstr, h s s Queen

Boniface Ernest L, b w s Amelia (on active service)

Boniface John, elect, h w s Frederica

Boote Ernest, h w s Macdonald av (on active service)

Boulton Geo H. h s s Lake Shore rd



Bracey Thos H, driver h w s Salisbury av

Bradley Edwd. gdnr. l L Bradley

Bradley Lewis, rubber wkr, h e s Parkers Row

Bragg Frank, h s s Cannon rd

Briefly Alfred, btchr, h s s Rush av

Broadbent Kate E. bkbndr. l Mrs N Broadbent

Broadbent Naomi, (wid John) h w s Salisbury av

Broderick Annie (wid Patk). h w s Salisbury av

Broderick Jno J, brkmn. l Mrs Annie Broderick

Broderick Mary, opr, l Mrs Annie Broderick

Brooker Edwd A, prop Edgecliff Bath House, res Toronto

Brown Fredk, blrmkr, h 8 Davidson cres

Brown H Stanley, uphol, h s s Lake Shore rd

Brown John, mach, l Mrs S E Brown,

Brown Jno G, mkt gdnr e s Salisbury av

Brown Nicholas, h s s Lake Shore rd

Brown Robt J moto h w s Macdonald av

Brown Robt R, h s s Lake Shore rd

Brown S, Elizth, (wid Chas E), b Queen cor Salisbury av

Brown Walter E, gdnr, b Mrs S E Brown

Brown Wm J, uphol, h s s Lake Shore rd

Burbridge Ernest, mkt gdnr, n s College

Butterworth Fredk, weaver, h w s Macdonald

Butwell Arthur. l Richard Butwell (on active service)

Butwell Benj, tmstr, h e s Salisbury av

Butwell Caleb, brkmkr, l Mark Butwell

Butwell Henry, brick mfr. n s Lake Shore rd, res Toronto

Butwell Jas. brkmkr, l Benj Butwell

Butwell Mark, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Butwell Mary E, stenog. l Margt Butwell

Butwell Reginald N, tel opr. h s s Lake Shore rd

Butwell Richd h e s Salisbury av

Cameron John A. trav. h s s Lake Shore rd

Cameron Wm. clk. h s s Lake Shore rd

Cardwell Henry. h w s Frederica

Carson Robt T. carp, h e s Oliver

Carter Walter H. mach. h e s Salisbury av

Chapman Mary, (wid Geo) h s s Queen

Cheatham Harry, cook, h n s Lake Shore rd

Cherry Frank J, gdnr, h e s Salisbury av

Chounds Richd, tiremn, h e s Cockburn

Chowns Emma (wid Wm). l 6 Davidson cres

Chowns Fredk K, shipper, h 6 Davidson cres

Chowns Wm, brkmkr, l 6 Davidson cres

Churchward Alfred, packer, h w s Frederica

Churchward Robt, mach, h e s Frederica

Clift Lillian, bds Fredk McGraw

Collins Frank, printer, h e s Grand av

Collins Fredk. gdnr, l Jas Collins

Collins Harold, gndr, l Jas Collins

Collins Jas, mkt gdnr, s s Queen



Collins Joseph, gdnr, l Jas Collins

Collins Ruby, l Jas Collins

Copeland Robt G, clk, h w s Salisbury av

Cox Thos J D. iron wkr, h e s Godson rd

Cozens Earl. clk. h s s Rush av

Creig Frank. florist, h s s Queen

Crisman Arthur, chauff, h w s Salisbury av

Crooks Wm H. mach. h s s Lake Shore rd

Crosley Saml, carp, h e s Frederica

Crossman Wm, jwlr. h n s Lake Shore rd

Crowe Catherine H, (wid Stewart), confy s s Lake Shore rd. h same

Culman Agnes M. l David Culnan

Culnan David. h w s Salisbury av

Cummings Rutherford, (Price, Cummings & Con, Ltd) res Toronto

Dandridge Jas. mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Daniels Francis, h w s Salisbury av

Darey Arthur, bacteriologist, h e s Salisbury av

Davis Wm. lab. h w s Godson rd

Devins’ Boat House, Isaac N Devins prop, n s Lake Shore rd

Devins Isaac N, boat house and rest, n a Lake Shore rd res Toronto

Dewsbury Franklin H, mach. h e s Frederica

Dewsbury John, mach, l F H Dewsbury

Dickison Wm J. mach. h w s Frederica

Dinn Alice, opr. bds Mrs E S Donovan

Dixon Elizth, (wid Wm) l John Dixon

Dixon Jno, tmstr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Dixon Rita, mun wkr, l Jno Dixon

Dixon Wm, mun wkr, l Jno Dixon

Donovan Ellen S. (wid Patk) h s s Queen

Donovan Jno G, confy, s s Queen, l P J Donovan

Donovan Patk J, moto, h s s Queen

Dunn Robt, chkr, h w s Frederica

Dutnall Jno, tile mkr, h e s Cockburn

Dutnall Robt. tile nkr. h n s Lake Shore rd

Dutnall R Wm. fireman, l Robt Dutnall

Dyke Victor E. mach. l Henry Taverner

Edgecliff Bath House, Edwd A Brooker prop, s s Lake Shore rd

Egles Chas J. l Wm Egles (on active service)

Egies Ernest. l Wm Egles (on active service)

Egles Geo, mach, h s s Lake Shore rd

Egles Harold, l Geo Egles

Egles Wm. painter, h s s Lake Shore rd



Elford Isaac, mkt gdnr, s a Cannon rd

Elford Wm, mkt gdnr. e s Salisbury av

Elliott Emily, opr. l Walter Elliott

Elliott Walter, gdnr, h n s Humber av

Fax Jas A. vocalist, h Salisbury av cor Queen

Fax Jessie E. vocalist, l J A Fax

Fielding Saml W. carp, h w s Frederica

Fletcher Wm, barber, h s s Queen

Fordyce Albert, mach, h e s Oliver

Forsythe Jas. mkt gdnr n s Lake Shore rd

Forsythe Jas C, lvs Jas Forsythe (on active service)

Forsythe John W, lvs Jas Forsythe (on active service)

Franklin Arthur, tmstr h w s Macdooald av

Gear Fredk, prntr, h e s Cockburn

Giles Arthur E. mach. l Robt J Brown

Gilman Chas E, lab, l Geo Gilman

Gilman Geo, h e s Oliver

Gilman Geo. Jr. lab. h w s Oliver

Gray Carrie M, (wid Jas) l Mrs Caroline Johnstone

Gray Lucy, (wid Geo) h w s Salisbury av

Greenfield Chas, rakt gdnr. w s Grand av

Greenfield Margt G, clk, l Thos G Greenfield

Greenfield Thos G, brkmkr, h e s Oliver

Grigsby Amos, mkt gdnr, n a Queen

Grigsby Wm, mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Harris Wm, gdnr, h e s Frederica

Harrison Jos H, tmstr, h w s Salisbury av

Hawkins Thos A. h s s Queen (on active service)

Haoley Saml, gdnr, h s s Cannon rd

Hart Wm. gdnr. h s s Queen

Helliwell John R, florist, h w s Salisbury av

Hicks Amelia E. l Mrs E Hicks

Hicks Boat House, Octavius L Hicks, prop, s s Lake Shore rd

Hicks Elizth, (wid Thos L) h s s Queen

Hicks Fredk J, hotel, s s Lake Shore rd

Hicks Octavius L, prop Hicks Boat House, h s s Lake Shore rd

Hicks Wm J, h n. s Lake Shore rd

Hitchcox Geo. wtchmn. h n s Lake Shore rd

Hodgkinson Albert E, mach, l L A Hodgldnaon

Hodgkinson Levi A, tile mkr, h w s Macdonald av

Hodgkinson May. opr, l L A Hodgkinson

Holmes Geo, carp, h n s Queen

Holmes Henry, carp, h n s Queen

Horwood Geo. bolt mkr. h w s Cockburn

Huffman Albert, well drlr. h n s Cannon rd

Huffman Wm, well driller, h s s Cannon rd

Humber Bay Post Office, John H Riesberry, P M, Queen cor Davidson cres

Humber Bay Public School, e s Cockburn



Humber Beach Inn. Fredk J Hicks, prop, s s Lake Shore rd

Hunter Annie, l Grace Hunter,

Hunter Grace H. h w s Salisbury av

Jecks Tobias, boats, s s Lake Shore rd, res Toronto

Jennings Ernest C, tmstr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Jesson Shadrach, shoemkr. h s s Queen

Johnson Thos, night watchmn, h e s Parkers Row

Johnstone Caroline, (wid Jas K) h s s Lake Shore rd

Johnstone Marion K, Lake Shore rd

Kemp Sidney T, mach, h w s Macdonald av

Kent Wm. mkt gdnr. w s Salisbury av

Knight John H. mach. h s s Queen

Laing Geo, engr, h s s Queen

Langridge Michl J, h w s Macdonald av (on active service)

Langridge Walter A, mun wkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Latter Day Saints Church, e s Salisbury av

Lawn Chas J. lab, h s s Queen

Legg Archd M, photo engraver, h s s Lake Shore rd

Legg Clarence L, l Geo F Legg

Legs Geo F, photo engraver, h s s Lake Shore rd

Legg Myrtle, l Geo F Legg

Leishman David, blksmlth, h e s Frederica

Leishman Jessie, opr. l David Leishman

Leishman Margt, opr, l David Leishman

Lenz Wm, lab, h w s Amelia

Lipkoi Frank, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Lloyd Wm C. painter, h e s Cockburn

Lockhart Walter, painter, h n s Queen

Lyons Frank, brkmkr, l 9 Davidson cres

Lytle Andrew, police, h w s Oliver

McAlister John, mldr, h s s Queen

McDermott Patk, mach, h e s Oliver

McFarlane Arthur E, journalist, h w s Salisbury av

McFarlane Margt, tchr Humber Bay Public School, l A E McFarlane

McGraw Fredk, (Orr and McGraw) h w s Godson rd

McLean Mabel Mrs, h n s Lake Shore rd

McQuarrie Danl. mach, l 10 Queen

McQuanie Harry C, h 10 Queen

McQuarrle Jas H, glass beveller, l 10 Queen

McQuarrle Lila, clk J H Riesberry, lvs 10 Queen

MacDonald Wra E Lieut, l T J Cox (on active service)

Mageehan Jno, elect, h w s Frederica

Mahr Rupert, jwlr. h n s Lake Shore rd

Major Rupert E, mkt gdnr. w s Salisbury av

Maloney Jno, brkmkr, n s Lake Shore rd. res Toronto



Manifold Geo. tlr. h s s Lake Shore rd

Meldrum Annie, opr, l Mrs Florence Meldrum

Meldrum Florence Mrs, h e s Cockburn

Meldrum Mabel, clk, l Mrs Florence Meldrum

Meldrum Wilfrid J, mach, l Mrs Florence Meldrum

Milding Charlotte, opr, l Margt Milding

Milding Margt, bkbndr, h w s Salisbury av

Miller Wm. Rev. l Mrs Hicks

Mitchell John, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Montelth John, slsmn. h n s Queen

Montgomery Wm, contr, s s Lake Shore rd h same

Naylor Thos S. mach. h e s Cockburn

Needler Arthur, rubber, h s s Cannon rd

Newham Jno A, cook, h w s Macdonald av

Newport Chas W, gdnr, h w s Salisbury av

Noble Wm, clk, h n s Rush av

North Geo, mkt gdnr, n s College

North Harry, mkt gdnr, n s Cannon rd

North Wm, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury av

Northcote Richd H, elect, h s s Lake Shore rd

Norton Jno C, clk, h n s Lake Shore rd

Olsen Danl E, h n s Lake Shore rd (on active service)

Orr Gordon, bolt mkr. l Fredk McGraw

Orr Jas. clk, l Fredk McGraw

Orr Nellie, opr, bds Fredk McGraw



Orr Robt W. mach. h w s Oliver

Parker Walter C, mkt gdnr. n s Queen

Parker Wm H, l W C Parker

Parkinson Wm, jwlr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Patchett Walter, mach, h n s Lake Shore rd

Paul Emily M. (wid Jos N). h n s Queen

Payne Chas D, painter, h n s Humber av

Payne Harold D. l C D Payne (on active service)

Payne Simon, mach. l C D Payne

Pennall Henry D, clk, h w s Salisbury av

Piper Frank, lab, l Patk McDermott

Pollard Fredk, mun wkr, h e s Frederica

Pomfert Luther, mach, h n s Queen

Presley Alfred, caretkr, h w s Oliver

Presley Annie L, mus tchr, l Alfred Presley

Presley Edith, l Alfred Presley

Presley Florence L, mus tchr, l Alfred Presley

Presley Thos, mach, h s s Queen

Prewitt Albert A, mkt gdnr. w s Salisbury av

Price, Cummings & Co, Ltd, (Isaac Price, Rutherford Cummings), brk infra, e s Salisbury av

Price Isaac, (Price. Cummings & Co, Ltd) res Toronto

Price Jno R, mgr Price, Cummings & Co, Ltd. h w s Salisbury av

Pycock Jas, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury av

Ramsperger August, piano tuner, h n s Lake Shore rd

Reeves Egerton, gdnr. h e s Frederica

Reeves Frank, mkt gdnr. n s College

Reeves Henry, porter, h s s Cannon rd

Reid Ellen, (wid Ralph L) h e s Salisbury av

Riesberry John H, postmaster and grocer. Queen cor Davidson cres. h same

Riley John, mach, h n s Queen

Robinson Albert H, tmstr, l Richd Butwell

Robinson Richd G, barber h e s Frederica

Ross Peter, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Rowett Ernest. mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Rowett Geo W, mkt gndr, w s Grand av

Rowett Herbert, mkt gdnr. n s Queen

Runnalls Jos, carp, h w s Macdonald av (on active service)

Runnalls Kate, opr, lvs Jos Runnalls

Runnalls Wm. carp, l Jos Runnalls

Rush Chas, bolt mkr, h 4 Davidson cres

Rush Geo W, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury av

Rush Henry, mach. h w s Frederica

Sagaskoi Michl, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

St James Mission, e s Frederica

Sampson Jos, moto. h s s Queen

Sampson J Ernest, designer, Richd Slee



Savage Chas E, brkmkr, h w s Macdonald av

Seymour Harry, slsmn, h w s Parkers Row

Sharpe Herbert A, rd master, h n s Lake Shore rd

Simpson Geo, police, h s s Lake Shore rd

Simpson Geo A, tel opr, l Geo Simpson

Skidmore Richd D, guard, h w s Frederica

Slee Reginald, clk, l Richd Slee

Slee Richd, engraver, h s s Lake Shore rd

Smith Ernest, gdnr. l Henry S Smith

Smith Henry S. mkt gndr, w s Salisbury av

Smith Jas. mach, h w s Macdonald ir

Smith Walter R, gdnr, l H S Smith

Sproul Jas, h s s Lake Shore rd

Stanley Wm, mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Stephens Leonora C, stenog, l H D Pennell

Stevens Annie, (wid Jas) h w s Parker's Row

Stewart Wm J. h s s Lake Shore rd

Stiff Dora, opr, l Win J Stiff

Stiff Ernest, gdnr, l Wm J Stiff

Stiff Wm J, florist, h e s Salisbury av

Sutherland Freds W. artist, h n s Lake Shore rd

Taverner Edwd, lab, h w s Amelia

Tarerner Henry, mach, h w s Macdonald av

Taylor Ethel, opr, l G A Taylor

Taylor Geo A, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Thomas Robt, blksmth, h e s Parkers row

Thompson Geo H. shipper h s s Queen

Tice Lewis F, trav, h w s Salisbury av

Tizzard David, mkt gdnr. w s Church

Todd Jas, mkt gdnr. e s Salisbury av, h same

Todd Joseph, mkt gndr, e s Salisbury av, h same

Tomlinson Geo, gdnr, l Wm Huffman

Tomlinson Jno, mkt gdnr, s s Queen

Trevethan Phillip B. tmstr, h w s Macdonald av

Venning Alfred, mach, h e s Cockburn

Walls Charlotte, opr, l E T Walls

Walls Edna C, tel opr, l E T Walls

Walls Edwd T, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Walls Mary, stenog, l E T Walls

Walsh John J, ydmn, l W A Langridge

White Wm R, chauff, h w s Fredertca

Whitehead Jas J, brkmkr, h e s Oliver

Whitehead Jennie, h e s Oliver

Whitehead John W, nut mkr. h e s Oliver

Whitehead Russell, clk, h e s Oliver

Whitworth Edwd, mkt gdnr, n s College

Whitworth Ethel M, l Geo Whitworth

Whitworth Geo,, mkt gdnr s s Queen, h same

Whitworth Geo Jr, mach, h w s Frederica

Whitworth Wm H, gdn, l Geo Whitworth

Wilkins C Murray, mach, l Robt Wilkins

Wilkins Robt, constable, h s s Cannon rd

Wilkins Stella J, drsmkr, l Robt Wilkins

Willis Emily, (wid Joho) l P B Trcrethan

Wilson Stephen, slsmn, h n s Rush av

Winger Alfred, rubber wkr, h e s Oliver

Winters Sidney, trav, h s s Lake Shore rd

Woods Geo. mach, h e s Cockburn

Yeats Lawrence, mach, h e s Cockburn

York Gee, emery wkr. h w s Salisbury av


A suburb on the west bank on the Humber Riw, four and one half miles west of the City Hall. Post Office, Lambton Mills. Take Dundas car to end of line, thence Lambton car.


YEARHA 1920 corrected


A suburb west of city, four and one half miles from City Hall. Post Office Humber Bay. Take King or Queen cars to Sunnyside, thence Metropolitan line.

Allen Joseph W, mkt gdnr, e s Church

Alsworth Geo, bolt mkr, h n s Humber av

Anderson Sherman, cond, h n s Lake Shore rd

Aymer Chas, mkt gdnr, s s Cannon rd

Ajmer Geo, gdnr, n s Cannon rd

Aymer Thos K, gdnr, h cor Queen and Salisbury av

Bate Wm J, elect, h s s Lake Shore rd

Bell Albert, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury av

Bennett Percy, moto, h w s Oliver

Birch Wm, pntr, h w s Macdonald av

Blackmore Danl, gdnr, h w s Salisbury av

Blake Chas G, tile mkr, ,h e s Oliver

Blake Lillian Mrs, h s s Queen

Boniface Albert G, tmstr, h s s Queen

Boniface Ernest L. h w s Amelia

Boyce Frank, rubber wkr, h e s Daniels av

Bracey Thos H, driver, h w s Salisbury av

Bradley Edward, gdnr, lvs Lewis Bradley

Bradley Lewis, rubber wkr, h e s Orchard av

Bragg Frank, h s s Cannon rd

Briefly Alfred, btchr, h s s Rush av

Broderick Annie (wid Patk), h w s Salisbury av

Broderick John J, brkmn, lvs Mrs Annie Broderick

Broderick Mary, opr, lvs Mrs Annie Broderick

Brooker Edwd A, prop Edgecliff Bath House, h s s Lake Shore rd

Brooker Olive Mrs, gro, s s Lake Shore rd, lvs same

Brown Fredk, blrmkr, h s Davidson cres

Brown Geo S, slsmn, h e s Salisbury av

Brown H Stanley, uphol, h s s Lake Shore rd

Brown John G, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury av

Brown Nicholas,h s s Lake Shore rd

Brown Robt J, moto, h w s Macdonald av

Brown Robt R, h s s Lake Shore rd

Brown S Elizth (wid Chas E), h cor Queen & Salisbury

Brown Walter E, gdnr. lvs Mrs E S Brown

Brown Wm J, uphol h s s Lake Shore rd

Burbridge Ernest, mkt gdnr, n s College

Burge Geo, brkmkr, h 5 Davidson cres

Butterworth Fredk, weaver, h w s Macdonald av

Butwell Arthur, brkmkr, lvr Richard Butwell

Butwell Benj, tmstr, h e s Salisbury av

Butwell Caleb, brkmkr. lvs Mark Butwell

Butwell Henry, brick mfr, n s Lake Shore rd

Butwell Jas, brkmkr. lvs Ben Butwell

Butwell Mark, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Butwell Mary E, stenog, lvs Mark Butwell

Butwell Reginald N, tel, h s s Lake Shore rd

Butwell Richard, h e s Salisbury av

Cameron John , trav, h s s Lake Shore rd

Cameron Ross, trav, h n s Lake Shore rd

Cameron Wm, clk, h s s Lake Shore rd

Carberry Thos, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Cardwell Henry, h e s Cockburn

Carson Robt T, carp, h e s Oliver

Carter Walter H, each, h e s Salisbury av

Chapman Mary, (wid Geo), h s s Queen

Cherry Frank J, gdnr, h e s Salisbury av

Chounds Richard, fireman, h e s Cockburn

Chowns Emma (wid Wm), lvs 6 Davidson cres

Chowns Fredk J, shipper, h 6 Davidson cres

Churchward Alfred, shipper, h w s Frederica

Churchward Robt, mach,h e s Frederica

Clark Wm H, roach, h e s Oliver

Clarke Thos, tel opr,h w s Macdonald av

Clift Lillian, lvs Fredk McGraw

Cole Wm, mach, h s s Cannon rd

Collins Fredk, gdnr, lvs James Collins

Collins Harold, gdnr, lvs James Collins

Collins Jas. mkt gdnr n s Queen

Collins Joseph, gdnr. lvs James Collins

Copeland Robt G. clk,h w s Salisbury av

Cox Saml, mkt gdnr, n s College

Cox Thos J D, iron wkr, h e s Godson rd

Cozens Earl, clk, h s s Rush av

Crisman Arthur, chauff, h w s Salisbury av

Crossley Saml, carp, h e s Frederica

Crossman Wm, jwlr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Crowe Catherine H (wid Stewart), h s s Lake Shore rd

Culnan Agnes M, lvs David Culnan

Culnan David, h w s Salisbury av

Cummings Rutherford (Price Cummings & Co, Ltd), res Toronto

Currier Chas G, tmstr, lvs Mrs Kate Taylor

Dandridge James, mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Daniels Francis,h w s Salisbury av

Darby Kenelin H, chauff, h w s Orchard av

Davis Wm, lab, h w s Godson rd

Devins' Boat House, Isaac N Devins, prop, n s Lake Shore rd

Devins Isaac N, boat house and rest, n s Lake Shore rd res Toronto

Dewsbury Franklin H, mach, h e s Frederica

Dewsbury John, mach, lvs F H Dewsbury

Dewsbury Sheridan, lvs F H Dewsbury

Dickinson Wm J, mach, h w s Frederica

Dinn Alice, opr, lvs Mrs Ellen S Donovan

Dixon John, tmstr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Dixon Rita, opr, lvs John Dixon

Dixon Wm, mach. lvs John Dixon

Dodds Owen, h n s Queen

Donovan Ellen S (wid Patk), h s s Queen

Donovan John G, confy, s s Queen, lvs P J Donovan

Donovan Patk J, h s s Queen

Dunn Robt, chkr,h w s Frederica

Dutnall John, tile mkr, h e s Cockburn

Dutnall Robt, tile mkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Dutnall R Wm, fireman. lvs Robt Dutnall

Dutnall Walter, trav, h n s Lake Shore rd

Edgecliff Bath House, Edwd A Brooker, prop. s s Lake Shore rd

Egles Chas J, lvs Wm Egles

Egles Ernest, lvs Wm Egles

Egles Geo, mach, h s s Lake Shore rd

Egles Harold, lvs Geo Egles

Egles Wm, pntr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Elford Wm, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury av

Elliott Emily, opr, lvs Walter Elliott

Elliott Walter, gdnr, h e s Salisbury av

Farrow Robt, h s s Queen

Fielding Saml W, carp, h w s Frederica

Fletcher Wm, barber, h s s Queen

Fordyce John, wtchman, h e s Oliver

Forsythe James, mkt gdnr, n s Lake Shore rd

Forsythe James C, lvs James Forsythe

Forsythe John W, lvs Jas Forsythe

Franklin Arthur, h w s Macdonald av

Galbraith Isabel, lvs Mrs Elizth Brown

Gear Fredk, prntr, h e s Cockburn

Gerhardt Frank X, shipper, h w s Salisbury av

Gilman Chas E, lab, h e s Oliver

Gilman Geo jr, lab, h w s Macdonald av

Gilman Sarah (wid Geo), lvs Chas E Gilman

Godward John, h s s Queen

Gray Carrie M (wid James), lvs Mrs Caroline Johnstone

Gray Lucy (wid Geo), h w s Salisbury av

Greenfield Chas, mkt gdnr, w s Grand av

Greenfield Saml F, h e s Oliver

Greenfield Thos G, brkmkr, h e s Oliver

Grigsby Wm, mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Guppy Wm J, chauff, h s s Queen

Harris Geo, mkt gdnr, n s College

Harris Wm, gdnr, h e s Frederica

Harris Wm G. h s s Lake Shore rd

Harrison Jos H, tmstr, h w s Salisbury av

Hart Wm, gdnr, h s s Queen

Haughton Geo, pntr, h e s Daniels av

Hawkins Thos A, h s s Queen

Helliwell John R, florist, h w s Salisbury av

Hicks Amelia E, lvs Mrs Elizth Hicks

Hicks Boat House, Octavius L Hicks prop, s s Lake Shore rd

Hicks Elizth (wid Thos L), h s s Queen

Hicks Fredk J, hotel, s s Lake Shore rd

Hicks Octavius L, prop Hicks Boat House,h s s Lake Shore rd

Hicks Wm J, h n s Lake Shore rd

Hockney Ernest, steel wkr, h e s Orchard av

Hodgkinson Albert E, photo, lvs L A Hodgkinson

Hodgkinson Levi A, tile mkr, h w s Macdonald av

Hodgkinson May, opr, lvs L A Hodgkinson

Holmes Henry, carp, h n s Queen

Hooper Wm H, rubber wkr, h w s Salisbury av

Horwood Geo, bolt mkr, h w s Cockburn

Hudson Geo. mach. h e s Cockburn

Huffman Benj B, well drlr, h n s Cannon rd

Huffman Wm, well drlr, h s s Cannon rd

Humber Bay Baptist Church, Rev Wm Miller pastor, n s Queen

Humber Bay Post Office, John H Riseberry postmaster, Queen cor Davidson cres

Humber Bay Public School, e s Cockburn

Humber Beach Inn, Fredk J Hicks, prop, s s Lake Shore rd

Humber Coal & Supply Co, Saml Wright, mgr, s s Queen

Hunter Annie, lvs Grace Hunter

Hunter Grace H, h w s Salisbury av

Jarvis Douglas M, clk, h w s Orchard av

Jerks Tobias, boats, s s Lake Shore rd

Jennings Ernest C, tmstr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Jesson Shadrach, shoemkr s s Queen, h same

Johnston Wm, h s s Lake Shore rd

Johnstone Caroline (wid Jas K), h s s Lake Shore rd

Johnstone Marion K, h s s Lake Shore rd

Jones Harold, rubber wkr. h e s Salisbury av

Kelly James, lab, h w s Birch av

Kemp Alfred, h 7 Davidson cres

Kemp Sidney T, mach, h w s Macdonald av

Kent Wm, mkt gdnr, w s Salisbury av

Knight John H, mach, h s s Queen

Latter Day Saints Church, e s Salisbury av

Leach E Price, gdnr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Legg Archd M, photo engraver, h s s Lake Shore rd

Legg Clarence L, lvs Geo F Legg

Legg Geo F, photo engr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Legg Myrtle, lvs Geo F Legg

Leishman David, blksmth, h e s Frederica

Leishman Margt, opr, lvs David Leishman

Lindsay Fredk, cond, h s s Queen

Lipkoi Frank, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Lloyd Wm C, pntr, h e s Cockburn

Lockhart Walter, pntr, h n s Queen

Lomas Wm G, farmer, h n s Queen

Lorn Chas, tmstr, h n s Daniels av

Lyons Frank, brkmkr, h s s Queen

Lytle Andrew, rubber wkr, h w s Oliver

Mageehan John, elect, h w s Frederica

Mahr Geo, jwlr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Major Rupert E, mkt gdnr, w s Salisbury av

Maloney John, brkmkr n s Lake Shore rd, res Toronto

Martin Wm, lab, h e s Cockburn

McAllister John, mldr, h s s Queen

McDermott Patk, mach, h e s Oliver

McDonald Wm E, lvs Thos T J Cox

McFarlane Arthur E, journalist, h w s Salisbury av

McFarlane Margt, tchr Humber Bay Public School, lvs A E McFarlane

McGraw Fredk (Orr & McGraw), h w s Godson rd

McLaverty Wm, clk, h n s Queen

Meldrura Annie, opr, lvs Mrs Florence Meldrum

Meldrura Florence Mrs, h e s Cockburn

Meldrum Mabel, clk, lvs Mrs Florence Meldrum

Meldrura Wilfred J, mach. lvs Mrs Florence Meldrura

Milding Charlotte, bkbndr. lvs Mvirgt Milding

Milding Margt, bkbndr, h w s Salisbury av

Miller Wm Rev, lvs Mrs Elizth Hicks

Mitchell John, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Monteith John, slsmn, h n s Queen

Montgomery Wm, contr, s s Lake Shore rd, h same

Naylor Thos S, mach, h e s Cockburn

Needler Arthur, rubber wkr. h s s Cannon rd

Neil Jas S, trav, h w s Orchard av

Newham John A, moto, h w s Macdonald av

Newport Chas W, gdnr, h w s Salisbury av

Noble Wm, clk, h n s Rush av

North Beatrice (wid Wm), e s Salisbury av

North Geo, mkt gdnr, n s College

North Harry, mkt gdnr, n s Cannon rd

Northcote Richd H, elect, h s s Lake Shore rd

Norton John C. clk, h n s Lake Shore rd

Olsen Daniel E, h n s Lake Shore rd

Orr Arthur. (Orr & McGraw), res Swansea

Orr & McGraw (Arthur Orr, Fredk McGraw), boat builders, n s Lake Shore rd

Orr Gordon, bolt mkr. lvs Fredk McGraw

Orr James, clk. lvs Fredk McGraw

Orr J Wm, garage, s s Queen

Orr Nellie, opr, lvs Fredk McGraw

Orr Robt W, mach. h w s Oliver

Orr Wm. h n s Queen

Parker Walter C, mkt gdnr. n s Queen

Parker Wm H. lvs W C Parker

Parsemore John, h n s Cannon rd

Packett Walter, bolt mkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Payne Chas D, pntr. n s Humber av

Payne Harold D, tile mkr, b Mrs Ellen S Donovan

Payne Simon, tile mkr, h e s Frederica

Pearce Geo G, clk. h e s Frederica

Pearson Nellie, lvs Mrs Lucy Gray

Pennall Henry D, clk, h w s Salisbury av

Phillips James M, brkmkr, h w s Salisbury av

Piner Frank, lvs Patk McDermott

Pollard Fredk, rubber wkr. h e s Frederica

Pressley Alfred, h w s Oliver

Pressley Annie L, mus tchr, lvs Alfred Pressley

Pressley Florence L, mus tchr, lvs Airred Pressley

Presley Thos, mach. h s s Queen

Prewitt Albert A, mkt gdnr, w s Salisbury av

Price Cummings & Co, Ltd (John R Price, Rutherford Cummings), brk mfrs, e s Salisbury av

Price John R, (Price Cummings & Co, Ltd), h Salisbury av, cor Queen

Pycock David, mkt gdnr, s s College

Pycock James, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury av

Ramsperger August, piano tuner, h s s Lake Shore rd

Reeves Egerton, gdnr, h e s Frederica

Reeves Frank, mkt gdnr n s College

Reeves Henry, porter, h s s Cannon rd

Riesberry John H, postmaster and grocer, Queen cor Davidson cres, h same

Robson Richard, mach, h e s Cockburn

Rowett Ernest, mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Rowett Geo W, mkt gdnr, w s Grand av

Rowett Herbert, mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Runnalls Joseph, carp, h w s Macdonald av

Runnalls Kate, opr, lvs Jos Runnalls

Runnalls Wm, carp, lvs Joseph Runnalls

Rush Chas, bolt mkr, h 4 Davidson cres

Rush Geo W, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury av

Rush Henry, mach, h w s Frederica

Sagaskoi Michl, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

St James Mission, e s Frederica

Sampson Joseph, moto, h s s Queen

Sampson J Ernest, designr, lvs Richd Slee

Savage Chas E, brkmkr, h w s Macdonald av

Seymour Henry J, slsmn, h w s Orchard av

Sharpe Herbert A, h n s Lake Shore rd

Shepherd Robt L, gdnr, h w s Salisbury av

Simpson Geo, constable, h s s Lake Shore rd

Skidmore Richd D, guard, h w s Frederica

Slee Reginald, clk, lvs Richd Slee

Slee Richd, engraver, h s s Lake Shore rd

Slough Kate (wid Chas), h 2 Davidson cres

Smith Ernest, gdnr, lvs Henry S Smith

Smith Henry S. mkt gdnr. w s Salisbury av

Smith James, mach, h w s Macdonald av

Smith Jos, mach, h e s Oliver

Smyth James B, bolt mkr, h w s Macdonald av

Spencer Sidney, confy, s s Lake Shore rd

Stacy James M, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Stalker John, gdnr, h s s Cannon rd

Stanley Wm, Skt gdnr, n s Queen

Stell Geo G, mach, lvs Mrs Lucy Gray

Stevens Geo, lab, h w s Birch av

Stewart Wm J, h s s Lake Shore rd

Stiff Dora, opr, lvs Wm J Stiff

Stiff Ernest, gdnr. lvs Wm J Stiff

Stiff Wm J, florist, h e s Salisbury av

Stone Albert, carp, h w s Daniels av

Sturgess Albert E, shipper, h w s Orchard av

Sturton Alfred E, carp, h e s Frederica

Sullivan Wm, h n s Lake Shore rd

Sutherland Angus C, tmstr, h e s Daniels av

Sutherland Fredk W, artist, h s s Lake Shore rd

Taverner Edwd, lab, h w s Amelia

Taylor Kate, (wid Geo), h n s Lake Shore rd

Trevethan Philip B, tmstr, h w s Macdonald av

Tice Lewis F, trav, h w s Salisbury av

Tiffin Dalton A. mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Tiffin Harvey M, mkt gdnr, s s Queen

Todd Joseph, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury av

Tomlinson Geo, gdnr, lvs Wm Huffman

Tomlinson Ceo,h s s Cannon rd

Tomlinson John, mkt gdnr, s s Queen

Unwin Wm, h s s Queen

Varney James, mach, lvs 7 Davidson cres

Whelan Arthur J, carp, h e s Birch av

White Wm R, chauff, h w s Frederica

Whitehead James J, brkmkr, h e s Oliver

Whitehead Jennie, h e s Oliver

Whitehead John W, mach, h e s Oliver

Whitehead Russell, clk, h e s Oliver

Whitworth Edwd, mkt gdnr n s College

Whitworth Ethel M, lvs Geo Whitworth

Whitworth Geo, mkt gdnr, s s Queen, h same

Whitworth Geo Jr, mach, h w s Frederica

Whitworth Wm H, gdnr, lvs Geo Whitworth

Wilkins C Murray, mach, lvs Robt Wilkins

Wilkins Robt, constable, h s s Cannon rd

Wilkins Stella J, drsmkr, lvs Robt Wilkins

Willis Geo, mach, h e s Cockburn

Wilson Stephen, slsmn, h n s Rush av

Winger Edwd, carp, h e s Oliver

Winters Sidney, trav, h s s Lake Shore rd

Worsfold Ernest G, rubber wkr, b Mrs Elizth Brown

Wright Saml, mgr Humber Coal & Supply Co, h s s Queen

Yeats Lawrence, mach, h e s Cockburn


A suburb on the west bank of the Humber River., four and one half miles west of the City Hall. Post Office Lambton Mills. Take Dundas car to end of line,thence Lambton car.


YEARHA 1921 corrected


A suburb west of city, four and one half miles from City Hall. Post Office Number Bay. Take King or Queen cars to Sunnyside, thence Metropolitan line.

Aldoss Phillip R, Ins agt, h w s Macdonald av

Allworth Geo, leather wkr, h n s Humber av

Anderson Sherman, cond, h n s Lake Shore rd

Aymer Chas, mkt gdnr, n s Cannon rd

Aymer Chas H, rubber wkr, h e s Cockburn av

Aymer Geo, mkt gdnr, n s Cannon rd

Aymer Thos K, mkt gdnr, Queen cor Salisbury av

Baldwin Chas, lab, h s s Lake Shore rd

Barker Fred, carp, h n s Queen

Bate Wm J, elect, h s s Lake Shore rd

Bates Geo, mach, h n s Mclntosh av

Blackmore Danl, h w s Salisbury av

Blackwall Wesley, lvs Mrs Elizth Hicks

Blake Chas G, drvr, h e s Oliver

Boniface Ernest L, lab, h w s Amelia

Boniface Geo A, tmstr, h 11 Queen

Boyce Frank, rubber wkr, h e s Birch av

Bracey Thos, rubber wkr, h w s Salisbury av

Bradley Louis, tire bldr, h n s Orchard av

Bragg Frank, rubber wkr, h s s Cannon rd

Bragg, Fred, rubber wkr, h n s College

Broderick Annie (wid Patk), h w s Salisbury av

Broderick Jas, cond, h w s Salisbury av

Broderick Mary, opr, lvs Mrs Annie Broderiek

Brooker Edwd A, prop Edgecliff Bath House, h s s Lake Shore rd

Brooker Olive Mrs, gro s s Lake Shore rd

Brown Fredk, blr mkr, h 8 Davidson cres

Brown Geo S, postmstr and gro Queen cor Davidson cres

Brown Frank J, studt, lvs J G Brown

Brown H Stanley, uphol, h s s Lake Shore rd

Brown John G, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury av

Brown Nicholas, h s s Lake Shore rd

Brown Robt J, moto, h w s Macdonald av

Brown Robt R, h s s Lake Shore rd

Brown Walter E, gdnr, lvs J G Brown

Brown Wm J, uphol, h s s Lake Shore rd

Burford Jas D, gdnr. h s s Lake Shore rd

Butterworth Fredk, weaver, h w s Macdonald av

Butwell Benj, tmstr, h e s Salisbury av

Butwell Caleb, brkmkr, lvs Mark Butwell

Butwell Henry, brick mfr, n s Lake Shore rd

Butwell Mark, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Butwell Reginald N, tel opr, h e s Salisbury av

Campbell Arthur, barber h w s Frederica

Cardwell Henry, ivory wkr, h e s Cockburn

Carson Robt T, carp, h e s Oliver

Chapman Mary, (wid Geo), h s s Queen

Charlebois May, h n s Lake Shore rd

Cherry Frank J, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury av

Chounds Richard, fireman, h e s Cockburn

Chowns Fredk J, kiln setter, h 6 Davidson cres

Churchward Alfred, mach, h w s Frederica

Churchward Robt. tool mkr, h e s Frederica

Clark Wm H, mach, h e s Oliver

Clough Paul, meter rdr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Colberry Thos, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Cole Frank, vulcanizer, h s s Cannon rd

Collins Harold, gdnr, lvs James Collins

Collins Jas, mkt gdnr n s Queen

Cook Frank, mach, h s s Queen

Copeland Robt G. clk, h w s Salisbury av

Couzens Airlie, bkpr, h s s Waniska

Cox Thos, lab, h e s Godson rd

Crawford Jos, plmbr, lvs w s Frederica

Cripps Jos B, blksmth s s Queen

Crossman Wm, jwlr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Crowe Catherine H (wid Stewart), h s s Lake Shore rd

Culnan Agnes M, lvs David Culnan

Culnan David, h w s Salisbury av

Cumming Rutherford (Price & Cumming), res Toronto

Cunningwood Herbert, engnr, h w s Daniel

Dandridge James, mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Dandrige Edwd, gdnr, h e s Orchard av

Daniels Francis, h w s Salisbury av

Darby Dudley, tool mkr, h n s Queen

Darby Kenelin H. chauff, h w s Orchard av

Davis Jos, lab, h e s Godson rd

Davis Lewis, rubber wkr, h e s Oliver

Dawe Henry W, steel wkr, h w s Birch av

Devins Isaac N, boat house and rest, n s Lake Shore rd, res Toronto

Dewsbury Franklin H. mach, h e s Frederica

Dewsbury John, shipper, lvs F H Dewsbury

Dewsbury Sheridan, lvs G Whitworth jr

Dickenson Wm J, mach, h w s Frederica

Dodds Owen, gro n s Queen

Donovan Ellen S (wid Patk), h s s Queen

Donovan John G. confy s s Queen

Donovan Patk J, h s s Queen

Doyle Danl, lab, h w s Amelia

Durkin Patk, lab, lvs Patk McDermott

Durrant Wm R, brkmkr, h e s Salisbury av

Dutnall John, mldr, h e s Cockburn

Dutnall Robt, tile mkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Dutnall Walter, trav, h n s Lake Shore rd

Dutnall Wm, firemn, lvs Robt Dutnall

Eckersley Abraham, h s s Queen

Egles Chas J, lvs Wm Egles

Egles Geo, mach, h s s Lake Shore rd

Etles Harold, lvs Geo Egles

Egles Wm, pntr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Eldridge Ada, gro s e cor Queen & Church

Elliott Frank, h e s Cockburn

Fax Jas, humorist vocalist, h w s Salisbury av

Fletcher Wm, barber, h s s Queen

Fordyce John, brass wkr, h e s Oliver

Forsythe James, mkt gdnr, n s Lake Shore rd

Forsythe James C, lvs James Forsythe

Forsythe John W. lvs Jas Forsythe

Foster Chas, h e s Salisbury av

Franklin Alfred, rubber wkr, lvs A Franklin

Franklin Arthur, h w s Macdonald av

Gair Jos, printer, h e s Cockburn

Gibbs Arthur, elect, h w s Frederica

Oilman Chas E, lab, h e s Oliver

Gilman Ceo jr, lab, h w s Macdonald av

Gilman Sarah (wid Geo). lvs Chas E Gilman

Godward John, h s s Queen

Gray Carrie M (wid James), lvs Mrs Caroline Johnstone

Gray Lucy (wid Geo), h w s Salisbury av

Greenfield Saml F, h e s Oliver

Greenfield Thos G, brkmkr, h e s Oliver

Grigsby Wm, mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Gwilliam Bertram W, chauff, h w 9 Macdonald av

Handley Saml mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Harpell Albert, h n s Lake Shore rd

Harris Geo, mkt gdnr s s College

Harris Mary L, rubber wkr, lvs Wm Harris

Harris Rev Roy, h w s Frederica

Harris Wm, gdnr, h e s Frederica

Harris Wm G, h s s Lake Shore rd

Harrison Jos H, tmstr, h w s Salisbury av

Haslan Bethel, lab, h w s Oliver

Haughton Geo, fttr, h n s Daniel

Hewitt Wm A, slsmn, h e s Frederica

Hicks Elizth (wid Thos L), h s s Queen

Hicks Fredk J, hotel, s s Lake Shore rd

Hicks Octavius L, prop Hicks Boat House, h s s Lake Shore rd

Hicks Octavius L, h s s Lake Shore rd

Hicks Wm J. h n s Lake Shore rd

Higman Frank, lab, h e s Frederica

Hockney Ernest, fttr, h w s Orchard av

Hodgkinson Albert E, photo, lvs L A Hoclgkinson

Hodgkinson Levi A, tile mkr, h w s Macdonald av

Hodgkinson May, opr. lvs L A Hodgkinscn

Holmes Henry, carp, h n s Queen

Holmes Wm, gdnr, h e s Salisbury av

Horwood Geo, bolt mkr, h e s Cockburn

Huffman Benj B, well drlr, h n s Cannon rd

Huffman Wm, well drlr, h s s Cannon rd

Humber Bay Baptist Church, Rev Wm Miller pastor, n s Queen

Humber Bay Post Office, Geo S Brown postmaster Queen cor Davidson cres

Humber Bay Public School, e s Cockburn

Humber Beach Inn, Fredk J Hicks, prop, s s Lake Shore rd

Humber Coal & Supply Co, Saml Wright, mgr, s s Queen

Humber Valley Garage, John W Orr, prop, s s Lake Shore rd

Hunter Annie, lvs Grace Hunter

Hunter Grace H, h w s Salisbury av

Hustler Jas, h e s Salisbury av

James Elizth, clk, h s s Cannon rd

Jarvis Douglas M, clk, h e s Orchard av

Jecks Tobias, boats, s s Lake Shore rd

Jeffreys Jas, gdnr, h w s Salisbury av

Jennings Robt. h 4 Davidson cres

Jesson Shadrach, shoemkr s s Queen, h same

Johnstone Carrie, clk, lvs Edwd Winger

Johnstone Caroline (wid Jas K), h s s Lake Shore rd

Jones Wm H, brkmkr, h n s Daniel

Kelly Robt, h w s Birch av

Kemp Alfred, gdnr, h 7 Davidson cres

Kemp Sidney T, mach, h w s Macdonald av

Kennedy E J Arthur, lvs Mrs C Johnstone

Kent Wm. mkt gdnr. w s Salisbury av

Knight John H, much, h s s Queen

Laurin Philip, brklyr, h n s Queen

Laron Chas, lab, h n s Daniel

Leach E Price, gdnr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Legg Archd M, photo engraver, h s s Lake Shore rd

Legg Clarence L, lvs Geo F Legg

Legg Geo F. photo engr. h s s Lake Shore rd

Leishman David, blksmth, h e s Frederica

Lindsay Fredk, cond, h 5 Davidson cres

Lipkoi Frank, lab. h n s Lake Shore rd

Lomas Wm G, horse dlr, h n s Queen

Lyons Frank, brkmkr. h s s Queen

Lyttle Andrew, carp, h w s Oliver

MacQuarrie Donald, brkmkr, lvs H MacQuarrie

MacQuarrle Harvey, stmfttr, h s s . Queen

MacQuarrie Jas, firemn. lvs H MacQuarrie

Madill Harry, drvr, h s s Daniel

Mageehan John, elect, h w s Frederica

Mahr Geo, jwlr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Major Rupert K, mkt gdnr, w s Salisbury av

Manifold Ernest, h s s Lake Shore rd

McAllister John, mldr, h s s Queen

McDermott Palk. mach, h e s Oliver

McDonald Louis, h e s Godson rd

McDonald Wm, agt, lvs Fred McGraw

MrFarlane Arthur E. journalist, h w s Salisbury av

MrFarlane Margt, tchr. lvs A E McFarlane

McGrath Jas, mkt gdnr, s s Queen

McGrath John, mkt gdnr, s e cor Wesley & Queen

McGraw Fredk (Orr & McGraw), h w s Godson rd

McKee Saml, h w s Salisbury av

McLaverty Wm. clk, h n s Queen

McLellan Jas A, h e s Salisbury av

Milding Charlotte, bkbndr. lvs Margt Milding

Milding Margt, h w s Salisbury av

Mitchell John, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Monteith John, slsmn, h n s Queen

Montgomery Wm. contr. s s Lake Shore rd, h same

Morrison Wm J, exp, h n s Daniel

Naylor Thos S, rubber wkr, h e s Cockburn av

Needler Arthur, carp, h s s Cannon rd

Neil Jas S, trav, h e s Orchard av

Newham John A, moto, h w s Macdonald av

Newport Chas W, gdnr, h w s Salisbury av

Newton A H, gdnr, h s s Queen

Noble Wm J, clk, h n s Waniska av

North Beatrice M (wid Wm), h e s Salisbury av

North Harry, mkt gdnr, n s Cannon rd

Norton John C, clk, h n s Lake Shore rd

Orr Arthur, (Orr & McGraw , res Swansea

Orr & McGraw (Arthur Orr, Fredk McGraw), pleasure boats, n s Lake Shore rd

Orr Gladys, lvs Fred McGraw

Orr Gordon, mach, lvs Fred McGraw

Orr Jas, bkpr lvs Fred McGraw

Orr Nellie, lvs Fred McGraw

Orr Robt, mach, h w s Oliver

Packett Walter, bolt mkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Palen Henry, brklyr, h n s Queen

Parker Chas, gdnr, h n s Queen

Passmore John, h n s Cannon rd

Patullo Thos, h s s Lake Shore rd

Paul Emily M (wid Norman), h e s Orchard av

Payne Chas D, painter, h n s Humber av

Payne Simon, lab, lvs 30 Frederica

Pearce Geo G, chauff, lvs F H Dewsbury

Pearson Nellie, lvs Mrs Lucy Gray

Pennall Henry D, clk, h w s Salisbury av

Percy Bennett, motor, h w s Oliver

Phillips James M, brkmkr, h w s Salisbury av

Piper Frank, lvs Patk McDermott

Pollard Fredk, lab, h e s Frederica

Pomfret Luther, wtchmn, h n s Queen

Preressley Alfred, wtchmn, h w s Oliver

Pressley Annie L, mus tchr. lvs Alfred Pressley

Pressley Florence, mus tchr, lvs Alfred Pressley

Pressley Louise, lvs Alfred Pressley

Pressley Thos, bolt mkr, h s s Queen

Prewett Albert A, mkt gdnr w s Salisbury av

Prewett Frank J, studt, lvs Albert Prewett

Price John R (Price & Cumming), h w s Salisbury av

Price & Cumming (John R Price, Rutherford Cumming), brick mfrs, e s Salisbury av

Pycock Jas jr, minister, h e s Salisbury av

Quinn Frank H, mach, h n s Queen

Rasmsperger August, piano tuner, h s s Lake Shore rd

Reeves Egerton, gdnr, h e s Frederica

Reeves Frank, mkt gdnr n s College

Reeves Harry, h s s Cannon rd

Reid Ralph L, gdnr, h e s Salisbury av

Reynolds Herbert, carp, h s s Queen

Robinson Richd G, barber, h e s Cockburn

Rockliff Arthur, stock kpr, h e s Salisbury av

Rowett Ernest, mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Rowett Geo H, gdnr h w s Grand av

Runnalls Joseph, carp, h w s Macdonald av

Runnalls Wm, carp, lvs Joseph Runnalls

Rush Chas, stl wkr, h 4 Davidson cres

Rush Geo W, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury av

Rush Harry, blksmth, h w s Frederica

Sagaskoi Michl, lab. h n s Lake Shore rd

St James Mission, e s Frederica

Sampson Jos, rubber wkr, h e s Cockburn

Savage Chas E, brkmkr, h w s Macdonald av

Seymour Henry J, slsmn. h w s Orchard av

Sharpe Herbert A, h n s Lake Shore rd

Sher Morris, earn, h e s Cockburn

Sibley Harry, bldr, h s s Cannon rd

Simpson Geo, constable, h s s Lake Shore rd

Skidmore Beatrice (wid Richd D), h w s Frederica

Slee Reginald, clk, lvs Richd Slee

Slee Richd. engraver, h s s Lake Shore rd

Small Henry, gdnr, h s s Queen

Smith Henry S. mkt gdnr, w s Salisbury av

Smith Jas E, decorator, h e s Berl av

Smith Robt C, lab, h w s Frederica

Smith Wm, leather wkr. h n s Lake Shore rd

Smyth Jos, mach, h w s Oliver

Spicer Fredk W, bldr, h e s Cockburn

Stell Geo G. mach. lvs Mrs Lucy Gray

Stevens John H, wdwkr, h e s Orchard av

Stocker John G, mkt gdnr, s s Cannon rd

Stone Albert, carp, h s s Daniel

Sturgess Albert E, baker, h e s Orchard av

Sturton Alfred E, carp, h e s Frederica

Sutherland Angus, contr, h s s Daniel

Sutherland Fredk W, artist, h s s Lake Shore rd

Taverner Carrie (wid Edwd), h w s Macdonald av

Taverner Heniy, mach, h w s Macdonald av

Taverner John, chauff, lvs Mrs C Taverner

Tice Lewis F, trav, h w s Salisbury av

Tiffin Dalton A, mkt gdnr, h s s Queen

Todd Joseph, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury av

Tomlinson Geo. slsmn, h s s Cannon rd

Tovey Fredk C, rubber wkr, h s s Queen

Trevethan Mary J (wid Michl), lvs P B Trevethan

Trevethan Philip B, mach, h w s Macdonald av

Varney James, mach. lvs 7 Davidson cres

Verrall Wm A, slsmn, h e s Salisbury av

Vigar Rose (wid Walter), lvs Arthur Gibbs

Walsh Janet (wid John), lvs L Pomfret

Weller Geo, farmer, h s s Cannon rd

Whalen Arthur J, carp, h w s Birch av

Wheeler Jos, lab, h w s Salisbury av

Whitehead Jas J, car repr, h e s Oliver

Whitehead John W, mach, h e s Oliver

Whitehead Russell, leather wkr, lvs L Davis

Whitworth Edwd. mkt gdnr n s College

Whitworth Ethel, lvs Geo Whitworth

Whitworth Geo, mkt gdnr, s s Queen, h same

Whitworth Geo Jr, mach, h w s Frederica

Whitworth Wm H, gdnr, lvs Geo Whitworth

Wilkins Robt, constable, h s s Cannon rd

Wilson Gertrude, bulb tester, h s s Cannon rd

Winger Edwd, carp, h e s Oliver

Winters Sidney, trav. h s s Lake Shore rd

Wright Saml, mgr Humber Coal & Supply Co. h s s Queen

Yates Albert, lab, h e s Cockburn av

Yewer Wm. gdnr, h n s Cannon rd

Young Edmund T G, clk. h w s Salisbury av


YEARHA 1922 corrected


Aldous Phillip R, ins agt, h w s Macdonald av

Allen Jos, mkt gdnr w s Salisbury av

Allworth Geo, mach, h n s Humber av

Anderson Sherman, cond, h n s Lake Shore rd

Armstrong Geo, h w s Humbolt av

Aymer Chas, mkt gdnr, n s Cannon rd

Aymer Chas H, rubber wkr, h s s Cockburn

Aymer Geo, mkt gdnr, n s Cannon rd

Aymer Thos K, mkt gdnr, Queen cor Salisbury av

Bate Wm J, elect, h s s Lake Shore rd

Bates Geo, mach, h w s McIntosh av

Beach Florence (wid Nathl B), h w s Frederick

Bennett Percy, moto, h w s Oliver

Bertram Norman B, slsmn, h n s Rush av

Black Geo S, clk, h s s Lake Shore rd

Blake Chas G, tmstr, h w s Macdonald av

Blenhorn John, brkmkr Price & Cumming, h e s Salisbury av

Blenhorn Thos, brkmkr Priee & Cumming, h e s Salisbury av

Boniface Ernest L, lab, h w s Amelia

Boniface Geo A, tmstr, h 11 Queen

Boyce Frank, rubber wkr, h e s Birch av

Boyd Geo McL, glass wkr, h w s Humbolt av

Bracey Thos, rubber wkr, b w a Salisbury av

Bradley Louis, tire bldr, h 2 Orchard av

Bragg Fredk, rubber wkr, h s s College av

Brierly John A, btchr, h s s Waniska av

Broderick Annie (wid Patk), b w a Salisbury av

Broderick Jas, cond, h w s Sallshnry av

Brooker Edwd A, baths s s Lake Shore rd

Brooker Olive Mrs, gro s s Lake Shore rd

Brown Frank J, gdnr, lvs s e cor Salisbury av and Queen

Brown Fredk, blrmkr, h 8 Davidson cres

Brown Geo S, postmstr and gro Queen cor Davidson cres

Brown John G, mkt gdnr, s e cor Salisbury av and Queen

Brown Nicholas, h s s Lake Shore rd

Brown Robt J, moto, h w s Amelia

Brown Thos S, h s a Lake Shore rd

Brown Walter E, gdnr, lvs s e cor Salisbury and Queen

Bruning Rudolph O H, h n s Queen

Burbridge Ernest, mkt gdnr n s College

Burgess John, lvs s s Lake Shore rd

Butterworth Fredk. weaver, h w s Macdonald av

Butwell Benj, tmstr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Butwell Henry, tmstr. h s s Lake Shore rd

Butwell Jas. lvs Henry Butwell

Butwell Lillian lvs Henry Butwell

Butwell Mark, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Butwell Reginald N, tel opr. h w s Humbercrest av

Butwell Richd, hrk mfr n s Lake Shore rd, Stop 17, h s s same

Cameron Hngh, chauff, h s s Cannon rd

Campbell Arthur, barber h w s Frederica

Cardwell Henry, ivory wkr, b e a Cockhurn

Carson Robt T, carp, h e s Oliver

Carter Walter H, tmstr, h w s Salisbury av

Chapman Mary, (wid Geo), h s s Queen

Cherry Frank J, mkt gdnr n e cor Salisbury av and College

Chowns Fredk J. tile setter, h G Davidson cres

Chowns Richd, fireman, h e s Cockburn

Churchward Alfred, mach, h w s Frederica

Churchward Robt, tool mkr, h e s Frederica

Clark Wm H, tile mkr, h w s Oliver

Colburg Thos, lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Cole Ernest, mach, h e s Cockburn

Cole Frank, vulcanizer, h s s Cannon rd

Colling wood Herbert C. engnr, h n s Daniel

Copeland Robt G, receiving clk Eaton's, h n w cor Salisbury av and Waniska av

Cornish Harry, gdnr, h w s Grand av

Courier Chas G, cond, h n s Lake Shore rd

Cox Augustus, gdnr, h s s College

Cox Saml, mkt gdnr n s College

Cox Thos, lab, h e s Godson rd

Crawford Jos. plmbr, h e s Frederica

Crewe Catherine H (wid Stewart), h s s Lake Shore rd

Cripps Jos B, blksmth s s Queen

Cross Wm H, h s s Lake Shore rd

Crossman Clarence F. jwlr. h n s Lake Shore rd

Crowe Catherine H Mrs. cmfy s s Lake Shore rd

Culnan David, h w s Salisbury av

Cumming Rutherford (Price & Cumming), res Toronto

Dandridge James, mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Dandridge Edwd, gdnr, h 11 Orchard av

Daniels Francis, h w s Salisbury av

Darby Dudley, tool mkr, h n s Queen

Darby Kenelm H, gro s e cor Salisbury av and Burgess av, h same

Davis Lewis, rubber wkr. h e s Oliver

Dawe Henry W, steel wkr. h w s Birch av

Devins Isaac N. boat house and rest, n s Lake Shore r res Toronto

Dewsbury Franklin H, mach, h e s Frederica

Dewsbury John, shpr. h w s Oliver

Dewsbury Sberidan. lvs w s Oliver

Dickenson Wm J, mach, h w s Frederica

Dickson David, carp, h w s Humbercrest av

Dickson John, mkt gdnr e s Grand av

Dinn Simon, tmstr, lvs s s Queen

Dodds Owen, gro n s Queen

Donovan Ellen S (wid Patk), h s s Queen

Donovan John G (P J Donovan & Son), lvs s s Queen

Donovan Patk J (P J Donovan & Son), lvs s s Queen

Donovan P J & Son (Patk and John G), confy s Queen

Donpe Frances, switchbd opr, lvs n s Lake Shore rd

Doyle Danl, lab, h w s Amelia

Dutnall John, mldr, h e s Cockburn

Dutnall Robt, tile mkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Eckersley Abraham (Humber Coal & Supply Co), h s s Queen

Edwards Geo, tmstr, h s s College

BOT p1

TOP p2 fragA left


Egles Chas J, mach, lvs s s Lake Shore rd

Egles Ernest, mach, h e s Salisbury av

Egles Geo, painter, h s s Lake Shore rd

Egles Harold S, trav, lvs Geo Egles

Egles Wm, pntr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Eldridge Ada, gro s e cor Queen & Church

Elford Jas A, mkt gdnr s s College

Ellett Walter, gdnr, h w s Oliver

Everett Thos W, carp, h n s Burgess av

Ewles Jas T, tmstr, h 3 Orchard av

Farrow Robt (Humber Coal & Supply Co), h s s Queen

Fielding Saml, rubber wkr, h w s Frederica

Fletcher Win, barber Queen cor Davidson cres, h same

Ford Harry, mach, h e s Humbolt av

Fordyce John, brass wkr, h e s Oliver

Franklin Alfred, rubber wkr, lvs w s Macdonald av

Franklin Annie Mrs. h e s Oliver

Franklin Arthur, h w s Macdonald av

Gair Jos, printer, h e s Cockburn

Gamble John F, blrmkr, h e s Salisbury av

Gibbs Arthur F, elect, h s w cor Frederica and Humber av

Giles Arthur E, gdnr, lvs e s Oliver

Gilman Chas E, lab, h e s Oliver

Gilman Geo jr, lab, h w s Macdonald av

Gilman Sarah (wid Geo), lvs e s Oliver

Godward John, h s s Queen

Gray Lucy (wid Geo), h w s Salisbury av

Green Mathew, moto, h w s Humbolt av

Greenfield Chas. mkt gdnr w s Grind av

Greenfield Saml F, mach Steel Co of Can Ltd. h e s Oliver

Greenfield Thos G, brkmlr, h e s Oliver

Grigsby Geo, gdnr, h n s Queen

Grigsby Wm, mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Gwilliam Bertram W, chauff, h w s Macdonald av

Hancock Arthur J, h s s Waniska av

Handley Saml mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Harpell Albert, h n s Lake Shore rd

Harris Roy Rev, pastor Humber Bay Baptist Church, res Toronto

Harris Walter, tile mkr, h 9 Davidson cres

Harris Wm, gdnr, h n s Frederica

Harrison Jos H, brkmr, h n s Burgess av

Hart John A, h n w cor Salisbury av and Queen

Haslam Bethel, lab, h w s Oliver

Haughton Geo, fttr, h n s Daniel

Healey Della A, stenog, lvs Mrs Elizth M Healey

Healey Elizth M (wid Thos D), h s s Lake Shore rd, Stop 9

Healey Irene L, examr, lvs Mrs Elizth M Healey

Hewitt Wm A, slsmn, h e s Frederica

Hickman Wm, lab, h s e cor Queen and Church

Hicks Elizth (wid Thos L), h s s Queen

Hicks Octavius L (Hicks & Son), h s s Lake Shore rd

Hicks Wm J (Hicks & Son), h n s Lake Shore rd

Hicks & Son (Octavius L & Wm J), boat house and confy s s Lake Shore rd

Hicton Saml F, painter, h e s Humbolt av

Higman John, rubber wkr, h e s Frederica

Hockney Ernest, stm ftr, h 8 Orchard av

Hodgkinson Levi A. tile mkr, h w s Macdonald av

Holloway Thos. shoe repr, h e s Salisbury av

Holmes Henry, mach, h w s Macdonald av

Holmes Wm, gdnr, h e s Salisbury av

Homing Giles, bldr, lvs s s Lake Shore rd

Horwood Geo, bolt mkr, h e s Cockburn

Huffman Benj B, well drlr, h n s Cannon rd

Huffman Wm, well drlr, h s s Cannon rd

Humber Bay Baptist Church, Rev Roy Harris pastor, Queen cor Cockburn

Humber Bay Post Office, Geo S Brown postmaster. Queen cor Davidson cres

Humber Bay Public School, e s Cockburn

Humber Coal & Supply Co (Saml Wright, Abraham Eckersley, Robt Farrow), s s Queen

Humber Valley Golf Club, Forbes M Skene sec, n s Queen

Hunter Grace H. h w s Salisbury av

Hustler John, h e s Salisbury av

Inwood Hairy, messr, h Dm lei cor Birch av

Jackson Herbert, mach, h w s Oliver

James Elizth, h n s Burgess av

Jarvis Douglas M, clk, h 5 Orchard av

Jecks Tobias, boats, s s Lake Shore rd

Jeffreys Jas, gdnr, h s s Sydenham

Jesson Shadrach. shoemkr s s Queen, h same

Johnson Isaac, h s s Lake Shore rd

Johnstone Caroline (wid Jas K), h s s Lake Shore rd

Jones David, caretkr Humber Valley Golf Club, h e s Godson rd

BOT p2 fragC left

TOP p2 fragA centre col

Jones Wm H, brkmkr, h n s Daniel

Keeble Wm H. elect, h e s McIntosh av

Kelly Robt, h w s Birch av

Kemp Alfred, gdnr, h 7 Davidson cres

Kemp Sidney T. mach, h w s Macdonald av

Kennedy Wm J. clk Eaton's, h w s Salisbury av

Kent Wm. mkt gdnr. w s Salisbury av

Ketchen Wm F, h s s Lake Shore rd

Langley Wm, litho, h w s Salisbury av

Lawn Chas J, lab, h n s Daniel

Lawson Wm, mach, h n s Lake Shore rd

Legg Archd M, photo engraver, h s s Lake Shore rd

Legg Clarence L, lvs s s Lake Shore rd

Legg Geo F. photo engr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Lrishman David, blksmih. h e s Frederica

Leslie Wm A, elect, h e s Salisbury av

Lidkes Robt, cond C P R, h s s Lake Shore rd

Lindsay Frank, cond, h 5 Davidson cres

Lockhart Walter S, painter, h Daniel cor McIntosh av

Lomas Wm G, horse dlr, h w s Macdonald av

Lyons Frank, brkmkr, h s s Queen

Lyttle Andrew, carp, h w s Oliver

MacQuarrie Donald, fireman, lvs s s Queen

MacQuarrie Harvey, stm ftr, h s s Queen

MacQuarrie Jas, plmbr, lvs s s Queen

Madill Harry, drvr, h s s Daniel

Mageehan John elect, h w s Frederica

Mahr Geo, jwlr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Major Rupert E. mkt gdnr. w s Salisbury av

Manifold Ernest, h s s Lake Shore rd

Martin Chas G. elect, lvs n s Lake Shore rd

Matthews Edwin, gdnr, lvs s s Cannon rd

McAllister John. mldr. h s s Queen

McDermott Patk, mach. h e s Oliver

McDonald Danl H, acct. h w s McIntosh av

McDonald Lewis, h e s Godson rd

McFarlane Arthur E, journalist, h w s Salisbury av

McGrath Jas, mkt gdnr, s s Queen

McGrath John, mkt gdnr, s e cor Wesley k Queen

McGraw Fredk (Orr & McGraw), h w s Godson rd

McKee Saml, h s s Sydenham

McKenzie John J, mach, h s s Lake Shore rd

McLaverty Wm, clk, h n s Queen

McLean Mabel Mrs, h n s Lake Shore rd

McNeish Wm. lah. h e s Birch av

Milding Margt, h w s Salisbury av

Mitchell John, brkmkr, h n s Lake Shore rd

Monteith John, slsmn. h n s Queen

National Sporting Olnh, A M Orpen pres and mgr, s s Lake Shore rd

Naylor Thos S, ruhber wkr, h e s Cockburn av

Needler Arthur, carp, h e s Salisbury av

Neil Jas S. trav, h 1 Orchard av

Newham John A, moto, h w s Macdonald av

Newport Ghas W, gdnr, h w s Salisbury av

Newton A H, gdnr, h s s Queen

Noble Wm J, clk, h n s Waniska av

North Beatrice M (wid Wm), h e s Salisbury av

North Harry. mkt gdnr, n s Cannon rd

Northcote Richd, h s s Lake Shore rd

Norton John C, clk, h n s Lake Shore rd

Orange Lodge, w s Frederica

Orpen A M, pres and mgr National Sporting Club, res Toronto

Orr Arthur. (Orr & McGraw). res Swansea

Orr Gladys, lvs w s Godson rd

Orr Gordon, mach, lvs w s Godson rd

Orr Jas W, garage s s Lake Shore rd

Orr Robt. mach, h w s Oliver

Orr & McGraw (Arthur Orr, Fredk McGraw), pleasure boats, n s Lake Shore rd

Pilmar Fredk S, carp, h e s Humbercrest av

Parker Chas, gdnr, h n s Queen

Parkinson Wm, jwlr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Passmore John, h n s Cannon rd

Patullo Thos, h s s Lake Shore rd

Paul Emily M (wid Norman), h e s Orchard av

Payne Chas D, painter, h n s Humber av

Payne Simon, mach. h w s Humbercrest av

Pennall Henry D, clk. h w s Salisbury av

Phillips Jas M, tmstr Price & Cumming, h e s Salisbury av

Plumtree Wm, gdnr, h s s Cannon rd

Pollard Fredk, lab, h e s Frederica

Pomfret Luther, wtchmn, h n s Queen

Potter Ray (wid Wm), h s s Lake Shore rd

Pressley Alfred, wtchmn, h w s Oliver

Pressley Annie L. mus tchr, lvs w s Oliver

Pressley Florence, mus tchr, lvs w s Oliver

Prewett Albert A, mkt gdnr w s Salisbury av

Price John R (Price & Cummlng), h w s Salisbury av

Price & Cumming (John R Price, Rutherford Cumming), brick mfrs e s Salisbury av

Proudfoot Ralph M, tchr, h s s Lake Shore rd

Pycock Jas Rev, h e s Salisbury av

Quinn Arthur F, mach. h n s Queen

Ramsperger August, piano tuner, h s s Lake Shore rd

Raynal Arthur, garage s s Queen

BOT p2 fragC centre

TOP p2 fragA rite col

Read Fredk C A. blrmkr, h 7 Orchard av

Reeves Egerton, gdnr, h e s Frederica

Reeves Frank, mkt gdnr s s College

Reeves Harry, h s s Cannon rd

Reid Ralph L, gdnr, h e s Salisbury av

Rice Alex J, mgr Geo S Brown, h Queen cor Davidson Crescent

Robertson Albert, h s s Lake Shore rd

Robertson Chas A, h n s Burgess av

Robertson Roy. ins agt, h n s Lake Shore rd

Robinson Hilda M, stenog, lvs e s Salisbury av

Robinson Richd G, harbor, h e s Cockburn

Rockliff Arthur, stock kpr, h e s Salisbury av

Ross Patk. lab, h n s Lake Shore rd

Rowett Ernest, mkt gdnr n s Queen

Rowett Geo H. gdnr h w s Grand av

Runnails Joseph, carp, h w s Macdonald av

Runnalls Wm. carp, lvs w s Macdonald av

Rush Chas, stl wkr, h 4 Davidson cres

Rush Geo W, mkt gdnr n e cor Salisbury av and Rush av

Rush Harry, blksmth, h w s Frederica

Sabiston Geo, blksmth, h w s Wesley

St James Mission, e s Frederica

Sampson Jos, rubber wkr, h e s Coekhurn

Savage Chas E, brkmkr, h w s Macdonald av

Savage Ernest J, bkpr Price & Cumming, res Toronto

Seymour Henry J, slsmn, h 9 Orchard av

Sharpe Herbert A, h n s Lake Shore rd

Sibley Harry, bldr, h s s Cannon rd

Simm Jas, car repr. h n s Burgess av

Simpson Arthur, clk, h s s Lake Shore rd

Simpson Geo, constable, h s s Lake Shore rd

Skene Forbes M. sec Humber Valley Golf Club, lvs same

Skidmore Beatrice (wid Richd D), h w s Frederica

Slee Richard, engraver, h s s Lake Shore rd

Small Henry. gdnr, h s s Queen

Smith Edgar, cond, h w s Salisbury av

Smith Ella E, lvs w s Salisbury av

Smith Ernest W. gdnr. lvs w s Salisbury av

Smith Henry S, mkt gdnr e s Salisbury av

Smith Henry S, mkt gdnr, w s Salisbury av

Smith Jas E, decorator, h w s Berl av

Smith Robt, tile mkr, h w s Humbolt av

Smith Thos, mach, h e s Cockburn

Smith Walter B, gdnr, lvs w s Salisbury av

Speers Chas. tmstr, h w s Humbercrest av

Sproul Jas R, h s s Lake Shore rd

Stone Albert, carp, h s s Daniel

Sturton Alfred E, carp, h e s Frederica

Sutherland Angus C, carp, h s s Queen

Sutherland Fredk W. artist, h n s Lake Shore rd

Taverner Carrie (wid Edwd), h s s Queen

Teverner Henry, mach, h w s Macdonald av

Taylor Kate L (wid Geo), h n s Lake Shore rd

Tice Lewis F, trev, h w s Salisbury av

Tiffin Dalton A, mkt gdnr, h s s Queen

Tizzard Chas R, gdnr, h Queen cor McIntosh av

Todd Jos, mkt gdnr s e cor Salisbury av and College

Tomlinson Geo, slsmn, h s s Cannon rd

Tooke Walter A, stm ftr, h e s Salisbury av

Tovey Fredk C, rubber wkr, h s s Queen

Trevethan Mary J (wid Michl), lvs w s Macdonald av

Trevethan Philip B, mach, h w s Macdonald av

Tutty Jane (wid Fredk), h e s Humbercrest av

Van Waggoner Lillian (wid Geo), h s s Queen

Verity Thos, gdnr, lvs w s Salisbury av

Verral Wm A, slsnm, h e s Salisbury av

Vigar Rose (wid Walter). h s s Queen

Wahlers Frank, caretkr, h s s Burgess av

Weller Geo. farmer, h s s Cannon rd

Wenman Jos R, confy s s Lake Shore rd

Whalen Arthur J, carp, h w s Birch av

Wheeler Jos, lab, h w s Salisbury av

Whitehead Jas J, car repr, h e s Oliver

Whitehead John W, mach, h e s Oliver

Whitehead Russell, lthr wkr, lvs e s Oliver

Whitworth Edwd, mkt gdnr n s College

Whitworth Ethel, lvs s s Queen,

Whitworth Geo, mkt gdnr s s Queen, h same

Whitworth Geo jr. much, h w s Frederica

Wilder Harry, tube mkr, h e s Humbolt av

Wilkins Chas M, bolt mkr, h n s Burgess av

Wilkins Robt, constable, h s s Cannon rd

Williams Albert, hlrmkr, h e s Cockburn

Wilson Stephen V, slsmn Eaton's, h n s Waniska av

Winger Edwd, carp, h e s Oliver

Winn John, tmstr, h e s Birch av

Winters Sidney, trav, h s s Lake Shore rd

Wraight Walter W, elect, h e s Salisbury av

Wright David, mkt gdnr e s Grand av

Wright Saml (Humber Coal & Supply Co), h s s Queen

Yates Albert, lab, h e s Cockburn av

Yewell Jas A, stm ftr, h e s Salisbury av

Young Edmund T G, clk, h w s Salisbury av

BOT p2 fragC right col


YEARHA 1923 corrected; street dir not processed


Adams Fredk, h 26 Lake Shore rd

Adams Jas, h 8 Orchard av

Albright Chas, h 7 MacDonald av

Allen Jas, mkt gdnr, h 289 Salisbury av

Allworth Geo, h 2 Humber av

Armstrong Geo, h 9 Humbolt av

Atkins Carl, gro, h 203 Salisbury av

Aymer Chas, mkt gdnr, n s Cannon rd

Aymer Chas H, h 46 Cockburn

Aymer Geo, mkt gdnr, n s Cannon rd

Aymer Thos K, mkt gdnr, h 178 Queen

Bailey Stirling (Thos Bailey & Son),

Bailey Thos (Thos Bailey & Son), h 164 Queen

Bailey Thos & Son (Thos & Stirling Bailey), gros, 164 Queen

Bates Geo, mach, h w s McIntosh av

Bates Wm J, h 237 Lake Shore rd

Bennett Tercy, moto, h w s Oliver

Bertram Norman B, h 6 Rush av

Blenhorn John, bk mkr Price & Cumming, h 98 Salisbury av

Blenhorn Thos, emp Price & Cumming, h 104 Salisbury av

Black Geo S, h 235 Lake Shore rd

Boniface Ernest L, lab, h 1 Amelia

Boniface Geo A, h 85 Queen

Boyce Frank, rubber wkr, h e s Birch av

Boyd Geo mach, h 15 Humbolt av

Bracey Thos, h 199 Salisbury av

Bradley Louis, tire bldr, h 2 Orchard av

Bragg Fredk, insp Goodyear Rubber Co, h s s College

Brierly John A, h 19 Waniska av

Broderick Annie (wid Patrick), h 77 Salisbury av

Broderick Jas, cond GTR, h 73 Salisbury av

Brooker Edwd A, baths s s Lake Shore rd

Brooker Edward E, gro, h 77 Lake Shore rd

Brooker Olive Mrs, gro, 77 Lake Shore rd, h same

Browley John, h 100 Lake Shore rd

Brown Fredk, blrmkr, h 8 Davidson cres

Brown Geo S, gro, h 67 Queen

Brown John G, mkt gdnr, h 142 Salisbury av

Brown Nicholas, h 141 Lake Shore rd

Brown Robt J, h 3 Amelia

Brown Thos, h 135 Lake Shore rd

Bruning Rudolph O H. h n s Queen

Burbridge Ernest, mkt gdnr n s College

Butterworth Fred, h 1 MacDonald av

Butwell Benj, h 249 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Henry, h 251 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Richd, brick mnfr, h 107 Lake Shore rd

Buttwell Reginald N, h 15 Humbercrest av

Campbell Arthur, barber, h 67 Frederica

Cardwell Henry, h 58 Cockburn

Carson Robt T, contr, h 12 Oliver

Carter John, h 1 Orchard av

Carter Walter H, tmstr, h 113 Salisbury av

Chapman Mary (wid Geo), h 25 Queen

Cherrey Frank L, mkt gdnr, h 348 Salisbury av

Chowns Fredk J, h 6 Davidson cres

Chowns Richd, lab, h 33 Cockburn

Churchward Alfred, h 49 Frederica

Churchward Robt, h 50 Frederica

Clark Wm H, h 29 Oliver

Colburg Thos, lab, h 148 Lake Shore rd

Cole Frank, h 91 Cannon rd

Cole Ernest, h 80 Cockburn

Collingwood Herbert C. engnr, h n s Daniel

Connable Ralph, Pres Humber Valley Golf Club, Humber Bay

Copeland Robt G, h 275 Salisbury av

Cornish Harry, gdnr, h w s Grand av

Cowling Chas, Sec Humber Valley Golf Club, Humber Bay

Cox Augustus, gdnr, h s s College

Cox Saml, mkt gdnr n s College

Cox Thos, emp Golf Links, h 4 Godson rd

Crawford Jas, plmbr, h 54 Frederica

Cripps Jos B, blksmth s s Queen

Cross Wm H, h 131 Lake Shore rd

Cross man Clarence F, h 24 Lake Shore rd

Crowe Catherine H (wid Edwd), confy, 73 Lake Shore rd, b same

Culnan David, h 127 Salisbury av

Cumming Donald (Price & Cumming), res Toronto

Dandridge Edwd, mkt gdnr, h 11 Orchard av

Dandridge James, mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Daniels Francis, h 129 Salisbury av

Darby Dudley, tool mkr, h n s Queen

Darby Kenelm H. gro, h 278 Salisbury av

Davis Lewis, h 2 Oliver

Devins Isaac N. boat house & confy, n s Lake Shore rd

Dewsbury Franklin H, h 38 Frederica

Dewsbury Sheridan W, h 46 Frederica

Dickenson Wm J, h 59 Frederica

Dickson David, carp, h 13 Humbercrest av

Dickson John, mkt gdnr, h e s Grand av

Dodds Owen, gro n s Queen

Donovan Ellen S (wid Patk), h 7 Queen

Donovan John G (P J Donovan & Son), 1 Queen

Donovan Patk J (P J Donovan & Son), 1 Queen

Donovan P J & Son ( Patk J & John G), confectioners, 1 Queen

Doyle Danl, h 5 Amelia

Dutnall John, h 50 Cockburn

Dutnall Robt, h 36 Lake Shore rd

Dryden Clarence, h 33 Frederica

Eckersley Abraham (Humber Coal & Supply Co), h 43 Queen

Edwards Geo, tmstr. h s s College

Egles Ernest, h 228 Salisbury av

Egles Geo S, h 229 Lake Shore rd

Egles Wm, h 197 Lake Shore rd

Eldridge Ada, gro s e cor Queen & Church

Elford Jas A, mkt gdnr s s College

Ellett Walter, h 33 Oliver

Erskine John A, h n s Queen

Everett Thos W, bldr, h 72 Burgess av

Ewles Jas T, tmstr, h 3 Orchard av

Farrow Robt (Humber Coal & Supply Co), h 41 Queen

Field Geo, h e s McIntosh av

Fielding Saml, h 31 Frederica

Fletcher Wm, barber, h 65 Queen

Ford Harry, h s Humbolt av

Fordyce John, lab, h 32 Oliver

Gair Jos, h 88 Cockburn

Gamble John F, h 24 Salisbury av

Gilman Chas E, h 18 Oliver

Gilman Geo, driver, h 15 MacDonald av

Gray Lucy (wid Jas), h 131 Salisbury av

Green Mathew, h 7 Humbolt av

Greenfield Chas, mkt gdnr w s Gv.nd av

Greenfield Robt T, h 8 Oliver

Greenfield Saml F, h 6 Oliver

Gwilliam Bertram W, chauf, h 27 MacDonald av

Hancock Arthur J, pntr, h 15 Waniska av

Handley Saml mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Harpell Albert, h 54 Lake Shore rd

Harris Walter, tile mkr, h 9 Davidson cres

Harris Wm, gdnr, h 34 Frederica

Harrison Jos H, lab, h 42 Burgess av

Hart John A, h 143 Salisbury av

Haslam Bethel, h 27 Oliver

Haughton Geo, fttr, h n s Daniel

Haworth John, h 83 Lake Shore rd

Healey Elizth M (wid Thos D), h 239 Lake Shore rd

Hewitt Wm A, h 20 Frederica

Hickman Wm, cattle buyer, h s s Queen

Hicks Elizth (wid Thos), h 49 Queen

Hicks Octavius L (Hicks & Son), h 99 Lake Shore rd

Hicks Wm J (Hicks & Son), h 66 Lake Shore rd

Hicks & Son (Octavius L & Wm J), boat house and confy s s Lake Shore rd

Hickton Saml F, pntr, 10 Humbolt av, h same

Higman John, btchr, h 8 Frederica

Hockney Ernest, h e s McIntosh av

Hodgkinson Levi A, h 3 MacDonald av

Holmes Henry, h 35 MacDonald av

Horwood Geo, carp, h 62 Cockburn

Huffman Benj B, well drlr, h n s Cannon rd

Huffman Wm C, well driller, h 101 Cannon rd

Humber Bay Baptist Church, Queen, cor Cockburn

HUMBER BAY POST OFFICE, Alex J Rice Postmaster, 67 Queen

Humber Bay Public School, e s Cockburn

Humber Coal & Supply Co (Saml Wright, Abraham Eekersley, Robt Farrow), 31 Queen

Humber Valley Golf Club (Ralph Connable pres, Chas Cowling sec), Humber Bay

Hunter Grace H, h 41 Salisbury av

Inwood Harry, messr, h Daniel cor Birch av

Jackson Herbert, mech, h 3 Oliver

James Elizth Mrs, h 40 Burgess av

Janes Michl, h 98 Lake Shore rd

Jarvis Douglas M, clk, h 5 Orchard av

Jeffreys Jas, gdnr, h s s Sydenham

Jesson Shadrach, shoe repr, 142 Queen, h same

Johnstone Caroline (wid Jas K), h 179 Lake Shore rd

Jones Wm H, brkmkr, h n s Daniel

Keeble Wm H, elect, h e s McIntosh av

Kemp Alfred, gdnr, h 7 Davidson cres

Kemp Sidney T, h 29 MacDonald av

Kennedy Wm J, h 279 Salisbury av

Kent Wm, mkt gdnr, h 287 Salisbury av

Ketchen Wm F, h 109 Lake Shore rd

Langley Wm, h 53 Salisbury av

Lawn Chas J, lab, h n s Daniel

Legg Archd M, h 125 Lake Shore rd

Legg Geo, h 123 Lake Shore rd

Leishman David, blksmth, h 26 Frederica

Lidkea Robt, cond GTR, h 133 Lake Shore rd

Liggatt Jas, lab, h 31 Humbercrest av

Lindsay Frank,, h 5 Davidson cres

Lockhart Walter S, painter, h Daniel cor McIntosh av

Lomas Wm G, h 19 MacDonald av

Lyons Frank, brklyr, h 57 Queen

Lyttle Andrew, carp, h 17 Oliver

MacGregor John, h 2 Godson rd

Madill Harry, drvr, h s s Daniel

Mageehan John, h 65 Frederica

Mahr Geo, lab, h 134 Lake Shore rd

Major Rupert E, mkt gdnr, 283 Salisbury av h same

Manifold Ernest, h 155 Lake Shore rd

Martin Jos W (Subway Garage) 3 Queen

McAllister John, rubber wkr, h 59 Queen

McDermott Patk, lab, h 22 Oliver

McDonald Danl H, acct, h w s McIntosh av

McDonald Lewis, h 6 Godson rd

McFarlane Arthur E, h 31 Salisbury av

McGrath Jas, mkt gdnr, h s s Queen

McGrath John, mkt gdnr, s e cor Wesley & Queen

McGraw Fredk, lab, h 3 Godson rd

McKnee Saml, h s s Sydenham

McLaverty Wm, clk, h n s Queen

McLellan Archd, carp, h 33 MacDonald av

McPherson John, ydman GTR, h 41 Burgess av

McQuarrie Harvey, h 79 Queen

Milding Margt, h 109 Salisbury av

Naylor Thos S, h 8 Cockburn

Neil Jas S, h e s Birch av

END 1Fe003 1923 2nd left

START 1Fe008 1923 3rd left

Newport Chas W, h 125 Salisbury av

Newton A H, gdnr, h s s Queen

Noble Wm J, h 16 Waniska av

North Harry, mkt gdnr, n s Cannon rd

Norton John C, h 42 Lake Shore rd

Northcote Richd, h 221 Lake Shore rd

Orange Lodge, w s Frederica

Orr Jas W, h 38 Lake Shore rd

Orr Robt, h 25 Oliver

Palmar Fredk S, carp, h 20 Humbercrest av

Parker Chas, cont, n s Queen, h same

Parkinson Wm, h 199 Lake Shore rd

Paul Emily M (wid John), h e s Orchard av

Payne Chas D, h 12 Humber av

Pennall Harry D, h 117 Salisbury av

Perry Geo, h 117 Queen

Plumtree Wm, h 65 Cannon rd

Pomfret Luther, h 136 Queen

Potter Ray (wid John), h 225 Lake Shore rd

Pressley Alfred, h 11 Oliver

Price John R, mgr Price & Cumming Brick Co, h 121 Salisbury av

Price & Cumming (John R Price & Donald Cumming), brick mfrs, e s Salisbury av

Proudfoot Ralph M, h 191 Lake Shore rd

Pycock Jas, Rev, h 292 Salisbury av

Quinn Arthur F, h 138 Queen

Quinn Russell, lab, h 190 Queen

Ramsperger August, h 193 Lake Shore rd

Reeves Egerton, h 36 Frederica

Reeves Frank, mkt gdnr s s College

Reid Ralph S, mkt gdnr, h 356 Salisbury av

RICE ALEX J, Postmaster Humber Bay Post Office, h 67 Queen

Robertson Albert, h 247 Lake Shore rd

Robertson Roy, h 106 Lake Shore rd

Robinson Richd G, h 66 Cockburn

Rockliff Arthur, h 232 Salisbury av

Ross Patk, h 22 Lake Shore rd

Rowett Ernest, mkt gdnr n s Queen

Rowett Geo H, gdnr h w s Grand av

Roy Burt (Subway Garage), 3 Queen

Runnalls Jas, carp, h 13 MacDonald av

Rush Chas, stl wkr, h 4 Davidson cres

Rush Geo W, truant officer, h 224 Salisbury av

Rush Harry, h 53 Frederica

Sabiston Geo, blksmth, h w s Wesley

St James Mission, e s Frederica

Sampson Jas, h 56 Cockburn

Savage Chas E, h 31 MacDonald av

Seymour Henry J, slsmn, h 9 Orchard av

Sharpe Herbert A, h 60 Lake Shore rd

Shields Geo J, gdnr. Cannon rd

Simm Jas, h 64 Burgess av

Simpson Arthur, h 151 Lake Shore rd

Simpson Geo, h 163 Lake Shore rd

Skidmore Beatrice (wid Richd D), h 57 Frederica

Slee Richd, h 233 Lake Shore rd

Small Henry, gdnr, h s s Queen

Smith Edgar, h 263 Salisbury av

Smith Henry, mkt gdnr, h 342 Salisbury av

Smith Henry S, mkt gdnr, h 285 Salisbury av

Smith Jas E, h 2 Berl av

Smith Robt, h 19 Humbolt ay

Smith Thos, lab, h 42 Cockburn

Speers Chas, truck driver, h 39 Humbercrest av

Sproule Jas R, h 145 Lake Shore rd

Stirling Bailey (Thos Bailey & Son), 164 Queen, h same

Stone Albert, carp, h s s Danid

Strouds Fredk A, garage, h s s Lake Shore rd

Sturten Alfred E, carp, h 23 Frederica

Subway Garage (Jos Martin & Burt Roy), 3 Queen

Sutherland Angus C, carp, h s s Queen

Sutherland Fredk W, h 34 Lake Shore rd

Taverner Carrie (wid Edwd), h 89 Queen

Taverner Henry, h 21 MacDonald av

Taylor Kate L (wid Geo), h 40 Lake Shore rd

Tice Lewis F, h 267 Salisbury av

Tiffin Dalton A, mkt gdnr, h 169 Queen

Tizzard Chas R, gdnr, h Queen cor McIntosh av

Todd Jas, h 360 Salisbury av

Tomlinson Geo, h 73 Cannon rd

Tooke Walter A, lab, h 240 Salisbury av

Torcy Fredk C, rubber wkr, h 101 Queen

Trevetham Philip B, h 11 MacDonald av

Tutty Jane (wid Fredk), h 18 Humbercrest av

Van Waggoner Lillian (wid Geo), h 9 Queen

Verrall Wm A, slsmn, h 138 Salisbury av

Vincent Percival, h 192 Queen

Westover Chas H, rest, 140 Queen, h same

Whalen Arthur J, carp, h w s Birch ay

Wheeler Jas, h 61 Salisbury av

Whelpdale Geo, pntr, h 318 Salisbury av

Whitehead, Jos J, lab. h 34 Oliver

Whitehead John W, h 4 Oliver

Whitworth Edwd, mkt gdnr n s College

Whitworth Geo, h 5 Frederica

Whitworth Geo, mkt gdnr, h 141 Queen

Wilkie John A, h 16 Frederica

Wilkins Chas M, h 74 Burgess av

Wilkins Robt, constable, h 97 Cannon rd

Williams Albert, h 72 Cockburn

Wilson Gertrude (wid Chas), h 93 Cannon rd

Wilson Stephen V, h 18 Waniska ay

Wiltshire Fredk, h n s Queen

Winger Edwd, lab, h 28 Oliver

Winters Sydney, h 139 Lake Shore rd

Woolfe Alfred, h n s Queen

Wraight Walter W, h 246 Salisbury av

Wright David, mkt gdnr e s Grand ay

Wright Saml (Humber Coal & Supply Co), h 33 Queen

Yates Albert, h 84 Cockburn

Yewell Jas A, h 248 Salisbury av

Young Edmund T G, h 59 Salisbury av


YEARHA 1924 corrected


Abbott Andrew, brklyr, h 17 Humbolt av

Adams Fred, h 28 Lake Shore rd

Adams Herbert L, moto. h 6 Orchard av

Albright Chas, h 7 MacDonald av

Allen Jos jr, mkt gdnr n s College, h same

Allen Robt, h 2 Harrison av

Allen Wm, mach, h w s Harrison av

Allworth Geo, lab, h 26 Humbercrest av

Armstrong Archd A, gro, h 100 Lake Shore rd

Armstrong Wm A, elect, h 9 Humbolt av

Atkins Carl, gro, h 203 Salisbury av

Aylmer Geo, mkt gdnr. h n s Cannon rd

Aymer Chas H, h 46 Cockburn

Aymer Geo, mkt gdnr, n s Cannon rd

Bailey Beatrice, lvs 164 Queen

Bailey Thos, gro 164 Queen, h same

Bailey Wm, driver, h 11 Humbercrest av

Bales Harry, mach, h 35 Humbolt av

Basterfield Horace, mach, h 1 Humbercrest av

Bates Geo, mach. h w s McIntosh av

Bates Wm J, h 237 Lake Shore rd

Beasley J E, h n s Aldgate av

Beech Aylesworth, slsmn, lvs 57 Queen

Beech Elizth Mrs, h 57 Queen

Beggs, emp Eatons, lvs 1 Cockburn

Beggs Albert, gdnr, h w s Harrison av

Bell Alfred, mkt gdnr, e s Salisbury av n of College

Bell Wm S, cnnfy, n s Queen, h same

Bennett Percy, moto, h 5 Oliver

Bertram Norman, mach, h 1 Humbolt av

Black Geo S, h 235 Lake Shore rd

Blake Chas, driver, h 241 Salisbury av

Blenkhorn John, emp Price & Cumming, h 96 Salisbury av

Blenkhorn Thos, emp Price & Cumming, h 104 Salisbury av

Board Ethel (wid Albert), h 3 Lorne

Boniface Doris, opr, lvs 85 Queen

Boniface Ernest L, lab, h 1 Amelia

Boniface Geo A, h 85 Queen

Boniface Harry, emp Sunbeam Lamp Co, rms 1 Amelia

Boniface Wm, emp Massey-Harris, rms 1 Amelia

Boyce Frank, rubber wkr, h 5 Birch av

Boyd Geo M, lab. h 19 Humbolt av

Bracey Thos, h 199 Salisbury av

Bradley Louis, tire bldr, h 2 Orchard av

Bragg Frank, gdnr, h 182 Salisbury av

Bragg Fredk, insp Goodyear Rubber Co, h s s College

Bricknell Harry, h e s McRoberts av

Brierley John A, btchr, h 19 Waniska av

Brighton Wm J, elect, h w s Harrison av

Broderick Annie (wid Patrick), h 77 Salisbury av

Broderick Jas, h 73 Salisbury av

Broderick May, lvs 77 Salisbury av

Brooker Edwd A, baths. s s Lake Shore rd, h 77 same

Brooker Olive Mrs. gro, 77 Lake Shore rd, b same

Brown Agnes, lvs 3 Amelia

Brown Frank, gdnr, h 136 Salisbury av

Brown Fredk, blrmkr, h 8 Davidson cres

Brown Geo S, gro 67 Queen, res Toronto

Brown Herbert, checker Gordon McKay Co, lvs 3 Amelia

Brown John G, mkt gdnr, h 142 Salisbury av

Brown Nicholas, h 141 Lake Shore rd

Brown Robt J, h 3 Amelia

Brown Thos S. h 135 Lake Shore rd

Bruning Rudolph O H, h n s Queen

Bullen Percy, emp Can Furniture Mfg Co, h 62 Burgess av

Burbridge Ernest, mkt gdnr n s College

Burt Roy S, prop Subway Garage, res Toronto

Butterworth Fred, h 1 MacDonald tt

Butwell Benj, h 249 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Henry, h 251 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Mark, h 113-115 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Reginald N. h 15 Humbercrest av

Butwell Richd, brick mnfr, h 107 Lake Shore rd

Bye Fredk, plshr, h 98 Lake Shore rd

Caer-Howell Lawn Bowling Club, s s Lake Shore rd

Cain Fredk, mason, h s s Daniel

Cale Margt (wid Thos), h w s McIntosh av

Cale Thos, slsmn, lvs Mrs Margt Cale

Cameron Wm, clk PO, h 149 Lake Shore rd

Campbell Arthur, barber, h 67 Frederica

Canadian Wrecking Co (yards), s s Queen

Cardwell Henry, h 58 Cockburn

Carson Robt T, ccntr, h 12 Oliver

Carter Walter H, tmstr, h 113 Salisbury av

Chamberlain Jas, rubber wkr, h e s McRoberts av

Chapman Albert, caretkr, h s s Daniel

Chapman Harry, emp Gas Co, h s s Daniel

Cherry Frank, gdnr, h 348 Salisbury av

Chowns Fredk J. tilemkr, h 11 Davidson cres

Chowns Richd, lab, h 38 Cockburn

Churchward Alfred, h 49 Frederica

Churchward Earl, clk Can Life Ins Co, lvs 50 Frederica

Churchward Robt, h 50 Frederica

Clark John, gdnr, h e s Harriron av

Clark Walter, florist, h e s Harrison av

Clark Wm H, h 29 Oliver

Clarke Ernest, h 244 Salisbury av (rear)

Clarke John W, btchr, h 30 Humbercrest av

Clarke Lilian, packer Weston Biscuit Co, hs 30 Humbercrest av

Clarke Norman, lab, lvs 30 Humbercrest av

Colburg Thos, lab, h 148 Lake Shore rd

Cole Alfred, commercial artist, lvs 91 Cannon rd

Cole Ernest, engnr, h 25 Queen

Cole Frank, h 91 Cannon rd

Connable Ralph, pres Humber Valley Golf Club, res Toronto

Cooney Thos, foreman Price & Cumming, lvs 106 Salisbury av

Copeland Robt G, h 275 Salisbury av

Cornish Harry, gdnr, h w s Grand av

Cowling Chas, sec Humber Valley Golf Club, res Toronto

Cox Augustus, gdnr, h s s College

Cox Saml, mkt gdnr n s College

Cox Thos, emp Golf Links, h 4 Godson rd

Crawford Jas, plmbr, h 54 Frederica

Creighton Chas H, mgr Printers Machinery Co, h 28 Cannon rd

Cripps Jos R, blksmth s s Lake Shore rd, h same

Crossman Clarence F, h 24 Lake Shore rd

Crowe Catherine H (wid Edwd), confy, 73 Lake Shore rd, h same

Cuff Edwd, chauf, h 42 Humbercrest av

Cuff Edwd J, carp, h 61 Burgess av

Culnan David, h 127 Salisbury av

Currier Chas, bds 40 Lake Shore rd

Dadson Jas, mkt gdnr s s College, h same

Dandridge Edwd, gdnr, h 15 Orchard av

Dandridge James, mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Daniels Norman, chauf Price & Cumming, h 129 Salisbury av

Daniels Susan (wid Francis), h 129 Salisbury av

Darby Dudley, tool mkr, h n s Queen

Darby Kenelm H, gro 276 Salisbury av, h same

Davis Henry, carp, h 10 Humbercrest av

Davis Lewis, h 2 Oliver

Davis Olive M (wid Fredk), h 95 Queen

Dawe Henry W, h 6 Birch av

Dawe John, lab, lvs 6 Birch av

Deacon Edwd, h e s Harrison av

Deacon Harry, rubber wkr, h e s McRoberts av

Demers Harry, h w s Harrison av

Devins Fred, boat man, h 243 Salisbury av

Devins Isaac N, boat house & confy, n s Lake Shore rd, res Toronto

Dewsbury Franklin H. h 46 Frederica

Dewsbury John, emp CPR, h 16 Oliver

Dewsbury Sheridan W, elect, h 38 Frederica

Dickenson Wm J, h 59 Frederica

Dickson David, carp, h 13 Humbercrest av

Dickson John, mkt gdnr, h e s Grand av

Dillon Hugh, mach, bds 166 Queen

Dodds Owen, gro n s Queen

Don Duncan, postman, h s s Valley Drive

Donovan Ellen S (wid Patk), h 7 Queen

Donovan John G (P J Donovan & Son), lvs 5 Queen

Donovan Patk J (P J Donovan & Son), h 5 Queen

Donovan P J & Son ( Patk J & John G), confectioners, 1 Queen

Donworth Wm. slsmn. h 83 Lake Shore rd

Doyle Danl, h 5 Amelia

Dryden Clarence, h 33 Frederica

Duiry Esther, weaver Currie & Co, lvs s s Valley Drive

Duiry Ethel G, weaver Peters Co, lvs. s s Valley Drive

Duiry Jennie, weaver Currie & Co lvs s s Valley Drive

Duiry Sidney, carp, h s s Valley Drive

Dunn Jas, moto TTC, h 2 Humbolt av

Durkin Patk, lab. h 23 Oliver

Dutnall Robt. h 38 Lake Shore rd

Dutnall Walter, trav, h 36 Lake Shore rd

Eckersley Abraham (Humber Coal & Supply Co), h 43 Queen

Edwards Geo, tmstr, h s s College

Egles Chas, prop Salisbury Garage, lvs 228 Salisbury av

Egles Ernest, h 228 Salisbury av

Egles Geo S, h 229 Lake Shore rd

Elford Isaac, h 36 Burgess av

Elford Jas A, mkt gdnr s s College

Ellett Emily, lvs 33 Oliver

Ellett Walter, h 33 Oliver

Ellett Walter jr, gdnr, lvs 33 Oliver

Endacott John, bldr, h 19 Humbercrest av

Erskine John A, warehouseman Dom Exp, h n s Queen

Everett Alex, h 13 Humbolt av

Everett Reginald C, staty, lvs 72 Burgess av

Everett Thos W, bldr, h 72 Burgess av

Ewles Jas T, tmstr, h 3 Orchard av

Farrow Robt (Humber Coal & Supply Co), h 41 Queen

Field G, emp Can Kodak Co, lrs. n s Daniel

Field Geo, tlr, h n s Daniel cor McIntosh av

Fielding Bertha, mach opr, lvs 31 Frederica

Fielding Simeon, carp, h 31 Frederica

Fletcher Chas, h 20 Salisbury av

Fletcher Wm. barber, h 65 Queen

Flynn Chas E, frt checker CPR, lvs 16 Humbolt av

Ford Harry, mach, h 8 Humbolt av

Ford Harry L jr, lvs 8 Humbolt av

Ford Hartley, lab, bds Stephen Kolett

Ford Raymond, lvs 8 Humbolt av

Fordyce John, lab, h 32 Oliver

Foreman Edward, lab, h 29 Humbercrest av

Franklin Alfred, rubber wkr, h w s Harrison av

Franklin Arthur, weaver Tor Carpet Co, h 33 Macdonald

Franklin Arthur jr, emp Dunlop Tire, h 25 Macdonald av

Gainley Wm, lab, lvs 23 Oliver

Gair Arnold, lvs 88 Cockburn

Gair Chas, pmtr, lvs 88 Cockburn

Gair Jos, h 88 Cockburn

Gamble John F, h 24 Salisbury av

Giles Melville, lab, h e s McRoberts av

Gilman Chas E, h 18 Oliver

Gilman Geo, driver, h 15 MacDonald av

Glass W Bruce, auto repr 71 Lake Shore rd, res Toronto

Godwood John, engnr, h 21 Queen

Goode Arthur, carp, h e s McRoberts av

Green Mathew, h 7 Humbolt av

Greenfield Chas, mkt gdnr w s Grrnd av

Greenfield Tims G, carp, h 8 Oliver

Greenwood Percy, engnr, rms 33 Macdonald av

Grey Lucy Mrs, h 131 Salisbury av

Grundy Wm S, hardware Queen cor Harrison av, h same

END 1Fe005 1924 2nd right

START 1Fe006 1924 3rd Left

Gwilliam Bertram W, chauf, h 27 MacDonald av

Hancock Arthur J, pntr, h 15 Waniska av

Handley Saml mkt gdnr, n s Queen

Hanna Thos, gro n s Queen cor McRoberts av, h same

Harpell Albert, h 54 Lake Shore rd

Harper Harry, driver, h w s McIntosh av

Harris Walter, tilemkr, h 2 Davidson cres

Harris Wm, gdnr, h 34 Frederica

Harrison Jos, lab, h 50 Cockburn

Hart John A, mfr greenhouse machinery, h 143 Salisbury av

Harvey Richd H, mach, h s s Valley Drive

Haslam Bethel, h 27 Oliver

Haughton Geo, fttr, h n s Daniel

Hawkins Edna, lvs 18 Waniska av

Hawkins Hicks, com merchant, h 18 Waniska av

Hawkins Jennie Mrs, h 140 Queen

Healey Elizth M (wid Thos D), h 239 Lake Shore rd

Heel Henry R, moto TTC, h n s Valley Drive

Henry Grenville T, clk, h 9 Davidson cres

Hewitt Wm A, h 20 Frederica

Hibbins Albert, h 106 Lake Shore rd

Hickman Wm, cattle dlr, h s s Queen, cor Church

Hicks Amelia, lvs 49 Queen

Hicks Elizth (wid Thos), h 49 Queen

Hicks Octavius L (Hicks & Son), h 99 Lake Shore rd

Hicks Wm J (Hicks & Son), h 66 Lake Shore rd

Hicks & Son (Octavius L & Wm J), boat bouse and confy s s Lake Shore rd

Hickton Saml F, decorator, h 12 Humbolt av

Higgins Wm, silversmith, h e s Harrison av

Higman John, btchr 132 Queen, b same

Hockney Ernest, h e s McIntosh av

Hodgkinson Levi A, h 3 MacDonald av

Hodgson Gladys, lvs John Hodgson

Hodgson John, porter, h w s McIntosh av

Hodgson Olive, dressmkr, lvs John Hodgson

Hodgson Wm, clk, lvs John Hodgson

Holiday Thos D, cost clk, h 1 Lorne

Holloway Thos, h 26 Salisbury av

Holmes Elsie, clk m o Eatons, lvs 35 Macdonald av

Holmes Harriett, lvs 35 Macdonald av

Holmes Henry, bolt mkr Can Steel Co, h 35 Macdonald av

Holmes Isabella, clk Eatons, lvs 35 Macdonald av

Holsworth J, h 35 Humbercrest av

Hopkins Chas, pntr, h 8 Douglas av

Horwood Geo, carp, h 62 Cockburn

Hueston Thos, real est, h 9 Birch av

Huffman Benj B, well drlr. h n s Cannon rd

Huffman Wm C, well driller, h 101 Cannon rd

Humber Bay Aquatic Assn, 231 Lake Shore rd

Humber Bay Baptist Church, Queen, cor Cockburn

HUMBER BAY POST OFFICE, Alex J Rice Postmaster, 67 Queen

Humber Bay Public School, 10-36 Cockburn

Humber Coal & Supply Co (Saml Wright, Abraham Eckersley, Robt Farrow), 31 Queen

Humber Valley Golf Club (Ralph Connable pres, Chas Cowling sec), Humber Bay

Hunter Grace H, h 41 Salisbury av

Huston Thos W (Huston & Neil), h 9 Birch av

Huston-Neil (Thos W Huston, Jas S Neil), real est, s s Lake Shore rd

Hutchison David, h cor Salisbury av & Queen

Irwin Robt, brklyr, n s Queen

Jackson Herbert, mach, h 3 Oliver

Jarvis Douglas M. clk, h 5 Orchard av

Jarvis Robt, h 26 Lake Shore rd

Jecks Jas, yardman, h w s McRoberts av

Jecks Talbot L, pleasure boats, s s Lake Shore rd, res Toronto

Jeffrey John, emp Eatons, h 1 Oliver

Jeffreys Jas, gdnr, h s s Sydenham

Jesson Sbadrach, shoe repr, 142 Queen, h same

Jesson Wm, shipper, lvs 142 Queen

Johnson Cedi, lvs 101 Salisbury av

Johnson Harry, carp, h 101 Salisbury av

Johnstone Caroline (wid Jas K), h 179 Lake Shore rd

Jones Gordon, lab, h e s McRoberts av

Jones Stanley, mach, h w s Harrison av

Jones Wm H, brkmkr, h n s Daniel

Keeble Wm H. elect, h e s McIntosh av

Kemp Sidney T, h 29 MacDonald av

Kennedy Wm J, h 279 Salisbury av

Kent Clarence, emp CNR, lvs 357 Salisbury av

Kent Evelyn, emp CGE, lvs 357 Salisbury av

Kent Isobel, typist, lvs 357 Salisbury av

Kent Lawrence, lvs 357 Salisbury av

Kent Wm, mkt gdnr, 357 Salisbury av

Kerr Albert, driver, h 23 Macdonald av

Kolett Stephen, rubber wkr, h n s Queen

Laidlaw Chas, slsmn, h 67 Burgess av

Lane Violet, checker Tor Hosiery Co, lvs 16 Humbercrest av

Langley Wm, h 53 Salisbury av

Lawn Chas J, lab, h n s Daniel

Lawson Wm, elect, h s s Sydenham

Lee Jos, lab, lvs 16 Frederica

Legg Archd M. h 127 Lake Shore rd

Legg Geo, h 123 Lake Shore rd

Lelshman David, blksmth, h 28 Frederica

Leyworthy Jos, plmbr, h 63 Burgess av

Lidkea Robt, cond GTR, h 133 Lake Shore rd

Liggatt Jas, lab, h 31 Humbercrest av

Lockhart Walter S, painter, h Daniel cor McIntosh av

Lockyer Norman H, chkr CPR, h s s Valley Drive

Lomas Geo W, mach, h 178 Queen

Lomas Wm G, h 19 MacDonald av

Lyons Frank, brkmkr, h 8 Frederica

Lyth Ernest, glass ctr, h w s McRoberts av

Lyttle Andrew, carp, h 17 Oliver

MacDonald Louisa, lvs 4 Godson rd

MacDonald Wm, editor, lvs 4 Godson rd

MacGregor Alfred, packer F W Woolworth Co Ltd, lvs 3 Godson rd

MacGregor John, caretkr Humber Valley Golf Club, h 3 Godson rd

MacGregor Wm, elev opr F W Woolworth Co Ltd, lvs 3 Godson rd

Macpherson Alasdair, emp Can Bank of Commerce, h 65 Burgess av

Madill Harry, drvr, h s s Daniel

Magechan John, elect, h 65 Frederica

Mahr Geo, lab, h 134 Lake Shore rd

Major Albert E, caretaker, h s s Daniel

Major Archd, lvs 283 Salisbury av

Major Rupert E, mkt gdnr 283 Salisbury av, h same

Major Ruth, add machine opr British American Oil Co, lvs 283 Salisbury av

Malvis Nicholas, lab, lvs 250 Salisbury av

Manifold Ernest, h 155 Lake Shore rd

Marler Edwd, auto pntr, h 151 Lake Shore rd

Marsden Benj W, elect, h 20 Lake Shore rd

Martin Frank J, lvs s s Sydenham

Martin Fred, h 272 Salisbury av

Matthews Edwin, yard clk, h 93 Cannon rd

Matthews Jas, h 7 Lorne

May Ernest, h 7 Orchard av

McAllister John, rubber wkr, h 59 Queen

McDermott Laurence, clk, lvs 22 Oliver

McDermott Patk, lab, h 22 Oliver

McDonald Jas, mach, h n s Valley Drive

McFarlane John, lvs 31 Salisbury av

McFarlane Margt, h 31 Salisbury av

McGrath Jas, mkt gdnr, h s s Queen

McGrath John, mkt gdnr s e cor Wesley & Queen, h same

McGraw Fredk (Orr & McGraw), h 3 Godson av

McKee Saml, h s s Sydenham

McLaren Jos, iron mldr, h 239 Salisbury av

McLaverty Alice, cashier Murray-Kays, lvs 11 Douglas av

McLaverty Wm. bkpr, h 11 Douglas av

McLaverty Wm jr, clk John McDonald Co, lvs 11 Douglas av

McMillen Roy, mach. h 1 Birch av

McQuarrie Donald A, fireman, lvs 79 Queen

MeQuarrie Lula, opr, lvs 79 Queen

McQuarrie Sarah E (wid Donald), h 79 Queen

McRobert Gordon, pressman, h s s Aldgate av

Middleton J, h 5 Lorne

Milding Margt, h 109 Salisbury av

Mitchell John M, h 108 Lake Shore rd

Monteith John, slsmn Eatons, h n s Queen

Mortimore Richd, engnr, h w s McIntosh av

Morton Jas H, tire bldr, h w s McIntosh av

Mimden Jos, mach, h 6 Oliver

Murchie Frank W, instructor Humber Valley Golf Club, lvs same

Murchie Geo, green kpr Humber Valley Golf Club, lvs same

Murphy Danl, lvs s s Sydenham

Murray Geo, driller, h 207 Salisbury av

National Sporting Club, A M Orpen pres, s s Lake Shore rd

Naylor Thos S, h 8 Cockburn

Naylor Walter W, clk, h 24 Frederica

Needler Arthur, h 284 Salisbury av

Neil Jas S, h e 8 Birch av

Newham John, moto, h 257 Salisbury av

Newland Stanley, h 2 Birch av

Newman Mary (wid Henry), h s s Daniel

Newman Wm, lab, h 93 Queen

Newport Chas Wm, h 125 Salisbury av

Newton A H, gdnr, h s s Queen

Noble Wm J, h 16 Waniska av

North Beatrice Mrs, gdnr, h 324 Salisbury av

North Cecil, gdnr, lvs 324 Salisbury av

North Edwd, h w s Harrison av

Northcote Ricbd, h 221 Lake Shore rd

Orpen Abraham M, pres National Sporting Club, res Toronto

Orr Arthur B (Orr & McGraw), res Swansea

Orr Gladys, lvs 2 Godson rd

Orr Gordon, lab, lvs 2 Godson rd

Orr Jas, clk, lvs 2 Godson rd

Orr Robt, h 25 Oliver

Orr & McGraw (Arthur B Orr, Fredk McGraw), pleasure boats, n s Lake Shore rd

Osler John, h 22 Salisbury av

Outwater John M, garage s 3 Queen, res Mimico

Palmer Fredk S, mach, h 20 Humbercrest av

Parker Chas, cont, n s Queen, b same

Parker John H, real est s s Queen, h same

Parkin Robt, carp, h 32 Humbercrest av

Parkinson Wm, h 199 Lake Shore rd

Patchett Walter, bds 40 Lake Shore rd

Patterson Leonard, stone mason, h e s McRoberts av

Paul Emily M (wid John), h 31 Orchard av

Payne Chas D, h 12 Humber av

Payne Harold J, brick mkr, lvs 12 Humber av

Payne Helen, emp Sunbeam Lamp Co, lvs 12 Humber av

Payne Saml, lab, h 31 Humbercrest av

Peasy Fredk, h w s Harrison av

Pennall Harry D, h 117 Salisbury av

Perry Geo, h 117 Queen

Phillips J M, cartage, 69 Burgess av, h same

Phillips Wm H, confy, 160 Queen, h same

Piper Frank, lab, bds 22 Oliver

Plant Christopher, h 4 Douglas av

Plumtree Wm, tmstr, h 1 Orchard av

Pollard Fredk, lab, h 18 Frederica

Pomfret Janet, weaver, lvs 136 Queen

Pomfret Laurence, lab, lvs 136 Queen

Pomfret Luther, h 136 Queen

Porter Chas E, real est, h 52 Cannon rd

Potter Ray (wid John), h 225 Lake Shore rd

Pressley Alfred, h 11 Oliver

Price John R, mgr Price & Cumming Brick Co, h 121 Salisbury av

Price & Cumming, John R Price mgr, brick mfrs, e s Salisbury av

Prosser Saml A, lab TTC, h 57 Burgess av

Proudfoot Ralph M, h 191 Lake Shore rd

Prouse Horace, clk, h s s Daniel

Purdy Geo, lvs e s Lorne

Pycock Jas Rev, h 292 Salisbury av

Ramsperger August, h 193 Lake Shore rd

Reed Stanley, lab, h n s Valley Drive

Reeves Egerton, h 36 Frederica

Reeres Frank, mkt gdnr s s College

Reeves Harry, bldg foreman, h 83 Cannon rd

Reid Ralph L, mkt gdnr, h 356 Salisbury av

Reid Norman, elect, h w s McRoberts av

Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints, 288 Salisbury av

RICE ALEX J, Postmaster Humber Bay Post Office, h 67 Queen

Rice John A, h 67 Queen

Rich Rita V Mrs, lvs 164 Queen

Roberts Herbert, h 131 Lake Shore rd

Robertson Albert, h 247 Lake Shore rd

Robinson Hilda M, lvs 24 Salisbury av

Robinson Ricbd C, brklyr, lvs 66 Cockburn.

Robinson Richd G, barber, h 66 Cockburn

Robinson Robt A, weaver Tor Carpet Co, lvs 66 Cockburn

Rockliff Arthur, stkpr Ford Motor Co, h 232 Salisbury av

Roper Wm, h 4 Harrison av

Ross Patk, h 158 Lake Shore rd

Rowett Ernest, mkt gdnr n s Queen

Rowett Geo H, gdnr h w s Grand st

Runnalls Agnes, slsldy Eatons, lvs 13 Macdonald av

Runnalls Audrey, clk Eatons, lvs 13 Macdonald av

Runnalls Jos, carp, h 13 Macdonald av

Runnalls Vernita, clk Eatons, lvs 13 Macdonald av

Rush Chas, steel wkr, h 1 Davidson cres

Rush Chas W, elect, lvs 224 Salisbury av

Rush Florence, lvs 224 Salisbury av

Rush Fredk, gdnr, lvs 224 Salisbury av

Rush Geo W, truant officer, h 224 Salisbury av

Rush Harry, h 53 Frederica

Rush Minnie, opr, lvs 224 Salisbury av

Sabiston Geo, blksmth, h w s Wesley

St James Mission, e s Frederica

Salisbury Garage (Chas Egles). 230 Salisbury av

Ravage Chas E, h 31 MacDonald av

Savage Ernest J, bkpr Price & Cumming, h 40 Burgess av

Seymour Henry J, slsmn, h 9 Orchard av

Sharpe Herbert A, h 60 Lake Shore rd

Shields Geo J, gdnr, h 85 Cannon rd

Short Robt, emp Eatons, h 53 Burgess av

Sibley Harry, lab, h 89 Cannon rd

Sibley Louis, h e s Harrison av

Simm Jas, car man CPR, h 64 Burgess av

Simpson Arthur, h 60 Lake Shore rd

Simpson Geo, h 163 Lake Shore rd

Sinclair John, tinsmith, h n s Valley Drive

Skidmore Beatrice (wid Richd D), h 57 Frederica

Slee Richd, h 233 Lake Shore rd

Small Henry, gdnr, h s s Queen

Smallbone Albert, watchman Can Life Ins Co, h n s Valley Drive

Smith Edgar, h 263 Salisbury av

Smith Ernest W, lvs 343 Salisbury av

Smith Henry J. mkt gdnr 343 Salisbury av, h same

Smith Henry S, mkt gdnr, h 343 Salisbury av

Smith Horace H, hardware 166 Queen, h same

Smith Jas E, h 2 Berl av

Smith Thos, emp Goodyear Tire, h 42 Cockburn

Smith Walter B, lvs 343 Salisbury av

Snow Albert E, carp, h s s Daniel

Soo Toy, gdnr, h 45 Cannon rd

Speers Chas, driver, h 41 Humbercrest av

END 1 Fe006 1924 3rd left

START 1Fe007 1924 3rd

Humber Bay

Sproule Jas R, h 145 Lake Shore rd

Stacy Thos, carp, h 65 Salisbury av

Stephens Edwd T, storekpr K & S Rubber Co, h 59 Burgess av

Stevens John, carp, h 11 Orchard av

Stewart R Murray, contr, h s s Aldgate av

Stocker Chas, lab, h 16 Humbolt av

Stone Albert, carp, h s s Daniel

Stone Wm J, yard foreman CNR, h 60 Burgess av

Stroud Fredk, mach, h 97 Cannon rd

Sturton Alfred E, carp Goodyear Tire, h 28 Frederica

Subway Garage, Roy S Burt prop, 3 Queen

Suggitt Marshall, mach, h 55 Burgess av

Sutherland Angus C, carp, h s s Queen

Sutherland Fredk W, h 34 Lake Shore rd

Tarerner Arthur, tmstr, lvs 101 Queen

Taverner Carrie (wid Edwd), h 89 Queen

Taverner Henry, gdnr, h 21 Macdonald av

Taverner John, const, lvs e s Humbercrest av

Taylor Kate L (wid Geo), h 40 Lake Shore rd

Telford Roy, slsmn, lvs 1 Birch av

Thorpe Walter, cond TTC, h 45 Frederica

Thrower Thos, mach, h 22 Humbercrest av

Tice Lewis F, trav, h 267 Salisbury av

Tizzard Chas R, gdnr, h Queen cor McIntosh av

Todd Jos, mkt gdnr 360 Salisbury av, b same

Tomlinson Geo, h 73 Cannon rd

Torey Fredk C, rubber wkr, h 101 Queen

Trevetham Philip B, h 11 MacDonald av

Trowlea Victor, slsmn McLeod Pub Co, h n s Valley dr

Tutty Jane (wid Fredk), h 16 Humbercrest av

Vallette Chester J, barber s s Queen

Van Waggoner Lillian (wid Geo), h 9 Qneen

Varney J, h s s Aldgate av

Verral Wm A, fruit slsmn, h 138 Salisbury av

Vigar Rose (wid Albert), h 23 Queen

Walbridge John H, bldr, h s s Daniel

Ward Alfred H, h n s Daniel

Ward Wm H, lab, h 2 Humber av

Warren Ernest, h 40 Humbercrest av

Webber Geo, tile mkr, h w s Harrison av

Whalen Arthur J, carp, h 4 Birch av

Wheeler Jos, h 61 Salisbury av

Whelpdale Geo, h 319 Salisbury av

Whitehead Edith, emp Sunbeam Lamp Co, lvs 4 Oliver

Whitehead, Jos J, lab, h 34 Oliver

Whitehead John, piano rubber, lvs 4 Oliver

Whitehead John W, h 4 Oliver

Whitworth Edwd, mkt gdnr n s College

Whitworth Geo, mkt gdnr, h 141 Queen

Whitworth Geo, h 5 Frederica

Whitworth Myrtle, stenog. lvs 141 Queen

Wick Oscar, pdlr, h 259 Salisbury av

Wightman Frank, dancing academy, s s Lake Shore rd, h same

Wilkie John A, h 16 Frederica

Wilkins Chas M, h 74 Burgess av

Wilkins Robt, county constable, h 280 Salisbury av

Williams J Kendal, carman CPR, h 271 Salisbury av

Williams Robt E, plmbr, h 72 Cockburn

Wilson Gertrude (wid Chas), h 93 Cannon rd

Wiltshire Fredk, h n s Queen

Wiltshire Geo R, elev opr, h 25 Humbolt av

Winger Edwd, caretkr Humber Bay Schl, h 28 Oliver

Winters Sydney, h 139 Lake Shore rd

Woolfe Alfred, h n s Queen

Wraight Walter W, h 246 Salisbury av

Wright David, mkt gdnr e s Grand av

Wright Saml (Humber Coal & Supply Co), h 33 Queen

Youell Jas H, lab, h 248 Salisbury av

Youell Jas H jr, stmftr, h 244 Salisbury av

Youell May, emp Eatons, lvs 248 Salisbury av

Youell Robt, elect, lvs 246 Salisbury av

Young Edmund T G, h 59 Salisbury av


YEARHA 1925 corrected Street in sep file

START 23Ja026 p1871


Abbott Andrew, brklyr, h 17 Humbolt av

Acme Oil Co Walter J Kind mgr (service stn) s s Lake Shore rd

Adams Herbert L, moto, h 6 Orchard st

Albright Chas h 7 MacDonald av

Alderson Alfred h 221 College

Allen Annie E h n s Howard

Allen Jos Jr mkt gdnr w s Salisbury av h same

Allen Wm, mach, h w s Harrison av

Allworth Geo, lab, h 26 Humbercrest av

Alvey Geo tmstr h w s Harrison av

Anderson John blr mkr h 59 Salisbury av

Armstrong Wm A, elect, h 9 Humbolt av

Atkins Carl A L gro 203 Salisbury av h same

Aymer Chas mkt gdnr 22 Cannon rd h same

Aymer Chas H h 46 Cockburn

Aymer Geo mkt gdnr 42 Cannon rd h same

Aymer Richd mkt gdnr lvs. 22 Cannon rd

Bales Harry, mach, h 35 Humbolt av

Basterfield Horace tel instrument mech h 1 Humbercrest av

Bate Wm J elect insp h 237 Lake Shore rd

Bates Geo, mach, h w s McIntosh av

Bazley John brck mkr rms s Davidson cres

Beach Allworth clk lvs. 53 Burgess av

Beach Florence (wid Nathaniel) h 53 Burgess av

Beasley Jas E let carrier h w s Aldgate av

Beasley Wm rms 28 Lake Shore rd

Beggs Albert V mkt gdnr h w s Harrison av

Beggs Henry W clk h w s Cockburn

Bell Alfred mkt gdnr e s Salisbury av h same

Bell Sidney mkt gdnr e s Salisbury av lvs. Alfred Bell

Bennett Percy, moto, h 5 Oliver

Bertram Norman, mach, h 1 Humbolt av

Bertram Roy N clk lvs. l Humbolt av

Black Geo S, h 235 Lake Shore rd

Blenkhorn John brk mkr h 96 Salisbury av

Blenkhom John Jr carp lvs. 96 Salisbury av

Blenkhorn Robt brk mkr lvs. 96 Salisbury av

Blenkhorn Thos brk mkr h 104 Salisbury av

Bodrug John mkt gdnr e s Salisbury av h same

Bodrug Nestor cashier lvs. John Bodrug

Bodrug Wm mkt gdnr lvs. John Bodrug

Boniface Doris, opr, lvs 85 Queen

Boniface Ernest L, lab, h 1 Amelia

Boniface Wm lvs. 85 Queen

Boniface Geo A tmstr Humber Coal & Supply Co n 85 Queen

Boyce Frank, rubber wkr, h 5 Birch av

Boyd Geo M, lab, h 19 Humbolt av

Boyd Robt O elect Hydro Elec Rys power stn res Toronto

Bracey Thos gdnr h 199 Salisbury av

Bradley Louis tire bldr h 2 Orchard ay

Bragg Frank gdnr h 71 Cannon rd

Bragg Fredk rubber wkr h 38 College

Bricknell Harry, h e s McRoberts av

Brierley Evelyn lvs. 19 Waniska av

Brierley John lvs. 19 Waniska av

Brierley John A h 19 Waniska av

Brighton Wm J elect h w s Harrison ay

Broderick Annie (wid Patk) h 77 Salisbury av

Broderick Jas h 73 Salisbury av

Broderick May, lvs 77 Salisbury av

Bromby Alfred carp h w s Aldgate ay

Brooker Edwd A Edgcliff Dancing Academy s s Lake Shore rd h same

Brown Dorothy stenog lvs. 141 Lake Shore rd

Brown Ewart S clk lvs. 141 Lake Shore rd

Brown Frank mkt gdnr h 136 Salisbury av

Brown Fredk brick mkr h 8 Davidson cres

Brown Geo E trav lvs. 141 Lake Shore rd

Brown Geo S (J A Rice & Co) res Toronto

Brown John G mkt gdnr 142 Salisbury av h same

Brown Nicholas gro h 141 Lake Shore rd

Brown Peter I btchr h 135 Lake Shore rd

Brown Phoebe (wid Henry) bds Geo Rush

Brown Robt J h 3 Amelia

Brown Thos S btchr h 135 Lake Shore rd

Brule School w s Frederica

TOP cente col 23Ja026

Bruning Rudolph O H h n s Queen

Buckley Jas bds 1 Macdonald av

Bulien Percy h 62 Burgess av

Burbridge Byron mkt gdnr lvs. 134 College

Burbridge Ernest mkt gdnr 134 College h same

Burbridge Robt mkt gdnr Ernest Burbridge lvs. 134 College

Burbridge Ruth lvs. 134 College

Burgess John W baths s s Lake Shore rd lvs. 73 same

Burrows Robt pres Caer-Howell Lawn Bowling Club

Butterworth Fred h 1 Macdonald av

Butwell Arthur clk lvs. 107 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Benj tmstr h 249 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Caleb lvs. 107 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Edith tire wkr lvs. 251 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Henry brick mkr h 251 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Mark h 113 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Reginald N h 15 Humbercrest av

Butwell Richd brick mkr h 107 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Ross formn Richd Butwell lvs. 107 Lake Shore rd

Bywater Christiana (wid Henry) h 30 Frederica

Caer-Howell Lawn Bowling Club Robt Burrows pres s s Lake Shore rd

Cameron Wm h 149 Lake Shore rd

Campbell Arthur barber h 67 Frederica

Campbell Jas J elect Hydro Elec Rys power stn res Toronto

Campbell Thos A silversmth h 133 Lake Shore rd

Cardwell Henry piano action mkr h 58 Cockburn

Cardwell Norman gdnr lvs. 58 Cockburn

Carson Robt T contr h 12 Oliver

Carter Walter H tmstr h 113 Salisbury av

Carveth John boat bldr Humber Bay Canoe & Boat Co res Toronto,

Castell Jos pdlr h 33 Oliver

Cation David C comp h w s McIntosh av

Chadwick Fredk W shprs asst h n s Brussels

Chamberlain Jas, rubber wkr, h e s McRoberts av

Chapman Albert caretkr Grand Av School h s s Daniels

Cherry Frank, gdnr, h 348 Salisbury av

Chowns Fredk lab bds 1 Davidson cres

Chowns Richd crane opr h 38 Cockburn

Chowns Richd Jt btchr John Iligman lvs. 38 Cockburn

Christy Neil lab bds 11 Humbercrest av

Churchward Alfred h 49 Frederica

Churchward Earle clk lvs. 50 Frederica

Churchward Robt h 50 Frederica

Clark John W btchr h 30 Humbercrest av

Clark Jos wire roller h 140 Queen

Clark Walter florist h w s McRoberts av

Clark Wm H h 29 Oliver

Clarke Ernest box mkr h rear 244 Salisbury av

Colburg Thos groundsmn h 148 Lake Shore rd

Colburg Victor lvs. 148 Lake Shore rd

Cole Alfred, commercial artist, lvs 91 Cannon rd

Cole Frank tlr h 91 Cannon rd

Cole Jas lvs. 91 Cannon rd

Collins Fredk trav h 4 McIntosh av

Connable Ralph, pres Humber Valley Golf Club, res Toronto

Connelly Robt rms 28 Lake Shore rd

Cooney Thos brick mkr Price & Cumming h 106 Salisbury av

Cooper Jos h 3 Lorne

Copeland Robt G h 275 Salisbury av

Corcoran Albert h 151 Lake Shore rd

Courrier Chas G drvr h 40 Lake Shore rd

Coveyduck Wm carp h e s McRoberts av

Cowling Chas sec Humber Valley Golf Club res Toronto

Cox Elizth comptometer opr lvs. 158 College

Cox Gladys comptometer opr lvs. 158 College

Cox Guster mkt gdnr 181 College h same

Cox Saml mkt gdnr 158 College h same

Cox Thos mkt gdnr Saml Cox lvs. 158 College

Cox Thos h 4 Godson rd

Crawford Jos plmbr h 54 Frederica

Creighton Chas H h 28 Cannon rd

Cripps Jos B blksmth s s Queen h. same

Crowe Catherine H (wid Stewart) h 73 Lake Shore rd

Crowe Edwd wtchmkr lvs. 73 Lake Shore rd

Cuff Edwd h 42 Humbercrest av

Culnan Agnes lvs. 127 Salisbury av

Culnan David, h 127 Salisbury av

Cumming Rutherford (Price & Cumming) res Toronto

Cummings Jas chauf bds 74 Burgess av

Dadson Jas mkt gdnr 173 College h same

Dandridge Edwd, gdnr, h 15 Orchard av

Dandridge Jas mkt gdnr n s Queen h same

Daniels Norman, chauf Price & Cumming, h 129 Salisbury av

Daniels Susan (wid Frank) h 129 Salisbury av

Darby Dudley chairman Humber Bay Fire Hall h n s Queen

Darby Hilda lvs. 276 Salisbury av

Darby Kenelm H, gro 276 Salisbury av, h same

Darragh Fred grdsmn Caer-Howell Lawn Bowling Club res Toronto

Davidson Wm wool spinner bds 136 Queen

Davis Lewis, h 2 Oliver

Davis Olive M (wid Fredk), h 95 Queen

Dawe Henry W, h 6 Birch av

Deacon Edwd mach opr h e s Harrison av

Deacon Harry h e s McRoberts av

Demers Peter lab h w s Harrison av

Devins Fred boatman Isaac N Devins h 243 Salisbury av

Devins Geo mgr Isaac N Devins res Toronto

Devins Isaac N Geo Devins mgr boat house & confy n s Lake Shore rd

Dewsbury Franklin H mach h 46 Frederica

Dewsbury John h 16 Oliver

Dickson Wm J paper wkr h 59 Frederica

Dickson David carp h 13 Humbercrest av

Digby Geo K btchr h 11 Humbercrest av

Dillon Hugh A bds 166 Queen

Dinn Alice wtrs bds 9 Queen

Dixon John T mkt gdnr w s Grand av. h same

Dodds Owen gro n s Queen h same

Dods Andrew pres Humber Bay Aquatic Assn

Don Duncan h e s Valley drive

Donovan Anna lvs. 5 Queen

Donovan John G (P J Donovan & Son), lvs 5 Queen

Donovan Kathleen tel opr lvs. 5 Queen

Donovan Lawrence clk P J Donovan & Son lvs. 5 Queen

Donovan Patk J (P J Donovan & Son), h 5 Queen

Donovan P J & Son (Patk J and John G) confectionery l Queen

Doyle Danl, h 5 Amelia

Doyle Maurice J mach h e s Harrison av

Drury Esther G textile wkr lvs. Sidney Drury

Drury Ethel G textile wkr lvs. Sidney Drury

Drury Jennie textile wkr lvs. Sidney Drury

Drury Sidney carp h e s Valley drive

Dryden Clarence tinsmth h 33 Frederica

Duffy Geo P tngnr h 31 Macdonald av

Dunn Annie confrs asst bds 11 Humbercrest av

Dunn Jas. moto TTC. h 2 Humbolt av

Durkin Robt lab h 23 Oliver

Dutnall Evelyn lvs. 36 Lake Shore rd

Dutnall Robt, h 38 Lake Shore rd

Dutnall Walter, trav. h 36 Lake Shore rd

Eckersley Abraham (Humber Coal & Supply Co) h 43 Queen

Edgeliff Dancing Academy (Edwd A Brooker) s s Lake Shore rd

Edwards Albert chauff rms 221 College

Egles Chas garage 230 Salisbury av h 197 Lake Shore rd

Egles Ernest auto wkr Chas Egles h 228 Salisbury av

Egles Geo S h 205 Lake Shore rd

Egles Wm h 197 Lake Shore rd

Elford Aletha clk lvs. 169 College

Elford Isaac, h 36 Burgess av

Elford Wallace mkt gdnr Wm Elford lvs. 169 College

Elford Wm mkt gdnr 169 College h same

Ellett Emily lvs. 164 Queen

Ellett Julia (wid Walter) lvs. 164 Queen

Ellett Violet lndrs lvs. 164 Queen

Ellett Walter Jr gro 164 Queen b saane

Endacott John, bldr, h 19 Humbercrest av

Erskine John A warehsemn h n s Queen

Etobicoke Community Church Rev Frank Williamson pastor w s McRoberts av

Everett Reginald C, staty, lvs 72 Burgess av

Everett Thos W shipr h 72 Burgess av

END 1925 4th page

START 1925 5th page 23Ja027

Humber Bay

Ewles Jas T brk wkr h 3 Orchard av

Eynoa Maurice M boat bldr Humber Bay Canoe & Boat Co res Toronto

Farnsworth Harry W auto wkr h 272 Salisbury av

Farquhar Annie Mrs cook Humber Valley Golf Club res Mimico

Farrow Robt (Humber Coal & Supply Co) h 41 Queen

Fear Mary prin Grand Av School res Mimico

Fenning Fannie (wid Jas E) h 182 Salisbury av

Fenning Geo C elect lvs. 182 Salisbury av

Ferguson John h w s Harrison av

Field Geo, tlr, h n s Daniel cor McIntosh av

Fielding Bertha, mach opr, lvs 31 Frederica

Fielding Simeon, carp, h 31 Frederica

Fielding Thos lvs. 31 Frederica

Flynn Alice bds 16 Humbolt av

Flynn Chas E car chkr bds 16 Humbolt av

Ford Harry pattern makr h s Humbolt av

Ford Harry L firmn lvs. s Humbolt av

Ford Raymond boot mkr lvs. s Humbolt av

Fordyce John, lab, h 32 Oliver

Foreman Edward, lab, h 29 Humbercrest av

Foster Chas attdt Imperial Oil Ltd res Toronto

Franklin Alfred, rubber wkr, h w s Harrison av

Franklin Arthur shpr h 25 Macdonald av

Franklin Arthur J rubber wkr h 4 Harrison av

Fullerton Alex painter h 61 Burgess av

Gair Arnold auto repr Harry Riley lvs. 90 Cockburn

Gair Chas printer lvs. 90 Cockburn

Gair Jas printer h 90 Cockburn

Gamble John F blr mkr h 24 Salisbury av

Gamble Thos tinsmith 24 Salisbury av lvs. same

Garlick Fredk W tmstr h e s Salisbury av

Garlick Margt clk lvs. Fredk W Garlick

Geere Walter caretkr Humber Bay Aquatic Assn lvs. same

Gilby Stanley clk h w s Salisbury av

Giles Arthur h 24 Oliver

Giles Melville, lab, h e s McRoberts av

Gill Chas h 247 Lake Shore rd

Gilman Chas pipe wkr h w s McRoberts av

Gilman Geo chauff h 15 Macdonald av

Glass W Bruce auto repr 71 Lake Shore rd res Toronto

Goode Arthur cabt mkr bds Harry Bricknell

Grand Av Scliool Mary Fear prin w s Grand av

Grant Stephen tire bldr h n s Queen

Gray Lucy (wid Geo) h 131 Salisbury av

Green Geoffrey bds 77 Salisbury av

Green Mathew h 7 Humbolt av

Greenfield Chas mkt gdnr Mrs Ethel Greenfield lvs. same

Greenfield Ethel (wid Chas) mkt gdnr w s Grand av h same

Greenfield Florence lvs. Mrs Ethel Greenfield

Greenfield Gladys soda dispenser lvs. Mrs Ethel Greenfield

Greenfield Thos G carp h s Oliver

Greenwell Francis h 229 Lake Shore rd

Gregor John steward Humber Valley Golf Club res Mimico

Groves Fredk brass wkr h 20 Salisbury av

Grundy Peter D gro & bardwre n s Queen h same

Gwilliam Bertram W chauff h 27 Macdonald av

Hamilton Andrew rubber wkr h 36 Humbercrest av

Hancock Arthur J h 15 Waniska av

Hanna Thos gro n s Queen h same

Harding Harry carter h 36 Frederica

Harpell Alvin mach h 54 Lake Shore rd

Harper Harry, driver, h w s McIntosh av

Harper Norman cartkr National Sporting Club res Toronto

Harris Geo mkt gdnr 53 College h same

Harris Gladys lvs. 34 Frederica

Harris Mary stenog lvs. 34 Frederica

Harris Walter lab h 9 Davidson cres

Harris Wm gdnr h 34 Frederica

Harrison Jos, lab, h 50 Cockburn

Hart John A h 143 Salisbury av

Harvey Henry R bds Norman H Lockyer

Harwood Ernest lab h w s Grand av

Haslam Bethel h 27 Oliver

Haughton Edwd mus tchr lvs. Geo Haughton

Houghton Geo plmbr h n s Daniels

Hawkins Hicks h 18 Waniska av

Hawley Claude L h 14 Douglas av

Hawley Sarah (wid Chas L) lvs. 14 Douglas av

Healey Della stenog lvs. 239 Lake Shore rd

Healey Elizth M (wid Thos D), h 239 Lake Shore rd

Healey Hermine lvs. 239 Lake Shore rd

Healey Irene lvs. 239 Lake Shore rd

Heel Henry R moto h w s Valley drive

Helliker Jas F mach h 266 Salisbury av

Hennings Oscar J h 56 Cockburn

Hewitt Wm A h 20 Frederica

Hibbins Albert shpr h 106 Lake Shore rd

Hicks A E lvs. 49 Queen

Hicks Elizth (wid Thos L) h 49 Queen

Hicks Octavius L h 99 Lake Shore rd

Hicks Wm J pleasure boats s s Lake Shore rd h 66 same

Hickton Saml F painter 12 Humbolt av h same

Higgins Wm, silversmith, h e s Harrison av

Higman John btchr 132 Queen h same

Hinds John trav rms 28 Lake Shore rd

Hinds Milton barber bds Albert Stone

Hodgkinson Levi clay burner h 3 Macdonald av

Hodgson John, porter, h w s McIntosh av

Hodgson Olive lvs. John Hodgson

Hodgson Wm R acct lvs. John Hodgson

Holloway Thos, h 26 Salisbury av

Holmes Elsie packer lvs. 35 Macdonald

Holmes Henry, bolt mkr Can Steel Co, h 35 Macdonald av

Holmes Isabel lvs. 35 Macdonald av

Holsen Jos h 246 Salisbury av

Hopkins Chas slsmn h s Douglas av

Horton Alfred auto wkr h 15 Davidson cres

Horwood Frank rubber wkr h 37 Frederica

Honvood Geo lab h 62 Cockburn

Huddleston Arthur confy 160 Queen h same

Huffman Bert h n s Cannon rd

Huffman Wm C well driller h 101 Cannon rd

Humber Bay Aquatic Assn Andrew Dods pres Wm Meen sec-treas s s Lake Shore rd

Humber Bay Baptist Church e s Aldgate av

Humber Bay Canoe & Boat Co (Arthur Orr John R Price Rutherford Cumming) boat bldrs s s Lake Shore rd

Humber Bay Fire Hall Dudley Darby chairman e s Salisbury av

HUMBER BAY POST OFFICE, Geo S Brown Postmaster, Alex J Rice Assistant Postmaster, 67 Queen

Humber Bay Public School, 10-36 Cockburn

Humber Coal & Supply Co (Saml L Wright Robt Farrow Abraham Eckersley) coal wood & feed 27-43 Queen

Humber Valley Golf Club Ralph Connable pres Chas Cowling sec n s Queen

Hunt Geo gdnr h w s McRoberts av

Hunter Grace H h 41 Salisbury av

Hurst Geo rms 38 Lake Shore rd

Huston Thos W (Huston & Neil), h 9 Birch av

Huston-Neil (Thos W Huston Jas S Neil) real est w s Queen cor Lake Shore rd

Hydro Electric Rys Power Stn n s Lake Shore rd

Iceton John driller h 6 Humbolt av

Imperial Oil Ltd (service stn) s s Lake Shore rd

Irwin Robt brklyr h n s Queen

Jacks Jas h w s McRoberts av

Jackson Herbert, mach, h 3 Oliver

Jackson Mary lvs. 3 Oliver

Jarvis Douglas M elect h 5 Orchard av

Jarvis Wm 28 Lake Shore rd

Jecks Talbot L, pleasure boats, s s Lake Shore rd, res Toronto

Jeffrey John shpr h 1 Oliver

Jeffreys Jas h s s Sydenham

Jesson Shadrach shoe repr 142 Queen h same

Jesson Wm chauf lvs. 142 Queen

Johnson Harry, carp, h 101 Salisbury av

Johnson Isaac h 185 Lake Shore rd

Johnston Jas mach h e s Humbolt av

Johnston Jas jr lvs. Jas Johnston

Johnston Marion lvs. Jas Johnston

Johnstone Caroline Mrs h 179 Lake Shore rd

Jones Gordon, lab. h e s McRoberts av

Jones Harold exp 115 Lake Shore rd h same

Jones Phoebe lvs. 115 Lake Shore rd

Jones Stanley, mach, h w s Harrison av

Jones Wm H, brkmkr, h n s Daniel

Kay Peter gro 77 Lake Shore rd h same

Kemp Annie (wid Alfred) bds Jas H Varney

Kemp Sidney T mach h 29 Macdonald av

Kennedy Wm J slsmn h 279 Salisbury av

Kent Evelyn stenog lvs. 357 Salisbury av

Kent Isobel, typist, lvs 357 Salisbury av

Kent John mkt gdnr lvs. 357 Salisbury av

Kent Lawrence mkt gdnr lvs. 357 Salisbury av

Kent Wm J mkt gdnr 357 Salisbury av h same

Kerr Adam h w s Grand av

Kind Walter J mgr Acme Oil Co res Toronto

King Ernest warehsemn bds Clarence Smith

Kitchen Louis bds Geo Shields

Kolett Stephen, rubber wkr, h n s Queen

Kramer Edwd h 117 Lake Shore rd

Laccohee Arthur C btchr h s s Heldena av

Laidlaw Chas, slsmn, h 67 Burgess av

Lane Violet shpr bds 16 Humbercrest av

Langhem John painter bds 32 Oliver

Langley Wm paper ctr h 53 Salisbury av

Lawn Chas J tmstr Humber Coal & Supply Co h n s Daniel

Lawson Jos wool spinner h 65 Salisbury av

Lawson Wm mach h s s Sydenham

LeBlanc Beatrice Mrs bds 247 Lake Shore rd

Lee Jos rubber wkr h 66 Burgess av

Lee Michl rubber wkr h 131 Lake Shore rd

Leether Francis J lab h 18 Frederica

Legge Archd M engnr h 127 Lake Shore rd

Legge Geo engnr h 123 Lake Shore rd

Legge Myrtle stenog lvs. 123 Lake Shore rd

Legge Ruth lvs. 123 Lake Shore rd

Leishman David blksmith rear 101 Queen h 26 Frederica

Lemick Saml lab 128 Lake Shore rd

Bot centre col 23Ja027

Lewis Fredk yd foreman h 9 Orchard av

Liggett Jas h 38 Humbercrest av

Lockhart Walter S painter h s s Daniels

Lockyer Norman H h e s Valley dr

Lomas Chas chauf h w s Salisbury av

Lomas Geo W auto wkr h 178 Queen

Lomas Wm exp 19 Macdonald av b same

Loyal Orange Lodge w s Frederica

Lyons Frank pipe wkr h s Frederica

Lyth Ernest, glass ctr, h vr s McRoberts av

Lyttle Andrew h 17 Oliver

Lyttle Oliver lvs. 17 Oliver

Lyttle Roy steel wkr lvs. 17 Oliver

Macdonald Donald driver h 89 Cannon rd

MacDonald Louisa, lvs 4 Godson rd

MacDonald Wm E bds 4 Godson rd

MacIntyre Archd auto wkr h n s Howard

MacKinder Arthur carman h w s McRoberts av

Macpherson Alasdair mail clk h 65 Burgess av

Madill Harry driver h s s Daniel

Mageehan John, elect, h 65 Frederica

Magowan Geo elect rms 28 Lake Shore rd

Mahr Geo h 134 Lake Shore rd

Major Albert E, caretaker, h s s Daniel

Major Archd, lvs 283 Salisbury av

Major Dorothy H clk lvs. 283 Salisbury av

Major Rupert E, mkt gdnr 283 Salisbury av, h same

Malvis Nicholas fruit 250 Salisbury av h same

Manifold Ernest tlr h 161 Lake Shore rd

Marando Bruno (Sullivan & Marando) res Toronto

Marando Geo mgr Sullivan & Marando res Toronto

Marler Edwd ins agt h 58 Burgess av

Marsden Benj W stockpr h 6 Frederica

Martin Alfred fireman h e s Valley drive

Martin Frank J h s s Sydenham

Massey Hughina (wid Francis) rms 99 Lake Shore ro

Matthews Edwin chckr bds 93 Cannon rd

May Geo lab Humber Bay Canoe & Boat Co h n s Valley dr

May Jas h n s Lorne

McAllister John rubber wkr h 59 Queen

McDermott Patk h 22 Oliver

McDonald Jas mach h w s Valley dr

McDongal Robt Y h s s Howard

McFarlane Margt Mrs h 31 Salisbury av

McGrath Jas mkt gdnr s s Queen lvs. same

McGrath John, mkt gdnr s e cor Wesley & Queen, h same

McGrath Rose lvs. John McGrath

McGraw Fred pleasure boats n s Lake Shore rd res Toronto

McIntosh Gladys bds John Hodgson

McKee Saml sheet metal wkr h s s Sydenham

McKee Wm lvs. Saml McKee

McLaren Jos h 239 Salisbury av

McLaverty Alice cashier Murray-Kays lvs. 11 Douglas av

McLaverty Wm, bkpr, h 11 Douglas av

McLaverty Wm jr trav lvs. 11 Douglas av

McMillen Roy, mach, h 1 Birch av

McQuarrie Danl firemn lvs. 79 Queen

McQuarrie Leila mach opr lvs. 79 Queen

McQuarrie Sarah E (wid Danl) h 79 Queen

McRobert Gordon pressman h w s Aldgate av

Meen Wm sec-treas Humber Bay Aquatic Assn res Toronto

Milding Hector lvs. 109 Salisbury av

Milding Margt, h 109 Salisbury av

Mitchell John M, h 108 Lake Shore rd

Mitchell Wm bldr h 59½ Burgess av

Monteith John, slsmn Eatons, h n s Queen

Monteith Thos H clk lvs. John Monteitb

Monteith Wm J clk lvs. John Monteith

Morton J Harry tire bldr h w s McIntosh av

Munden Jos, mach, h 6 Oliver

Murchie Frank W, instructor Humber Valley Golf Club, lvs same

Murphy Danl shpr h s s Sydenham

Murphy Frank auto wkr lvs. Danl Murphy

Murphy Rema lvs. Danl Murphy

Murray Geo, driller, h 207 Salisbury av

National Sporting Club (Abraham M Orpen) s s Lake Shore rd

Nayler Edwin rms 113 Lake Shore rd

Nayler Thos asst professional golfer Humber Valley Golf Club res Toronto

Naylor Thos S h s Cockburn

Naylor Walter W, clk, h 24 Frederica

Needler Arthur bldr h 284 Salisbury av

Neil Jas (Huston & Neil) h 3 Birch av

Newham John, moto, h 257 Salisbury av

Newland Stanley, h 2 Birch av

Newman Mary (wid Henry) h s s Daniels

Newport Chas W gdnr h 125 Salisbury av

Newton Alfred H mkt gdnr s s Queen h same

Noble Wm J h 16 Waniska av

North Andrew lab h w s Harrison av

North Annie V lvs. 324 Salisbury av

North Beatrice (wid Wm A) mkt gdnr 324 Salisbury av h same

North Cecil, gdnr, lvs 324 Salisbury av

Northcote Richd h 201 Lake Shore rd

END 1925 page 1872 (5th page)

START 1925 6th page photocopy trouble left column

Ormiston Victor attdt Imperial Oil Ltd res Toronto

Orpen Abraham M, pres National Sporting Club, res Toronto

Orr Arthur (Humber Bay Canoe & Boat Co) h s s Heldena

Orr Gladys slsldy bds 2 Godson rd

Orr Jas bkpr bds 2 Godson rd

Orr Robt h 25 Oliver

Outwater John M, garage s s Queen, res Mimico

Palmar Fredk S carp h 20 Humbercrest av

Parker Chas, cont. n s Queen, h same

Parker John H, real est s s Queen, h same

Parkin Robt, carp, h 32 Humbercrest av

Parkinson Wm, h 199 Lake Shore rd

Patchett Walter iron wkr rms 40 Lake Shore rd

Patterson Calvin driver lvs. Leonard Patterson

Patterson Leonard, stone mason, h e s McRoberts av

Patterson Lloyd mech dentist lvs. Leonard Patterson

Pattulo Thos J h 191 Lake Shore rd

Paul Emily M (wid Norman) h 31 Orchard av

Paul Viola insp lvs. 31 Orchard av

Payne Chas D brk mkr h 12 Humberside av

Payne Saml, lab, h 31 Humbercrest av

Pearson Mary E bds 131 Salisbury av

Peasey Fredk battery wkrh w s Harrison

Pennall Harry D h 117 Salisbury av

Perry Geo h 117 Queen

Phillips Arthur H machh n s Howard

Phillips Beatrice slsldy lvs. 69 Burgess av

Phillips Jas C chauf lvs. 69 Burgess av

Phillips J M, cartage, 69 Burgess av, h same

Plant Christopher, h 4 Douglas av

Plumbtree Wm tirstr h 1 Orchard av

Pollard Fredfc engine clnr h 16 Frederica

Pomfret Lawrence shpr lvs. 136 Queen

Pomfret Luther, h 136 Queen

Pond Sidney H auto wkr h 93 Queen

Potter Ray (wid Wm) h 203 Lake Shore rd

Powell Matilda (rid Albert) bds Wm Schulkins

Pressley Alfred h 11 Oliver

Pressley Annie L music tchr lvs. 11 Oliver

Pressley Florence I music tchr lvs. 11 Oliver

Price John R (Price & Cumming) h 121 Salisbury av

Price & Cumming (John R Price, Rutherford Cumming) brick mfrs e s Salisbury av

Priestly Ernest piano wkr h n s Howard

Prosser Saml A. lab TTC. h 57 Burgess av

Proudfoot Ralph M schl tchr h 187 Lake Shore rd

Prowse Horace slsmn h s s Daniels

Pycock Elizth (wid Jas) bds 11 Orchard av

Pycock Jas Rev, h 292 Salisbury av

Ramsperger August h 193 Lake Shore rd

Raven Arthur mkt gdnr bds 80 Cockburn

Reed Chas lab h w s Harrison av

Reed Geo C mach h w s Harrison av

Reed Stanley lab h w s Valley dr

Reeves Charlotte Mrs h 83 Cannon rd

Reeves Egerton H mkt gdnr 18 College h same

Reid Norman chauf h w s McRoberts av

Reid Ralph L mkt gdnr 356 Salisbury av h same

Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints, 288 Salisbury av

Rice Alex J (J A Rice & Co) h 67 Queen

Rice J A & Co (Geo S Brown, Alex J Rice) gros 67 Queen

Rice Olive clk J A Rice & Co lvs. 67 Queen

Rickey Frank boat bldr Humber Bay Canoe & Boat Co res Toronto

Riley Harry garage 3 Queen res Swansea

Riley Walter slsmn h 18 Humbolt av

Robinson Richd C, brklyr. lvs 66 Cockburn

Rockliff Arthur h 232 Salisbury av

Roper Edmund mach h 2 Harrison av

Ross Patk lab h 150 Lake Shore rd

Rowett Ernest, mkt gdnr n s Queen

Rowett Geo H, gdnr h w s Grand av

Runnalls Agnes, slsldy Eatons, lvs 13 Macdonald av

Runnalls Jos, carp, h 13 Macdonald av

Runyon Reginald ins agt h 23 Macdonald av

Rush Chas, steel wkr, h 1 Davidson cres

Rush Geo bolt wkr h e s McIntosh av

Rush Geo gdnr h 224 Salisbury av

Rush Harry blksmith h 53 Frederica

Ryan Annie bds Saml McKee

Sabiston Geo painter h e s Wesley

TOP centre column23Ja028

St James’ (Ang) Church e s Frederica

Sandford Albert L carp h w s Harrison av

Saunders Allan rms 28 Lake Shore rd

Savage Ernest h 40 Burgess av

Schofield Norman tinsmith h 80 Cockburn

Scott Thos chauf h n s Howard

Schulkins Emily lvs. Wm Schulkins

Schulkins Wm stmftr h w s Cockburn

Scutcher Geo mach h 268 Salisbury av

Seymour Henry J btchr h 11 Orchard av

Sharpe Herbert K slsmn h 62 Lake Shore rd

Shaw Henry rubber wkr h 38 Frederica

Shields Geo caretaker h n s Daniels

Short Robt printer h 51 Burgess av

Sibley Emily (wid Harry) bds 83 Cannon rd

Simm Jas, car man CPR, h 64 Burgess av

Simm Jas jr steel wkr lvs. 64 Burgess av

Simpson Arthur h 60 Lake Shore rd

Simpson Fred h 159 Lake Shore rd

Simpson Geo constable h 163 Lake Shore rd

Simpson John tmstr Humber Coal & Supply Co res Swansea

Sims Hazel candy rnkr lvs. John Sims

Sims Ivan brick rnkr lvs. John Sims

Sims John blksmithh w s Salisbury av

Sims Myrtle candy mkr lvs. John Sims

Sinclair John sheet mtl wkr h w s Valley dr

Skidmore Beatrice (wid Richd D) h 57 Frederica

Slee Richd engnr h 221 Lake Shore rd

Slee Richd jr lvs. 221 Lake Shore rd

Slee W Reginald barr lvs. 221 Lake Shore rd

Small Agnes factory wkr lvs. Henry Small

Small Henry gro s s Queen h same

Smallbone Albert watchmn Can Life Ins Co h w s Valley Drive

Smith Clarence shipper h n s Queen

Smith Edgar cond h 263 Salisbury av

Smith Ernest W, lvs 343 Salisbury av

Smith Henry S. mkt gdnr, h 343 Salisbury av

Smith Horace H. hardware 166 Queen, h same

Smith Jas lab Price & Cumming bds 106 Salisbury av

Smith Jas E painter e s Berl av h same

Smith Lawrence mkt gdnr lvs. 343 Salisbury av

Smith Thos, emp Goodyear Tire, h 42 Cockburn

Snow Albert E, carp, h s s Daniel

Snow Elijah lvs Albert E Snow

Speers Chas, driver, h 41 Humbercrest av

Sproule Jas R, h 145 Lake Shore rd

Staples Ivan E clk h 3 Douglas av

Stell Geo G bds 131 Salisbury av

Stephens Alfred O bkpr h 7 Douglas av

Stephens Edwd T shipper h 59 Burgess av

Stevens John H wood wkr h 13 Orchard av

Stewart Helena (wid Thos) bds Alfred Martin

Stewart R Murray h w s Aldgate av

Stinziano Nicholas lab h 65 Queen

Stocker Chas, lab, h 16 Humbolt av

Stone Albert carp h s s Daniel

Stone Cecil J blrmkr's hlpr lvs. 60 Burgess av

Stone Ernest lvs. 60 Burgess av

Stone Wm A blrmkrs hlpr h 33 Humbercrest av

Stone Wm J yd foreman h 60 Burgess av

Stroud Fredk, mach, h 97 Cannon rd

Sturton Alfred E, carp Goodyear Tire, h 28 Frederica

Suggitt Marshall, mach, h 55 Burgess av

Sullivan Saml (Sullivan & Marando) res Toronto

Sullivan & Marando (Saml Sullivan, Bruno Marando) rest s s Lake Shore rd

Summerville Elizth (wid Alex) bds Wm Schulkins

Sutherland Angus C contr s s Queen h same

Sutherland Fredk W h 30 Lake Shore rd

Taverner Arthur mkt gdnr h 57 Queen

Taverner Carrie (wid John) h S9 Queen

Taverner Chas h 2 Humberside av

Taverner Henry, gdnr, h 21 Macdonald av

Taverner John const Twp Etobicoke h e s Humbercrest av

Taylor Kate L (wid Geo) h 40 Lake Shore rd

Thorpe Walter cond TTC h 25 Queen

Thrower Thos lab h 22 Humbercrest av

Tice Lewis F ins agt h 267 Salisbury av

Tiffon Dalton h 252 Queen

Tizzard Chas R gdnr h n s Queen cor McIntosh av

Todd Jas mkt gdnr 360 Salisbury av h same

BOT 23Ja028 centre column

Todd Mary (wid Jas) lvs. 360 Salisbury av

Todman Chas florist h 63 Burgess av

Tomlinson Geo, h 73 Cannon rd

Tovey Fredk C rubber wkr h 101 Queen

Trevethan Philip B tmstr Humber Coal & Supply Co h 11 Macdonald av

Trewin Jos H acct h 27 Douglas av

Tripp Everett E tel installer h s s Daniels

Trowles Victor slsmn h w s Valley dr

Trumble Roy rubber wkr h e s Valley dr

Tutty Jane (wid Fredk), h 16 Humbercrest av

Tye Frank printers hlpr bds 65 Queen

Vallette Chester J barber s s Queen

Van Waggener Leo driver lvs. 9 Queen

Van Waggener Lillian (wid Geo) h 9 Queen

Van Waggener Vincent steel wkr lvs. 9 Queen

Varney Jas H tel installer h e s Aldgate av

Vernon Jos slsmn bds 62 Cockburn

Verrall Wm A slsmn h 138 Salisbury av

Vigar Rose (wid Albert) h 23 Queen

Vincent Percy h 1 Lorne

Wallace Harry lab h 11 Davidson cres

Ward Alfred H h n s Daniels

Ward Wm H lab h 22 Salisbury av

Warren Ernest h 40 Humbercrest av

Welch Angus carp h e s Aldgate av

Weller Alfred factory hd lvs. Geo Weller

Weller Geo fireman h w s Harrison av

Welsman Chas A h 183 Lake Shore rd

Whalen Arthur J carp h 4 Birch av

Wheeler Ellen lvs. 61 Salisbury av

Wheeler Jos, h 61 Salisbury av

Whelpdale Geo painter h 319 Salisbury av

Whitehead Edith emp Sunbeam Lamp Co lvs. 4 Oliver

Whitehead Gladys lvs. 34 Oliver

Whitehead J car repr h 34 Oliver

Whitehead John lvs 4 Oliver

Whitehead John W h 4 Oliver

Whitehead Muriel mach opr lvs. 4 Oliver

Whitworth Edna stenog lvs. 118 College.

Whitworth Edwd mkt gdnr 118 College h same

Whitworth Elsie lvs. 118 College

Whitworth Geo mkt gdnr h 141 Queen

Whitworth Geo jr lab h 5 Frederica

Whitworth Wm E mkt gdnr Edwd Whitworth lvs. 118 College

Wick Oscar pdlr h 259 Salisbury av

Wilkie John A lab rms 66 Burgess av

Wilkins Chas M h 74 Burgess av

Wilkins Edith clk lvs. 280 Salisbury av

Wilkins Edna clk lvs. 280 Salisbury av

Wilkins Flora L clk lvs. 280 Salisbury av

Wilkins Harry bolt mkr lvs. 280 Salisbury av

Wilkins Robt painter h 280 Salisbury av

Wilkins Ruth clk lvs 280 Salisbury av

Wilkins Stella lvs. 280 Salisbury av

Williams J Kendal carman CPR h 271 Salisbury av

Williams Robt E plmbr h 72 Cockburn

Williamson Frank Rev pastor Etobicoke Community Church

Wilson August elect Hydro Electric Rlys Power Station res Toronto

Wilson Gertrude (wid Chas) h 93 Cannon rd

Wilson Wilhelmina (wid Geo) cook Humber Valley Golf Club res Lambton Mills

Wiltshire Fredk, h n s Queen

Wiltshire Geo R, elev opr, h 25 Humbolt av

Winger Edwd, caretkr Humber Bay Schl, h 28 Oliver

Winters Sydney h 139 Lake Shore rd

Woolfe Alfred car repr h n s Queen

Wright David mkt gdnr e s Grand av

Wright Jos painter bds 43 Queen

Wright Saml L (Humber Coal & Supply Co) h 33 Queen

Wright Wm T lab bds 41 Queen

Wynes Wm steel wkr h 2 Godson rd

Yates Albert lab h 82 Cockburn

Yates Lawrence gro w s Grand av h same

Yoshuck John lab rms 138 Lake Shore rd

Youell Jas H lab h 248 Salisbury av

Youell Jas H jr steamftr h 244 Salisbury av

Youell May bndry wkr lvs. 248 Salisbury av

Youell Robt elect lvs. 248 Salisbury av

Young David purch agt h s s Howard

Young Edmund T school tchr h e s Harrison av

Young Thos lab h w s McRoberts av


YEARHA 1926 mostly corrected search fr

HUMBER BAY steet dir removed


TOP Alpha 23Ja032

Abbott Andrew brklyr h 17 Humbolt av

Acme Oil Co (br) Walter J Kind mgr auto service station s s Lake Shore rd

Adams Herbert L moto TTC h 6 Orchard av

Alderson Fred lab h 221 College

Allan Wm mech h w s Harrison av

Allen Arnie E sec-treas Natl Conduit Co h n s Howard

TOP centre column

Allen Jos Jnr mkt gdnr w s Salisbury av h same

Allworth Geo millwright Steel Co of Can h 26 Humbercrest av

Alrey Geo tmstr h w s Harrison av

Anderson John blr mkr CNR h 50 Salisbury av

Armstrong Wm A h 9 Humbolt av

Arnott Fred h 241 Salisbury av

Atkins Carl gro 203 Salisbury av

Aymer Chas mkt gdnr 22 Cannon rd h same

Aymer Chas lab h 40 Cockburn

Aymer Geo mkt gdnr Chas Aymer h 42 Cannon rd

Aymer Richd mkt gdnr Chas Aymer lvs. 22 Cannon rd

Bales Harry mach Anderson Machine Shop h 35 Humbolt av

Basterfield Horace mach h 1 Humbercrest av

Bate Wm J h 237 Lake Shore rd

Bates Geo mech Goodyear Rubber Co h w s McIntosh av

Bales Leslie clk Arnolds Ltd h 18 Humbolt av

Beach Allworth clk lvs. 55 Burgess av

Beach Donald emp Can Packing Co lvs. 55 Burgess av

Beach Florence (wid Nathaniel) h 55 Burgess av

Beggs Albert V h w s Harrison av

Bell Alfred mkt gdnr e s Salisbury av h same

Bell John R elect h w s Valley dr

Bell Sydney mkt gdnr e s Salisbury av h same

Bennett Percy moto h 5 Oliver

Bergen Jas clk Salada Tea Co bds 251 Lake Shore rd

Bertram Norman T wood wkr J R Smith Co h 1 Humbolt av

Bertram Roy N wood wkr J R Smith Co lvs. l Humbolt av

Black Geo S clk City Hall bds 221 Lake Shore rd

Blake John A emp St Lawrence Mkt bds 18 Humbolt. av

Blenkhorn John brkmkr Price & Cumming h 96 Salisbury av

Blenkhorn Thos brkmkr Price & Cumming h 104 Salisbury av

Bodrug John mkt gdnr e s Salisbury av h same

Boniface Ernest lab h 1 Amelia

Boniface Geo A tmstr Humber Coal & Supply Co h 85 Queen

Boniface Wm G lab lvs. 85 Queen

Boyce Frank rubber wkr h 5 Birch av

Boyd Geo M trimmer Ford Motor Co h 10 Humbolt av

Bracey Thos H rubber wkr Goodyear Tire h 190 Salisbury av

Bradley Louis h 2 Orchard av

Bragg Frank gdnr Brown Bros h 71 Cannon rd

Bragg Fred insp Goodyear Tire h 85 Cannon rd

Bricknell Harry h e s McRoberts av

Bridle John emp Goodyear Tire h 2 Harrison av

Brierly John A btchr h 10 Waniska av

Broderick Annie (wid Patk) lvs. 77 Salisbury av

Broderick John J frt cond CNR h 77 Salisbury av

Bromby Alfred carp h 6 Aldgate av

Bromby Walter mus h s Aldgate av

Brooker Edwd L (Edgecliffe Dancing Academy) h s s Lake Shore rd

Brooker Olive Mrs (Edgecliffe Tea Rooms) lvs. s s Lake Shore rd

Brown Arthur W lab h n s Daniels

Brown Frank mkt gdnr 130 Salisbury av

Brown Fndk lab Price & Cumming h 8 Davison cres

Brown John G mkt gdnr 142 Salisbury av h same

Brown Margt S opr lvs. 135 Lake Shore rd

Brown Nicholas pro h 141 Lake Shore rd

Brown Peter l btchr h 135 Lake Shore rd (rear)

Brown Phoebe (wid Henry) bds Geo W Rush

Brown Robt J moto TTC h 8 Amelia

Brown Thos H btchr lvs. 135 Lake Shore rd

Brown Thos S btchr h 135 Lake Shore rd

Bruning Rudolph O H rubber wkr Goodyear Tire Co h n s Queen

Brunt Arthur E rest 83 Lake Shore rd

Buckley Jas dyer lvs. 1 Macdonald av

Bullen Percy C cabt mkr Reliable Furn Co h 62 Burgess av

Burbrldge Ernest mkt gdnr 134 College h same

Burgess John W garage 71 Lake Shore rd bds 73 same

Burlie John M tmstr h 33 Humbercrest av

Butterworth Fredk h 1 Macdonald av

Butterworth Norman lvs. 1 Macdonald av

Butwell Arthur clk lvs. 107 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Benj tmstr h 249 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Gordon pkr Salada Tea Co lvs. 251 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Henry tmstr h 251 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Mark h 113 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Reginald telegraph opr CPR h 15 Humbercrest av

Butwell Richd brkmkr h 107 Lake Shore rd

Bywater Christiana M (wid Henry) h 30 Frederica

Caer Howell Lawn Bowling Club s s Lake Shore rd

Cain Christina (wid Wm) bds 203 Salisbury av

Cameron Eva stenog Tor Gen Hosp lvs. 149 Lake Shore rd

Cameron Wm M h 140 Lake Shore rd

Cambell Arthur barber h 67 Frederica

BOT 1926 p1872 centre col

Campbell Thos clk h 133 Lake Shore rd

Canadian Wrecking Co (yards) s s Queen

Cardwell Henry cfr French Ivory Co ih 58 Cockburn

Cardwell Lilian C opr Bell Tel Co lvs. 58 Cockburn av

Cardwell Norman gdnr Humber Valley Golf Club lvs. 58 Cockburn

Carson Robt T h 12 Oliver

Cater Walter H lab h 113 Salisbury av

Carveth John boat bldr Humber Bay Canoe & Boat Co res Toronto

Castell Jos tire bldr Goodyear Rubber Co h 79 Queen

Chadwick Fredk W asst shipper Metallic Roofing Co h n s Brussels

Chalmers Fred h s s Daniels

Chamberlin Jas tire bldr h e s McRoberts av

Chapman Albert h s s Daniels

Chapman Albert E ink mkr Ault & Wiborg Co h w s McIntosh

Chowns Emma (wid Wm) h 238 Salisbury av

Chowns Fredk J lab Dom Sewer Pipe bds 1 Davidson cres

Chowns Richd mech Dom Sewer Pipe h 38 Cockburn

Chowns Richd R btchr J Higman lvs. 38 Cockburn

Churchward Alfred mach Steel Co of Can h 49 Frederica

Churchward Karl E clk Can Life Assce Co lvs. 50 Frederica

Churchward Robt tool mkr Steel Co of Can h 50 Frederica

Clark John W btchr Eatons h 30 Humbercrest av

Clark Jos lab Can Metal Co h 140 Queen

Clark Walter florist h w s McRoberts av

Clark Wm H lab h 29 Oliver

Clarke Ernest boxmkr Adams Mfg Co h rear 244 Salisbury av

Clarke Norman carp h G3 Burgess av

Clarke Sarah maid T J Pattulo bds 191 Lake Shore rd

Colburn Douglas lab lvs. l 48 Lake Shore rd

Colburn Karl lab lvs. 148 Lake Shore rd

Colburg Thos caretkr Humber Valley Golf Club h 148 Lake Shore rd

Colburg Victor lab lvs. 148 Lake Shore rd

Cole Alfred A commercial artist Rous & Mann lvs. 91 Cannon rd

Cole Frank W tlr Eatons h 91 Cannon rd

Cole Jas F gdnr lvs. 91 Cannon rd

Collins Archd furrier h w s McIntosh av

Comric Peter mech Massey-Harris h w s Valley dr

Connable Ralph pres Humber Valley Golf Club res Toronto

Cooney Thos foreman Price & Cumming h 100 Salisbury av

Cooper Fredk W cartage agt h e s Harrison av

Copeland Clayton S garage 3 Queen ns Toronto

Copeland Robt G shipper Eatons h 275 Salisbury av

Courier Chas G h 36 Lake Shore rd

Coveyduck Wm carp h e s McRoberts av

Cowling Chas E sec Humber Valley Golf Club res Toronto

Cox Augustus S mkt gdnr 181 College h same

Cox Saml mkt gdnr 158 College h same

Cox Thos lab h 4 Godson rd

Crane Florence (wid G Arthur) gro 164 Queen h same

Crawford Jos J plmbr h 54 Frederica

Creighton Chas H h 28 Cannon rd

Cripps Jos B auto service stn s s Queen h same

Crowe Catherine H (wid John) h 73 Lake Shore rd

Crowe's Bathing Beach (John W Burgess) s s Lake Shore rd

Cuff Edwd O driver Phillips Cartage Co h 42 HumberCrest av

Culnan Agnes lvs. 127 Salisbury av

Culnan David h 127 Salisbury av

Cumming Rutherford (Price & Cumming) res Toronto.

Cummings Jas driver Phillips Cartage Co bds 73 Burgess av

Cummings John lab bds 89 Queen

Cummings Thos (Humber Ray Canoe & Boat Co) res Toronto

Cummings Wm pkr bds 89 Queen

Dadson Jas W mkt gdnr 173 College h same

Dandridge Edwd gdnr h 15 Orchard av

Dandridge Jas mkt gdnr n s Queen h same

Daniels Norman L truck driver Price & Cumming lvs. 129 Salisbury av

Daniels Susan (wid Frank) h 129 Salisbury av

Darby Dudley H fire chief Humber Bay Fire Hall h n s Queen

Darby Kenelm H gro 276 Salisbury av h same

Davidson Wm spinner Tor Carpet Co bds 16 Frederica

Davis Geo mach TTC h 1 Orchard av

Davis Lewis tirebldr Goodyear Tire) 2 Oliver

Davis Olive M (wid Fred) h 95 Queen

Deacon Edwd A mach h e s Harrison av

Deacon Harry emp Gutta Percha h e s McRoberts av

Demers Peter kb h w s Harrison av

Devine Fred mgr I N Devins h 213 Salisbury av

START corrections p2872 23Ja031

Devins Isaac N boat house confy and billiards n s Lake Shore rd

Dewsbury Franklin H mach Steel Co of Can h 40 Frederica

Dewsbury John h 16 Oliver

Dickinson Wm J mach man Ritchie & Ramsay h 59 Frederica

Dickson John T mkt gdnr w s Grand av h same

Digby Geo K btchr Swifts h 11 Humbercrest av

Dillon Hugh bds 166 Queen

Dinn Alice wtr Eatons bds 9 Queen

Disappearing Propellor Boat Co Ltd (br) boat bldrs n s Lake Shore rd

Dodds Owen gro n s Queen h same

Dodson John E gdnr h w s Harrison av

Don Duncan h e s Valley dr

Donnelly John chauff h 232 Salisbury av

Donovan Anna slsldy P J Donovan & Son lvs. 5 Queen

Donovan John G (P J Donovan & Son) lvs. 5 Queen

Donovan Kathleen lvs. 5 Queen

Donovan Lawrence E slsmn P J Donovan & Son lvs. 5 Queen

Donovan P J & Son (Patk J and John G) confy l Queen

Donovan Patk J (P J Donovan & Son) h 5 Queen

Doyle Danl P h 5 Amelia

Doyle Moris emp Goodyear Tire h e s Harrison av

Drury Sidney carp h e s Valley dr

Dryden Clarence tinsmith h 33 Frederica

Dunn Alex h w s McRoberts av

Dunn Annie slsldy Michie & Co bds 11 Humbercrest av

Dunn Jas moto TTC h 2 Humbolt av

Durkin Patk lab Dom Abrasive Wheel Co h 23 Oliver

Dutnall Robt h 38 Lake Shore rd

Eagles Chas J garage 230 Salisbury av lvs. 197 Lake Shore rd

Eagles Dorothy stenog Can Life Assce Co lvs. 197 Lake Shore rd

Eagles Earl S trav Patterson Candy Co lvs. 219 Lake Shore rd

Eagles Ernest auto mech C J Eagles h 228 Salisbury av

Eagles Geo S h 219 Lake Shore rd

Eagles Wm painter and decor Reeve & Sons h 197 Lake Shore rd

Eckersley Abraham (Humber Coal & Supply Co) h 43 Queen

Edgcliff Dancing Academy (Edwd L Brooker) s s Lake Shore rd

Edgcliff Tea Rooms (Mrs Olive Brooker) s s Lake Shore rd

Elford Issac h 36 Burgess av

Elford Marjorie H lvs. 169 College

Elford Wallace W mkt gdnr W A Elford lvs. 169 College

Elford Wm A mkt gdnr 169 College h same

Elicit Emily emp Western Laundry lvs. 33 Oliver

Ellett Julia (wid Walter) h 33 Oliver

Elicit Walter emp Humber Valley Golf Club h 88 Frederica

Ellis Mary A Mrs bds 27 Humbercrest av

Ellison Geo plstr h w s Harrison av

Endacott John plaster contr 19 Humbercrest av h same

Etobicoke Community Church w s McRoberts av

Etobicoke P O Peter D Grundy postmaster n s Queen

Everett Chas H slsmn Eatons lvs. 72 Burgess av

Everett Thos W shpr Everett Stationery Co h 72 Burgess av

Ewles Jas T lab Tor Brick Co h 3 Orchard av

Farnsworth Harry W auto mech to 207 Salisbury av

Farrow Mary A opr Eatons lvs. 41 Queen

Farrow Robt (Humber Coal & Supply Co) h 41 Queen

Fear Mary prin Grand Av School res Mimico

Fenning Fannie E (wid Jas) h 182 Salisbury av

Fenning Geo C elect Northern Elect Co lvs. 182 Salisbury av

Ferguson Margt Mrs nurse e s Valley dr h same

Field Geo h n s Daniel

Fielding Bertha opr Eatons lvs. 2 Aldgate av

Fielding Mary lvs. 2 Aldgate av

Fielding Simeon carp h 2 Aldgate av

Fielding Thos lvs. 2 Aldgate av

Fisher Wm E confy 160 Queen h same

Fletcher Edwd barber Eatons h 272 Salisbury av

Flynn Alice bds 16 Humbolt av

Flynn Chas E emp CPR bds 16 Humbolt av

Ford Harry mech h 18 Humbercrest av

Ford Harry mech Exide Battery Co h s Humbolt av

Ford Raymond opr W B Hamilton Shoe Co lvs. 8 Humbolt av

Fordyce John lab h 32 Oliver

Foreman Edwd lab h 29 Humbercrest av

Forster Chas H br mgr Imperial Oil res New Toronto

Franklin Alfred emp Goodyear Tire h w s Harrison av

Franklin Arthur h 25 Macdonald av

Franklin Arthur lab Goodyear Tire h 4 Harrison av

Gair Arnold R lab lvs. 90 Cockburn

Gair Chas F comp lvs. 90 Cockburn

Gair Jos F (Banner Printing Co) h 90 Cockburn

Gair Muriel B lvs. 90 Cockburn

Gamble Albert F lab lvs. 24 Salisbury av

BOT left column

Gamble John F blr mkr John India Co h 24 Salisbury av

Gamble Tims B tinsmith 24 Salisbury av lvs. same

Garlick Fredk W tmstr E Leadlay Co h 274A Salisbury av

Garlick Margt clk John McDonald Co lvs. 274A Salisbury av

Garrett Geo fireman Dom Abrasive Wheel bds Grand av

Gilby Stanley clk Simpsons h 273 Salisbury av

Giles Arthur clk h 24 Oliver

Giles Melville driver h e s McRoberts av

Gill Chas A (Gill Bros) h 54 Lake Shore rd

Gilman Chas h w s McRoberts av

Gilman Geo truck driver h 15 Macdonald av

Goyne Mary (wid John) bds 160 College

Grand Av School Mary Fear prin w s Grand av

Grant Collier C barr h 131 Lake Shore rd

Grant Stephen tire bldr Goodyear Tire h n s Queen

Gray Caroline (wid Jas) bds 179 Lake Shore rd

Gray Lucy Mrs h 131 Salisbury av

Green Matthew moto TTC h 7 Humbolt av

Greenfield Chas gdnr lvs. Mrs Ethel Greenfield

Greenfield Ethel (wid Chas) mkt gdnr w s Grand av h same

Greenfield Florence hair dresser Parkdale Beauty Parlor lvs. Mrs Ethel Greenfield

Greenfield Gladys soda dispr Eatons lvs. Mrs Ethel Greenfield

Greenfield Thos G h s Oliver

Gregg Wm A clk bds 40 Burgess av

Grimmond Wm mfrs agt h 133 Lake Shore rd

Groves Fred R mech Dart Union Co h 20 Salisbury av

Grundy Peter D gro and hardware n s Queen h same

Gwilliam Bertram W truck driver h 27 Macdonald av

Hamilton Andrew emp Goodyear Tire h 80 Humbercrest av

Hancock Arthur J pntr h 35 Waniska av

Hanna Harvey F bkpr H Glover & Co lvs. Thos Hanna

Hanna Thos gro n s Queen h same

Harding Jos lab h 29 Macdonald av

Harper Wm carp h 9 Davison cres

Harris Geo mkt gdnr 53 College h same

Harris Gladys lvs. 34 Frederica

Harris Walter mceh Dom Sewer Pipe Co h 65 Queen

Harris Wm gdnr Geo Harris h 34 Frederica

Harrison Jos h 50 Cockburn

Hart John A bldr h 143 Salisbury av

Hartwell Jas weaver Tor Carpet Co h 18 Frederica

Hartwell Leonard creeler Tor Carpet Co lvs. 18 Frederica

Harwood Ernest h e s Harrison av

Haslem Bethel lab h 27 Oliver

Haughton Geo plmbr tons Daniel

Hawe Henry W bus driver h 6 Birch av

Hawkins Hicks mfrs agt h 18 Waniska av

Hawley Claude L clk Bank of Nova Scotia h 14 Douglas av

Healey Elizth (wid Thos D) h 239 Lake Shore rd

Heel Henry moto TTC h w s Valley dr

Helliker Jas F mach Steel Co of Can h 266 Salisbury av

Henning Mary E (wid Herbert) lvs. 56 Cockburn

Henning Oscar J slsmn Garton Mfg Co h 56 Cockburn

Hewitt Wm A lab h 20 Frederica

Hibbins Albert shipper Steel Co of Can h 108 Lake Shore rd

Hicks Elizth (wid Thos L) h 49 Queen

Hicks Octavius L h 99 Lake Shore rd

Hicks Wm J pleasure boats s s Lake Shore rd h 66 same

Hickton Elsie W slsldy Eatons lvs. 10 Humbolt av

Hickton Gladys cap mkr Scott Knitting Mills lvs. 10 Humbolt av

Hickton Saml F pntr Prest-O-Lite Co h 10 Humbolt av

Hickton Saml J mach lvs. 10 Humbolt av

Higgins Wm h e s Harrison av

Higman John btchr 132 Queen h same

Hindston Wilfred dentist 132 Queen res Lampton Mills

Hockney Ernest h 3 McIntosh av

Hodgkinson Levi A h 3 Macdonald av

Hodgson Gladys lvs. John Hodgson

Hodgson John caretkr Simpsons h w s McIntosh av

Hodgson Olive lvs. John Hodgson

Hodgson Wm emp Can Kodak lvs. John Hodgson

Holmes Alfred com artist A McKim Ltd h 60 Burgess av

Holmes Henry mach h 35 Macdonald av

Hooper Philip lab bds 52 Cannon rd

Hopkins Chas clk Simpsons h 8 Douglas av

Hopper Harry driver Browns Bread Ltd h w s McIntosh av

Horne Wm B (Harry Horne Co) h l McIntosh av

Horwood Frank H lab h 37 Frederica

Horwood Geo lab h 62 Cockburn

Huffman Bert mech h 40 Cannon rd

Huffman Wm C well driller h 101 Cannon rd

Hughston Dorothy stenog Simpsons lvs. n s Daniel

Humber Bay Aquatic Assn 219A Lake Shore rd

Humber Bay Baptist Church e s Aldgate av

Humber Bay Canoe & Boat Co (Arthur Orr Ray Price Thos Cummings) boat bldrs s s Lake Shore rd

TOP right column 23Ja031

Humber Bay Fire Hall Dudley H Darby fire chief 264 Salisbury av

HUMBER BAY POST OFFICE, Jos Runnalls, postmaster, 67 Queen

Humber Bay Pub Schl Kenneth Little prin e s Cockburn

Humber Cafe (Bruno Marando Saml Sullivan) s s Lake Shore rd

Humber Coal & Supply Co Saml Wright Robt Farrow Abraham Eckersley Coal teaming & feed 27 Queen

Humber Valley Golf Club Ralph Connable pres Chas E Cowling sec n s Queen

Hunter Grace H h 41 Salisbury av

Huston Thos W (Huston & Neil) h 9 Birch av

Huston & Neil (Thos W Huston & Jas S Neil) real est s Queen

Hydro Elect Rlys Power Stn n s Lake Shore rd

Iceton John W driller John Inglis Co h 6 Humbolt

Imperial Oil Ltd Chas H Forster mgr auto service stn s s Lake Shore rd

Irwin Robt brklyr h n s Queen

Jack Jas h w s McRoberts av

Jackson Herbert mach John Inglis Co h 3 Oliver

Jarvis Douglas M elect h 5 Orchard av

Jocks Talbot L pleasure boats s s Lake Shore rd

Jeffreys John emp Eatons h 1 Oliver

Jeffreys Jas W gdnr h s s Sydenham

Jenkinson Harriet slsldy Simpsons bds R T Watson

Jesson Shadrach shoe repr 142 Queen h same

Johnson Cecil H carp lvs. 101 Salisbury av

Johnson Geo W carp h 117 Lake Shore rd

Johnson Harry C carp h 101 Salisbury av

Johnson Isaac h 185 Lake Shore rd

Johnson Winnifred mus tchr lvs. 117 Lake Shore rd

Johnston Caroline (wid Jas K) h 179 Lake Shore rd

Johnston Jas tool mkr Massey-Harris h e s Humbolt av

Johnston Jas A mech Massey-Harris lvs. Jas Johnston

Johnston Marion T emp Neilsons lvs, Jas Johnston

Jones Gordon h e s McRoberts av

Jones Stanley mech h w s Harrison av

Jones Wilfred h 65 Salisbury av

Jones Wm H lab h n s Daniel

Kay Mary Mrs gro 77 Lake Shore rd lvs. 9ame

Kay Peter h 77 Lake Shore rd

Keats Raymond emp Arnolds Ltd h 20 Humbolt av

Kemp Sidney lab h e s McRoberts av

Kennedy Wm J slsmn Fuller Brush Co h 279 Salisbury av

Kent Wm mkt gdnr 357 Salisbury av h same

Kerr Adam J h w s Grand av

Kind Walter J br mgr Acme Oil Co res Toronto

King Frank L clk Gutta Percha Co h 9 McIntosh av

Knox Albert mech Gutta Percha Co h s s Brussels

Laccohee Arthur C btchr Simpsons h s s Heldena

Langhern John decorator lvs. 32 Oliver

Langley Francis L litho h 13 Humbercrest av

Langley Wm ctr Standard Litho Co h s Humbercrest av

Lawn Chas J lab h s s Daniel

Lawson Jos E spinner York Knitting Mills lvs. Wm Lawson

Lawson Wm mach Benjamin Elect Co h s s Sydenham

Le Blanc Beatrice Mrs bds 54 Lake Shore rd

Lee Jos lab Goodyear Rubber Co h 66 Burgess av

Legge Archd M h 127 Lake Shore rd

Legge Geo F h 123 Lake Shore rd

Legge Myrtle sec J B Tyrrell lvs. 123 Lake Shore rd

Legge Wallis A photo engr lvs. 127 Lake Shore rd

Leishman David blksmth rear 101 Queen bds 101 same

Little Kenneth prin Humber Bay Pub School h 81 Frederica

Litton Arthur F h 11 Davison cres

Lockhart Walter S painter and decor h s s Daniel

Lomas Geo W auto mech Phillips Garage h 178 Queen

Lomas Wm carter h 19 Macdonald av

Long Chas tmstr Humber Coal & Supply Co h Daniel

Lyons Frank A lab Cons Gas Co h s Frederica

Lyth Ernest, glass ctr h w s McRoberts av

Lyttle Andrew carp h 17 Oliver

Mackinder Arthur car repr CNR h w s McRoberts av

Macpherson Alistair messr Can Bank of Com h 69 Burgess av

Mageehan John elect h 65 Frederica

Mahr Geo J jwlr h 26 Salisbury av

Major Albert E h s s Daniel

Major Dorothy clk United Cigar Stores lvs. 283 Salisbury av

Major John A mkt gdnr R E Major lvs. 283 Salisbury av

Major Rupert E mkt gdnr 283 Salisbury av h same

Malvis Nicholas gro 250 Salisbury av h same

Manifold Ernest h 161 Lake Shore rd

Marando Bruno (Humber Cafe) res Toronto

Marler Edwd agt Prudential Life h 58 Burgess av

Marsden Benj W stockpr Simpsons h 6 Frederica

Martin Alfred fireman Can Carbonated Co h e s Valley drive

Martin Frank J clk City Hall h s s Sydenham

Matthews Edwd car checker CPR bds 93 Cannon rd

McAllister John rubber wkr Goodyear Rubber Co h 59 Queen

TOP p1874 left column

Humber Bay

McAllister Robt rubber wkr Goodyear Tire Co lvs. 59 Queen

McDermott Lawrence clk Steel Co of Can lvs. 22 Oliver

McDermott Patk watchman h 22 Oliver

McDonald Donald W driver McGee Oakery h 89 Cannon rd

McDonald Jas mach Win Dalley h w s Valley drive

McDougall Robt Y lab h s s Howard

McFarlane Margt Mrs h 31 Salisbury av

McGrath Jas mkt gdnr s s Queen h same

McGrath John mkt gdnr e s Wesley h same

McGraw Fredk pleasure boats n s Lake Shore rd res Toronto

McIntyre Archd carp h n s Howard

McKee Saml h s s Sydenham

McKenzie Jas much h 247 Lake Shore rd

MeKeown Jas shoe repr s s Queen h same

McLaren Jos iron mldr it 230 Salisbury av

McLaverty Alice cashier Eatons lvs. 11 Douglas av

McLaverty Constance studt lvs. 11 Douglas av

McLaverty Wm bkpr h 11 Douglas av

McLaverty Wm jr lvs. 11 Douglas av

McMillen Roy mech h 1 Birch av

McRoberts Gordon h 4 Aldgate av

Milding Charlotte h 100 Salisbury av

Milding Hector lab lvs. 100 Salisbury av

Milligan Annie (wid Wm) lvs. 97 Queen

Milligan Geo l emp Goodyear Tire Co h 97 Queen

Mitchell John M tmstr h 108 Lake Shore rd

Mitchell Robt W tmstr bds 163 Lake Shore rd

Mitchell Wm tinsmith Fletcher Mfg Co h 61 Burgess av

Moffatt David W blksmth Massey-Harris h 240 Salisbury av

Monteith John slsmn Eatons h n s Queen

Moore Andrew mech Bowser Co bds 24 Salisbury av

Moore Fred barber n s Queen h same

Morton Jas H h w s McIntosh av

Munden Jos post clk h 6 Oliver

Murphy Danl shpr O'Keefes Brewery h s s Sydenham

National Sporting Club Abraham M Orpen pres s s Lake Shore rd

Naylor Edwin bds 113 Lake Shore rd

Naylor Thos S lab R Butwell h 8 Cockburn

Naylor Walter W clk Union Depot h 24 Frederica

Needler Arthur bldr h 281 Salisbury av

Neil Jas S (Huston & Neil) h 3 Birch av

Newham John moto h 257 Salisbury av

Newland Stanley acct United Farmers Co-Operative h 2 Birch av

Newman Mary (wid Henry) h s s Daniels

Newman Mary Mrs h s s Daniel

Newton Alfred H mkt gd t s s Queen h same

Noble Wm J slsmn Eatons h 10 Waniska av

North Andrew h w s Harrison av

North Annie V lvs. 321 Salisbury av

North Beatrice (wid Wm A) mkt gdnr 324 Salisbury av h same

North Cecil H mkt gdnr Mrs B North lvs. 324 Salisbury av

Northcote Richd H h 201 Lake Shore rd

Orange Hall w s Frederica

Orpen Abraham M pres National Sporting Club res Toronto

Orr Arthur (Humber Bay Canoe & Boat Co) h s s Heldena

Orr Gordon threader Steel Co of Can h 25 Oliver

Orr Wm R truck driver Steel Co of Can h s s Heldena

Outwater John M garage n s Queen res Mimico

Palmer Fred lab h 268 Salisbury av

Palmer Fredk S cap h 20 Humbercrest av

Parker Clarence stndt lvs. Walter C Parker

Parker John H real est s s Queen h same

Parker Marjorie lvs. Walter C Parker

Parker Walter C bldr h n s Queen

Parkin Robt carp h 32 Humbercrest av

Parkinson Wm jwlr h 199 Lake Shore rd

Patchett Walter J mach Steel Co of Can h 40 Lake Shore rd

Patterson Leonard stonemason h e s McRoberts av

Pattulo Marjorie studt lvs. 191 Lake Shore rd

Pattulo Thos J mgr Imperial News Co h 191 Lake Shore rd

Paul Emily M Mrs h 31 Orchard av

Payne Alice threader Steel Co of Can lvs. 12 Humberside av

Payne Chas D brkmkr h 12 Humberside av

Payne Donovan lab lvs. 12 Humberside av

Payne Harold hlpr T L Jecks res Toronto

Payne Saml J gdnr h 31 Humbercrest av

Peasey Jos mldr h w s Harrison av

Pennall Harry D trav h 117 Salisbury av

Perkins Albert W messr Imperial Bank h 27 Humbercrest av

Perry Geo mkt gdnr 117 Queen h same

Phillips Arthur mech h n s Howard

Phillips Beatrice M slsldy Eatons lvs. 73 Burgess av

Phillips Cartage Co (Jas M Phillips) 73 Burgess av

BOT 23Ja033 Left column

Phillips Jas C driver Phillips Cartage Co lvs. 73 Burgess av

Phillips Jas M (Phillips Cartage Co) h 73 Burgess av

Phillips Wm H contr h 9 Douglas av

Piper Frank watchman Dom Abrasive Wheel bds 22 Oliver

Plant Christopher h 4 Douglas av

Plumptree Wm h 83 Cannon rd

Pollard Fredk W blrmkr CNR h 10 Frederica

Pomfret Lawrence pkr Steel Co.of Can bds 10 Frederica

Pomfret Luther lab h 139 Queen

Pond Sidney mech Tor Carpet Co h 7 Macdonald av

Porter C S h s s Daniel

Portwood Albert lab h 33 Macdonald av

Potter Ray (wid John) h 205 Lake Shore rd

Porter Rudolph h n s Howard

Powell Matilda (wid Albert) clk Wm Schulkins bds 1 Cockburn

Prentice Henry h 235 Lake Shore rd

Prentice Minnie clk lvs. 235 Lake Shore rd

Presley Ernest emp Massey-Harris) n s Howard

Pressley Annie lvs. 11 Oliver

Pressley Florence h 11 Oliver

Price John R (Price & Cumming) h 121 Salisbury av

Price Ray (Humber Bay Canoe & Boat Co) res Toronto

Price & Cumming (John R Price and Rutherford Cumming) brick mfrs e s Salisbury av

Prosser Sand A shedman TTC h 57 Burgess av

Proudfoot Rolf M tchr High School of Com h 187 Lake Shore rd

Prowse Horace h s s Daniel

Pycock Jas Rev pastor Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints h 292 Salisbury av

Rae Ellen (wid Robt) bds 33 Frederica

Ramsperger August piano tuner h 193 Lake Shore rd

Reed Stanley lab CNR h w s Valley dr

Reeves Egerton mkt gdnr 18 College h same

Reid Chas h w s Harrison av

Reid Geo h w s Harrison av

Reid Norman truck driver h w s McRoberts av

Reid Ralph L mkt gdnr 356 Salisbury av h same

Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints Rev Jas Pycock pastor 288 Salisbury av

Roberts Albert slsmn h 115 Lake Shore rd

Roberts Nicholas M bldr h 52 Cannon rd

Robertson Gordon h e s Harrison av

Robinson Arthur R lab lvs. 66 Cockburn

Robinson Fred W lab Metallic Roofing Co bds 140 Queen

Robinson Hilda M embosser bds 24 Salisbury av

Robinson Richd G barber J Belfont h 66 Cockburn

Ross Patk gdnr F Welsman h 158 Lake Shore rd

Rowett Ernest mkt gdnr n s Queen h same

Rowett Geo H mkt gdnr w s Grand av h same

Rowett Leonard mkt gdnr lvs. Ernest Rowett

Runnalls Agnes stenog Eatons lvs. 97 Queen

Runnalls Audrey M slsldy Eatons lvs. 97 Queen

Runnalls Jos postmaster and gro 97 Queen h same

Runnalls Vernita clk Jos Runnalls lvs. 97 Queen

Runyon Reginald tire bldr Goodyear Tire Co h 23 Macdonald av

Rush Chas W lab h 1 Davidson cres

Rush Ernest H clk CGE lvs. 224 Salisbury av

Rush Geo h 224 Salisbury av

Rush Geo W lab Steel Co of Can h n s Queen

Rush Harry W truck driver Steel Co of Can h 53 Frederica

Sabiston Geo mech h e s Wesley

St James (Ang) Church e s Frederica

Sanderson Rose Mrs bds 72 Cockburn

Sanford Albert carp h w s Harrison av

Savage Chas B h 31 Macdonald av

Savage Ernest J bkpr Price & Cumming h 40 Burgess av

Schulkins Emily lvs. 1 Cockburn

Schulkins Laurie mech lvs. 1 Cockburn

Schulkins Wm stmftr h 1 Cockburn

Scott Thos T mech Willys Overland h n s Howard

Seaton Clifford clk lvs. 19 Douglas av

Seaton Evelyn (wid Thos) h 19 Douglas av

Seaton Inez clk lvs. 19 Douglas av

Seaton Irene clk lvs. 19 Douglas av

Selems Clara (wid Edwd) bds 93 Queen

Seymour Harry btchr Arnolds h 11 Orchard av

Shannon Fred slsman J R Watkin h 18 Oliver

Sharpe Herbt K truck driver Jersey Creme Co h 62 Lake Shore rd

Short Robt J porter Eatons h 53 Burgess av

Sibley Garnet h w s McRoberts av

Simm Jas car repr CPR h 64 Burgess av

Simm Jas jr clk lvs. 64 Burgess av

Simpson Geo constable h 193 Lake Shore rd

Simpson Geo H traffic chief CPR Tel h 90 Lake Shore rd

Sims John F blksmth Dom Sewer Pipe Co h 13 Macdonald av

Sinclair John tinsmith h w s Valley dr

Skidmore Beatrice (wid Richd) h 57 Frederica

Skidmore Jason clk Ryrie-Birks lvs. 57 Frederica

Slater John h 9 Orchard av

Slee Reginald lvs. 221 Lake Shore rd

Slee Richd engraver h 221 Lake Shore rd

BOT centre col 23Ja033

Slee Richd jr clk Victoria Paper Co lvs. 221 Lake Shore rd

Small Agnes lvs. Henry Small

Small Henry gro s s Queen h same

Smallbone Albert G watchman Can Life Assce Co h w s Valley dr

Smith Clarence C order clk Gutta Percha Co h n s Queen

Smith David rubber wkr Goodyear Tire Cu h 30 Lake Shore rd

Smith Edgar cond TTC h 293 Salisbury av

Smith Henry S mkt gdnr 343 Salisbury av h same

Smith Horace H hardware 199 Queen h same

Smith Jas B putr and decor e s Berl av h same

Smith Robt C lab h 25 Humbolt av

Smith Thos J tire bldr Goodyear Tire h 42 Cockburn

Snow Albert E carp h s s Daniel

Somerville Elizth (wid Alex) bds 1 Cockburn

Sproule Jas R h 145 Lake Shore rd

Staples Ivan h 3 Douglas av

Stephens Alfred bkpr h 7 Douglas av

Stephens Edwd T foreman K & S Rubber Co h 59 Burgess av

Stevens John H woodwkr h 13 Orchard av

Stewart R Murray contr h w s Aldgate av

Stocker Chas lab Can Metal Co h 19 Humbolt av

Stone Albert L carp h s s Daniel

Stroud Fredk A mech h 97 Cannon rd

Sturton Alfred K mech Goodyear Tire h 28 Frederica

Suggitt Pearl (wid Marshall) h 55A Burgess av

Sullivan Saml (Humber Cafe) res Toronto

Sutherland Angus C contr s s Queen h same

Sutherland Fredk W printer h 30 Lake Shore rd

Sutton John slsmn D Burke h 37 Humbolt av

Taverner Arthur W lab W Pretty h 57 Queen

Taverner Carrie (wid Edwd) h 89 Queen

Taverner Chas lab h 2 Humberside av

Taverner Geo W loader Tor Brick Co lvs. 89 Queen

Taverner Henry gdnr h 21 Macdonald av

Taverner John policeman h e s Humbercrest av

Taylor Dollie h 159 Lake Shore rd

Telford Roy W slsmn h 7 Birch aV

Torpe Walter cond TTC h 25 Queen

Thrower Thos gdnr h 22 Humbercrest av

Tice Lewis F slsmn h 297 Salisbury av

Tiffon Dalton mkt. gdnr 252 Queen h same

Tizzard Chas R gdnr h n s Queen

Todd Jos mkt gdnr 390 Salisbury av h same

Todman Chas truck driver h 97 Burgess av

Tomlinson Geo trav Fancy Goods Co of Can h 73 Cannon rd

Tovey Fredk C rubber wkr Goodyear Tire h 101 Queen

Trafford Ralph garage s s Queen h e s Milton

Trevethan Phillip B tmstr Humber Coal Co h 11 Macdonald av

Trewin Howard bkpr Dineens h 27 Douglas av

Tripp Everett E merit h s s Daniel

Trowles Victor slsmn Geo McLeod h w s Valley dr

Van Waggener Leo driver Harris Dairy lvs. 9 Queen

Van Waggener Lillian (wid Geo) h 9 Queen

Van Waggener Vincent rubber wkr Goodyear Tire lvs. 9 Queen

Varney Jas H tel installer Bell Tel h e s Aldgate av

Verall Wm A slsmn McBride Bros h 138 Salisbury av

Vigar Rose (wid Walter) h 23 Queen

Vincent Percy carp h 1 Lorne

Ward Alfred H h n s Daniel

Ward Wm H blrmkr's hlpr CNR h 22 Salisbury av

Warren Brnest truek driver Rice Wire Co h 40 Humbercrest av

Waters Michl tire bldr Goodyear Tire bds Stephen Grant

Watson Russell T clk Brit Amer Oil Co h s s Brussels

Welch Angus carp h l Aldgate av

Weller Geo emp Ont Sewer Pipe Co h w s Harrison av

Welsman Fred (Brighton Theatre) h 183 Lake Shore rd

Whalen Arthur J carp h 4 Birch av

Whalen Stanley clk Simpsons lvs. 4 Birch av

Wheeler Ellen K dom 61 Salisbury av

Wheeler Jos porter Can Life Bldg h 61 Salisbury av

Whelpdale Geo pntr and decor n s Queen h same

White Benj sec University Club h 179 Lake Shore rd

White Wilfred K letter carrier h 93 Queen

Whitehead Edith opr Sunbeam Lamp Co lvs. 4 Oliver

Whitehead Gertrude emp Steel Co of Can lvs. 34 Oliver

Whitehead Jas J repairman TTC h 34 Oliver

Whitehead John. W lab h 4 Oliver

Whitehead Muriel emp Sunbeam Lamp Co lvs. 4 Oliver

Whitehead Stewart emp Steel Co of Can lvs. 34 Oliver

Whitworth Edna stenog Cudahy Co lvs. 118 College

Whitworth Edwd mkt gdnr 118 College h same

Whitworth Geo mkt gdnr 141 Queen h same

Whitworth Geo Jr lab Steel Co of Can h 5 Frederica

Whitworth Ruby stenog lvs. 118 College

Whitworth Wm mkt gdnr E Whitworth lvs 118 Collage

Wick Fred emp Eatons lvs. 259 Salisbury av

Wick Oscar pdlr h 259 Salisbury av

Wiley Harry auto mech Humber Valley Golf Club n 26 Frederica

END right col 23Ja033 START 23Ja034

Wilkie John A bus driver Lake Shore Bus Co bds 66 Burgess av

Wilkins Chas M truck driver Phillips Cartage Co h 74 Burgess av

Wilkins Robt carp h 280 Salisbury av

Williams Arthur slsmn h 78 Cockburn

Williams Harry japanner Clarke & Co h 252 Queen

Williams J Kendal car repr CPR h 271 Salisbury av

Williams Robt E plmbr Walters Bros h 72 Cockburn

Wills Mary (wid Sidney) lvs. 23 Oliver

Wilson Clifford clk Steel Co of Can lvs. 93 Cannon rd

Wilson Gertrude (wid Chas) h 93 Cannon rd

Wiltshire Fred agt Prudential Life Ins Co h n s Queen

Wilder Edwd caretkr h 28 Oliver

Winters Lloyd lvs. 28 Oliver

Winters Sidney trav A Allan Co h 139 Lake Shore rd

Wiseman Fred B storeman CPR bds Geo W Rush

Woolfe Alfred repr man TTC h n s Queen

Wright David mkt gdnr e s Grand av h same

Wright Jos lab lvs. David Wright

Wright Jos pntr bds 43 Queen

Wright Saml (Humber Coal & Supply Co) h 33 Queen

Wright Wm T bds 41 Queen

Wynes Wm emp Steel Co of Can h 2 Godson rd

Yates Albert lab h 82 Cockburn

Youell Jas H assmblr Willys-Overland h 248 Salisbury av

Youell Jas H caretkr Bank of Toronto h 244 Salisbury av

Youell May bkbndr Eatons lvs. 248 Salisbury av

Youell Robt R driver Ideal Bread lvs. 248 Salisbury av

Young Thos h w s McRoberts av

Young David h s s Howard

Young John M photo engr h e s Harrison av

Young Lucy C stenog Decalcomania Co of Can lvs.14 Douglas av

END 23Ja034 Last page of 1926


YEARHA 1927 corrected




Abbott Andrew h 17 Humbolt av

Allan Jos W jr mkt gdnr w s Salisbury av h same

Allen Annie E h n s Howard

Allen Rae lvs. 33 Frederica

Allworth Geo h 26 Humbercrest av

Alvey Geo lab h w s Harrison av

Amond Harry trk drvr bds 10 Humbolt av

Anderson John h 59 Salisbury av

Armstrong Wm A elect Hydro Elect h 9 Humbolt av

Atkins Earl A L gro 203 Salisbury av h same

Aymer Chas mkt gdnr h 22 Cannon rd

Aymer Chas H h 46 Cockburn av

Aymer Geo gdnr h 42 Cannon rd

Baldwin Arthur lab Dom Sewer Pipe Co h 27 Macdonald av

Bales Harry h 35 Humbolt av

Ball Reuben delivery boy K H Darby lvs. 276 Salisbury av

Barnes Alice Mrs lvs. 99 Lake Shore rd

Basterfield Horace h 1 Humbercrest av

Bate Wm J elect insp Ont Hydro h 237 Lake Shore rd

Bales Geo mach Goodyear Tire h 12 McIntosh av

Bates Jack lvs. 12 McIntosh av

Baxter Evelyn stenog lvs. 27 Douglas av

Beach Florence Mrs h 53 Burgess av

Beggs Albert gdnr h w s Harrison av

Beggs Henry W h w s Cockburn av

Beldonen Martha domestic 41 Salisbury av

Bell Alfred mkt gdnr h e s Salisbury av

Bell Muriel G lvs. e s Salisbury av

Bell Percy A mkt gdnr e s Salisbury av h same

Bell Sidney mkt gdnr h e s Salisbury av

Bennett Percy moto Hydro h 5 Oliver

Bertram Norman h 1 Humbolt av

Bickford Arthur exp Can Pac Exp h e s McRoberts av

Black Geo S lvs. 221 Lake Shore rd

Blake Jos cement wkr rms 89 Queen w

Blenkhorn John lab Price & Cumming Co h 94 Salisbury av

Blenkhorn Thos opr Price & Cumming Co h 104 Salisbury av

Bodrug John mkt gdnr n s Braemar cres h same

Bodrug Nestor acct Royal Bank of Can lvs. n s Braemar cres

Boniface Albert tmstr Humber Coal & Supply Co h 15 Davidson cres

Boniface Ernest L brcklyr Prices Brickyard h 1 Amelia

Boniface Fredk lab lvs. 15 Davidson cres

Boniface Harry lab lvs. l Amelia

Boniface Ivy lvs. l Amelia

Boniface Wm lab lvs. 15 Davidson cres

Boxall L Wallace pntr CNR h 7 Lorne

Boyce Frank mach h 5 Birch av

Boyd Geo M h 19 Humbolt av

Bracey Thos h 199 Salisbury av

Brice Robt asst gdnr Samuel Cox res Mimico

Bricknell Harry h e s McRoberta av

Bridle Jack h e s Harrison av

Brierley Alfred btchr h 19 Waniska av

Broderick John J cond CNR h s s Heldena av

Bromby Walter caretkr National Bldg h 8 Aldgate av

Brooker Edward A confy s s Lake Shore rd h same

Brown Arthur W emp Goodyear Tire h n s Daniels

Brown Dorothy stenog Imperial Bank lvs 141 Lake Shore rd

Brown Ewart clk Crane Ltd lvs. 141 Lake Shore rd

Brown Frank gdnr h 136 Salisbury av

Brown Fredk lab h s Davidson cres

Brown Geo E trav Butterfield Tool Co lvs 141 Lake Shore rd

Brown John mkt gdnr h 142 Salisbury av

Brown Mildred lvs 141 Lake Shore rd

Brown Nicholas gro h 141 Lake Shore rd

Brown Peter l btchr h 135 Lake Shore rd

Brown Phoebe (wid Henry) lvs. Geo W Rush

Brown Robt J moto TTC h 3 Amelia

Brown Thos S btchr h 135 Lake Shore rd

Brule School w s Frederica

Bruning Rudolph H rubber wkr Goodyear Tire h n s Queen w

Buchner Chas tool mkr Dom Mach & Tool Co h 145 Salisbury av

Burbie J h 33 Humbercrest av

Burbridge Ernest mkt gdnr 134 College h same

Burbridge Howard gdnr Ernest Burbridge lvs. 134 College

Burbridge Robt asst gdnr Ernest Burbridge lvs. 134 College

Burbridge Ruth lvs 134 College

Burgess John W garage 71 Lake Shore rd lvs 73 same

Butterworth Fred foreman Tor Carpet Co 1 Macdonald av

Butterworth Norman lab Creans Hat Fcty lvs 1 Macdonald av

Butwell Arthur brick mkr lvs 107 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Benj brick mkr Richard Butwell h 249 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Caleb brick mkr Richard Butwell lvs 107 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Doris V stenog Electrical Services Ltd lvs 107 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Gordon lvs 251 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Henry brick mkr Richard Butwell h 251 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Mark h 113 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Reginald L h 15 Humbercrest av

Butwell Richard brick mfr h Davidson cres h 107 Lake Shore rd

Bywater Christina (wid Jas) h 30 Frederica

Cain Christina (wid Wm) bds 203 Salisbury av

Cameron Adele nurse lvs 149 Lake Shore rd

Cameron Eva stenog Tor General Hosp lvs 149 Lake Shore rd

Cameron Marine clk Standard Bank lvs 149 Lake Shore rd

Cameron Wm h 149 Lake Shore rd

Campbell Arthur barber h 67 Frederica

Cardwell Henry mach French Ivory Prod h 58 Cockburn

Cardwell Norman lvs 58 Cockburn

Carson Robt T mgr Cement Block Co h 12 Oliver

Carter Walter h 113 Salisbury av

Castell Jos rubber wkr Goodyear Tire h 79 Queen w

Cator Thos brasswkr h e s McRoberts av

Chadwick Fredk W asst shpr Melville Roofing Co h n s Brussels

Chamberlain Jas lab Dunlop Tire h e s McRoberts av

Chapman Albert caretkr Grand Ave School h s s Daniels

Cherry Frank h 348 Salisbury av

Chownes E (wid Wm) h 236 Salisbury av

Chowns Fredk J lab rms 1 Davidson cres

Chowns Richard h 38 Cockburn av

Churchward Alfred lab Can Steel Co h 49 Frederica


START p1870

Churchward Audrey lvs 50 Frederica

Churchward Edwin E clk Can Life Ins lvs 50 Frederica

Churchward Robt mach Can Steel Co h 50 Frederica

Clark Ernest V box mkr Laver Bros h 3 Lorne

Clark John W btchr Eatons h 30 Humbercrest av

Clark Walter florist lvs 45 McRoberts av

Clark Wm H lab h 29 Oliver

Colbary Emma (wid Thos) h 77 Queen w

Colbary Frank clk lvs 77 Queen w

Colbary Robt emp Golf Links lvs 77 Queen west

Cole Frank tlr Eatons h 91 Cannon rd

Comrie Peter carp h w s Valley dr

Connors Benj car chkr CNR h 243 Salisbury av

Cooney Thos foreman Price & Cummings h 121 Salisbury av

Cooper Fredk W h e s Harrison av

Copeland Clayton S garage 3 Queen w res Toronto

Copeland Robt C clk Eatons h 275 Salisbury av

Cormack Arthur prntr Daily Star h 61 Burgess av

Courier Chas G drvr h 62 Lake Shore rd

Coveyduck Wm carp h 64 McRoberts av

Cowling C E sec Humber Valley Golf Club res Toronto

Cox Bessie compt opr CGE lvs 158 College

Cox Ernest drvr West End Laundry h 36 Frederica

Cox Gladys lvs 158 College

Cox Saml mkt gdnr 158 College h same

Cox Thos asst gdnr Samuel Cox lvs 158 College

Crawford Jos plmbr h 54 Frederica

Creighton Chas H mgr Printers Mach Co Ltd h 28 Cannon rd

Creighton Saml lvs 28 Cannon rd

Cripps Jos B auto service stn s s Queen w h same

Crowe Catherine H (wid Stewart) h 73 Lake Shore rd

Crowes Bathing Beach John W Burgess prop s s Lake Shore rd

Cuff Edward h 42 Humbercrest av

Culnan Agnes lvs. 127 Salisbury av

Culnan David h 127 Salisbury av

Cumming Rutherford (Price & Cumming) res Toronto

Cummings John gdnr rms 89 Queen w

Cummings Rutherford (Humber Bay Canoe & Boat Co) res Toronto

Cummings Wm lab rms 89 Queen w

Curley Fredk crmn CNR bds 125 Salisbury

Dadson Jas mkt gdnr 173 College h same

Dadson Jas W mkt gdnr s s Christie h same

Dandridge Edwd gdnr h 15 Orchard av

Dandridge Hugh gdnr lvs Jas Dandridge

Dandridge Jas mkt gdnr n s Queen h same

Daniels Lola E lvs 129 Salisbury av

Daniels Norman chauf Price & Cumming lvs 129 Salisbury av

Daniels Susan Mrs h 129 Salisbury av

Darby Dudley H trfc ofer Prov Govt h n s Queen w

Darby K H gro 276 Salisbury av h same

Davis Geo mach TTC h 1 Orchard av

Davis Lewis pntr h 2 Oliver

Dawe Henry W bus drvr h 6 Birch av

Deacon Edwd tnsmth h e s Harrison av

Deacon Florence pclr Simpsons lvs. e s McRoberts av

Deacon Harry h e s McRoberts av

Demers Peter lab h w s Harrison av

Devins Fredk lab h 6 Oliver

Devins Isaac Boat House & Confy n s Lake Shore rd

Dewsbury Franklin H mach h 46 Frederica

Dewsbury John lab CPR h 16 Oliver

Dickison Wm J h 59 Frederica

Dinn Alice rms 9 Queen w

Dixon John T mkt gdnr w s Grand av h same

Dodds Owen gro n s Queen w h same

Doherly Vincent confy n s Queen h same

Don Duncan letter carrier h e s Valley Dr

Donnelly Maud (wid John) h w s McRoberts av

Donovan Ann clk lvs 5 Queen w

Donovan John (P J Donovan & Son) lvs 5 Queen w

Donovan Kathleen clk lvs 5 Queen w

Donovan Lawrence clk lvs 5 Queen w

Donovan Patrick J (P J Donovan & Son) h 5 Queen w

Donovan P J & Son (Patrick J & John) confy l Queen w

Downing Wm T com artist h 9 Sydenham

Doyle Daniel P h 5 Amelia

Doyle Maurice mach Goodyear Tire h e s Harrison av

Drury Esther opr Curry & Co lvs e s Valley drive

Drury Ethel opr Curry & Co lvs e s Valley drive

Drury Jenny clk Curry & Co lvs. e s Valley drive

Drury Sidney carp h e s Valley dr

Dryden Clarence tnsmth h 33 Frederica

Duffleld Thos W weaver Tor Carpet Co h 62 Burgess av

Dunn Alex lab h 39 McRoberts av

Dunn Geo h w s Harrison av

Dunn Jos h 2 Humbolt av

Durkee Clara (wid Warren) lvs 162 Queen w

Durkin Patrick lab h 23 Oliver

Dutnall Robt h 38 Lake Shore rd

Eagles C J (Salisbury Garage) lvs. 197 Lake Shore rd

Eagles Dorothy stenog Can Life Assc Co lvs 197 Lake Shore rd

Eagles Ernest mech Salisbury Garage h 228 Salisbury av

Eagles Geo S h 205 Lake Shore rd

Eagles Wm pntr h 197 Lake Shore rd

Eckersley Abraham (Humber Coal & Supply Co) h 43 Queen w

Edgewater Beach Co (John & Allan Watt, Edward A Brooker) dancing academy s s Lake Shore rd

Edmond Agnes (wid Daniel) lvs n s Bernice av

Edmond Geo F mech Willys Overland h n s Bernice av

Edmond Peter clk Shell Motor Co lvs n s Bernice av

Elford Isaac h 36 Burgess av

Elford Marjorie comp opr lvs 169 College

Elford Wm mkt gdnr 169 College h same

Elliott Albert emp Goodyear Tire lvs 33 Oliver

Elliott Emily emp West End Laundry lvs. 33 Oliver

Elliott Geo gdnr lvs 33 Oliver

Elliott Julia (wid Walter) h 33 Oliver

Elliott Violet emp West End Laundry lvs 33 Oliver

Elliott Walter h 7 Macdonald av

Endacott John h 19 Humbercrest av

Etobicoke Community Church w s McRoberts av

Etobicoke Post Office Peter B Grundy PM n s Queen w

Everett Thos W bldr h 72 Burgess av

Ewles Jas tnsmth Humber Coal & Supply Co h 3 Orchard av

Farrow Mary opr Eatons lvs 41 Queen w

Farrow Robt (Humber Coal & Supply Co) h 41 Queen w

Fenning Fannie E (wid Rev James E) h 182 Salisbury av

Fenning Geo C elect Northern Electric Co lvs 182 Salisbury av

Ferguson Elizth schl tchr lvs 179 Lake Shore rd

Ferguson John carp h e s Valley dr

Ferguson Wm mkt gdnr lvs 179 Lake Shore rd

Finnie David cond TTC h 6 Orchard av

Fisher Wm E confy 160 Queen w h same

Fletcher Edward hrdrsr Eatons h 274 Salisbury av

Flynn Alice bds 16 Humbolt av

Flynn Edward C emp CPR bds 16 Humbolt av

Ford Harry mech Exide Batteries h s Humbolt av

Ford Raymond opr Hamilton Shoe Co lvs 8 Humbolt av

Fordyce John lab h 32 Oliver

Foreman Edward h 29 Humbercrest av

Foster Chas H agt Imperial Oil Ltd res New Toronto

Franklin Albert lab Goodyear Tire h w s Harrison av

Franklin Arthur emp Tor Carpet Co h 23 Macdonald av

Franklin Arthur lab Goodyear Tire h e s Harrison av

Funnell H h e s Valley dr

Gair Arnold brick mkr Price & Cumming lvs 90 Cockburn

Gair Chas prntr lvs 90 Cockburn

Gair Joseph prntr h 90 Cockburn

Gair Muriel buff mkr Can Hanson & Van Winkle lvs 90 Cockburn

Gair Reginald prntr lvs 90 Cockburn

Gamble John F blrmkr John Inglis h 24 Salisbury av

Gamble Thos R tnsmth lvs 24 Salisbury av

Garlick Fredk W tmstr Leadley & Co h 276A Salisbury av

Garlick Margaret clk John MacDonald Co lvs 276A Salisbury av

Garrett Geo lab rms David Wright

Gelman Sarah lvs 12 Oliver

Gibson Geo gdnr F F Reeves & Sons

Giles Arthur clk h 24 Oliver

Giles Melville florist h 68 McRoberts av

Gillman Chas lab h 35 McRoberts av

Gilman Geo lab Prices Brick Yds h 15 Macdonald av

Glen Chas mech Willys Overland h n s Bernice iv

Goldthorpe Gordon mech Thos Hanna h s s Hay av

Goyne May (wid John) lvs 169 College

Grand av School w s Grand av

Grant Collier C barr h 131 Lake Shore rd

Grant Stephen tire bldr Goodyear Tire h n s Queen w

Gray Caroline M (wid Jas) bds 179 Lake Shore rd

Gray Lucy Mrs h 131 Salisbury av

Greave Clifford h 11 Humbercrest av

Green Mathew opr TTC h 7 Humbolt av

Greenfield Chas gdnr lvs Mrs Ethel Greenfield.

Greenfield Ethel (wid Chas) mkt gdnr w s Grand av h same

Greenfield Florence hrdsr lvs Mrs Ethel Greenfield

Greenfield Gladys emp Eatons lvs Mrs Ethel Greenfield

Greenfield Thos G h 9 Oliver

Gregg Geo R lvs n s Bernice av

Groves Fredk lab Dart Union Co h 20 Salisbury av

Grundy Peter B gro n s Queen w h same

Gwilliams Jos lab h 18 Oliver

Hamilton Andrew emp Goodyear Tire h 36 Humbercrest av

Hancock Arthur J pntr h 15 Waniska av

Hanna Harvey acct lvs Thos Hanna

Hanna Mabel Mrs gro n s Queen w lvs same

Hanna Thos garage n s Queen w h same

Hansen Nells gdnr Ernest Rowett lvs same.

Harding Cyril emp Tor Carpgt Co lvs 29 Macdonald av

Harding Emily emp Tor Carpet Co lvs 29 Macdonald av

Harding Jos lab h 29 Macdonald av

Hare Geo C slsmn Imperial Oil Ltd res Toronto

Harpell Alvin h 54 Lake Shore rd

Harris Geo mkt gdnr 53 College h same

Harris Walter lab Dom Sewer Pipe Co h 65 Queen w

Harris Wm gdnr Geo Harris h 34 Frederica

Harrison Joseph h 50 Cockburn

Hart John A mgr King Const Co h 143 Salisbury av

Haughton Geo mgr stove dept Yolles h n s Daniels

Hawkins Hicks druggist h 18 Waniska av

Healey Della H stenog lvs. 239 Lake Shore rd

Healey Elizth M (wid Thos D) h 239 Lake Shore rd

Healey Harley mach Overland Auto Co h 1 Oliver

Healey Hermine lvs 239 Lake Shore rd

Healey Irene H lvs 239 Lake Shore rd

Heidman Henry F carp h 65 Burgess av

Helliker Jas F mach Steel Co of Can h 266 Salisbury av

Henderson Hazel (wid Jas Wm) h 11 McIntosh av

Hewitt Wm A lab h 20 Frederica

Hibbins Albert shpr Steel Co of Can h 106 Lake Shore rd

Hicks Amy E lvs 49 Queen w

Hicks Elizth (wid Thos L) h 49 Queen w

Hicks Octavius L h 99 Lake Shore rd

Hicks Wm J pleasure boats s s Lake Shore rd. h 133 same

Hickton Elsie clk Eatons lvs 10 Humbolt av

Hickton Gladys kntr Scott Knitting Mills lvs 10 Humbolt av

Hickton Saml F pntr h 10 Humbolt av

Higgins Wm slvsmth h e s Harrison av

Higman John btchr 132 Queen w h same

Hindson Wilfred dentist 160 Queen w res Lambton Mills

Hockney Ernest lab Can Steel Co h 5 McIntosh av

Hodgkinson Albert photo h s s Howard

Hodgkinson Levi gdnr h 3 Macdonald av

Hodgson Gladys lvs 2 McIntosh av

Hodgson John prtr Simpsons h 2 McIntosh av

Hodgson Olive mlnr lvs 2 McIntosh av

Hollins Cecil F trav Tor Rattan Co h 3 McIntosh av

Holmes Henry mach Can Steel Co h 35 Macdonald av

Hopkins Chas clk Simpsons h s Douglas av

Hopper Harry h 14 McIntosh av

Horne Wm trav h l McIntosh av

Horwood Frank h 37 Frederica

Horwood Geo peddler h 62 Cockburn

Howllns Thos uphlstr h 10 McIntosh av

Huffman Bert lab h 40 Cannon rd

Huffman Minnie lvs 40 Cannon rd

Huffman Weston lab lvs 40 Cannon rd

Huffman Wm C well drlr h 101 Cannon rd

Humber Bay Canoe & Boat Co (Ray Price, Rutherford Cummings, Archibald Orr) boat bldrs s s Lake Shore rd

Humber Bay Fire Hall e s Salisbury av

Humber Bay Post Office Jos Runnalls PM 67 Queen w

Humber Bay Public School e s Cockburn

Humber Coal & Supply Co (S L Wright, R. Farrow, A Eckersley) coal 27 Queen w

Humber Valley Golf Club E E Cowling sec n s Queen w

Hunter Grace stdnt h 41 Salisbury av

END 2nd page p1870 aka 23Ja012

TOP p1871 1927 23Ja044

Huston Thos W (Huston & Nell) h 9 Birch av

Huston & Nell (Thos W Huston & Jas S Nell) real est s s Queen w

Hutchison David prop Humber Valley Golf Club h same

Hydro Elec Power Stn n s Lake Shore rd

Iceton John mech John Inglis Co h 6 Humbolt av

Imperial Oil Co H Foster agt s s Lake Shore rd

Irwin Robt brklyr h n s Queen w

Jack Jos lab CNR lvs 47 McRoberts av

Jackson Herbert mach John Inglis h 3 Oliver

Jamieson Wilbert Roy drvr Eatons hs s Heldena av

Jarvis Douglas M elect h 5 Orchard av

Jarvis Wm h 28 Lake Shore rd

Jecks Talbot L pleasure boats s s Lake Shore rd res Toronto

Jeffreys Jos h 7 Sydenham

Jenkinson Harriet slsldy Simpsons bds s s Brussels

Jesson Sarah lvs 142 Queen w

Jesson Shad shoe repr 142 Queen w h same

Jesson Shad Jr asst gdnr Wm Elford lvs 169 College

Johnson Harry C carp h 101 Salisbury av

Johnson Isaac patrn mkr h 185 Lake Shore rd

Johnston Jas mech Massey Harris h 28 Humbolt av

Johnston Marlon emp Massey Harris lvs 28 Humbolt av

Johnstone Caroline (wid Jas K) h 179 Lake Shore rd

Jones Gordon lab Can Metal Co lot 71 McRoberts av

Jones Stanley mach Can Metal Co h w s Harrison av

Jones Wm H lab h n s Daniels

Judd Samuel emp Can Brush Co h 60 Cockburn

Kemp Ann lvs e s Aldgate av

Kemp Sydney mach Can Steel Co h e s McRoberts av

Kennedy W John slsmn Fuller Brush Co h 279 Salisbury av

Kent Laurence emp H J Kent h 181 College

Kent Wm J mkt gdnr h 357 Salisbury av

Kerr Adam J die mkr h w s Grand av

King Ernest A rubber wkr Gutta Percha lvs Clarence C Smith

King Frank h 9 McIntosh av

Knox Hugh foremn Gutta Percha h s s Brussels

Kroom Veal gdnr h s s Bernice av

Laccohee Arthur C btchr Simpsons h s s Heldena av

Langley Fredk L litho h 13 Humbercrest av

Langley Wm litho Standard Litho h 8 Humbercrest av

Lawn Chas tmstr Humber Coal & Supply Co h n s Daniels

Lawson Wm h l Sydenham

Lee Joseph lab Goodyear Tire h 66 Burgess av

Legge Archd M engr h 127 Lake Shore rd

Legge Geo F engr h 123 Lake Shore rd

Legge G Wallace engr lvs 127 Lake Shore rd

Legge Myrtle sec J B Tyrrell lvs. 123 Lake Shore rd

Lelshman David blksmth rear 101 Queen lvs 101 same

Lemlek Samuel h 138 Lake Shore rd

Lenghern John dectr bds 32 Oliver

Liddlard John Iron wkr Swansea Steel Co h 4 Godson rd

Little Bert elect h w s Valley dr

Little Kenneth C prin Humber Bay Public School h 14 Douglas av

Lockhart Walter S pntr h s s Daniels

Logan Jas h 4 McIntosh av

Lomas Geo W mech h 178 Queen w

Lomas Wm h 19 Macdonald av

Loyal Orange Lodge w s Frederica

Lyons Frank h 8 Frederica

Lyth Ernest lab h 37 McRoberts av

Lyttle Andrew carp h 17 Oliver

MacDonald Jas mach h w s Valley dr

Macintosh Harold tire wldr Goodyear Tire h 151 Lake Shore rd

MacKlnder Arthur mach CNR lot 52 McRoberts av

MacLaren Joseph mldr h 239 Salisbury av

Mageehan John elect Can Steel Co h 65 Frederica

Mahr Geo h 134 Lake Shore rd

Major Albert E bldr h s s Daniels

Major Rupert E mkt gdnr h 283 Salisbury av

Manifold Ernest h 161 Lake Shore rd

Marando Bruno (Sullivan & Marando) res Toronto

Marsden Benj W clk Simpsons h 6 Frederica

Mason Earl M clk Royal Bank of Can lvs n s Bernice av

Mason Geo F h n s Bernice av

Mathews Dorothy lvs 93 Cannon rd

Mathews Edwin car chkr CNR lva 93 Cannon rd

May Jas h n s Lorne

McAllister John lab h 59 Queen

McAllister Robt clk h 59 Queen w

McDermott Lawrence clk Can Steel Wks lvs 22 Oliver

McDermott Patrick lab Can Steel Wks h 22 Oliver

McDonald Donald h 89 Cannon rd

McDougal Robt Y brk mkr h s s Howard

McFee John lab h 11 Davidson cres

McGrath Jas mkt gdnr s s Queen w h same

McGrath John mkt gdnr a a Wesley h same

McGraw Fredk pleasure boats n s Lake Shore rd h same

McGuire Chas carp h 27 Oliver

McKee Samuel asst mgr Tor Furnace Co h 3 Sydenham

McLaverty Alice cshr Eatons lvs 11 Douglas av

McLaverty Wm credit mgr John MacDonald Co h 11 Douglas av

McLaverty Wm jr clk John MacDonald Co lvs 11 Douglas av

McMillen Roy mach h 1 Birch av

McRoberts Gordon pressmn Daily Star h 4 Aldgate av

Milding Charlotte opr Eatons h 109 Salisbury

Milding Hector lab lvs 109 Salisbury av

Mitchell John M tmstr h 118 Lake Shore rd

Mitchell Ross W tmstr bds 163 Lake Shore rd

Monteith John clk h n s Queen

Moore Fredk barber n s Queen w h same

More Morris shpr Steel Co of Can h 55 Burgess av

Morn Ruth Mrs clk Northern Electric Co lvs 280 Salisbury av

Morne Fredk gdnr F F Reeves & Sons

Morton J Harry h 16 McIntosh av

Murphy Daniel shpr O’Keefes Brewery h 5 Sydenham

National Sporting Club Abraham Orpen prop s s Lake Shore rd

Naylor Edwin lvs 113 Lake Shore rd

Naylor Thos S brick brnr Butwell Brick Wks h 8 Cockburn

Naylor Walter W clk CPR h 24 Frederica

Needler Arthur carp h 284 Salisbury av

Neil Jas S h 3 Birch av

Nelson Fredk sec-treas Robins Ltd h 177 Lake Shore rd

Newham Anna lvs 57 Frederica

Newham John moto York Radial Co h 257 Salisbury av

Newland Stanley acct United Farmers Corp h 2 Birch av

Newman Mary (wid Henry) h s s Daniels

Newport Chas gdnr h 125 Salisbury av

Newton Alfred H mkt gdnr s s Queen w h same

Noble Wm clk Eatons h 16 Waniska av

North Andrew h w s Harrison av

North Beatrice Mrs mkt gdnr h 324 Salisbury av

Northcote Lucy bds 201 Lake Shore rd

Northcote Richard h 201 Lake Shore rd

O’Brien Buckley carp h 45 Frederica

Orpen Abraham prop National Sporting Club res Toronto

Orr Archd (Humber Bay Canoe & Boat Co) h s s Heldena

Orr Peter lab Can Steel Wks h 38 Frederica

Orr Robt mach Steel Co of Can h s s Heldena

Palmer Fredk R lab Anaconda Brass Co h 20 Humbercrest av

Parker John H real est s s Queen w h same

Parker Walter C h n s Queen w

Parkin Robt carp h 32 Humbercrest av

Parkinson Wm jwlr h 199 Lake Shore rd

Patchett Walter mech Steel Co of Can h 40 Lake Shore rd

Patterson Jas chauf h 95 Queen w

Patterson Leonard stone msn h 69 McRoberts av

Pattullo Marjorie lvs 191 Lake Shore rd

Pattullo Thos J mgr Imperial News Co h 191 Lake Shore rd

Paul Emily M (wid Geo) h 31 Orchard av

Payne Alice emp Steel Co of Can lvs 12 Humberside av

Payne Chas D brk mkr Butwell Brk Yds h 12 Humberside av

Payne Donovan gdnr John Brown lvs 12 Humberside av

Payne Harold lab Ontario Sewer Pipe h w s Aldgate av

Payne Samuel h 31 Humbercrest av

Pearson Mary bds 131 Salisbury av

Pennall Harry D trav Baines & David h 117 Salisbury av

Phillips Jas h s s Howard

Phillips Jas C trk drvr lvs 69 Burgess av

Phillips Jas M h 69 Burgess av

Phillips Wm h 9 Douglas av

Piper Jas bds 22 Oliver

Plant Christopher lnsp Willys Overland h 4 Douglas av

Pollard Fredk blr mkr CNR h 16 Frederica

Pomflet Luther lab h 136 Queen

Portwood Albert clk h 117 Queen

Porter Ray Mrs h 203 Lake Shore rd

Potts Rudolph patn mkr h n s Howard

Pressley Anna h 11 Oliver

Pressley Florence music tchr lvs 11 Oliver

Price Christobelle bds 4 Douglas av

Price John R (Price & Cummlng) h 121 Salisbury av

Price & Cumming (John R Price, Rutherford Cumming) brick mfrs e s Salisbury av

Prosser Samuel A lab TTC h 57 Burgess av

Proudfoot Rolph M tchr High School of Com h 187 Lake Shore rd

Prowse Horace slsmn United Cigar Stores h s s Daniels

Prowse Norman slsmn lvs s s Daniels

Quinn Anthony lab h 140 Queen w

Rae Geo lab h 37 Humbolt av

Rae John clk lvs 60A Cockburn

Rae Wm h 60A Cockburn

Ramsperger August piano tnr h 193 Lake Shore rd

Redmore Jas lab Caulfields Dairy h. e s Harrison av

Reeves Chas (F F Reeves & Sons) res Islington

Reeves Fredk jr (F F Reeves & Sons) res Islington

Reeves Fredk F (F F Reeves & Sons) h RR No 1 Islington

Reeves F F & Sons (F F, Chas, Geo and Fred Reeves) mkt gdnrs 18 College

Reeves Geo (F F Reeves & Sons) res Islington

Reid Chas H mach James Weir Co h w s Harrison av

Reid Geo C mach Dom Bridge Co h w sHarrison av

Reid Norman drvr Dom Bridge Co h 41 McRoberts av

Reid Ralph L mkt gdnr h 356 Salisbury av

Reid Stanley lab CNR h w s Valley dr

Reid Wm H dry gds 162 Queen w h same

Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 288 Salisbury av

Riley Harry h 26 Frederica

Roberts Albert dog brdr 115 Lake Shore rd h same

Roberts Nicholas bldr h 52 Cannon rd

Robertshaw Wm auto repr John W Burgess res Toronto

Robinson Arthur lvs 66 Cockburn

Robinson Carroll cook CNR lvs 66 Cockburn

Robinson Hilda M opr Tor Lithographic Co lvs 24 Salisbury av

Robinson Richard G barber h 66 Cockburn av

Ross Patrick h 150 Lake Shore rd

Rowett Ernest mkt gdnr ns Queen h same

Rowett Geo H h w s Grand av

Rowett Leonard gdnr lrs. Ernest Rowett

Runnalls Audrey slsldy Eatons lvs 67 Queen west

Runnalls Jos gro 67 Queen w h same

Runnalls Vernlta slsldy Eatons lvs 67 Queen

Runnalls Wm clk Jos Runnalls lvs 67 Queen w

Rush Chas lab h 1 Davidson cres

Rush Ernest clk CGE lvs 224 Salisbury av

Rush Geo h 224 Salisbury av

Rush Geo W lab h n s Queen w

Rush Harry blksmth h 53 Frederica

Sabiston Geo pntr h e s Wesley

Sage Gertrude lvs 15 Macdonald av

St James (Ang) Church e s Frederica Salisbury Garage (C J Eagles) 230 Salisbury av

Sandford Albert carp h w s Harrison av

Savage Chas lab Dom Sewer Co h 31 Macdonald av

Savage E J clk Price St Cummlng h 40 Burgess av

BOT p1871 1927

START p1872 23Ja013 1927

Schofield Norman meter dept Gas Co k 80 Cockburn

Schulkins Wm h 1 Cockburn

Scott Chas gro 77 Lake Shore rd h same

Scott Ernest lab bds 7 Macdonald av

Scott Garnett gdnr Wm Edwd Whitworth bds 118 College

Seager Dorothy lvs 97 Queen w

Seager Edwin wtchmn Bank of Com h 97 Queen w

Seaton Emmeline (wid Thos) h 19 Douglas av

Seaton Innes clk lvs 19 Douglas av

Seaton Irene clk lvs 19 Douglas av

Seaton Wilfrid acct lvs 19 Douglas av

Selby Wm slsmn Shell Co of Can Ltd res Toronto

Selenis Clara E (wid Edward) bds 93 Queen w

Seymour Henry J btchr Arnolds h 11 Orchard av

Shannon Fredk carp h 71 Cannon rd

Shell Co of Can Ltd s s Lake Shore rd

Shields Geo lab h n s Daniels

Short Robt prtr Eatons h 51 Burgess av

Somm Jas repr CPR h 64 Burgess av

Simpson Fredk mach Humber Bay Canoe & Boat Co res Mimico

Simpson Geo constable h 163 Lake Shore rd

Simpson Geo H emp CPR h 60 Lake Shore rd

Sims Allen lab Goodyear Tire lvs 13 Macdonald av

Sims Hazel emp Willards lvs 13 Macdonald av

Sims John blksmth Dom Sewer Co h 13 Macdonald av

Sims Lorne emp Prices Brick Yd lvs 13 Macdonald av

Sims Myrtle emp Nellsons lvs. 13 Macdonald

Sims Verna emp Willards lvs. 13 Macdonald av

Sinclair John A mtl wkr A Furnival h w s Valley dr

Skidmore Beatrice (wid Richd) h 57 Frederica

Slater John waiter h 9 Orchard av

Slee Richd engr h 221 Lake Shore rd

Small Agnes clk lvs Henry Small

Small Evelyn lvs Henry Small

Small Henry gro s s Queen h same

Small Orville clk lvs Henry Small

Smallbone Albert h w s Valley dr

Smillie Agnes bds 41 McRoberts av

Smillie Jenneth opr Eatons bds 41 McRoberts av

Smith Clarence C rubber wkr Gutta Percha h n s Queen w

Smith Darcy Insp Goodyear Tire h 62 Lake Shore rd

Smith Edgar cond TTC h 263 Salisbury av

Smith Geo lab bds 2 Oliver

Smith Henry S mkt gdnr h 343 Salisbury av

Smith Herbert T lab Swansea Brick Wks h 78 Cockburn

Smith Horace H hrdwre 168 Queen w h same

Smith Jas lab Price & Cumming lvs 106 Salisbury av

Smith Jas E pntr h e s Berl av

Smith John lab lvs 1 Macdonald av

Smith Robt stone msn h 25 Humbolt av

Smith Thos h 42 Cockburn

Snow Albert E carp h s s Daniels

Speers Chas lab h 41 Humbercrest av

Spencer Wm srvce mn John W Burgess res Toronto

Sproule Gordon clk CGE lvs 145 Lake Shore rd

Sproule Jas clk h 145 Lake Shore rd

Staples Ivan E mgr Can Lab Co h 3 Douglas av

Stell Geo mach bds 131 Salisbury av

Stephens Alfred O off mgr W Schulkins h 7 Douglas av

Stepney Annie Mrs maid 107 Lake Shore rd

Stevens John H carp h 13 Orchard av

Stewart Murray lab Ont Sewer Pipe h n s Aldgate av

Stickley Herbert cutter h e s Aldgate av

Stocker Chas lab Can Metal Co h 16 Humbolt av

Stone Albert carp h s s Daniels

Stone Cecil blrmkr CNR lvs 60 Burgess av

Stone Fredk l lab lvs 60 Burgess av

Stone Wm J cond CNR h 60 Burgess av

Stroud Fredk mech St James Garage h 97 Cannon rd

Sturton Alfred E comp Goodyear Tire h 28 Frederica

Suggitt Pearl Mrs clk Steel Co of Can lvs 57 Burgess av

Sullivan Saml (Sullivan & Marando) res Toronto

Sullivan Thos J designer h s Aldgate av

Sullivan Marando (Saml Sullivan, Bruno Marando) s s Lake Shore rd

Sutherland Angus C contr s s Queen w h same

Sutherland Freda W engvr h 30 Lake Shore rd

Sutherland Jas B contr lvs Angus C Sutherland

Traveller John police constable h 50 Burgess av

Taverner Arthur mech Humber Bay Canoe & Boat Co h 57 Queen

BOT 1927 p1872 left column (right column of 23Ja044)

TOP 1927 p1872 23Ja013 centre column

Taverner Carrie (wid Edward) h 89 Queen

Taverner Chas brk setter Price & Cumming h 2 Humberside av

Taverner Geo lab lvs 89 Queen

Taverner Henry lab h 21 Macdonald av

Taylor Emma h 159 Lake Shore rd

Taylor Katherine bds 40 Lake Shore rd

Telford Roy trav James Lumbers & Co h 7 Birch av

Thomas Jas h 25 Macdonald av

Thrower Thos h 22 Humbercrest av

Tiffon Dalton mkt gdnr 252 Queen w h same

Tinker Edward mach Can Laundry Mach Co h e s Salisbury av

Todd Jos h 360 Salisbury av

Todman Chas truck drvr h 63 Burgess av

Tomlinson Geo slsmn Fancy Goods Co h 73 Cannon rd

Tomlinson Richard mkt gdnr w s Salisbury av h same

Tovey Fredk C rubber wkr Goodyear Tire h 101 Queen

Trafford Ralph garage s s Queen h e s Milton

Trevethan Philip B lab Can Steel Co h 11 Macdonald av

Trewin Jos H acct Crown Tailoring Co h 27 Douglas av

Trowles Victor h w s Valley dr

Tutty Jane Mrs h 16 Humbercrest av

Vallette Chester barber h s s Queen

Uttley Arthur R tlr Hudson & Quinn h 42 Humbolt av

Van Waggener Leo lab lvs. 9 Queen w

Van Waggener Lillian (wid Geo) h 9 Queen west

Van Waggener Vincent mach lvs 9 Queen w

Varney Jas H linesmn Bell Tel h e s Aldgate av

Verrall Wm slsmn McBride Bros h 138 Salisbury av

Vincent Perclval A J pntr h 1 Lorne

Wahetham Victor wdwkr h e s Harrison av

Wallace Harry lab h e s Grand av

Wallington Thos lab Lakeside Farm Dairy h e s Harrison av

Walton Emma bds Mr Doyle

Walton Florence bds Mr Doyle

Ward Alfred H h n s Daniels

Warren Ernest h 40 Humbercrest av

Waterworths Jas lab Dom Bridge Co h 18 Frederica

Watson Russell T clk British Amer Oil Co h s s Brussels

Watt Allan (Edgewater Beach Co) res Toronto

Watt John (Edgewater Beach Co) res Toronto

Welch Angus h l Aldgate av

Weller Geo fireman Ont Sewer Pipe Co h w s Harrison av

Welsman Chas A h 183 Lake Shore rd

Welsraan Wm N lvs 183 Lake Shore rd

West M h 143 Queen

Whalen Arthur J h 4 Birch av

Whalen Geo h e s Aldgate av

Whalen Jas mech Lee & Powell h e s Aldgate av

Wheeler Ellen maid 61 Salisbury av

Wheeler Jos prtr Canada Life h 61 Salisbury av

Whelpdale Geo pntr n s Queen w h same

Whitehead Harry piano mkr J M Loose & Co lvs 4 Oliver

Whitehead Jas J lab TTC h 34 Oliver

Whitehead John W lab h 4 Oliver

Whitehead Muriel hrdrsr lvs 4 Oliver

Whitworth Edna G lvs 118 College

Whitworth Ethel M lvs 141 Queen

Whitworth Geo mkt gdnr 141 Queen h same

Whitworth Geo jr lab Can Steel Co h 5 Frederica

Whitworth Jos M gdnr lvs 141 Queen

Whitworth Mabel J stenog lvs. 141 Queen

Whitworth Myrtle F stenog lvs. 141 Queen

Whitworth Ruby l stenog A Welch & Son lvs. 118 College

Whitworth Wm E mkt gdnr 118 College h same

Whitworth Wm H lab lvs. 141 Queen

Wild John prntr Spears & Co h 38 Humbercrest av

Wilkie John A rubber wkr Goodyear Tire h 66 Burgess av

Wilkins Edna clk Gossard Corset Co lvs. 280 Salisbury av

Wilkins Murray mach Massey-Harrls h 74 Burgess av

Wilkins Robt h 280 Salisbury av

Williams Arthur lvs. 85 Queen

Williams Geo T tool setter h 85 Queen

Williams Robt E plmbr h 72 Cockburn

Willis Mildred L lvs. n s Bernice av

Willis Wilbert C h n s Bernice av

Wilmshurst Henry C trav h n s Queen

Wilmshurst John candy mkr lvs. Henry C Wilmshurst

Wilson Clifford clk Steel Co of Can lvs. 93 Cannon rd

Wilson Gertrude Mrs h 93 Cannon rd

Wiltshire Fred clk h n s Queen

Wiltshire Wm T J hlpr Jos B Cripps res Toronto

Winger Edwd gdnr h 28 Oliver

Winger Lloyd photo engraver lvs. 28 Oliver

Winters J Sidney trav h 139 Lake Shore rd

Wiseman Fred storemn CPR h 2 Orchard av

Woodrow Albert candy mkr United Drug Co h 241 Salisbury av

Woolfe Alfred repairmn TTC h n s Queen

Wright David mkt gdnr e s Grand av h same

Wright Geo slsmn Shell Co of Can res Toronto

Wright Jos emp Goodyear Tire h e s Grand av

Wright Jos pntr bds 43 Queen

Wright Sam L (Humber Coal & Supply Co) h 33 Queen

Wright Wm T lvs. 41 Queen

Wynes Wm foreman Swansea Steel Co h 2 Godson rd

Yates Albert carp h 82 Cockburn

Yates Lawrence gro w s Grand av h same

Youell J H h 248 Salisbury av

Youell J H jr stm ftr h 244 Salisbury av

Young David emp Jas Weir h s s Howard

Young John photographer h e s Harrison av

Young Robt photo-engraver Reid Engraving Co h 53 Salisbury av

Young Thos h 50 McRoberts av



YEARHA 1928 corrected



Abbott Andrew h 17 Humbolt av

Adams Minnie Mrs lvs 9 Davidson cres

Allan Jos W Jr mkt gdnr w s Salisbury av h same

Allen Annie E h n s Howard

Allen Wm lab h w s Harrison av

Allworth Geo h 20 Humbercrest av

Alvey Geo lab h w s Harrison av

Anderson Archd B h 31 Douglas av

Armstrong Wm A elect Hydro Elect h 9 Humbolt av

Atkins Earl A L gro 203 Salisbury av h same

Aymer Chas mkt gdnr h 22 Cannon rd

Aymer Chas H h 46 Cockburn av

Aymer Geo gdnr h 42 Cannon rd

Baldwin Arthur lab Dom Sewer Pipe Co h 27 Macdonald av

Bales Harry h 35 Humbolt av

Basterfield Horace h 1 Humbercrest av

Bate Wm J elect insp Ont Hydro h 237 Lake Shore rd

Bates Geo mach Goodyear Tire h 12 McIntosh av

Bates Jack lvs. 12 McIntosh av

Barter Evelyn stenog lvs. 27 Douglas av

Beach Florence Mrs h 53 Burgess av

Beggs Albert gdnr h w s Harrison av

Beggs Henry W h w s Cockburn av

Beggs Henry W slsmn Eatons h l Aldgate av

Beldone Martha housekpr 4 Salisbury av

Bell Alfred mkt gdnr h e s Salisbury av

Bell Muriel G lvs. e s Salisbury av

Bell Percy A mkt gdnr e s Salisbury av h same

Bell Sidney mkt gdnr h e s Salisbury av

Bennett Percy h 5 Oliver

Bertram Norman h 1 Humbolt av

Bickford Arthur emp Can Pac Exp h e s McRoberts av

Black Geo S lvs. 221 Lake Shore rd

Blake Jos cement wkr rms 89 Queen w

Blenkhorn John lab Price & Cumming Co h 94 Salisbury av

Blenkhorn John jr brkmkr Trice A Cummings h 106 Salisbury

Blenkhorn Thos opr Price & Cummings h 104 Salisbury av

Bloodworth Alfred (Burgess & Bloodworth) h 73 Lakeshore rd

Bodrug Edwd gdnr lvs n s Braemar cres

Bodrug John mkt gdnr n s Braemar cres h same

Bodrug Lester acct Royal Bank of Can lvs n s Braemar cres

Bodrug Wm J lvs n s Braemar cres

Boniface Albert tmstr Humber Coal & Supply Co 15 Davidson cres

Boniface Albert Jr lab lvs 15 Davidson cres

Boniface Fredk lab lvs. 15 Davidson cres

Boniface Wm lab lvs. 15 Davidson cres

Boxall L Wallace pntr CNR h 7 Lorne

Boyce Frank mach h 5 Birch av

Boyd Geo M h 19 Humbolt av

Bragg Fred emp Goodyear Rubber Co h 85 Cannon rd

Bricknell Harry h e s McRoberts av

Brierley Alfred btchr h 19 Waniska av

Broderick John J cond CNR h s s Heldena av

Bromby Walter caretkr National Bldg h s Aldgate av

Brooker Edward A confy s s Lake Shore rd h same

Brown Arthur W emp Goodyear Tire h n s Daniels

Brown Dorothy stenog Imperial Bank lvs 141 Lake Shore rd

Brown Ewart clk Crane Ltd lvs. 141 Lake Shore rd

Brown Frank gdnr h 182 Salisbury av

Brown Fredk lab h 4 Frederica

Brown Geo E trav Butterfield Tool Co lvs 141 Lake Shore rd

Brown John mkt gdnr h 142 Salisbury av

Brown Mildred lvs 141 Lake Shore rd

Brown Nicholas gro h 141 Lake Shore rd

Brown Peter l btchr h 135 Lake Shore rd

Brown Phoebe (wid Henry) lvs. Geo W Rush

Brown Robt J moto TTC h 3 Amelia

Brown Thos S btchr h 135 Lake Shore rd

Brule School w s Frederica

Bruning Rudolph H rubber wkr Goodyear Tire h n s Queen w

Buchner Alfred slsmn lvs 145 Salisbury av

Buchner Chas tool mkr Dom Mach A Tool Co h 145 Salisbury av

BOT p1971 left 23Ja014

Burbridge Byron h 360 Salisbury av

Burbridge Ernest mkt gdnr 134 College h same

Burbridge Robt asst gdnr Ernest Burbridge lvs. 134 College

Burbridge Ruth lvs 134 College

Burble John h 33 Humbercrest av

Burgess John W (Burgess & Bloodworth) h 73 Lake Shore rd

Burgess & Bloodworth (J W Burgess Alfred Bloodworth) garage 71 Lake Shore rd

Butterworth Fred foreman Tor Carpet Co h 1 Macdonald av

Butterworth Norman lab Creans Hat Fcty lvs 1 Macdonald av

Butwell Arthur brick mkr lvs 107 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Benj brick mkr Richard Butwell h 249 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Caleb brick mkr Richard Butwell lvs 107 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Doris Y stenog Electrical Services Ltd lvs 107 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Gordon lvs 251 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Henry brick mkr Richard Butwell h 251 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Mark h 113 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Reginald L h 15 Humbercrest av

Butwell Richd brick mfr h Davidson cres h 107 Lake Shore rd

Bywater Christina (wid Jas) h 30 Frederica

Cain Christina (wid Wm) bds 203 Salisbury av

Cain Kenneth lvs 203 Salisbury av

Cameron Adele nurse lvs 149 Lake Shore rd

Cameron Eva stenog Tor General Hosp lvs 149 Lake Shore rd

Cameron Marine clk Standard Bank lvs 149 Lake Shore rd

Cameron Wm h 149 Lake Shore rd

Campbell Arthur barber h 67 Frederica

Cardwell Henry mach French Ivory Prod h 58 Cockburn

Cardwell Norman lvs 58 Cockburn

Carson Robt T mgr Cement Block Co h 12 Oliver

Carter Waltor h 113 Salisbury av

Cator Thos brasswkr h e s McRoberts av

Chadwick Fredk W asst ahpr Metallic Roofing Co h n s Brussels

Chamberlain Jas lab Dunlop Rubber Co h e s McRoberts av

Chapman Albert caretkr Grand Ave School h s s Daniels

Chowns Emma (wid Wm) h 79 Queen w

Chowns Fredk J lab rms 1 Davidson cres

Chowns Richard h 38 Cockburn av

Church of Latter Day Saints 288 Salisbury av

Churchward Alfred lab Can Steel Co h 49 Frederica

Churchward Audrey lvs 50 Frederica

Churchward Edwin E clk Can Life Ins lvs 56 Frederica

Churchward Robt mach Can Steel Co h 50 Frederica

Clark Ernest box mkr h 3 Lorne

Clark John W btchr Eatons h 30 Humbercrest av

Clark Walter florist lvs 45 McRoberts av

Clark Wm H lab h 29 Oliver

Clarke Ernest emp Lever Bros h 3 Lorne av

Colbary Emma (wid Thos) h 77 Queen w

Colbary Frank clk lvs 77 Queen w

Colbary Robt emp Golf Links lvs 77 Queen w

Cole Frank tlr Eatons h 91 Cannon rd

Collins Mabel clk bds 3 McIntosh av

Comrie Peter carp h w s Valley dr

Conway Wm steam ffr h 58 Burgess av

Cooney Thos brkmkr h s s Heldena av

Cooper Fredk W h e s Harrison av

Copeland Clayton S garage 3 Queen w res Toronto

Copeland Robt C clk Eatons h 275 Salisbury av

Cornish Thos paperhgr h n s Queen w

Courier Chas S driver Goodyear Tire Co h 62 Lake Shore rd

Coveyduck Wm carp h 64 McRoberts av

Cox Bessie compt opr CGE lvs 158 College

Cox Gladys lvs 158 College

Cox Saml mkt gdnr 158 College h same

Cox Thos asst gdnr Samuel Cox lvs 158 College

Crawford Jas T h 54 Frederica

Crawford Jos plmbr h 54 Frederica

Creighton Chas H mgr Printers Mach Co Ltd h 28 Cannon rd

Creighton Saml lvs 28 Cannon rd

Cripps Jos B auto service stn s s Queen w h same

Crowe Catherine n (wid Stewart) h 73 Lake Shore rd

Crowe’s Bathing Beach (John W Burgess, Alf Bloodworth) s s Lake Shore rd

Culnan Agnes lvs 127 Salisbury av

Culnan David h 127 Salisbury av

Culnan Ellizth lvs 127 Salisbury av

Cummings John gdnr rms 89 Queen w

Cummings Wm lab rms 89 Queen w

Currier Jas h 38 Lake Shore rd

Dadson Jas mkt gdnr 173 College h same

BOT p1971 cente col

Dandridge Edwd gdnr h 15 Orchard av

Dandridge Hugh gdnr lvs Jas Dandridge

Dandridge Jas mkt gdnr n s Queen h same

Daniels Lola K lvs 129 Salisbury av

Daniels Norman chauf Price & Cumming lvs 129 Salisbury av

Daniels Susan Mrs h 129 Salisbury av

Darby Dudley H trfc ofcr Prov Govt h n s Queen w

Darby K n gro 278 Salisbury av h same

Darrah Harry truckmn ONR h 62 Burgess av

Davies John S slsmn Can Bread Co h 36 Frederica

Davis Geo mach TTC h 1 Orchard av

Davis Lewis pntr h 2 Oliver

Dawe Henry W bus drvr h 6 Birch av

Deacon Edwd tnsmth h e s Harrison av

Deacon Florence pclr Simpsons lvs. e s McRoberts av

Deacon Harry h e s McRoberts av

Deacon Katherine Mrs lvs e s McRoberts av

Demers Peter lab h w s Harrlson av

Devins Fredk lab h 6 Oliver

Devins Isaac Boat House & Confy n s Lake Shore rd

Dewsbury Franklin n mach h 46 Frederica

Dewsbury John lab CPR h 16 Oliver

Dickison Wm J h 59 Frederica

Dinn Alice rms 9 Queen w

Dixon John T mkt gdnr w s Grand av h same

Dodds Owen gro n s Queen w h same

Don Duncan letter carrier h e s Valley Dr

Donnelly Maud (wid John) h w s McRoberts av

Donovan Ann clk lvs 5 Queen w

Donovan John (P J Donovan & Son) lvs 5 Queen w

Donovan Kathleen clk lvs 5 Queen w

Donovan Lawrence clk lvs 5 Queen w

Donovan Patrick J (P J Donovan & Son) h 5 Queen w

Donovan P J & Son (Patrick J & John) confy l Queen w

Downing Wm T com artist h 9 Sydenham

Doyle Daniel P h 5 Amelia

Doyle Maurice mach Goodyear Tire h e s Harrison av

Drury Esther opr Curry & Co lvs e s Yalley drive

Drury Ethel opr Curry & Co lvs e s Valley drive

Drury Jenny clk Curry & Co lvs. e s Valley drive

Drury Sidney carp h e s Valley dr

Dryden Clarence tnsmth h 33 Frederica

Duff Constance wtrs Childs Rest lvs 5 Sydenham

Duff Lewis h 6 Sydenham

Dunn Alex lab h 39 McRoberts av

Dunn Geo h w s Harrison av

Dunn Jos h 2 Humbolt av

Durkin Patrick lab h 23 Oliver

Dutnall Robt h 38 Lake Shore rd

Dwyer Mary bkpr rms n s Howard

Eagles Chas lvs 197 Lake Shore rd

Eagles Dorothy stenog Can Life Assce Co lvs 197 Lake Shore rd

Eagles Ernest mech Salisbury Garage h 228 Salisbury av

Eagles Geo S h 205 Lake Shore rd

Eagles Wm pntr h 197 Lake Shore rd

Eckersley Abraham (Humber Coal & Supply Co) h 43 Queen w

Edgewater Beach Co (John A Allan Watt, Edward A Brooker) dancing academy s s Lake Shore rd

Edmond Agnes (wid Daniel) lvs n s Bernice av

Edmond Geo F mech Wlllys-Overland h n s Bernice av

Edmond Peter clk Shell Motor Co lvs n s Bernice av

Edwards Albert truck drvr h 136 Salisbury av

Eagles Geo h 219 Lake Shore rd

Elford Isaac h 36 Burgess av

Elford Marjorie comp opr lvs 169 College

Elford Wm mkt gdnr 169 College h same

Ellen Rae lvs 33 Frederica

Endicott John h 19 Humbercrest av

Etobicoke Community Church w s McRoberts av

Etobicoke Post Office Mrs Mabel Hanna post mistress n s Queen

Everett Thos W bidr h 72 Burgess av

Eves Florence wtrs lvs 59 Salisbury av

Eves Marie (wid Henry) h 59 Salisbury av

Eves Roland bkpr Anaconda Brass Co lvs 59 Salisbury

Ewles Jas T lab h 3 Orchard av

Farnsworth Harry mech h 12 Humbercrest av

Farrow Mary opr Eatons lvs 41 Queen w

Farrow Robt (number Coal & Supply Co) h 41 Queen w

Fenning Fannie (wid Rev Jas) h s s Queen w

Fenning Geo lvs Fannie Fenning

Fenning Jas lvs Fannie Fenning

Fenning Rosa lvs Fannie Finning

Ferguson Elizth schl tchr lvs 179 Lake Shore rd

BOT p1971 right col 23Ja014


Ferguson John carp h e s Valley dr

Ferguson Wm mkt gdnr lvs 179 Lake Shore rd

Field Geo tlr h n s Daniels

Fielding Miry clk Eatons lvs 2 Aldgate av

Fielding Simon carp h 2 Aldgate av

Fielding Thos lvs 2 Aldgate av

Fisher Wm E confy 160 Queen w h same

Flynn Alice bds 10 Humbolt av

Flynn Edward C emp CPR bds 10 Humbolt av

Ford Harry h 10 Humbercrecst av

Ford Harry mech Exide Batteries h s Humbolt av

Ford Raymond opr Hamilton Shoe Co lvs 8 Humbolt av

Fordyce John lab h 32 Oliver

Foreman Edward h 29 Humbercrest av

Franklin Alfred h w s Harrison av

Franklin Arthur emp Tor Carpet Co h 23 Macdonald av

Franklin Arthur lab Goodyear Tires h 4 Harrison av

Franklin Arthur J lab Goodyear Tires h w s Harrison av

Funnell H h e s Valley dr

Gair Arnold brick mkr Price & Cumming lvs 90 Cockburn

Gair Chas prntr lvs 90 Cockburn

Gair Joseph prntr h 90 Cockburn

Gair Muriel buff mkr Can Hanson A Van Winkle lvs 90 Cockburn

Gair Reginald prntr lvs 90 Cockburn

Gamble John F blrmkr John Inglis h 24 Salisbury av

Gamble Thos R tnsmth 24 Salisbury av h same

Gardner Gordon W h 3 Frederica

Garlick Fredk W tmstr Leadley & Co h 276A Salisbury av

Garlick Margaret clk John MacDonald Co lvs 276A Salisbury av

Garrett Geo lab rms David Wright

Gelman Sarah lvs 12 Oliver

Gilby Stanley emp Simpsons h 273 Salisbury av

Giles Arthur clk h 24 Oliver

Giles Melville florlst h 68 McRoberts av

Gilman Chas lab h 35 McRoberts av

Gilman Geo lab Prices Brick Yds h 13 Macdonald av

Glen Chas mech Willys Overland h n s Bernice av

Goyne Mary (wid John) lvs 169 College

Grand av School w s Grand av

Grant Collier C barr h 131 Lake Shore rd

Grant Stephen tire bldr Goodyear Tire h n s Queen w

Gray Caroline M (wid Jas) bds 179 Lake Shore rd

Gray Lucy Mrs h 131 Salisbury av

Green Mathew opr TTC h 7 Humbolt av

Greenfield Chas gdnr lvs Mrs Ethel Greenfield

Greenfield Ethel (wid Chas) mkt gdnr w s Grand av h same

Greenfield Florence hrdsr lvs Mrs Ethel Greenfield

Greenfield Gladys emp Eatons lvs Mrs Ethel Greenfield

Greenfield Thos G h s Oliver

Gregg Geo R lvs n s Bernice av

Grigsby Wm truck drvr h 59½a Burgess av

Groves Fredk lab Dart Union Co h 20 Salisbury av

Gusippe Gatto lab 148 Lake Shore rd

Gwilllams Jos lab h 18 Oliver

Haines Fred truck drvr h 106 Lake Shore rd

Hancock Arthur J pntr h 15 Waniska av

Hanna Harvey acct lvs Thos Hanna

Hanna Mabel Mrs gro n s Queen w lvs same

Hanna Thos garage n s Queen w h same

Harris Geo mkt gdnr 53 College h same

Harris Walter lab Dom Sewer Pipe Co h 65 Queen

Harris Wm h 34 Frederica

Harrison Joseph h 50 Cockburn

Hart John A mgr King Const Co h 143 Salisbury av

Haslam Bethel h 27 Oliver av

Haughton Geo mgr stove dept Yolles h n s Daniels

Haughton Thos lvs n s Daniels

Hawkins Hicks druggist h 18 Waniska av

Hawkins Marinda h 6 Frederica

Hayward Jas lab h 9 Davidson cres

Healey Elizth M (wid Thos D) h 239 Lake Shore rd

Healey Harley mach Overland Auto Co h 1 Oliver

Healey Hermine lvs 239 Lake Shore rd

Healey Irene H lvs 239 Lake Shore rd

Helliker Jas F mach Steel Co of Can h 268 Salisbury av

Henderson Ann lvs 11 McIntosh av

Henderson Hazel (wid Jas Wm) h 11 McIntosh av

Hicks Amy E lvs 49 Queen w

Hicks Doris lvs 133 Lake Shore rd

Hicks Elizth (wid Thos L) h 49 Queen w

Hicks Octavius L h 99 Lake Shore rd

BOT left col p1972 23Ja014 TOP centre 23Ja015

Hicks Wm J pleasure boats s s Lake Shore rd h 133 same

Hickton Gladys knitter Scott Knitting Mills lvs 10 Humbolt av

Hickton Saml F pntr h 10 Humbolt av

Higgins Wm slvsmlh h e s Harrison av

Higman John btchr 132 Queen w h same

Hills Frank W tire bldr h 37 Aldgate av

Hockney Ernest lab Can Steel Co h 5 McIntosh av

Hodgkinson Albert photo h s s Howard

Hodgkinson Levi gdnr h 3 Macdonald av

Hodgson Gladys lvs 2 McIntosh av

Hodgson John prtr Simpsons h 2 McIntosh av

Hodgson Olive mlnr lvs 2 McIntosh av

Holliday Thos D clk h 1 Lorne av

Holliday Treca F h 207 Salisbury

Hollins Cecil F trav Tor Rattan Co h 3 McIntosh av

Hollins Harry C mech Reed Products Co h n s Heldena av

Holmes Henry mach Can Steel Co h 35 Macdonald av

Hopkins Chas clk Simpsons h s Douglas av

Hopper Harry h 14 McIntosh av

Horne Wm trav h l McIntosh av

Horwood Frank h 37 Frederica

Horwood Geo peddler h 62 Cockburn

Howlins Thos uphlstr h 10 McIntosh av

Huffman Bert lab h 36 Cannon rd

Huffman Minnie lvs 36 Cannon rd

Huffman Weston lab lvs 36 Cannon rd

Huffman Wm C well drlr h 101 Cannon rd

Humber Bay Baptist Church Rev J H Olmstead pastor e s Aldgate av

Humber Bay Canoe & Boat Co (Ray Price, Rutherford Cummings, Archibald Orr) boat bldrs s s Lake Shore rd

Humber Bay Fire Hall e s Salisbury av

HUMBER BAY POST OFFICE, Joseph Runnalls Post Master, 67 Queen w

Humber Bay Public School e s Cockburn

Humber Coal & Supply Co (S L Wright, R Farrow, A Eckersley) coal 27 Queen w

Humber Valley Golf Club C E Cowling sec n s Queen w

Hunt Thos T toolmkr Steel Co of Can h 29 Macdonald av

Hunter Grace stdnt h 41 Salisbury av

Huston Thos W h 9 Birch av

Iceton John mech John Inglis Co h 6 Humbolt av

Imperial Oil Ltd Chas H Foster agt auto service Mn s s Lake Shore rd

Inglis Wm brass mldr h w s Harrison av

Irwin Robt brklyr h n s Queen w

Jack Jas lab CNR lvs 47 McRoberts av

Jackson Herbert mach John Inglis h 3 Oliver

Jackson Thos car repr CNR h 13 Humbolt av

Jamieson Wilbert Roy drvr Eatons h s s Heldena av

Jarvis Douglas M elect h 5 Orchard av

Jarvis Wm h 28 Lake Shore rd

Jecks Talbot L pleasure boats s s Lake Shore rd res Toronto

Jeffreys Jas gdnr h 7 Syndenham

Jenkinson Harriet slsldy Simpsons bds s s Brussels

Jennings Robt emp Goodyear Tire h 59 Queen west

Jesson Sarah lvs 142 Queen w

Jesson Shad shoe repr 142 Queen w h same

Jesson Wm gdnr h n s Braemar cres

Jesson Wm lab h e s Salisbury av

Jewell Margt Mrs lvs 99 Lake Shore rd

Johnson Cecil H carp lvs 101 Salisbury av

Johnson Dorothy pckr Willards lvs 101 Salisbury av

Johnson Elsie R litho Lyons & James lvs 101 Salisbury av

Johnson Harry C carp h 101 Salisbury av

Johnson Isaac patrn mkr h 185 Lake Shore rd

Johnson Jas emp Massey-Harris lvs 28 Humbolt av

Johnston Jas mech Massey Harris h 28 Humbolt av

Johnston Marion emp Massey Harris lvs 28 Humbolt av

Johnstone Caroline (wid Jas K) h 179 Lake Shore rd

Jones Gordon lab Can Metal Co h 71 McRoberts av

Jones Stanley mach Can Metal Co h w s Harrison av

Jones Wm H lab h n s Daniels

Joy Fredk slsmn h 61 Burgess av

Kemp Sydney mach Can Steel Co h e s McRoberts av

Kennedy Geo engnr Hamilton Bridge Co h 243 Salisbury av

Kennedy W John slsmn Fuller Brush Co h 279 Salisbury av

Kent Laurence emp H J Kent h 181 College

Kent Wm J mkt gdnr h 357 Salisbury av

Kerr Albert A chauf h 33 Macdonald av

King Ernest A rubber wkr Gutta Percha lvs Clarence C Smith

King Frank h 9 McIntosh av

BOT p1972 centre col 23Ja015

Knox Hugh foremn Gutta Percha h s s Brussels

Kroom Veal gdnr h s s Bernice av

Laccohee Arthur C btchr Simpsons h s s Heldena av

Lake John A shmn h 268 Salisbury av

Latta Geo h 143 Queen w

Lawn Chas J lab Wright Coal Co h n s Daniels

Lawson Chris emp BenJ Fleche lvs l Sydenham

Lawson Jas spinner York Knitting Mills lvs l Sydenham

Lawson Wm mach Bengenan Electric h l Sydenham

Lee Joseph lab Goodyear Tire h 66 Burgess av

Legge Archd M engr h 127 Lake Shore rd

Legge Geo F engr h 123 Lake Shore rd

Legge G Wallace engr lvs 127 Lake Shore rd

Legge Myrtle sec J B Tyrrell lvs. 123 Lake Shore rd

Leishman David blksmth rear 101 Queen lvs 101 same

Lemick Saml h 148 Lake Shore rd

Lenghern John dectr bds 32 Oliver

Little Bert elect h w s Valley dr

Little Kenneth C prin Humber Bay Public School h 14 Douglas av

Lockhart Walter S pntr h s s Daniels

Logan Jas h 4 McIntosh av

Lohman John chef Muirhead’s h 52 Cannon rd

Lomas Wm h 19 Macdonald av

Loyal Orange Lodge w s Frederica

Lyons Frank h s Frederica

Lyth Ernest lab h 37 McRoberts av

Lyttle Andrew carp h 17 Oliver

MacDonald Jas mach h w s Valley dr

MacElroy Geo lab rms 35 McRoberts av

Macintosh Harold tire bldr Goodyear Tire h 151 Lake Shore rd

MacKinder Arthur mach CNR h 52 McRoberts av

MacLaren Joseph mldr h 239 Salisbury av

MacPherson Alex clk Can Bank of Commerce h 65 Burgess av

Mageehan John elect Can Steel Co h 65 Frederica

Mahr Geo truck drvr h 134 Lake Shore rd

Major Albert E bldr h s s Daniels

Major Rupert E mkt gdnr h 283 Salisbury av

Malvis Nicholas lab h 250 Salisbury av

Manifold Ernest h 161 Lake Shore rd

Marsden Benj emp Simpsons h 97 Queen w

Mason Earl M clk Royal Bank of Can lvs n s Bernice av

Mason Geo F h n s Bernice av

Mathews Dorothy lvs 93 Cannon rd

Mathews Edwin car chkr CNR lvs 93 Cannon rd

May Jas h n s Lorne

McAllister John h 2 Frederica

McCrimmon S Mrs h 110 Queen w

McDermott Lawrence clk Can Steel Wks lvs 22 Oliver

McDermott Patrick lab Can Steel Wks h 22 Oliver

McDougal Robt Y brk mkr h s s Howard

McGlone Terence firemn Dom Sewer Pipe Co h 138 Salisbury av

McGrath Wm lvs 138 Salisbury av

McGrath Jas mkt gdnr s s Queen w h same

McGrath John mkt gdnr e s Wesley h same

McGraw Fredk pleasure boats n s Lake Shore rd h same

McKee Samuel asst mgr Tor Furnace Co h 3 Sydenham

McKenester Edgar bkr Can Bread h 5 Lorne

McKensie Minnie h 36 Lake Shore rd

McLaverty Alice cshr Eatons lvs 11 Douglas av

McLaverty Wm credit mgr John MacDonald Co h 11 Douglas av

McLaverty Wm Jr clk John MacDonald Co lvs 11 Douglas av

McLeod Ernest emp Grange h 1 Lorne

McMillen Roy mach h 1 Birch av

McRoberts Gordon pressmn Daily Star h 4 Aldgate av

Milding Charlotte opr Eatons h 109 Salisbury av

Milding Hector lab lvs 109 Salisbury av

Mitchell Geo tmstr Etobicoke County Council h 108 Lake Shore rd

Mitchell Ross W tmstr bds 163 Lake Shore rd

Mitchell Wm tnsmlth h 59½ Burgess av

Monteith John clk h n s Queen

Montgomery Thos l truck drvr h e s Valley dr

Moore Fredk barber n s Queen w h same

National Sporting Club Abraham Orpen prop s s Lake Shore rd

Naylor Edwin lvs 113 Lake Shore rd

Needler Arthur carp h 284 Salisbury av

Nell Jas S h 3 Birch av

Nelson Fredk sec-treas Robins Ltd h 177 Lake Shore rd

Newham Anna lvs 57 Frederica

Newham John moto York Radial Co h 257 Salisbury av

BOT p1972 right column 23Ja015

Nemand Stanley acct United Farmers Corp h 2 Birch av

Newman Mary (wid Henry) h s s Daniels

Newport Chas gdnr h 125 Salisbury av

Newton Alfred H mkt gdnr s s Queen w h same

Newton William messr Bank of Montreal h n s Lorne av

Noble Wm clk Eatons h 16 Waniska av

North Andrew h w s Harrison av

North Beatrice Mrs mkt gdnr h 324 Salisbury av

Northcote Lucy bds 201 Lake Shore rd

Northcote Richard h 201 Lake Shore rd

O’Brien Buckley carp h 45 Frederica

Olmstead J H Rev h n s Bernice av

Orr Arthur boat bldr Humber Bay Boat and Canoe Co, h s s Heldena av

Orr Robt mach Steel Co of Can h s s Heldena

Owens Ernest buffer Goodyear Tire h Heldena

Palmer Fredk R lab Anaconda Brass Co h 20 Humbercrest av

Parker John H real est s s Queen w h same

Parker Walter C h n s Queen w

Parkin Robt carp h 32 Humbercrest av

Parkinson Wm jwlr h 199 Lake Shore rd

Parsons Peter h 54 Lake Shore rd

Patchett Walter mech Steel Co of Can h 40 Lake Shore rd

Patterson Jas chauf h 95 Queen av

Patterson Leonard stone msn h 69 McRoberts av

Pattullo Marjorie lvs 191 Lake Shore rd

Pattullo Thos J mgr Imperial News Co h 191 Lake Shore rd

Paul Emily M (wid Geo) h 31 Orchard av

Paul May stenog lvs 31 Orchard av

Payne Alice emp Steel Co of Can lvs 12 Humberside av

Payne Chas D brk mkr Butwell Brk Yds h 12 Humberside av

Payne Donovan gdnr John Brown lvs 12 Humberside av

Payne Harold lab Ontario Sewer Pipe h w s Aldgate av

Payne Samuel h 31 Humbercrest av

Pearson Mary bds 131 Salisbury av

Pennall Harry D trav Baines & David h 117 Salisbury av

Phillips Jas h s s Howard

Phillips Wm h 9 Douglas av

Pierce Thos halrdrsr h 33 Aldgate av

Piper Jas bds 22 Oliver

Plant Christopher lnsp Willys Overland h 4 Douglas av

Pollard Fredk blr mkr CNR h 16 Frederica

Pomflet Luther lab h 136 Queen

Portwood Albert clk h 117 Queen

Potter Ray Mrs h 203 Lake Shore rd

Potts Rudolph patn mkr h n s Howard

Pressley Anna h 11 Oliver

Pressley Florence music tchr lvs 11 Oliver

Price John R (Price & Cumming) h 121 Salisbury av

Price & Cumming (John R Price, Rutherford Cumming) brick mfrs e s Salisbury av

Prosser Samuel A lab TTC h 57 Burgess av

Proudfoot Rolph M tchr High School of Com h 187 Lake Shore rd

Prowse Horace slsmn United Cigar Stores h s s Daniels

Pugh Jas h s s Queen w

Pycock Jas clergymn Latter day Saints h 292 Salisbury av

Ramsperger August piano tchr h 193 Lake Shore rd

Red Boy Coffee Shop (H Drummond) s s Queen w

Redmore Jas lab Caulfields Dairy h e s Harrison av

Reeves Chas (F F Reeves & Sons)

Reeves Fred jr (F F Reeves & Sons)

Reeves F F (F F Reeves & Sons)

Reeves F F & Sons (F F, Chas, Geo and Fred Reeves) mkt gdnrs 18 College

Reeves Geo (F F Reeves & Sons)

Reeves Harry h 83 Cannon rd

Reid Chas H mach James Weir Co h w s Harrison av

Reid Geo C mach Dom Bridge Co h w s Harrison av

Reid Norman confy s s Queen w h 41 McRoberts av

Reid Ralph L mkt gdnr h 356 Salisbury av

Reid Stanley lab CNR h w s Valley dr

Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 288 Salisbury av

Riley Harry h 28 Frederica

Roberts Albert dog brdr 115 Lake Shore rd h same

Robinson Arthur lvs 66 Cockburn

Robinson Hilda M opr Tor Lithographic Co lvs 24 Salisbury av

Robinson Richard G barber h 66 Cockburn av

Ross Patrick lab h 150 Lake Shore rd

Rowett Ernest mkt gdnr ns Queen h same

Rowett Geo mkt gdnr Maple Cottage Grand av h same

BOT p1973 left column 23Ja016

Rowett Leonard gdnr ha Ernest Rowett

Rowett Peter mkt gdnr e s Grand av h Bame

Rule Alfred A h 10 McIntosh av

Runnalls Audrey slsldy Eatons lvs 67 queen

Runnalls Jos h 13 Macdonald av

Runnalls Jos gro 67 Queen w h same

Runnalls Vernita slsldy Eatons lvs 67 Queen west

Rush Chas lab h 1 Davidson ctcs

Rush Ernest clk CGE lvs 224 Salisbury av

Rush Geo with Dept of Agrlculture h 224 Salisbury av

Rush Geo W lab h n s Queen w

Rush Harry blksmth h 53 Frederica

Sabiston Geo pntr h e s Wesley

St James (Ang) Church e s Frederica

Salisbury Garage (O J Eagles) 230 Salisbury av

Sandford Albert carp h w s Harrison av

Savage Chas lab Dom Sewer Co h 31 Macdonald av

Savage Ernest bkpr Price & Cummings h 40 Burgess av

Schulkins Wm b 1 Cockburn

Scott Chas gro 77 Lake Shore rd h same

Scott Ernest lab bds 7 Macdonald av

Seager Dorothy lvs 93 Queen w

Seager Edwin wtchnm Bank of Commerce h 93 Queen w

Seaton Emmeline (wid Thos) h 19 Douglas av

Seaton Innes clk lvs 19 Douglas av

Seaton Wilfrid acct lvs 19 Douglas av

Selenis Clara E (wid Edward) bds 93 Queen w

Seymour Henry J btchr Arnolds h 11 Orchard av

Shaw Percy truck drvr h 60a Cockburn

Shell Co of Can Ltd s s Lake Shore rd

Shields Geo lab h n s Daniels

Short Robt prtr Eatons h 51 Burgess av

Simm Jas repr CPR h 64 Burgess av

Simpson Geo constable h 163 Lake Shore rd

Simpson Geo H emp CPR h 60 Lake Shore rd

Sims Hazel emp Willards lvs 4 Godson av

Sims John blksmth h 4 Godson rd

Sims Myrtle choc dipper Nielsons lvs 4 Godson av

Sims Reginald lvs l Godson rd

Sims Verna choc pckr Willards lvs 4 Godson rd

Sims Vivian choc pckr Willards lvs 4 Godson rd

Sinclair John A mtl wkr A Furnival h w s Valley dr

Skidmore Beatrice (wid Richd) h 57 Frederica

Slater John waiter h 9 Orchard av

Slee Richd engr h 221 Lake Shore rd

Small Clarence lvs Henry Small

Small Evelyn lvs Henry Small

Small Henry gro s s Queen h same

Small Orville clk lvs Henry Small

Smallbone Albert h w s Valley dr

Smillie Agnes bds 41 McRoberts av

Smillie Jenneth opr Eatons bds 41 McRoberts av

Smith Clarence C rubber wkr Gutta Percha h n s Queen w

Smith Edgar cond TTC h 263 Salisbury av

Smith Henry S mkt gdnr h 343 Salisbury av

Smith Herbert T lab Swansea Brick Wks h 78 Cockburn

Smith Horace H hrdwre 166 Queen w h same

Smith Jas E pntr and dec e s Berl av h same

Smith Robt stone mason h 23 Humbolt av

Smith Thos h 42 Cockburn

Snow Albert E carp h s s Daniels

Sproule Gordon clk CGE lvs 145 Lake Shore rd

Sproule Jas clk h 145 Lake Shore rd

Staples Ivan E h 24 Douglas av

Steer Margt Mrs h 245 Lake Shore rd

Stell Geo mach bds 131 Salisbury av

Stephens Alfred O off mgr W Schulklns h 7 Douglas av

Stephens Edwd T storekpr K & S Tire 59 Burgess av

Stephens Frank fcty hd Goodyear Tire h 89 Cannon rd

Stephens Margt Mrs lvs 13 Orchard av

Stevens John H carp h 13 Orchard av

Stewart Murray lab Ont Sewer Pipe h w s Aldgate av

Stocker Chas lab Can Metal Co h 16 Humbolt av

Stone Albert carp h s s Daniels

Stone Cecil J blrmkr CNR lvs 60 Burgess av

Stone Fredk l lab lvs 60 Burgess av

Stone Wm J cond CNR h 60 Burgess av

Stroud Fredk mech St James Garage h 97 Cannon rd

Sturton Alfred E comp Goodyear Tire h 28 Frederica

Suggitt Pearl Mrs clk Steel Co of Can lvs 57 Burgess av

Sullivan Saml (Sullivan A Marando)

Sullivan Thos J designer h s Aldgate av

Sullivan & Marando (Saml Sullivan, Bruno Marando) s s Lake Shore rd

Sunderland Jas A designer h 36 Humbercrest av

Sutherland Fredk W engrrr h 30 Lake Shore rd

BOT p1973 centre column 23Ja016

TOP p1973 right col

Sykes Wm E slsmn Ideal Bread Co 110 Harrison av

Taverner Arthur W lab h 57 Queen w

Taverner Carrie (wid Edward) h 89 Queen

Taverner Chas W lab h 25 MacDonald av

Taverner Geo lab lvs 89 Queen

Taverner Henry lab h 21 MacDonald av

Taverner John E 46 Humbercrest av

Taverner Emma h 159 Lake Shore rd

Taylor Katherine bds 40 Lake Shore rd

Thrower Thos h 22 Humbercrest av

Tice Fred L agt Mutual Life of Can h 267 Salisbury

Tiffon Dalton mkt gdnr 252 Queen w

Todd Jim mkt gdnr h 361 Salisbury av

Todmnan Chas truck drvr h 63 Burgess av

Tomlinson Geo slsmn Fancy Goods Co h 73 Cannon rd

Tomlinson Richard mkt gdnr w s Salisbury av h same

Tooke Wm A prntr Traders Brute Co h 219 Salisbury av

Tovey Fredk C rubber wkr Goodyear Tire h 101 Queen

Trafford Ralph garage s s Queen h e s Milton

Trevethan Phillip B lab Can Steel Co h 11 Macdonald av

Trewin Jos H acct Crown Tailoring Co h 27 Douglas av

Trowles Victor h w s Valley dr

Uttley Arthur R tlr Hudson & Quinn h 42 Humbolt av

Vanderburgh Andrew lab h 2 Humberside av

Van Waggoner Leo lab lvs 9 Queen

Van Waggoner Lillian (wid Geo) h 9 Queen

Van Waggoner Vincent mach lvs 9 Queen

Varney Jas H linesmn Bell Tel h e s Aldgate av

Vincent Percival stmftr lvs 71 Cannon rd

Vincent Percival A J pntr h 1 Lorne

Vincent Ruth (wid Percival) h 71 Cannon rd

Wahetham Victor wdwkr h e s Harrison av

Wallington Thos lab Lakeside Farm Dairy h e s Harrlson av

Walton Emma bds Mr Doyle

Walton Florence bds Mr Doyle

Ward Alfred H h n s Daniels

Ward Wm H lab Ingles Brass Co h 22 Salisbury av

Warren Ernest h 40 Humbercrest av

Waterworks Jas lab Dom Bridge Co h 18 Frederica

Watson Russell T clk British Amer Oil Co h s s Brussels

Weaver Claude car rlnr TTC h n s Daniels

Weller Geo fireman Ont Sewer Tlpe Co h w s Harrison av

Welsman Chas A h 183 Lake Shore rd

Welsman Wm N lvs 183 Lake Shore rd

Whalen Arthur J h 4 Birch av

Whalen Jas mech Lee & Towell h e s Aldgate av

Wheeler Ellen maid 61 Salisbury av

Wheeler Jos prtr Canada Life h 61 Salisbury av

Whelpdale Geo pntr n s Queen w h same

Whitehead Harry piano mkr J M Loose & Co lvs 4 Oliver

Whitehead Jas J lab TTC h 34 Oliver

Whitehead John W lab h 4 Oliver

Whitehead Muriel hrdrsr lvs 4 Oliver

Whitworth Ethel M lvs 141 Queen

Whitworth Geo mkt gdnr 141 Queen h same

Whitworth Geo jr lab Can Steel Co h 5 Frederica

Whitworth Jos M gdnr lvs 141 Queen

Whitworth Mabel J stenog lvs. 141 Queen

Whitworth Myrtle F stenog lvs. 141 Queen

Whitworth Ruby l stenog A Welch & Son lvs 118 College

Whitworth Wm E mkt gdnr 118 College h same

Whitworth Wm n lab lvs. 141 Queen

Wild John prntr Spears & Co h 38 Humbercrest av

Wilfe Alfred cond TTC h 271 Salisbury av

Wilkie John A rubber wkr Goodyear Tire h 61 Burgess av

Wilkins Murray mach Massey-Harris h 74 Burgess nr

Williams Arthur lvs. 85 Queen

Williams Geo T tool setter h 85 Queen

Williams John K cond CPR h 271 Salisbury av

Williams Robt E plmbr h 72 Cockburn

Willis Mildred L lvs. n s Bernice av

Willis Wilbert C h n s Bernice av

Wilmshurst Henry C trav h n s Queen

Wilmshurst John candy mkr lvs. Henry C Wilmshurst

Wilson Clifford clk Steel Co of Can lvs. 93 Cannon rd

Wilson Gertrude Mrs h 93 Cannon rd

Wilson Thos h 60 Cockburn

Wiltshire Fred gro n s Queen w h same

Winger Edwd gdnr h 28 Oliver

Winger Lloyd photo engraver l 28 Oliver

Winters J Sidney trav h 139 Lake Shore rd

Wiseman Fred storemn CPR h 2 Orchard av

Woodrow Albert candy mkr United Drug Co h 241 Salisbury av

END p1973 right column 23Ja016


Wright David mkt gnr e s Grand Av same

Wright Jos pntr bds 43 Queen

Wright Sam L (Humber Coal & Supply Co) h 33 Queen

Wright Wm h 80 Cockburn

Wright Wm T lvs. 41 Queen

Yates Albert carp h 82 Cockburn

Yates Lawrence gro w s Grand av h same

Youell J H h 248 Salisbury av

Youell J H jr stm ftr h 244 Salisbury av

Young David emp Jas Weir h s s Howard

Young John photo h e s Harrison av

Young Robt photo-engraver Reid Engraving Co h 53 Salisbury av

Young Thos h 50 McRoberts av


YEARHA 1929 correction done

Abbott Andrew bldr h 17 Humbolt av

Abbott Wm ctr Northways lvs 17 Humbolt av

Allan Jos W mkt gdnr w s Salisbury av h same

Allen Annie E h n s Howard

Allen Wm lab h w s Harrison av

Allworth Geo emp Steel wks h 26 Humbercrest av

Alvey Geo lab h w s Harrison av

Amodeo Anthony lvs 138 Salisbury av

Amodeo Lena lvs 138 Salisbury av

Amodeo Saml lvs 138 Salisbury av

Amodeo Santo h 138 Salisbury av

Anderson Annie stenog Bell Tel lvs 31 Douglas av

Anderson Archd B prsmn h 31 Douglas av

Armstrong H H dentist 143 Queen w h same

Armstrong Wm A elect Hydro Elect h 9 Humbolt av

Arnold Lloyd emp CNR h w s Cockburn

Arnolds Harry lab h 24 Frederica

Atkins Carl A. L gro 203 Salisbury av h same

Aymer Chas mkt gdnr h 22 Cannon

Aymer Chas h 46 Cockburn

Aymer Geo gdnr h 42 Cannon rd

Baird Alex lab h s s Daniels

Bales Harry mach Anderson Bros h 35 Humbolt av

Bannister Chas T baker Can Bread lvs 59½ Burgess av

Bardwell Thos (Humber Cafe) h 216 Queen w

Basterfleld Horace mach CNR h 1 Humbercrest

Bate Wm J elect lnsp Out Hydro h 237 Lake Shore rd

Bates Geo mach Goodyear Tire h 12 McIntosh

Bates John lvs 12 McIntosh av

Beach Alsworth slsmn E Pullan lvs 55 Burgess av

Beach Donald lvs 55 Burgess av

Beach Florence Mrs h 55 Burgess av

Beach Kenneth clk Famous Players lvs 55 Burgess av

Boggs Henry W slsmn Eatons h l Aldgate av

Bell Alfred mkt gdnir h e s Salisbury av

Bell Muriel G lvs e s Salisbury av

-2073END 1929 first page

START 1929 second page crummy OCR but corrected


Bell Percy A mkt gdnr e s Salisbury av h same

Bell Robt G h e s Harrison

Bell Sidney mkt gdnr h e s Salisbury av

Bennett Harry lvs 160 Queen w

Bennett Percy moto TTC h 5 Oliver

Bertram Norman carp 81 l H Humbolt av

Bickford Arthur exp CPR h e s McRoberts av

Black Geo S lvs 221 Lake Shore rd

Blair Wm tank mkr h 3 Douglas av

Blake Jas h e s McRoberts av

Blenkhorn John jr brkmkr Price & Cummings h 106 Salisbury av

Bleren Wm h 3 Douglas av

Blinkhorn Thos brkmkr h 7 MacDonald av

Bloodworth Alfred (Burgess & Bloodworthy)

Bottomley Jas h 21 MacDonald av.

Boulter Chas driver lvs Geo Field.

Boyce Frank mach h 5 Birch av

Boyd Geo M trimmer Ford Motors h 10 Humbolt av

Brag Fred emp Goodyear Tire h 83 Cannon rd

Bricknell Harry h e s McRoberts av

Brierly Alfred J tchr h 10 Waniska av

Broderick John J cond CNR h s s Heldena av

Bromby Walter musician h s s Aldgate av

Brooker Edwd A confy s s Lake Shore rd h same

Brown Frank mkt gdnr 182 Salisbury av h Paine

Brown Fredk lab h 4 Frederica

Brown Geo h n s Howard

Brown Geo plstr h 66 Lake Shore rd

Brown Helen G hlpr Tor Hosiery lvs 66 Lake Shore rd

Brown John mkt gdnr h 142 Salisbury av

Brown Margt opr Bell Tel lvs 135 Luke Shore rd

Brown Robt J moto TTC h 3 Amrtla

Brown Thos s btchr h 135 Lake Shore rd

Bruning Gordon R lvs n s Queen

Bruning Rudolph H rubberwkr Goodyear Tire Co h n s Queen w

Bungalow Court Beauty Parlor (Irene Telford) l 9 Bungalow Court. Queen

Burbridge Byron mkt gdnr 360 Salisbury av

Burbridge Ernest mkt gdnr 134 College h same

Burbridge Robt asst gdnr Ernest Burbridge lvs Burbridge Robt asst gdnr Ernest Burbridge lvs 134 College

Burgess Joan W (Burgess & Bloodworth) rms 73 Lake Shore rd

Burgess & Bloodworth (J W Burgess, Alfred Bloodworth) garage 71 Lake Shore rd

Burke Francis R gro 77 Lake Shore rd h same

Burke Lillian h 233 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Arthur brkmkr lvs 107 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Caleb brkmkr Riohd Butwell lvs 107 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Doris Y stenog Electrical Devices Ltd lvs 107 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Fred lvs 251 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Gordon lvs 251 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Henry brkmkr Richd Butwell h 231 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Mark h 113 Lake Shore rd

Butwell Reginald L tel CPR h 15 Humbercrest av

Butwell Richd brk mfr h Davidson cres h 107 Lake Shore rd

Bywater Christiana (wid Jas) h 30 Frederica

Cadiex Jos h w s McRoberts av

Cain Christina (wid Wm) bds 203 Salisbury

Cain Kenneth lvs 203 Salisbury av

Cale Margt (wid Thos) lvs 4 McIntosh av

Cale Thos taxi driver h 4 McIntosh av

Cameron Adele nurse lvs 149 Lake Shore rd

Cameron Eva stenog Tor Genl Hosp lvs 149 Lake Shore rd

Cameron Marine clk Standard Bank lvs 149 Lake Shore rd

Cameron Wm h 149 Lake Shore rd

Campbell Wm slsmn h n s Howard

Cardwell Henry mach French Ivory Products h 57 Cockburn

Cardwell Norman slsmn lvs 58 Cockburn

Carson Robt T mgr Concrete Block Co h 12 Oliver

Carter Walter h 113 Salisbury av

Chadwick Fredk W asst shpr Metallic Roofing h n s Brussels

Chamberlain Jas lab Dunlop Tire h e s McRoberts av

Chapman Albert caretkr Humber Bay Schl h s s Daniels

Chowns Fredk J lab rms 1 Davidson cres

Chowns Richd mach Dom Sewer Pipe Co h 38 Cockburn

Churchward Alfred lab Steel Co of Can h 49 Frederica

Churchward Audrey lvs 50 Frederica

Churchward Edwin E clk Can Life Ins lvs 50 Frederica

Churchward Robt mach Can Steel Co h 50 Frederica

BOT 2nd page left column 1929 p2074

Clark John W btchr Eatons h 30 Humbercrest

Clark Walter florist h 43 McRoberts av

Clark Wm H lab h 29 Oliver

Clarke Ernest boxmkr Lever Bros h 3 Lorne

Clement Fred asst shpr Dom Paper Box h e s McRoberts av

Clifford Mark prntr Eatons h 1 Lorne

Colbary Emma (wid Thos) h 4 Godson rd

Colbary Robt J lab lvs 4 Godson rd

Cole Alfred A com artist h 6 Aldgate av

Cole Frank tlr Eatons h 91 Cannon rd

Collins Emma confy cor Queen and Lake Shore rd

Collins Fred h s s Orchard Pk dr

Comrie Peter carp h w s Valley dr

Cooney Thos brick mkr Price & Cummings h s s Heldena av

Cooper Fredk W h e s Harrison av

Copeland Clayton S garage 3 Queen w h 5 Queen w

Copeland Robt C clk Eatons h 275 Salisbury

Cormack Bernadette Mrs lvs 19 Douglas av

Cornish Thos paperhang h n s Queen

Courier Chas G driver Goodyear Tire h 62 Lake Shore rd

Coveyduek Wm carp h w s McRoberts av

Cox Bessie comptometer opr CGE lvs 158 College

Cox Gladys lvs 158 College

Cox Saml mkt gdnr 158 College h same

Cox Thos asst gdnr Saml Cox lvs 158 College

Crawford Jas J plmbr h 54 Fredrica

Creighton Chas H mgr Printers Mach Co Ltd h 28 Cannon rd

Cripps Jon B auto service stn s s Queen w h same

Crowe Catherine H (wid Stewart) h 73 Lake Shore rd

Crowe Ernest E emp Goodyear Tire h 6 Oliver

Crowe's Bathing Beach (John W Burgess, Alfred Bloodworth) s s Lake Shore rd

Cuff John lab Can Rumely Co h 20 Humbolt

Cudmore Wm emp Goodyear Tire bds n s Heldena av

Culnan Agnes lvs 127 Salisbury av

Culnan David h 127 Salisbury av

Culnan Elizth lvs 127 Salisbury

Cummings Rutherford (Price & Cumming) res Granite Club

Cummings John gdnr rms 89 Queen w

Cummings Wm lab rms 89 Queen w

Dadson Jas mkt gdnr 173 College h same

Dandridge Edwd gdnr h 15 Orchard av

Dandridge Hugh gdnr lvs Jas Dandridge

Dandridge Jas mkt gdnr n s Queen h same

Daniels Lola E lvs 129 Salisbury av

Daniels Norman chauf Price & Cumming lvs 129 Salisbury av

Daniels Susan Mrs h 129 Salisbury av

Darby K H gro 276 Salisbury av h same

Datch Harold shpr h s s Orchard Pk dr

Davies John S slsnm Can Bread Co h 36 Frederica

Davis Geo mach TTC h 1 Orchard av

Davis Gladys lvs 1 Orchard av

Davis Lewis pntr h 2 Oliver

Deacon Edwd tnshmth h e s Harrison av

Deacon Florence parceller Simpsons lvs e s McRoberts av

Deacon Harry h e s McRoberts av

Demers Peter lab h w s Harrison av

Devins Isaac boat house and confy n s Lake Shore rd

Dewsbury Franklin H mach Steel Co of Can h 46 Frederica

Dewsbury John lab CPR h 16 Oliver

Dickison Wm J h 59 Frederica

Dixon John T mkt gdnr w s Grand av h same

Doan Jos Ins agt h s s Howard

Dodds Owen h n s Queen

Don Duncan letter carrier h e s Valley dr

Donovan Kathleen clk lvs 5 Queen w

Donovan P J & Son (Patk J and John) confy l Queen w

Downing Wm T comm artist h 7 Howard

Doyle Danl P h 5 Amelia

Doyle Maurice mach Goodyear Tire h e s Harrison av

Drury Esther opr Curry & Co lvs e s Valley dr

Drury Ethel opr Curry & Co lvs e s Valley dr

Drury Grace mlnr Golding Millinery Co lvs e s Valley dr

Drury Ivy mlnr Goldings Millinery Co lvs e s Valley dr

Drury Jenny clk Curry & Co lvs e s Valley dr

Drury Sidney carp h e s Valley dr

Drury Sidney jr shpr Tor Footwear Co lvs e s Valley dr

Duff Constance wtrs Childs Co lvs 5 Sydenham

Duff Lewis h 5 Sydenham

Duncan John slsmn Ideal Bread h e s Harrison

Dunn Alex lab h 39 McRoberts av

Dunn Alice wtrs Eatons lvs 9 Queen w

Dunn Jos moto TTC h 2 Humbolt av

Dunn Robt clk Simpsons h 31 Frederica

Durkin Patk lab h 23 Oliver

Dutnall Robt h 38 Lake Shore rd

BOT p2074 centre column

Dutton Clara E tea rooms n s Queen h same

Dymond Wm h n s Bernice av

Eagles Chas lvs 197 Lake Shore rd

Eagles Dorothy stenog Can Life Assce lvs 197 Lake Shore rd

Eagles Ernest mech Salisbury Garage h 228 Salisbury av

Eagles Wm pntr h 197 Lake Shore rd

Eckersley Abraham (Humber Coal & Supply Co) h 443 Queen w

Eckersley Stanley W lvs 43 Queen w

Edgewater Beach Co (John and Allan Watt, Edwd A Brooker) dancing academy s s Lake Shore rd

Edmond Geo F mech Willys-Overland h n s Bernice av

Edwards Albert truck drvr h 136 Salisbury av

Egles Geo h 219 Lake Shore rd

Elford Isaac h 36 Burgess av

Elford Marjorie comp opr lvs 169 College

Elford Wm mkt gdnr 109 College h same

Ellard Lillian (wid Herbert) lvs David Young

Ellett Emily emp West End Laundry lvs 33 Oliver

Ellett Julia (wid Walter) h 33 Oliver

Endicott John stonemason h 19 Humbercrest w

Etobicoke Community Church w s McRoberts

Etobicoke Post Office Thos Hanna postmaster n s Queen

Everett Thos W bldr h 72 Burgess av

Ewles Jas T lab h 3 Orchard av

Ewles Leonard lvs 3 Orchard av

Farnsworth Harry mech h 12 Humbercrest av

Farrow Edith stenog lvs 41 Queen w

Farrow Mary opr Eatons lvs 41 Queen w

Farrow Robt (Humber Coal & Supply Co) lvs 41 Queen w

Feal Mary prin Grand Av School res Mimico

Fenning Fannie (wid Rev Jas) h s s Queen w

Ferguson Elizth schl tchr lvs 179 Lake Shore rd

Ferguson Wm mkt gdnr lvs 179 Lake Shore rd.

Field Geo tlr h n s Daniels

Fielding Mary clk Eatons lvs 2 Aldgate av

Fielding Simon carp h 2 Aldgate av

Fielding Thos water insp County lvs 2 Aldgate

Finnie David cond TTC h 6 Orchard av

Fish Emily emp Tor Carpet lvs 23 MacDonald

Fletcher Edwd hairdrsr h 69 Burgess av

Fletcher Ernest mech CNR h 65 Frederica

Fletcher Thos h 65 Frederica

Flynn Alice bds 16 Humbolt av

Flynn Edwd C emp CPR bds 16 Humbolt av

Ford Geo A emp Goodyear Tire h 7 Birch av

Ford Harry h 16 Humbercrest av

Ford Harry mech Exide Batteries h s Humbolt av

Ford Raymond opr Hamilton Shoe Co lvs s Humbolt av

Fordyce John lab h 32 Oliver

Foreman Edwin lab h e s Harrison av

Forester Chas H agt Imperial Oil Ltd res New Toronto

Foss David C truck drvr Latmour Co h 77 Queen w

Fountain Annie lvs 79 Queen w

Fountain Geo lab h 79 Queen w

Fountain Robt lab lvs 79 Queen w

Franklin Alfred h w s Harrison. av

Franklin Arthur lab Goodyear Tire h 4 Harrison av

Franklin Arthur J lab Goodyear Tire h w s Harrison av

Franklin Ethel lvs w s Harrison av

Frederica St Schl Kenneth C Little prin w s Frederica

Funnell Horace lab h e s Valley dr

Gainley Wm lvs 23 Oliver

Gair Arnold emp Gas Co lvs 90 Cockburn

Gair Jos prntr h 90 Cockburn.

Gair Muriel buff mkr Can Hanson & Van Winkle lvs 90 Cockburn

Gale Reginald prntr lvs 90 Cockburn

Gallagher Nellie (wid Richd) lvs l MacDonald

Gamble John F boiler mkr John Inglis h 24 Salisbury av

Gamble Mary lvs 24 Salisbury av

Gamble Thos clk lvs 24 Salisbury av

Gamble Thos R tnsmth 24 Salisbury av h same

Gardiner Gordon W track drvr Parisian Ludry h n s Queen w

Garlick Fredk W tmstr Leadley & Co h 276A Salisbury av

Garlick Margt clk John MacDonald Co lvs 276A Salisbury av

Gelman Sarah lvs 12 Oliver

Gilby Stanley emp Simpsons h 273 Salisbury

Giles Arthur emp Legge Bios & Jones h. 24 Oliver

Giles Melville florist h 68 McRoberts av

Gillette John dec h 56 Cockburn

Glilman Chas lab h 35 McRoberts av

Gilman Geo lab Prices Brick Yards h 15 MacDonald av

Glen Chas mech Willys-Overland h n s Berwick av

Goyne Mary (wid John) lvs 169 College

Grand Av School Mary Fear prin w s Grand av

Grant Collier C barr h 131 Lake Shore rd

END 1929 second page

START third page p2075 23Ja020 similar unused23Ja038third bad

Grant Stephen tire bldr Goodyear Tire h n s Queen w

Grant Wm M firemn CNR h e s Harrison

Gray Caroline M (wid Jas) bds 179 Lake Shore rd

Gray Lucy Mrs h 131 Salisbury av

Green Matthew moto TTC h 7 Humbolt

Greenfield Chas mkt gdnr n s Brant h same

Greenfield Ethel (wid Chas) h n s Daniels

Greenfield Mary S (wid Thos) h s Oliver

Gregg Geo R lvs n s Bernice av

Grieve Clifford H brakemn CPR h 11 Humbercrest av

Groves Alice lvs 20 Salisbury av

Groves Fredk lab Dart Union Co h 20 Salisbury av

Groves Helen lvs 20 Salisbury av

Gwilliams Bertram truck driver Steel Co of Can h 18 Oliver

Hall Jas bds 3 MacDonald av

Hamilton Beatrice (wid Malcolm) h 37 Humbercrest av

Hancock Arthur J pntr h 13 Waniska av

Hanna Thos Mrs gro n s Queen w lvs same

Hanna Thos garage n s Queen h same

Hannah J pro h 41 Humbolt av

Harding Jos lab h 23 MacDonald av

Harper John truck drvr Can Steel Co rms 85 Queen w

Harris Geo mkt gdnr 53 College h same

Harris Gladys emp Anaconda Brass lvs 34 Frederica

Harris Walter lab Dom Sewer Pipe Co h 65 Queen w

Harris Wm h 31 Frederica

Harrison Jos emp Horn Sewer Pipe Co h 50 Cockburn

Hart Angus A studt lvs n s Queen

Hart F C h s s Bernice av

Hart John A h n s Queen

Hart John A mgr King Const Co h 143 Salisbury av

Haslam Bethel emp Steel Co of Can h 27 Oliver

Hawkins Hicks druggist h 18 Waniska av

Hawkins Mabel lvs 6 Frederica

Hawkins Marinda h C Frederica

Hawkins Thos emp Goodyear Tire lvs 6 Frederica

Healey Elizth M (wid Thos D) h 239 Lake Shore rd

Healey Harley emp Sieberling Rubber Co h 33 MacDonald av

Healey Hermine lvs 230 Lake Shore rd

Healey Irene H lvs 239 Lake Shore rd

Helliker Jas F mach Steel Co of Can h 268 Salisbury av

Henderson Hazel (wid Jas Wm) h 11 McIntosh

Hewitt Frank A tnsnith helper Douglas Bros h e s Valley dr

Hewton Wm J with Anaconda Brass Co h 46 Bungalow Court, Queen

Hibbins Bert h 106 Lake Shore rd

Hicks Amy E lvs 49 Queen w

Hicks Doris lvs 133 Lake Shore rd

Hicks Elizth (wid Thos L) h 49 Queen w

Hicks Harry h 133 Lake Shore rd

Hicks Octavius L h 99 Lake Shore rd

Hicks Wm J pleasure boats s s Lake Shore rd h 133 same

Hickton Gerald lvs 10 Humbolt av

Hickton Gladys knitter Scott Knitting Mills lvs 10 Humbolt av

Hickton Saml F pntr h 10 Humbolt av

Hickton Saml J jr pntr lvs 10 Humbolt av

Higgins Wm silvexsmth h e s Harrison av

Higman John btchr 132 Queen w h same

Hills Frank AV tire bldr Goodyear Tire h 37 Aldgate av

Hipwell Glenna tchr Frederica Pub School res Toronto

Hockney Ernest lab Can Steel Co h 5 McIntosh

Hodgkinson Levi tmstr h 3 MacDonald av

Hodgson Gladys lvs 2 McIntosh av

Hodgson John porter Simpsons h 2 McIntosh

Hodgson Olive mlnr lvs 2 McIntosh av

Hodgson Wm R clk lvs 2 McIntosh av

Hollady Thos D acct McCarth & Co h 14 McIntosh av

Hollins Harry C uphol Reed Products h s s Heldena av

Holmes Elsie emp Eatons lvs 35 MacDonald

Holmes Henry mach Steel Co of Can h 35 MacDonald av

Holmes Harriet emp Eatons lvs 35 MacDonald

Hopkins Chas clk Liquor Control Board h s Douglas av

Hopper Harry drvr Dempster’s Staff of Life h 319 Salisbury av

Horne Wm trav h l McIntosh av

Horton Chas lab h 11 Davidson cres

Horwood Frank h 37 Frederica

Horwood Geo h 62 Cockburn

Huffman Bert lab h 36 Cannon rd

Huffman Minnie lvs 36 Cannon rd

Huffman Weston lab lvs 3d Cannon rd

Huffman Wm C well driller h 101 Cannon rd

Humber Bay Baptist Church Rev Elmer Lowney pastor e s Aldgate av

Humber Bay Fire Hall e s Salisbury av

HUMBER BAY POST OFFICE, Jos Runnalls Postmaster, 67 Queen

Humber Bay Public School K Little prin e s Cockburn

Humber Cafe (Thos Bardwell) refreshments s s Lake Shore rd

Humber Coal & Supply Co (Saml L Wright, Robt Farrow, Abraham Eckersley) coal 27 Queen

Hunt Thos T tool mkr Steel Co of Can h 29 MacDonald av

Hunter Grace studt h 11 Salisbury av

Iceton John mech John Inglis Co h 6 Humbolt

Imperial Oil Ltd (br) Chas H Foster agt auto service stn s s Lake Shore rd

Irwin Jos h 18 Frederica

Irwin Robt brklyr h n s Queen

Jack Jas lab CNR h 17 McRoberts av

Jack Jas Jr lvs 17 McRoberts av

Jackson Herbert mach John Inglis h 3 Oliver

Jackson Thos car repr CNR h 13 Humbolt av

Jamieson Wilbert R drvr Eatons h s s Heldena

Jarvis Douglas M elect h 5 Orchard av

Jerks Talbot L pleasure boats s s Lake Shore rd res Toronto

Jeffrey Wm B h 1 Oliver

Jeffreys Jas gdnr h 7 Sydenham

Jennings Wm lab h 19 Douglas av

Jesson Sarah lvs 142 Queen

Jesson Shad shoe repr 112 Queen h same

Jesson Wm lab h e s Salisbury av

Jewell Margt Mrs lvs 99 Lake Shore rd

Johnson Cecil H carp lvs 101 Salisbury av

Johnson Dorothy pckr Willards lvs 101 Salisbury av

Johnson Elsie R litho Lyon & James lvs 101 Salisbury av

Johnson Harry C carp h 101 Salisbury av

Johnson Helen lvs e s Johnston av

Johnson Isaac pattern mkr h 185 Lake Shore rd

Johnson Marguerite tchr George Sims School lvs e s Johnston av

Johnson Murray arch lvs e s Johnston av

Johnson Percy h 39 Humbercrest av

Johnson Timothy J mkt gdnr h e s Johnston av

Johnston Jas mach Massey-Harris h 28 Humbolt av

Johnston Jas jr emp Massey-Harris lvs 28 Humbolt av

Johnston Marlon emp Massey-Harris lvs 28 Humbolt av

Johnstone Caroline (wid Jas K) h 179 Lake Shore rd

Jones Gordon lab Canada Metal Co h 71 McRoberts av

Jones Stanley mach Canada Metal Co h w s Harrison av

Jones Wm H lab h n s Daniels

Joy Fredk slsmn h 61 Burgess av

Judd Saml A shaperhand British-Can Brush h 55½ Burgess av

Kemp Anne (wid Alfred) lvs 43 Aldgate av

Kemp Sydney mach Canada Steel Co h e s McRoberts av

Kennedy Geo engnr Hamilton Bridge Co h 243 Salisbury av

Kennedy Maria Mrs lvs 123 Lake Shore rd

Kennedy W John slsmn Fuller Brush Co h 279 Salisbury av

Kent Lawrence gdnr h n s Bernice av

Kent Wm J mkt gdnr h 357 Salisbury av

King Frank h 9 McIntosh av

Kitchener Eva stenog Bell Tel bds 31 Douglas

Klemm Ernest K mach h s s Brussels

Knox Hugh foremn Gutta Percha Co h s s Brussels

Laccohee Arthur C btchr Simpsons h s s Heldena av

Laccohee Florence stenog Harry Home & Co lvs s s Heldena av

Laocohee Grace stenog Willys-Overland lvs s s Heldena av

Langley Thos E emp Standard Litho lvs s Humbercrest av

Langley Wm ltho ctr Standard Litho h s Humbercrest av

Lawn Chas J lab Wright Coal Co h n s Daniels

Lawson Chris emp Benjamin Electric lvs l Sydenham

Lawson Jos spinner York Knitting Mills lvs l Sydenham

Lawson Wm mach h l Sydenham

Lee Harry wtr h l MacDonald av

Legg Archd M engnr h 127 Lake Shore rd

Legg Karl photo lvs 127 Lake Shore rd

Legg G Wallace engnr lvs 127 Lake Shore rd^

Legge Geo F engnr h 123 Lake Shore rd

Leishman David (Queen St Service Station) h 101 Queen w

Lenghern John decorator bds 32 Oliver

Leyland Alfred drvr Can Bread Co h 59½ Burgess av

Liddlard John steel wkr Can Steel Co h w Harrison av

Lightfoot Wm barber and tobacco 162 Queen w h same

Little Bert elect h w s Valley dr

Little Kenneth C prin Humber Bay Public School h 14 Douglas av

Lockhart Walter S pntr h s s Daniels

Logan Sidney mach McDonald & Co h 9 Sydenhan

Lohman John chef Muirheads h 52 Cannon rd

Long E M Rev h 5 Bungalow Court, Queen

Long Saml fitter lvs 72 Cockburn

Longworth Violet emp Edison Mazda Lamp lvs

Loomas Wm lab h 199 Salisbury av

Lowman Edwd Insp Children’s Aid h s s Orchard Park dr

Lowney Elmer Humber Bay Baptist Church rms Bungalow Apts Queen w

Lowther Saml trav h D, 321 Lonsdale rd

Lyons Frank h 8 Frederica

Lyth Ernest lab h 37 McRoberts av

Lyttle Andrew carp h 17 Oliver

Lyttle Dorothy emp Tor Carpet Co lvs 17 Oliver

Lytlle Olive emp Tor Carpet Co lvs 17 Oliver

MacDonald Jas mach h w s Valley dr

MacDuff Gordon mach Massey-Harris h 60½ Cockburn

Mackinder Arthur mach CNR h 52 McRoberts

MacLaren Jos mldr h 239 Salisbury av

MacPherson Alex clk Can Bank of Commerce h 65 Burgess av

Magee Robt S pattern mkr h s s Daniels

Mahr Geo truck drvr h 131 Lake Shore rd

Major Albert E bldr h s s Daniels

Major Arelier lvs 283 Salisbury av

Major Dorothy lvs 283 Salisbury av

Major Edwd chkr CNR lvs 283 Salisbury av

Major Rupert E mkt gdnr 283 Salisbury av h same

Malvis Nicholas gro 250 Salisbury av h same

Manifold Ernest h 161 Lake Shore rd

Marando Bruno refresh s s Lake Shore rd

Marshall John cook CNR h 3 McIntosh av

Mason Earl M clk Royal Bank of Canada lvs n s Bernice av

Mason Geo F h n s Bernice av

Mathews Dorothy lvs 93 Cannon rd

Mathews Edwin car chkr CNR lvs 93 Cannon rd

May Geo lab h 9 Orchard av

Maynard Wm mech Jos B Crippa bds 110 Stanley

McAllister John h 2 Frederica

McDermott Lawrence clk Steel Co of Can lvs 22 Oliver

McDermott Patk lab Steel Co of Can h 22 Oliver

McDougal Robt Y brick mkr h s s Howard

McDowell John h 207 Salisbury av

McGrath Jas mkt gdnr s s Queen w h same

McGrath John mkt gdnr e s Wesley h same

McGraw Fredk pleasure boats n s Lake Shore rd h same

McIntosh Gordon C confy 160 Queen h same

McIntyre Jean tchr Frederica Pub Schl lvs 19 Palmerston gdns

McKee Saml asst mgr Tor Furnace Co h 3 Sydenham

McLaverty Alice cashier Eatons lvs 11 Douglas av

McLaverty Constance emp CGE lvs 11 Douglas av

McLaverty Wm credit mgr John MacDonald Co h 11 Douglas av

McLaverty Wm jr clk John MacDonald Co lvs 11 Douglas av

McMillan Roy mach h 1 Birch av

McRoberts Gordon pressmn Dally Star h 4 Aldgate av

Milding Charlotte opr Eatons h 109 Salisbury

Milding Hector lab lvs 109 Salisbury av

Mitchell John tmstr Etobicoke County Council h 103 Lake Shore rd

Mitchell John S weaver Tor Carpet Co h 58 Burgess av


Mitchell Mildred lvs 108 Lake Shore rd

Mitchell Wallace W tmstr bds 163 Lake Shore rd

Mitchell Wm tnsmth Fletchers h 59½ Burgess

Monteith John clk h n s Queen

Monteith John jr lvs n s Queen

Montgomery Thos J truck drvr h e s Valley dr

Moore Andrew lvs 24 Salisbury av

Moore Fredk barber n s Queen h same

Moore Horace bolt mkr h s s Daniels

Morin Ruth compr Northern Elec lvs 97 Cannon rd

Morris Sydney A emp CPR h 26 Douglas av

Morton Joseph H tire bldr Goodyear Tire h 16 McIntosh av

Murray Mary Mrs h 87 Cannon rd

National Sporting Club Abraham Orpen prop s s Lake Shore rd

Naylor Edwin lvs 113 Lake Shore rd

Naylor May comptometer opr Gages lvs 10 Douglas av

Naylor Thos S engnr Sampson & Matthews h 10 Douglas av

Needler Arthur carp h 281 Salisbury av

Needler Stanley clk Brunswick-Baulke-Collander lvs 284 Salisbury av

Nell Francis lvs 3 Birch av

Nell Jas S h 3 Birch av

Nell Margt lvs 3 Birch av

Nell Philip J lvs 3 Birch av

Nelson Fredk sec-treas Robins Ltd h 177 Lake Shore rd

Newham Anna lvs 57 Frederica

Newham John motormn York Radial Co h 257 Salisbury av

Newland Stanley acct United Farmers Corps h 2 Birch av

Newport Chas gdnr h 125 Salisbury av

Newton Alfred H mkt gdnr s s Queen h same

Newton Wnt messr Royal Bank h n s Lorne

Nicholson John h 29 Humbercrest av

Noble Wnt clk Eatons h 16 Waniska

North Annie lvs 324 Salisbury av

North Beatrice Mrs mkt gdnr 324 Salisbury av h same

North Cecil lvs 324 Salisbury av

Northcote Lucy lvs 201 Lake Shore rd

Northcote Richd h 201 Lake Shore rd

O'Brien Buckley carp h 45 Frederica

Ogden Geo lab w s McRoberts av

Orange Hall w s Frederica

Orr Jas W auto mech h 15 Davidson cres

Orr Robt mach Steel Co of Can h s s Heldena

Orr Wm F gdnr h 221 College

Ould Albert E emp Canada Metal lvs 15 Douglas av

Ould Albert J foremn Canada Metal h 15 Douglas av

Owens Ernest buffer Goodyear Tire h e s Heldena av

Paine Jas C real est agt Wrights Ltd h n s Bernice av

Palmer Fredk R lab Anaconda Brass Co h 20 Humbercrest av

Parcell John opr h w s Grand av

Parker Clarence studt lvs n s Queen w

Parker Edwin T messr CNR Exp h n s Queen west

Parker John H real est and ins s s Queen h same

Parker Marjorie lvs n s Queen

Parker Walter carp lvs n s Queen

Parker Walter C h n s Queen

Parkin Robt carp h 32 Humbercrest av

Parkin Wnt lvs 22 Humbercrest av

Parkinson Wm jwlr h 199 Lake Shore rd

Parsons Percy h 54 Lake Shore rd

Patchett Walter mech Steel Co of Can h 40 Lake Shore rd

Patterson Leonard stonemason h 69 McRoberts

Patterson Lloyd lab h n s Howard

Patterson Marjorie opr Bell Tel lvs w s McRoberts av

Paul Emily M (wid Geo) h 31 Orchard av

Paul Vilio stenog lvs 31 Orchard av

Payne Alice emp Steel Co of Can lvs 12 Humberside av

Payne Chas D hrk mkr Butwell Brk Yards h 12 Humberside av

Payne Dudley gdnr h w s Valley dr

Payne Harold emp Sewer Pipe Co h 5 Lorne

Payne Saml h 31 Humbercrest av

Pearson Mary bds 131 Salisbury av

Pennall Harry D trav Barnes St David h 117 Salisbury av

Perkins Albert W messr Imp Bank h 27 Humbercrest av

Phillbrook Cyril W btchr h 39 Aldgate av

Phillips John carp h e s Harrison av

Phillips Jos lvs e s Harrison av

Phillips Kenneth artist Eatons lvs e s Harrison av

Phillips Thos carp h e s Harrison av

Phillips Geo ydmn CNR h s s Orchard Pk drive

Phillips Herbt h 9 Douglas av

Phillips Wm h 9 Douglas av

Pierce Thos hairdrsr h 33 Aldgate av

Plant Zoe (wid Christopher) h 4 Douglas av

Pollard Fredk W blrmkr CNR h 16 Frederica

Pomflet Luther lab h 136 Queen

Portwood Albert clk h 117 Queen

Powell Matilda lvs 1 Cockburn

Pressley Annie h 11 Oliver

Pressley Florence mus tchr lvs 11 Oliver

Price John R (Price & Cumming) h 121 Salisbury av

Price St Cumming (John R Price, Rutherford Cumming) brk mfrs e s Salisbury av

Prosser Saml A lab TTC h 57 Burgess av

Proudfoot Rolph M tchr High School of Commerce h 187 Lake Shore rd

Prowse Horace slsmn United Cigar Stores h s s Daniels

Pugh Clarence tchr Frederica Pub Sch res Toronto

Pycock B stenog lvs 292 Salisbury av

Pycock Jas Rev rector Reorganised Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints h 292 Salisbury av

Queen st Service Stn (David Leishman, Fred Tovey ( 101 Queen

Quintey Christopher mach h s s Orchard Pk drive

Ralston Gabriel G mldr Tor Metal Fndry h 20 Aldgate av

Ramsperger August piano tuner h 193 Lake Shore rd

Raymer Eugene R emp CPR lvs 26 Douglas

Redding Wm brklyr h s s Orchard Pk dr

Redmore Jas slsmn Browns Bread h e s Harrison av

Reed Stanley lab CNR h w s Valley dr

Reeves Cedric (F F Reeves & Sons) res Islington

Reeves E (F F Reeves & Sons) lvs 18 College

Reeves Fred (F F Reeves & Sons) res Islington

Reeves F F (F F Reeves & Sons) h 18 College

Reeves F F & Sons (F F, Cedric, Geo, Fred, and Eze Reeves) mkt gdnrs 18 College

Reeves Geo (F F Reeves & Sons) res Islington

Reid Chas H mach Jas Weir Co h w s Harrison av

Reid Geo C mach Dom Bridge Co h w s Harrison av

Reid Norman confy s s Queen w h same

Reid Ralph L mkt gdnr 356 Salisbury av h same

Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints Rev Jas Pycock rector 288 Salisbury

Richards Gilbert concrete mixer h 33 Humbercrest av

Roberts Albert dog breeder 115 Lake Shore rd h same

Robinson Hilda opr Tor Litho Co lvs 24 Salisbury av

Robinson Richd G barber h 66 Cockburn

Rodwell Bernard R plmbr h s s Daniels

Ross Patk lab h 150 Lake Shore rd

Rowett Ernest mkt gdnr n s Queen h same

Rowett Geo mkt gdnr Maple Cottage Grand av h same

Rowett Leonard gdnr lvs Ernest Rowett

Rowett Leonard mkt gdnr e s Grand av h same

Rowntree Earl R clk Caulfields Dairy h 4 Bungalow Ct, Queen

Rumley Wm btchr h s Davidson cres

Runnalls Eileen clk Runnalls Grocery Store lvs 13 MacDonald av

Runnalls Jos gro 67 Queen h 13 MacDonald av

Runnalls Jos postmaster Humber Bay PO h 13 MacDonald av

Rush Chas lab h 1 Davidson cres

Rush Ernest clk CGE lvs 224 Salisbury av

Rush Geo h 224 Salisbury av

Rush Geo W lab h n s Queen

Rush Harry blksmith h 53 Frederica

Sabiston Geo pntr h e s Wesley

St James (Ang) Church Rev Dr Macklem rector e s Frederica

Salisbury Evelin J cashier Muirheads lvs 280 Salisbury av

Salisbury Garage (C J Eagles) 230 Salisbury av

Salisbury Jas gro 280 Salisbury av h same

Sandford Albert carp h w s Harrison av

Sauld Geo R mkt gdnr h s s Queen

Savage Chas lab Dom Sewer Co h 31 MacDonald av

Savage Ernest bkpr Price St Cumming h 40 Burgess av

Schulkins Emily lvs 1 Cockburn

Schulkins Wm heating engnr h 1 Cockburn

Scotcher Geo ftr Massey-Harris h 62 Burgess

Scott Thos mech h n s Howard

Seager Dorothy lvs 93 Queen

Stager Edwin wtchmn Bank of Commerce h 93 Queen

Seager Leslie lvs 93 Queen

Seymour Henry J btchr Arnold's h 11 Orchard

Shaw Lilly maid Gordon McIntosh lvs 160 Queen

Shell Co of Canada Ltd (br) s s Lake Shore rd

Short Robt porter Eatons h 51 Burgess av

Simm Jas repr CPR h 64 Burgess av

Simpson Fredk R die mkr h 2 Godson rd

Simpson Geo constable h 163 Lake Shore rd

Simpson Geo H emp CPR h 60 Lake Shore rd

Sims Barna R emp Willards Chocolate Co lvs 33 Frederica

Sims John P blksmth Dom Sewer Pipe Co h 33 Frederica

Sims Myrtle emp Neilsons lvs 33 Frederica

Sinclair John A mtl wkr A Furnival h w s Valley dr

Skidmore Beatrice (wid Richd) h 57 Frederica

Skidmore Jason H emp Goodyear Tire lvs 57 Frederica

Slee Richd engr h 221 Lake Shore rd

Small Evelyn lvs Henry Small

Small Henry gro s s Queen w h some

Small Orville clk lvs Henry Small

Smallbone Albert ins agt Prudential h w s Valley dr

Smith Clarence C clk Gutta Percha h n s Queen

Smith Edgar cond TTC h 263 Salisbury av

Smith Evelyn pckr Willards Candy Co lvs e s Berl av

Smith Geraldine clk Massey-Harris lvs 166 Queen

Smith Henry S mkt gdnr 343 Salisbury av h same

Smith Hilton E lvs 263 Salisbury av

Smith Horace H hdwe 166 Queen h same

Smith Jas E pntr and dec e s Berl av h same

Smith Lavern emp Goodyear Tire lvs Berl av

Smith Lorne messr CNR lvs Berl av

Smith Robt stonemason h 25 Humbolt av

Smith Thos h 42 Cockburn

Snow Albert E carp h s s Daniels

Snow John carp h s s Daniels

Sproule Jas clk h 145 Lake Shore rd

Staples Ivan E h 24 Douglas av

Steer Margt Mrs h 245 Lake Shore rd

Stell Geo mach bds 131 Salisbury av

Stephens Alfred O bkpr W Shulkins h 7 Douglas av

Stephens Edwd T storekpr Seiberling Tire Co h 59 Burgess av

Stephens Frank factory hand Goodyear Tire h 89 Cannon rd

Stephens Mary emp Scott Knitting Mills lvs 59 Burgess av

Stephens Norman emp Seiberling Tire Co lvs 59 Burgess av

Stevens John H carp h 13 Orchard av

Stewart Murray lab Ontario Sewer Pipe h 18 Aldgate av

Stocker Chas lab Can Metal Co h 16 Humbolt

Stone Albert carp h s s Daniels

Stone Cecil J blrmkr CNR lvs 60 Burgess av

Stone Fredk l lab Harrisons lvs 60 Burgess av

Stone Sidney D emp Anaconda Amer Brass lvs 60 Burgess av

Stone Wm A emp Steel Co of Can h 67 Frederica

Stone Wm J cond CNR h 60 Burgess av

Strong Doris tchr Frederica Public Schl res Toronto

Sturton Alfred E caretkr Grand Av Schl h 28 Frederica

Suggitt Pearl Mrs clk Steel Co of Can lvs 57 Burgess av

Sullivan Timothy J ctr and designer Bilton Bros bds s Aldgate av

Sunderland Jas A designer Can Label & Webbing Co h 36 Humbercrest av

Sutherland Angus tmstr fans Howard

Sutherland Fredk W engnvr h 30 Lake Shore rd

Tate John tlr Regent Tlrs h 6 McIntosh av

Taverner Arthur W lab h 57 Queen

Taverner Carrie (wid Edwd) h 89 Queen

Taverner Chas W lab h 25 Macdonald av

Taverner Geo lab lvs 89 Queen

Taverner John E constable Etobicoke Council h 46 Humbercrest av

Taylor Emma h 159 Lake Shore rd

Taylor Kate (wid Geo) lvs 38 Lake Shore rd

Telford Irene (Bungalow Ct Beauty Parlour) h 9 Bungalow Court, Queen

Thompson Albert lab h 140 Queen

Thrower Thos gdnr h 22 Humbercrest av

Tice Lewis F agt Mutual Life of Can h 267 Salisbury av

Tiffon Dalton mkt gdnr 252 Queen w h same

Todd Jos mkt gdnr 361 Salisbury av h same

Todman Chas truck driver h 63 Burgess av

Tomlinson Geo slsmn Cassidy Ltd h 73 Cannon rd

Tomlinson Richd L mkt gdnr w s Salisbury av h e s Johnston av

Tovey Fredk C (Queen St Service Stn) h 101 Queen w

Townley Walter hlpr CNR lvs Mrs Ethel Greenfield

Townsend Clarence R h 67 Frederica

Trevethan Philip emp Steel Co of Can lvs 27 MacDonald av

Trewin Jos H acct Crown Tailoring Co h 27 Douglas av

Trewin Jos T acct Crown Tailoring h 27 Douglas av

Van Waggener Geo L hlpr Fibre Cord Co lvs 9 Queen w

Van Waggener Lillian (wid Geo) h 9 Queen west

Van Waggener Vincent hlpr Goodyear Tire lvs 9 Queen w

Vance Wilbur h 272 Salisbury av

Vanderburgh Andrew lab h 2 Humberside av

Vanderburgh Esther C emp Can Acme Screw & Gear Co lvs 2 Humberside av

Varney Jas H installer Bell Tel h 43 Aldgate

Vicks Chas h 26 Frederica

Vincent Percival stmftr Schulkins lvs 71 Cannon rd

Vincent Ruth (wid Percival) h 71 Cannon rd

Walkinshaw John bds 3 Macdonald av

Wallington Thos lab Lakeside Farm Dairy h e s Harrison av

Walton Emma bds e s Harrison av

Ward Alfred H h n s Daniels

Ward Wm H lab Inglis Brass Co h 22 Salisbury av

Warren Ernest truck drvr Collins Wire Mrg h 40 Humbercrest av

Watson Karol asst principal Frederica Pub School h 152 Wright av

Watt Allan (Edgewater Beach Co)

Watt John (Edgewater Beach Co)

Weller Elsie lvs w s Harrison av

Weller Geo foremn Ont Sewer Pipe Co h w s Harrison av

Welsman Chas A h 183 Lake Shore rd

Wesson Walter mech h s s Bernice av

West M h s s Orchard Park dr

Whalen Arthur J h 4 Birch av

Wheeler Ellen maid 61 Salisbury av

Wheeler Jos porter Can Life h 61 Salisbury av

Whelpdale Geo pntr n s Queen h same

White Mary tchr Frederica Public School res Toronto

Whitehead Harry piano mkr J M Loose & Co lvs 4 Oliver

Whitehead Jas J lab TTC h 31 Oliver

Whitehead John W lab h 4 Oliver

Whitehead Stewart J emp Can Acme Screw & Gear Co lvs 34 Oliver

Whitworth Edwd mkt gdnr 118 College h same

Whitworth Ethel M lvs 141 Queen

Whitworth Geo mkt gdnr 141 Queen h same

Whitworth Jos M gdnr lvs 141 Queen

Whitworth Mabel stenog lvs 141 Queen

Whitworth Myrtle F stenog lvs 141 Queen w

Whitworth Ruby l stenog A Welch & Son lvs 113 College

Whitworth Wm mkt gdnr 181 College

Whitworth Wm H lab lvs 141 Queen

Wild John prntr Spears & Co h 38 Humbercrest av

Wilkins Edna compt Gossard Co lvs 97 Cannon rd

Wilkins Murray emp Massey-Harris h e s Valley dr

Wilkins Robt carp h 97 Cannon rd

Wilkins Stella lvs 97 Cannon rd

Williams Arthur lvs 85 Queen

Williams Geo T toolsetter h 85 Queen

Williams John K cond CPR h 271 Salisbury av

Williams Robt E plmbr h 72 Cockburn

Willis Emeline (wid John) h 27 Macdonald

Willis Mildred L lvs n s Bernice av

Willis Wilbert C h n s Bernice av

Wilshaw Wm harness mkr Adams Bros h 65 Salisbury av

Wilson Clifford clk Steel Co of Canada lvs 93 Cannon rd

Wilson Gertrude Mrs h 93 Cannon rd

Wilson Jas auto body bldr Wilson Motor Bodies Ltd h s s Heldena

Wilson Thos h 60 Cockburn

Wilson Wm H emp Goodyear Tire lvs s s Heldena

Wiltshire Fred gro n s Queen w h same

Winger Edwd h 28 Oliver

Winger Lloyd photo engraver Batten Bros lvs 28 Oliver

Winter Harold B asst mgr Eatons h n s Orchard Park dr

Winters J Sidney trav h 139 Lake Shore rd

Wiseman Fred storeman CPR h 2 Orchard av

Wolfe Alfred elect TTC h 274 Salisbury av

Woodley Wm lab Anaconda Fndry h 52 McRoberts av

Woodrow Albert candy mkr United Drug Co h 241 Salisbury

Wraight Wm W night watchman h 246 Salisbury av

Wright David mkt gdnr e s Grand av h same

Wright Jos painter bds 43 Queen w

Wright Jos A opr Goodyear Tire Co h e s Grand av

Wright Saml L (Humber Coal & Supply Co) h 33 Queen w

Wright Wm T lvs 41 Queen w

Yates Albert carp h 82 Cockburn

Yates Lawrence gro w s Grand av h same

Youell J H h 248 Salisbury av

Youell J H jr steam ftr h 244 Salisbury av

Young David h s s Howard

Young Edmund h e s Harrison av

Young John M photo engraver h n s Daniels

Young Robt photo engraver Reid Engraving Co h 53 Salisbury av

Young Thos h 56 McRoberts av