SYNOPSIS RETD is a nationwide public data network designed and operated by CTNE, the company responsible for telecommunications in Spain. A general overview of RETD’s protocols is expounded throughout this paper, along with the hierarchical organization of the interfaces with their orthography, semantics and syntax. The topics focused on performances and operative experience, gained along […]
INTRODUCTION The past few years have seen many applications of the mini-computer in digital communications. They have been used as interfaces to larger computers. They have been used as terminal drivers and data multiplexors [1]. They have been used to connect computer centers for intercomputer communication [2,3]. TYMNET is a communication net that encompasses all of these […]
Summary This paper surveys eight packet switching computer networks with emphasis on their capabilities and the economic analyses which justify their use. The networks are characterized from the viewpoint of a potential user who might wish to access the network from a computer or terminal. The user-oriented capabilities provided by each network are identified; requirements […]
RCP Fundamental Choices in the Development
ABSTRACT The development of the RCP network was undertaken in 1971 by the French PTT for the purpose of experimenting packet switching techniques in the context of a public service. The primary choices are debated. They concern the form and rough outlines of the offered services and the related mechanisms necessary to their implementation : […]
This work was performed under the auspices of the United States Atomic Energy Commission. A historical account of the evolution of the Laurence Radiation Laboratory Livermore Octopus network is given. The evolution of the Octopus from a centralized network to a distributed one that consists of a super imposition of specialized, subnetworks is described. Each […]
ABSTRACT In France, the operation of the experimental packet-switching network RCP is preparing the way for the installation of the public packet-switched service for data transmission known as TRANSPAC and due to be inaugurated in 1978. This paper begins with a historical description of the RCP project, pointing out the main phases, the main decisions […]
ABSTRACT The installation of a public packet switched service for data transmission is prepared in France by the operation of an experimental network known as RCP. Its initial configuration includes three switching computers and three time division multiplexors in six different towns spread over the country. Customer computers have access to the network through 4800 […]
ABSTRACT The logical structure of the network provides separate mechanisms for handling computer and terminal subscribers. Two levels of protocol have been designed to control the intercommunication of computers and the communication between terminals and computers. 1. INTRODUCTION The NPL Data Communication Network, which has been operational in its present form since June 1975 provides […]
Cast Lists sorted by singer
This page contains information from two sources: The data from 1950 to 2000 was originally printed in Appendix II of Opera Viva: The Canadian Opera Company: The First Fifty Years, Dundurn Press, 2000. We are using this information with the permission of the authors, Ezra Schabas and Carl Morey. We used a scanner to convert […]
A Legacy of Innovation in Networking This history documents key dates, decisions, and milestones in the evolution of IPSANET technology. While technical details of the underlying APL and networking systems are covered in depth elsewhere, this narrative emphasizes the development, expansion, and innovation that defined IPSANET. Early Developments (1966–1969) In summer 1966, I collaborated with […]